The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-10-26, Page 8THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW
C. n0
O1 ngannOn (October 24, 19$6)
Team Points for Week Roses 3,.
den Jardine- captured the highTeam
4 Pansies. 4,, Petr�nins Q.
single of the year.with a sit we
game of 328. Bola Mason rolled Tulips 2, Violets 2,
high Single was won by. Maine
Eileen Lavin led the* ' Stewart 262 and also Highg Triple to
the top triple of �
ladies with. ,�
1 tHamilton,' Mane Stewart 662,
a 62: triple and lode
had a hightsitr le of ;*<}, 8111 t3an'aes 200 or over. Dorothy. Erring
Stewart's 279 was, the.ord ther l
ton, •l , `w 1,. Rose .liall 225, 211, •
score over 275 for men, M ie Stewart 262.,' 212, Margaret
vu'day.20), Moreau Pritchard 258, '
Ladies o���r' 2,2►�: fiat ��e�t
.275. Eileen -Lai* 264 . le;e atriet. Ritchie 241, Tillie Wilson
+o4e lode Hamilton 218, Max
ineJoyrt 21 ,. Gto.T10 i*3X41, C
Anna Johnston b7 and , �. R- s - ;17"e'`31.ayCrawford261,
,4er1e Elliott212, Mae Hunter 214.
two* 2
Standing; SgUirrels Diane Hackett 242,
' 1, ..tea, '1; ,
Beavers 19, Coons l7, , "aitt ar Team Standing Rose Hall's
lig, tolveritres 1.1, Tigels 13 Res 12. lay C;awford's Petunias
Pie is 1S, Chiu, 11, ripnnicinkN 12R Muriel Ritchie's Poppies 11,'
11, Cuba 9,, Gophers 5; , • Ruth Jardinte's Tulips 11. Tillie. -
%, Wilson's Pansies $, . Kathy Gibson's.
Violets 6. •
' Lucknow M e n
f 9 p.M Grp Tuesday,Oct.1
Stuart lainlesiatt rolled tke Hi ,t
Single game of 331. Jack Fisher
taptured,High Triple with '66,
Jack Fish's .Mustangs 5: points,
Civ~lanla�}'soca F- .'points;`
Fronk Button's Oldstuchiles S points
1 ei .lr4acDoatald's PontiacS2 point •.
Clarence Oreer'sttliCkS4 points,.
Bin 1-Win`e's Dodges 3 points..
Gars taf Mor- and over: Stuart
Jamieson 31.. Jack Fish er .288 and
266, Fleck Button fes. Jim Erring-
:tori 278 and 253, Jack Ceasa1 279,
Gordon Fisher 253, Harold Ritchie
Team Standing Mustang 17
points. Buicks 12 points, Oldsmob-
nies 10 points Fords 9 points, Pont-
- iac
Po nt-
iac'S points, Dodges 7
�t7!#1S A f@.rfoO.n
'Monday, October 24, 1966)
The afternoon: Ladies League,
have re -organized and are now
own by. the' narlaes of different
kinds ;of apples instead of :birds,
High Singleof the week was won
by • Catherine Schmid With 281
flat-. The' High Triple goes to '.
Marion. MacKinnon' with 633 flat
Isabelle Eedy's Spies 5 Points . .
Marion MacKinnon's W eaithies 2
PPointst Athena Thompson's
Dutchess 5 Points. Shirley Haw-
thorn's Delicious 2 Points; Ferne
MacDonald's Russetts.'?'' Points,
Mildred. Cameroi's'Pippins 0 Points.
Games of 200 and over, Catherine
Schmid 281, Elia Hackett 211,
(Whitechurch News) !
On Saturday, Whitechurch Juve-
nile C. soft hall team playedRos-
tock with a score 5-1 in favor' of
Rostock. Due to the lateness of
theieason they•decided the series
he .a 2 out of 3, On Sunday after
noon Whitechurch and Rostock
played on Wingham diamond ,with
.a small crowd in. attendance.
Jack Tiffin was base mune and.
° Wes Simmons plate. At the end.
of the 9th inning they were tied
6 - 6.. In the 10th inning.RostQck
manageda runwhich gave a res-
tilting score 7 - 6 in favor of Ros-
tock, This eliminates Whitechurch
•from W,G.A.A..' which had; been
won by Joe Tiffin manager and
his team 7 years in'.succession.
OOP. DOrl-lR1 o
OO!n r*ra*.:
w'th high level vitamins A
and t,? Improves herd h ea/t
increases Conception rate
• builds sturdier calves,.
increases milk production,
CO-OP ',fid% Doff Clain
'.' COnaeantr►t
•pedally, form/aud for fee
lot feeding►. Withlatehigh �evea
liltamins A. and D, this
►centrate is an excellent
f arage supplernept.
e p' n. Goziallt OC1 'OW *crIci exper..
e e sir4.4 'tine' e
OTTAWA - Dean Construction
Company Limited of Toronto has
been awarded a $44 ;246: : contract,
for pier repairs at Port. Elgin, Pub
lic Works Minister George J. Mc-
Ilraith announced Monday.
