The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-10-05, Page 6Mrs, Dn McCosh returns,
to home lire after two
mks Visiting friends .and reiat.'
in EteC, The McCoshes stopped
in Vancouver' with, Mr, and
Iktrs. Orville Needham and 'onto
Prince George where they spent
tittle with their daughter
Mance. Maryanne works as
private secretary for the B.C. Tel-
phone Co, From' PrinCe George,
'travelled to Vanderhoof where
they visited Mr, and Mrs. Jack
M and family and then oto,
Ground'tea to. the George
,Col~w's.. Mr, and Mrs. McCosh
also enjoyed . a trip to ,Hudson Hope
where yley viewed. Portage Mount-
ain lain, thea Peace Power Project.
On their aourney home they visited
at Tort Arthur with Mr,.: and Mrs.
Jack Colwe .'and a t'Clri lia,w"th.
Mr,, .ail Mrs,; ,BobStrath, Dick Met
them in O ri Ria and the three motor
home to-gether.
Some of the folks froth here and
Ripley attended the ung at the
Community Centre on; Tuesday
evening, AR election was held and:
being re-elected to serve on the
committee were Don Robertson and
Morley Scott; It was decided the
floor wouldbe cleaned and refin-
ished. Elected to head the work
cvommittee were Burton Collins and
Mrs Ron Roberrtson. Following the
business a few games of cards were
,'played and lunch served,
Mrs. Don Chadbourne. of Kincar.
' dine is spending sometime with
Mrs. George Beer of 1411/ 1400 lam,
Harvey Thornp$ou and MrS Geta
Rhody sped the weekend atilar.
bout Beach Mich,. with Mt. and
Mrs. Frank Dore.
Some of the men, from here atten-
ded the turkey shoot held by the
Kincardine Nimrod Club on SEW.
day. However not too many of the
birds were bagged and brought
home by the fellows in this area.
and Mrs, Fred Craigie of
Bethelvisited. on Thursday evening
with Mr. and Mrs. Victor, ,Cawley.
Sunday guests. with Mr. and. Mrs,
Walter. Forster. were Mr. and Mrs: .
Currie Colwell, Bruce, Betty and
Ann. Mr., and Mrs. Don. McCosh,.
Mr. and Mrs. Ardill Mason and
Joe •Kelowskifrom Kitchener.
,Gordon and Mrs.. Andrew Patter`,
son spent the weekend in. London
where they.visited Mrs. Cordon
Patterson in the hospital there.
Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs..
,Don McCosh. were Mr. and Mrs.
William Arnold of Ripley Mr. and
Mrs. Frank'Colwell of Kinloss and
Nancy Dore'of Kitchener
Ken Mason', . formerly of
Vanderhoof B. C, is spending some
time with Mr., and Mrs. Russell
Collins helping out onahe:. farm,
,her parents Mr, and kits. Victor
$Cawley*tile Donis away choose
hunting, 'Velma works in Kincard-
ine and driv7es to workfrom here
Sob Forster has returned to his.
work, in Kitchener after being laid
up the past few weeks with an injur-
ed knee.
Sunday dine gums with Mr. and
Mrs. Victor Gawley were Misses
Ada. lanae and Ethel Gawley of
Ripley and Mr.. and Mrs. Russell
Hewitt of Malone). Gladys was
Also home from. Toronto. '
Mr. and Mrs. Dong Robertson spent
evening last week with Mr. and
Mrs, Goldie Huston in Ripley,
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Dore Sr. of '
Bervie , Myrlc Stewart .Kincardine..
Mr: and Mrs.. Robert Andrew• and
children • of Waterloo spent the week
end with her.: parents Mr.. and Mrs.
ilfred Pentland:
Congratulations to Mrand Mrs.
Lloyd, Pearce of London on the birth
of a daughter in,St. Joseph's Hospit
al on September 28,'a sister for
Richard and a grand . daughter for
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pentland.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Cecil .Blake; Harold!
Barbara • and .Bill were guests of Mr.
and :Mrs.. Thos.' Soweiby it ..Goer%i1
Township on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs., Ernest Harris of
Sarnia:.were guests of Mr. and Mars.
lW ilbur Brown on Sunday .
Mr, and !ells. An Danaby, Kevin
and Terri -Ann •of Sarnia visited it
alae week -end with her parents Mr.. 1.
d 'Mrs;. Frank ompsan:Visitars
Sunday With Mr: and Mrs.:, Thein
�ppsora were Mrs.. J, W a11, Mrs. A n
MMc:Kague and 'Mr, and Mrs. Ebner•
*all of 'Toeswater and Arthur cow-
;tli of Peterb rcoeagb.
and .Mrs James Wilke. Cut.v
' West WiWanosh have retried ..
f�aeoaz . a*. trip .;t rc*ighWestern Canada!
a as far • as i': icr ia, . B.C. • . .
.We me pleased to report that•W.A.
Stewart is,rnaking' fa%ourable t.ecov
-.. c'r °sinhating ur#? 'week
ago -,its Wce i glias i, ospgextaLa
. Mrs. Cecil. Blake and Barbara
and Mr.; and Mrs. T: C. Anderson ..
spent a day recently in London;
Mrs. Eldon Culbert returned h
last week after being a patient
Victoria Hospital, London for
past -sila: weeks We are pleased
report that she is feelins better.
Mr; and Mrs, Anderson Mug.
visited in Port Huron on Sunday
Mr: and Mas. B tit, Reuter of
London moved into'!;'".rs, Popp's
house itt the village on Saturda
We welcome them lc :his corn
Mr. and Mrs.. ' Er - e Prtchard
Toronto were weer end t:istror5
with relatives here
1st Luc Guide " orhpanr
for their' regular rrleetin in the
tawn hall .o n .Sept'e.^.' het svth',
After roll call aria ,:-;section,
coinpany•formed a - orseshoe
the Canadian f a N, a= Fresenr.
Flag bearer vita: S'ufar.,.: all.• a
Mary Jardine and : a:: them!.
wed-esccs : Tl was
recated and "-the s. . e A as
A gaitye was 4i. a ~�• ti
Jamieson., c
'ets, Mar3�� :i encea >' t z ze
Afire. Taps cobx E .',e2tiII�
On Saitu da,l
.1VicKim and •ere c acc0
. Through sun
ou h cn an .. a^
le time and a s
doivrt.thzs fai' alto a ar e hat
to be the a a ;
start ior'vour crop and to 'provide :rime ' ninneras.durmg the
growmg secson •
art oo tom' re uo femigze. ax` 'tom fall . F"iaraittarg, a few• day.
. t6aet 'Ca r extza bushes ci;,am: • . •
WEATHER AND, SOIL tom) riONS ARE GOO 3. No travel,
u rA e• o we' e ds . tet* item wadsor azrbeti transportation
mss doe to toa&'n is' z`: ' ttaat;.t .
bulgy ty w'h'at the t:' -Ftp fe..tio.. .e, VOL, rewire ts tr» good
SLIDDI> ,;^ :he tan.;n'"" • artt'}1eale ZO-Ortsatli�e for expert adlw�aee
Sr4 r` ch - tiV.: i..-;014,4 r. " and the ar4alw s %mt. need, ..