The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-10-12, Page 1i
levan Family Members Present
iquet In Lucknow Satur
Harden P. A. Murray
001 people attended the
en's Banquet at the
gion Hall on Saturday
e Warden of Bruce
A. Murray and Mrs.. .
inloss Township;
on of Warden of. Bruce
hieved .by only one.
of Kinloss. 'The late,
nald, father of Mrs
eons 'of Lucknow,,
in 1912.
has. 'again. been
Kinloss in.1966 ;when
ray ,a long time munt.
ant in ,Kinloss. and pre
of the Township,' brow,
our to his home town -
ending the' banquet Were
ncillors, their wives ..
Kinloss Township
'members of parliament
d' table guests were piped.
t of the•.hall by Frank
e of Kinloss. The head
uded Judge P. S. and Mrs.
e of Walkerton;° Dean
Orval Richards of ,
• and'Mrs: Burton Shew
ty-reeve of Kincardine.
Mr. arid Mrs.. David
uty-reeve of Eastnor
..1%4T. and Mrs;..P.A."
• and Mrs. Russell
deputy -reeve of Bruce
Miss Anna •MacDdnald.,
Jim Meyer; Teeswater;
r Berry of Riversdale;'
unt •of. Wingham and
;Royle of : Kinlough
uet was' served :by mem.-
Holyrood and--Kairshea'
cott , Shewfelt and
ly. Honours
y September: 25th, a
hering was held at the
r. and Mrs. Gerald
olyrood in honour of the
ding -anniversary -of Mr.
Ronald Forster. Seventy.-
rs of the 'filthily gather-
orgasbord 'dinner
sented : included a china.
In ",Bride's Choice". pat
agon,• anelectio. fry-
uminum lazy .susan.
Rpot with silver. inlay ,
bowl with silver edging
d spoon to match; set
nd crocheted doilies, ,
s; towel sets and sheets:
e and groom' of .yester-
had been invited for a
r party of the immediate
re completely overwhel-
large gathering.
re present from Ripley ,
e River, Whitechurch,
n Mills, Lpdknow, and
Mrs. Forster were marr-
Presbyterian Manse in
September .24; 1941
H. MacDonald. They
children, Mrs. ,Gerald
urray . of Holyrood, Ross
and Donna, Tammie
nn at home.•
er. was the former Kath -
diets , daughter of Mrs.
hers of Lucknow and
. Carruthers . Ron' is the
late Mr.: and Mrs. Jas.
West Wawanosh.
Cumming.: who were anong the
head table guests, were the Warr
den's, committee for 1966 and, .
David Scott acted as toastmaster'
for the evening. •
Following grace by. Rev, Father
Berry, a, toast was proposed to
The`Queen:and the national anth°-
em was sung, . David Scott : introduce
ed the head•table guests*
Reeve, George Joynt of Lucknow ,.
officially welcomed the gathering
to the Sepoy Town. Mr. Joynt
said, "We in Lucknow are also very
happy that our good friend and . •
neighbour Phonse was appointed
Warden In 1966 bringing -honour . :to his township'of Kinloss". Mr.
Joynt,. explained that it Was Eli St-
auffer who f irst°settled. the area
around Lucknow, then part of Kin-
loss :and later becoming the: village
of Lucknow. He extended a. Wel-:
come to; Dean Richards, the: Spea-
ker' of the evening, a native of .this
' area,: Reeve Joynt said that with so
:..much emphasis being placed on
the ability,to be bilingual; . it is'
worth noting that to be bilingual
in. the Scottish' community of
Lucknow. it is necessary to speak
English . and Gaelic. The Reeve
then extended the Gaelic version
of '"a thousand welcomes" to the
gathering and asked them, "will.
ye nae, come back again?".
A toast to the County.of Bruce
:was proposed,by Russell. Cumming.
deputrreeve .of Bruce Township,
and the response was made 'by'
.Stewart Forrester of Paisley,. clerk
of the county. , Mr, Forrester said
that no only wi11.1967 be the'.
centennial' year in- Canada , but it:
'will also be the:centennial year
of Bruce County as .a self govern=
ing. body : He hoped `each muni+
ipality in the county, would make:__.
plans to observe the' centennial in
(Dungannon News)
We are sorry to report the weriom
illness of Laird Spivak twelve
year .old son of `". And Mrs: John'.
Spivak. Laird took suddenly ill at
school last Tuesday. -lie was treat.
ed by local,doctoli and removed•
by ambulance to Vietorw
• tondon. He remgined Wan uncO i
CJ+Us condittcn w fil Sunday, wbep
evened +rites$. At time
of widting we are pleased toport cert
an imprOvement in his condi-
some 'unique manner. IIe suggest-
ed that the revival of the :highland
games, for which Lucknowwas
once so famous, would-be a suit -.
able project in the Sepoy Town.
A toast was proposed to �the•guests
by Burton Shewfelt, deputy -reeve
of Kincardine` Township. This was.
esponded to by Raymond ,Redmond'.
f.Goderich. Mr.. Redmond remin-
ced of his school teaching'expei-
nces at Westford School. Mr. Red.
ond,went'to West ord 60 years
go last January. , ere .Phone's
ather was on a:school board. A. t
at: time, .th were" five Murray
children .going to school and Mr.
Redmond.was highly compliment;-
ary.:of the.home in,which they were
raised. He said, "The first boy to
bounce: in. after I w. nt-to Westford
school was Phonse,5then 7 "or
District Res ents
Get Citizenship
Eleven persons were. granted
• Canadian Citizenship in the Court
'House in Walkerton, October 3rd
by Judge P. S. • MacKenzie.
