The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-10-26, Page 9sr .
rides, Brownies, Rangers and
:others:.attended the October 21st
;seting of the 1st Lucknow Guide
mpany. After roll call, the •
ides f orrned a horseshoe , the
g was presented, and "The
een" sung, Guide Linda Walden
s presented with, her Home nurse
dge and her three year service
dge, Joyce Elliott was presented
th a cooks badge. '
he 1st Brownie Pack then took
er under Brown Owl; 'Mrs, Olarold
eer. Gail. Pritchard was present-,
with her "wings" and flew up to
ides'. The 2nd Brownie Pack •
ich is led by Brown Owl .Mrs.
n Pritchard' and. T.awnyi
Anna Ritchie sent four Brownies • •
to:Guiding Land; they are Ccree.
ssmore, Laurie Chisholm, Mar-
Johnstone and Barbara llama -
The lst Lucknow Land. Ranger,
Company then formed :a "Friendship
ladder" and received: two guides
'into their. group.. Linda Walden and
Brenda. Ritchie were greeted and
introduced to Ranger Captain Mrs.
Don ,Dennis. Three seven year
service stars were awarded to Ran-
gers Janet Carruthers, Linda; Boyle
and. Beverley. MacDonald.
A Relay'game "involving•the
•compass points was played and •
some of the guides tried a test on -
fire precaution. A campfire
rounded out the evening. Captain.
Mrs. J.C. McKim reminded the
Guides about Court of Honour' on
'Wednesday about the Hallowe'en
party next Friday, and about the.
Registration fee of $1,00 which is
now due. Taps closed the meeting.
The County has completed its
centre striping program in the
Paisley-Chesley-Tara area; It •
coveted 35.7 miles of road and
90 gallons of paint were used.
c cabs 10 . the
October On Wednesday,_..__
� ,
County Engineer representing the
Highway Committee and'' the Tour-
ist Committee of the County, met
with the Council of the Saugeen:.
Indian Band, at Chippewa Hill, The
Indian Council agreed to let the.
County, develop six sites along
County Road 21, between South-
ampton and Sauble Beach as, "park°
ettes"' or roadside. parks The
County hopes to have the sites • .
cleared., entrances'put in, and:
next year they will be equipped
with picnic tables, fireplaces, . .
privies, etc'. This will be discuss-
ed and 'confirmed at the November
itte. a agreed that slcheme gone 'was
Session of County Conncfl.,
On priday. October 21, represent• preferable.
chase of a proxirnatel $00 r
solves •from Bruce County, Grey Scheme four call% for a awes
°County, Amato To�ltnsi#fp, Sullivan P . �'
of land,the Counties and the
Township.: and the Department of � by •
mer In wen, : nd to closing of the :road:?allowance, The
discuss what course of action to brfdges you not b+ re nt, the
take at the; County sotsadaty at r
land would then be resold wfth
Concession 3 and d, Arran Town- the new owners undersrandIng that
ship. On -this section of road, 'app.., a public road. would' ;not bo main,-
roximately one mile to length. tamed to service .ito including•the
there are four bridges. Four schen. resale value of the land* the este
,es have been discussed, irruated cost of this schen* is
Scheme one•involves the teems- between '' ..'►,000.00 and 70.000•
~ructions of four bridges and the • There vas a difference of opin
ion as to whether scheme one ox •
scheme four should be adopted.
This will. also be discussed at the
November. -Session ,of lkruce CoutstY 11
road'at an estimated cost of,
$250 ,900.00.
Scheme two involves~ the con-
struction of one bridge and the
diverting of the Sauble River at an
estimated CCU' of $25Q,000.40
schemethree involves the con- TODAY"S SMILE
strucion ,of one bridge and the ."Olt yes, my father was d great
:relocation of 'the .road to the east politician'in bis°day.
at an estimated cost of $225,000,, , "Yes, what did he run fob":'
Of these three schemes, the Comm "The:border!"
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