The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-10-26, Page 1AL
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Little IH.OpoFor.
Improvement �n
M..Penich'S ..flston
Alike Penich, Ashfield Township
arrner who was severely injured
it a combine. accident ,in Huron.
'►,;,4nship near Amberley this
ummer , ..has received discouraging
,ews regardii g the restoration of .
rte sight in'his eye.
Besides being badly lacerated
Ltd broken in,the combine ,
ccident, .he completely lost the'
i ;ht:of one eye with the vision of
he other seriously impaired.
•1t was at first hoped.that the vis-
On in .the one eye would return
•adually after blood clots dissolve
it after consultation with three
,'e specialists, Mike has received.
encouragement' of improvement
I the eye. .
Ile presently. can see only the
aline of a person a few feet from
rn and cannot distinguish any
atures which .would identify 'any-
)e,. Mike told The.Sentinel Mon-.
ty'that he is unable to distinguish
s own children even at distance
' a few: inches from him:
Despite all, this, Mike Penich has
wards his misfortune. He is 'offer-
g for rent in this issue 700 acres
!cash cropland, most of which
is been plowed.
When he is .stronger Mike is
'heduledio undergo surgery to
move his blind eye and there is
e chance. for, a s'ght improve-
nt in the , vision of the .other eye
en this is done. 'However, eye
cialists have given;him very
le hope :of improvement, to the
ion he already has:.
inda,O'Donnell; daughter •of .
and Mrs. Jim. O'Donnell of.
cknow., was the: recipient of -the
de .12 special cormnercial'prof-
ency award at the . commence
nt exercises of •Wingham'Dist-
t High School on Friday night.
oda ;also won the award for
cial commercial typing.,
inda is now employed in London
the G.A.C..lnternational. Fin-
e Company and attended Wing -
High School last term:
•dip. ismow law
'hs week -end, provides the .
:opportunity to pick-up that
extra; hour sleep you'""lost" last' • .
Daylight saving time officially '
ends at 2:00' Sunday morn-.
Ing s6 standard time will be in
effect on Sunday. .
So, don't forget to turn the clock
.back an hour upon retiring Satur
.day night. It will be.dark at
supper time thereafter. but it will
brighten up the . mornings for the
early,.birds .
Hallowe'en Party
In Arena Monday
• This Monday night October 31st
is • the night of ghosts and goblins
and "such,. and Lucknow Lions Club
have cooked up a 'Hallowe'en
Party for the 'children in .the. Luck-
now Arena;, '
A parade of Spooks, led by the
Lucknow District High School
Band, will;. leave ;,the Public School'
at 7:30p.m.. and parade to the
arena. .
Cash prizeswill be. given for
costumes for,pre-school upFto`
grade eight.; There will be' a pea-
nut scramble and treats for the •
kids. It's a night forthe whole
family;,'. Make sure you're there'.
with. them.
Calls For UNICEF
The CGIT group, of Lucknow are
planning to •gather far UNICEF• all
this week:
Their house-to-house calls will:
not be "trick or treat," buts will •
-be' for the purpose of aiding -the
United Nations Children's"Fund.
Your .support., large, or,small, will
be appreciated by the girls and will
be aiding a very worthy cause.
. r. .
.. wale
iday of this week , ,October
, is an important day in the
pf Miss Jessie MacKay of
know . .Jessie,'.as. she is known
ost of her friends; will observe
ciithbirthday'at her home on
gh Street. Miss.MacKay is
know''s oldest resident,
sie is one of nine;childr"en .
to Hugh MacKay and Cath-.
Kerr. She was born in what
known to.many as the Graham
e,, which was located just
of the Supertest garage, and.
h hassince been .dismantled`.
ass the road , on the. United
ch' grounds, her father operat-
e first blacksmith shop. Ht.
anative of Glasgow and came,
cknow after the founding of
illage. Jessie is the only
s MacKay enjoys very good
th and has been able to`get
Old This
L�cat AniD1;
Talent Features
1.odge Ladies Ni!
The Old Light Masonic Lodge -
observed its.annual Ladies Night", ••
: on Wednesday, October 10th 'at the
. Lucknow•Legion' Hall." Adelicious
'turkey banquet was served at 7 p.
•by the Anglican Ladies to 200
..guests. :The Worshipful Master;
Donald Maclntyre , : welcomed the
guests and called on Rev .` `Willis •
of St .. Helens United Church' Who.
led.the .crowd in singing Grace:
Mrs: Duncan Sitnpson provided
dinner .music throughout the -meal'.
Elwin Hall led: some Community ..