The successful bid was the lowest.
of 10 'Opened October 5 , the high;
tender being .$82,178. . . '
Reconstruction of the 245 -foot-..
long East Pier at the Lake Huron,
port will be undertaken; using.
steel -sheet piling secured. to ar -'
chor piles. with a three-foot
square'capwall over the piling
Deteriaation'of the timber sub
structure under the present heavy .'
concrete face wall has reached
the point where the'wall no longer_
has proper support
'Plans and specifications Were. `pre-
pared by the District Engineer for
the federal Department of Public
Works at London, 'Ont Work is to
be completed in :eightmonths.
With CO-OP Beef and Dairy Concentrates your cc
are fed vitamins, mines, and proteins of the higt
quality. High' levels of vitamins .A.and .D ha',e b
added to ensut+e herd health and more profitable n
or beef production with naximuni ,benefit from he
gr v ains and u ro 8_._.
" . Like all CO-OP feeds„ God Dairy and Beef C
cxntrates ;,.are formulated from the highest' qua
ingredients and backed by the largest research org
ization in 'North America . Whai 'combined..'.
co-oP quality, service and feed , programming t'
offer the ultimate in herd perforinancx:
• !Naar .d ',.0. .
Hazel Webster 234;''Struley
Hawthorne 210, Marion MacKtnnciri;'
231. 24M.
Team Standings: Russetts 7 Points
Spies 5 Points. Dutchess '5 Points.
'Wealthys 2 Points..Delicious 2
Points', Pippins 0 ,Points.
Grohains Honored
Prior To . Moven
On },ro a .. eti ening members of
t e4r fa fv re ate 'e ate' i t •
c essioprie3 *s a hese •. at
the hie 1'�.?r .. and? . Roy
ab+a„ ^ to I:. t::e:^ ?restra-
them *it:' a. gift ' t- nets . `
The address was read bv Mrs.
/,,y ,•M r , ay.! Ms
mew this week to their
The 1 .,s .4i ' ' :meet. J 7i ii.l sd
{ .. ,, ."e't.:.Hostesses
?mss» e :lei _ Pis. ;`,ace; Ackert
eL' Can - Briny bels ," .tpe^Z
r. `CNE.: '1, � a i.--4 a crime tad tle
11•411=m,, 1:!o c - a of ink
r^^ :':.s'1z,si ? .t, a '1.zectors
Mrs., 1 ,, k s, Prank 1-
is--ors1.ts . "ai ;..1 a.= Cot
.'ete``kt st . ties.$ Mt:1%e and
�dy '¢��.�y�,�X yy
1Yf+=s,.{r"C ll� 1,,la: zo"--r.. " fr.'YW�.iM7y4.iY.+rW Mme` w
*bete t,:tiel
aa. .
141-1. Sriza.Star.lti. lo!rat .1.7d
le u .F:u.. e 74ir ! List �
. fA shfie1d.
Mrs. Ga on .Pitilayseira was in;
Charge of the W.M.S. prograrn.
last W edge sday . in the Church
:cool; :Mrs. Ftuart MacLennan
gaga that nitdi, 1 s, Don
Siaautai reaC aitati ' and offered
pcay'er •
An 71ru we:n urian-' cenU cyte.
.niestiory of Mtn Wrn. Johnson, .
was. hung in the t rch':s ttoal; 1t
was..d ionated by Jack Johnson and
some frietxis, Mrs... Sutherland''czf
Ripley warthe pest's .
There' were 21 oreient.
•!!,..W . and M . Mead �.
aid David spent: the a -end
Lachitil stem is• +cloned this week
whfle Mt. and 'lits, Frank Mac- ontcA Rc?e •-`
Thomas •
3wa'y 'ec,. •y.
at Marti,. `•'
rip J.. _"• y wd'.. .s
late : -
a LRcai,.
Term*as , e:..:
and 'Cern. •a~
,Gor).ta `'
,r�wy a.„ •,
n atket, it: a . a. ate
" :cleric tr. t -e
g rel his't r.. ,
Leman are en holidays;.
). s. Thos. MacDonald is :a
patient in 'hit Hospital.
Mt, a l s+Philp G of
Batavia,. •1:ew York.' spat a few
days with Earl o ,,
1 ;. pon Cartel asrsi. vi we
,visiting H Me
prier to htg to EdIDOOttrl 't43
)1=1 DCE who left 'Ian wee
late lie r,
ti MOS.
« . a
9:* ftnerli:
i~ by.ce.,
t: "e .
mini ".• ..-
W.A. ny