' The New, Canadians afterwards
met for a short time in the Confer-
ence Roorp ::There Miss Jennie
Long, Convener .of Immigration
and Citizenship of the Walkerton:
chapter I.:O. D. E, presented each.
with the colourfuh 1.O. D. E. greet-
ing. card. Kiss Long was Accomp-
anied by Mrs. E. Krampp, the
:immediate past convener, who
• also was'happy to• welcome the
New citizens. 0
.The names of those, who receiv-
ed Canadian Citizenship were, Mr,
Leo Jankowski, of Lucknow, from
Germany; Mrs. Emma Charlotte
Jankowski, of Lucknow. 'from
Germany;: Mr. Jurgen- Dankel, of
Walkerton, from Germany; Mr
A.J. DeJong of Walkerton, from
the Netherlands; Mr. Pieter' Van
Dam of Lucknow, from The Neth-
erlands; Mrs, Nelly Van Dam of •
Lucknow from The Netherlands; •
Mrs. Margaret Purpur of Carlsruhe
from Russia; Mr..Christoph Von
Unruh of Holyrood from Germany;
Mrs, Rixa Frieda Von 'Unruh of
Holyrood,. from. :Germany; Mrs,
Nelly Ni; E. indiguer of Walkerton,
from Switzerland; Mr Wolfgang
'KW. Roth of Chesley, from Ger-
In;_ renewing her :subscription, Mrs.
John (.Marlene MacLennan) Crow:.
advises us�5f a . change of address '
from Wayne to Westland in Mich-.
igan. Marlene says "sure enjoy the,
paper.' although he. names
coming less familiar; like the new
look - new changes are mostly al-
ways for the better. Hope to make
it to Lucknow soon:"
Presentation -Made
Mrs. Jim Hamilton•
.The 'members of Ladies Auxiliary,
to Canadian Legion toBranch #309
Lucknow spent an: evening playing
shoot at the home . of tilts. Ronald
Forster last Wednesday. The group
presented Mrs.Jirn. Hamilton,. who
is moving to Exeter to reside ,, with
a cup and saucer from the Legion.:
Auxiliary 'of which she has been
a very faithful, member;. for many.
years. The comrades list) present -•
ed_her with a lovely •blanket and
their very best wishes. :tome lovely
gifts from :individual members
were 'iso presented. :
The presentations were made by
President .Mrs,. Jim McNaughton
and Past. President, Mrs. Clare
Johnston: .
A gift was presented to Mrs.
Ronald Forster by the ;Auxiliary
members for her silver, wedding
anniversary which took place on
September 24.
Lunch' was served by the hostess.
A fire of "mown origin complet-
ely destroyed:the bath on the farm
.of Mrs. Robert'Boak in Ashfield on;
Monday night about eight o'clock.
The Soak farm H located about
half mile south.of"Highway 86 in
the Paramount district. No one
,,has been occupying the house since:
Mrs,. Book and family moved to
Lucknow following her husband's
death some time ago. .:
No stock not crop was in the -barn
Which . was a ,complete loss. The •,
fire :was hoc%d by a passing 'marl
orist who drove into Lucknow and;
placed the call to: firemen from
the Fina Garage.
The structure wits a` complete
loss before firemen left the village
but they stood by as a protection to
other ' buildings,
Gordon Wall.. clerk of ,Kinloss
Twp. ;for the: past' 41/2'years, has
resigned his position effective the
end of this. year; Gordon has been
an employee Of the Lloyd -Truax
firm in Winghant for .some time.
and has been appointed night fore-
man. With the increased resp ons
ibilities of this job., he felt he
could not continue as clerk of the
Gordon succeeded J. R. Lane. as
clerk in June of 1962. Mr. Lane
had served the municipality in •
this position for many years. Mr.'
Wall was township tax collector -
from 1946 to 1961, at position
which. is now combined with. the,
-township-treasurer's-work whir
handled by Fraser: MacKinnon.
Cameron .19-Year-04,$9/4of Mr. and Mrs.,. Roy Pane of GIen-.
dorsi +CaIlforu� was very ious-
ly wormded,'In fighting at DA 'Hong •
In Viet. Nam and .has been flown
biek. to San Diego mil haspi1
al for treatment. Cameron was
presented:•with the Purple ,Heart
while bospitalized in the Phillip --
Word .of his fin y.was res efved
here by hiS. aunt k Satan lam'
son. Cant*,
:mer 'Florence 114a0Kenzle
*Wand he has been a
quent visitor in this Comma**
as *IOU*.
• Cameron was married In Calif+ r-
nia Only* couple of weeks bef4sre .
he was posted to Viet 'Nand lftr.
,must with the'United States
forces. Ile Was 'wounded by
piece of shrapnel -on:,Septe
.19th His family learned only that
he had been°wo�.'and had
some difficulty in detearritining
the hospital, Where he- was being:
Passes.- .
• .• .•
Mrs. Dan MacLean. ,a resident.
sof-Lochalsh, -who-was- widely -
known Lathe area, died suddenly
on Wednesday, October 6th at
Kincardine: GeneralHospital . She
Was 76_ years triage. •
The funeral service was held at
;Ashfield Presbyterian Church Ori
Saturday:, October' 8th Burial
ochalsh-cemetery. A .
furt1 iter obituary' will appear later..
TheseAhree lady .directors of the
Lucknow 08.11 Fair were right.. .in
style with the "toxin twenties"
theme of the. Fair and created a
good deal of interest among Fair
'�r t%r,:. M /► ,+ ,ur`"� �11G°�Illl�[4s6StC.? astir. toe ...�
goers. Shown..*. left to right, are
Mrs. Harry Lavis of :Lucknow,, Mrs.
Oliver McCharles of Lochalsh and
Mrs. Bert Alton of A shf field •