Singing during the clearing ofthe
tables. Cameron MacDonald pro-
the. toast "ta the ladies which
,was tepliedita by Mrs.:' Frank Haw-
thorne., Dr. J.C.: McKim introduc-
'ed•the guest. speaker, Mrs. Van;•
Egmond of Clinton;,: who for the
past three years has` been in charge
, of the.Craft :Department at the:,
Ontario Hospital, Goderich. •Mrs
Van. Egmond was an impressive • •
speaker as she outlined her work '
in. the Occupational. Therapy room;
She stated the approach needed to
mental illness .is kindness', .more
-kindness and a sense of humour.
She' stressed. the great role the
volunteer worker can play, She,.
displayed articles madeat the.
out through the summer and fall'
making short trips by,car With
Mrs.dWm. Maclntyre, ,who has
lived with Miss MacKay as a
companion, for several'years. •
The Sentinel joins*with tfie com-
munity in'extending congratul-
Nighi C
Low Enrolment
Registration` at the Lucknow and.
District Night School has' been
disappointing this year with the
enrolment in several courses not
sufficient to warrant' the conduct•&'
ing of classes, • '
• Principal of Lucknow District
High School, Noel Mason,' announ
ced this week that he had received
official word from the. Department:
of Edubation stating that a , .
minimum of 15 must be registered
in a course. •
Sewing arid typing classes will go
.and there is a good chancethat up-
holstering and oil painting will
have sufficient enrolment to,carry
On. It appears, .as -this is written,
that other Bourses will be cancell-
ed because of the Mow .enrolment,
Wildly A 4 .51ii ovictivrimr Anhwei iY►.
in Vllh�
n Was
The:' Lucknow and District. Lions
Club are a keen group. Whenthey,
tacklea project, they dig right in :'
and make a success of 'it:
Last weekend.. the annual.rumm-
:age, sale and sale o home -.made
• baking kept t Lions Thursday.
P y
Friday and Saturday. Thursday was
"pick -u, p" day for rummage sale
items and friday and' Saturday .:were
the days of the . sale which netted
the Lions .club about 3775. This
will .go to further their' community
'work. Elwin' Hall was chairman of
the rummage sale. committee .
Mrs, Harold Howald' of Lucknow
found out Friday. what an embus-.
his*. group` the Lions are. 'She
came to the sale at the former
Knechtel building and ; leaving
her child's stroller cart at the
door, went in with her baby to
look 'around .
WhenMrs. Howaid left the sale'
she found that her cart :was miss-
ing; and sure enough;. one eager
beaver Lion had sold it during the
time. Mrs. Howald was inside.
The'purchaser _was. Mrs. Doug.'
Raynard 'of .Ashfield, who by this
time, had leaded it up and had
gone home: Mrs. 'Raynard was cont
tacted and graciously returned the'
cart.But the Lions had another one.
waiting' for her when she returned
the cartto live :up to their reput-
ation of "satisfacton,.guaranteed"
Upley District `Htgh.Sct ool
added som colors - w
to the Ripley Fall Fair a few,
weeks ago and The Sentinel
era caught them at that time, Le t
torten are; -Corinne Lowry, Nancy
MacKay. Piggy .pry. Christine
Van darn,. Susan, Farrell. Jackie
Johnston. Judy looby
Farrell. Anne . 1tliclta
Elliott. Janice Steele:
:A meeitint, was held in the United
Church.,on Monday evening
ober :lid.: for :0e furpose of organ,.
tuft* Bible Soclety in Lucknow:
`and planing ler :a canvas ;in this
corntnun ty . Rev. R. L. .ptirling
acted as chatxntan.
Rev.. ,Macleod '.introduced "the
guest speaker, Rev. B L, Walden;.
:representative of ,the Lipper Canada
District Of the Canada . Bible
iety The need of supplying •more:'
Bibles in foreign,lands where
people are becomin `tnorc `l
is very urgent to mac '.
Cod-' .:
unist literature already avalable
to these: people. Ati Interesting
film "Our .Changing World" was
A. planning :commirtee `appoint=,
:ed. included. Rev. R. L StirUn
chairman, T. A, Cameron T:reasur•
er', Ada Webster Secretary and;:
Martin Cretier•representative for ,
-Christian Reform Church as
all' the clergy of the community.
.At. the next:Meeting called for .
Wednesday 'evening. October. 26
at S 3L p.m.:, in the United Church
House, officers'and canvassers wilt .
;be appointed,
Break Into Nome As
Lady Sleeps Upstairs
(Whitechurch News),
A Whitechurch woman,- Miss
'Lila Emerson, had her home burg-
larized on' Saturday night,as she
slept in an upstairs bedroom.
Miss Emerson retired about n;id'
night, and between then and morn
frig, entrance was gained to her
home through 'a screen door and
another door. The screen was
broken and the door unhooked
1 then the other door:was forced
with part of the lock giving away..
The back door of the :kitchen was
also open
Miss Emerson was not awakens
by the break-in and when the dis-
covert' was made the 'following
morning ;• she 'could not find any-.
thing missing or disturbed by the •
nocturnal marauders