The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-09-28, Page 16THE LUCKNOW. SPI ti UCKsow• -Y n.•^mw.+-n+r.h.... +tR:. • . In.DUflgUflflOfl 9 NativeOfJcnICO is Gifest Prem.. her (Kinlougb News). Rev, 14... Barons, a native of King- ston. Jamar was the 'guest prea- cher at the Anglican lia vest Than- ksgiving Service on Sunday morn ing. Rev, Canon R. W,'Sp was in charge. Ws, Haldenby was the soloist* . and special ,music:'" was, provided . by the c,hoir with " Miss Edna Boyle organist. Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs, P.A..Murray in a passing, of her, .sister the late Mrs. Cather- ine O'Neil at St. Mary's hospital 'Kitchener. The funeral was held: on Wednesday morning at St;. Annes Church, Riversdale, Mr. 'and Mrs, Jerry. Collison of • Rexdale spent the week' end with Mr. and Mrs.. Bert.Nicholson,; Allan and Lois. Sandra - Percy' of Toronto spent rhe week end ,with Mr. and Mrs, Alex Percy and Wayne." Satadra is attending the Toronto Bible School Mr. and Mrs. Frank Currie of Hate 3rou fQi the answer accumulating money— one oneq'—+one that guarante00 a rats? Call: The Mutual We of Canada REPRESENTATIVE. W. JACK SALTER/ $ FRA$CES►' ►�. REET WINGNAM. ONTARIO PHONE:. WINGHAM 137.274o Waterloo visited with 1'. and Mrs. Morley Bushell and family on Ssturday evenink. • Mrs. :xoin;:Bushell is vending awhile with ber`brother. Beal Montgomery who has .reed home frorx Wingham hospital. ,ai enJoy, your papa: • 7t . • y5 bits- Norman %': . et Belgrave in rerrewi.. e .a 4 i N - /PAW' ii-tartiage of. harerttynx e and 'Patil:Davison. vas, tblemaizeil. Dungannon.ptdzeil _. stlitireh Uturday, August : ,: • r8ixOtets 4 *bite Aarliell and taut, 'tlibra 'provided the sing'for the • otz ng etr + le. 'ilealithe bride i,lie,,dai*iter,,,of . •and hs .Wit.f.15rotitiN mitt a 'Ir..ond :qty .11. aytm. � 'the. bre v by bet father.* nettle** peat Tote' .e laoe � . � tse and . v et ,rriatirtila Nit -VO 4 ped':f'rom'a Sir`l cora ;andst%e'oa White • Bible :creed. with i:.wh 0— - Chid Wittya vera of Wilke Vis. ,Atten lin ''the bride f :• honer was Karen ren i logs 3-, of Th room', `of pungiumon. :leiiL etds were <l ink f, • _cousin (of the bride., Susan `lam it/dal-le:410ex Park , ~ .ofthe • bride., 'all bf..111]Inggnn n • :pau]e •l.srite.igt .>t1f:London_ . They ; Weve gowned alike in blue. biooaded satin. •'Pearl tiara's' held they shoulder -length veils of b and white tulle and they Married 'crescents of ue,tir t ed and white •rosebuds,• George 'pg on raf :Gttderich art- . . elided th>t; groom as grocifila par: and gt.tests were ushered by Dill , . Straughan of .Benniiller. `z bait of the groom, and dick Park and. Gregory Park Of ilurrgannt broth,- crs of the bride; W. vne Park.. ceiusin •of the .bride .: and '?pan:. s{ sr-. le `' Of'the om .. we?' riinaivbearers • Mrs T ark. received her pieg$ the l uCknoa Legion halt Wearing navy crepe dress with white te+Ye3ax trim and Matching organza hat . Her corsage 'was. Of pink roses...The groornts 'mother chose a da rt ►ink :enie hble Of linen with c sage of red roes. . Per travelling• to the Northern United States... the bride `chane a' hound's tooth linen suit witt black polished lace turban and: . black accessories. A white orchid ' • • r orsage completed her costume. The couple wili.t'eside in . rrragt n t hon. 'Prior to her marriage the bride was honored at showers held in I..endon, ile.niniller and T`►ringann n,: The :bride's mother entertained St a trousseau tea on August Vn . • ,. Ma tar ,- :iasetj Ca *Am . , neat V away lac! tame the new • wtiietlrrrtznai.. iwitfapaca.,Dr the Chevy -Vat SC mitt the ta. caw vac 213 gti War available ler'loath! COMIBMIIIIAL CAB l!'N! us at IllitEL NAM pNeWly Over" � ,��sgttt . champ **yIS lad alto the 1TtanneU blot air :al sr tab at ac aalra hest • Yaw choice'at jaw Simi Wit, :ime Ant ttr se Chivies .ani last, � then" atri ai yaut thariiarir't • 7We find the paper very interest-; ing" comMents Mrs C Aiarrell rot' Toronto in subscribing for Atiott*r ►ear . gy Auri4Ourto csofRoLint Timm DE*f ;EE. W1N +1UtM. MccWRE MOTORS et Sure t See INV,StOe eve NFL Panther, on the-