The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-09-28, Page 11OpgBSOAY SIP,.
G. Benson CoxAssists At.lOOth
nn'Versa rY Of.Kingarf Anglican Church.
was served. This deliciouss cake
was made by Mrs. Russell McConn-
ell and decorated by her and her
daughter-in*law, Mrs. Glenn Mc-
During the days activities many,
old friendships were renewed as.
well as reminiscing oVer a die l.ay.
of. old pictures and Mementos plac-
ed at the back of the church, •
The church was decorated with
flowers those in ' the 'alter vases
being.;white gladioli, A beautiful
basket of .red and white carnations
was placed, in memory of Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Young and ,Mr. 'and
Mrs: William. Stringer, brothers.
Rupert, Roy, 'Leslie and sister`:'
Mabel(Mrs.. Albert E:, Hewitt) by
John. W. and Mae Stringer of Det-
roit, Michigan, added much to the
beauty of the church'. •
The attendance at both services
totalled` 416 .which made a real
homecoming' for many who travell-
ed°quite a distance to attend.. in •
scanning the registration book frien-
k beautiful day for a beautiful
cation co d f yR
d when the folk of
ptember 18 .
day and of many years• of rola-
mship to St, Matthew's Anglie"
Church, Kingarf, , came back to
mmemorate one hundred years
worship and service of the con-
zgation . •
although the present building
tes back t o•1894, 'the .first
urch which was built in. 1866 was
Toss the road on the most north -`
ly point of Kinloss township.
4t eleven o''clock morning pray-
s the° Rt . Rev, W. A .; Townshend,
ffragan Bishop of Huron, . a for
er rector, was guest speaker who
ve :a very:splendid address, re -
Ring the
e-lling'the past century of the
urch and •looking; forward to the
ture; also touching on events
firing his rectorship.
Assisting in the service was Rev.
,B, Cox of Kinlough, an aged..
It very highly esteemed Priest`
the parish;, also Rev. Ralphds attended from Calgary,` Toronto,•.
Kitchener, Waterloo, London, Ower
Sound', . Stratford Elmira, Teeswat-
er. Wingham. , Listowel:, Walkerton,
Hanover, Ripley; Chesley , Tiverton
Pinkerton; Arrnow, Kincardine.,.
Kinlough, •Kinloss, Bervie, Holy-
hood,' Glamis:;' Scarborough
ight pf Toronto, another former
ctor: •
rhe guest soloist.was :Mrs. Jack
:vitt of Kinlough.• Following the
fertory: ttte tall; gold 'candles
rich flanked the three tiercake.
lit by Mrs. R..WStump,and
rs.Russell McConnell. and .the`
ke was cut, by Mrs. Mabel Woods.
the close'of the. service. the
IOU were invited 'to partake; of a
iffet style, luncheon, which was
vied on the :church lawn. The
lest speaker for the program
4ch,followed the7.luncheon • was
iv. S. R. "Lupton:, sector of the
lurch of the Messiah, •Kincardine
Yn brought greetings`. from his
dish and gave. some 'complimen ' ;
ry remarks..Others wbo were
Iled on for' short`, addresses were
..Lester Ferguson, pastor. of the
Pn United 'church .-Rev ..• Ralph
!ght;, who recalled' a number: of
idents of interest: that happened '
rainghis incumbency in the parish
a :well expressed way On the ' .
am aswell was a piano solo •
Miffs Anne Ferguson; who also .
ompani'ed : Miss Carolyn Eskrick
'sang: two solos: Mrs.. James Mc.
n gave an accordian'solo .as ..
1 as Miss Barbara Thompson.
on R. W. Stump called on his
ch ward'ens,• Edward Jacob
Stanley 'Cooper , who each :in. .
spoke words of welcome to
ryone present. A Sing song con
ted by Mrs. Calvin McConnell
piano accompaniment by 'Mrs,.
rt White, brought' an- enjoyable
ram to a close; • . . •
t the service of Evensong, .at
'clock. the Rev; H. E. jinke, rec-
of. St • Andrew's Memorial
rch , Kitchener another former;
or was guest speaker: He like
op Townshend recalled mem:
s of his short time in the par -
and' went on to deliver a very
sermon , ` leaving :Mitch, to be
ght on.. 'Assisting in this.ser-
was the Rural Dean; the Rev.
n J, Swan of Hanover; Mrs.
old Ilaldenby of Kinlough was
guest soloist, at this service.
priest in charge , Canon R.W.
mp was in charge of both servic-
�llowing, the service the 'viiitors
e invited to the church baseme-
here a lunckand tea was ser-
. Speaking at the evening lunch
r was Rey. Martin Rule of "Kin -
United Church, Rev. John S.
n of Hanover and Mr, John W
nger of Detroit. ' . •
allowing the noon day meal and'
ning lunch the anniversary cake
CGIT President
:The first meeting of the Ashfield/
Presbyterian C. -G;1. T...authe home
of the leader Mrs. West was held .
on September 19. The meeting-
eetingg-Op ned with the election of office r
as follows, President, Nancy Mac-
ac-Lennan, Vice, president. Betty
Hayes, Secretary, Margie Simpson
Press Reporter, Donna Wylde,' Trea-
surer, Janice .Robb;
This was followed by. the .business i
It was decided, tohold a car wash
Saturday, October 8 at Amberley
from 10:00''a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The
meeting closed With lunch.
Dies At C
(St. Helens NOVO
ReV. M,G, Newton of Mores*
forn er trIlilitter at St. Helen's
Church passed away cn Friday at
Chatham Hospital. Burial was
Monday at Shanks Cemetery,
Romney Twp. -tie it survived by his
wife -and three daughters,.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce TayiC( 'Pan-
ay and Sherry of Newnl*rket were
Saturday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Gaunt..
Mr.and Mrs. Gordon Mcintyr+a
of Richmond 'Hill were .weekend
visitors with Mrs; W.,1. 'Miller, And
Speaks cf Week
At Ryerson Camp
The September meeting. of Hack
ett's U. C. W.; was held at the home
.of 'Mrs. Chester Hackett on Thursd '
ppae►y afternoon September 22nd. with
Ivlrs. : Bert Alton, presiding and using.
the words "Gifts" and "Giving" as
her theme, A hymn was sung' follow-
.ng the Lord's Prayer in unison, .The
klevotions were conducted `by Mrs..
Bert Alton and the,Scripture 'was''
.read by Mrs.. Barry Hackett .
Miss Joanne. Alton. gave a.`very
informative talk 'on her week•.with
young adults at Ryerson Camp near
Delhi: 44 hours; of this camp was
spent in intensive Bible Study and
studying the problem: of "Why doth
the teen ages leave the church?"
Mrs. Cliff Menary°reported the.
highlights from the Observer and
13 members answered, the roll call
with `a verse containing "give" «" at3
children , were . also present,
Mrs. Donald Hackett displayed .th
articles of clothing to be.'sent for
the supply -work along with quilt
patches. A bale of used clothing is
to be' collected for the next meet-
ing at the, Church. It was smolt)
that. White Gifts and donations fot"t'
the, Children's Aid'.are :to ,sent ;n
iby October, 31st. .•
Mrs. Bert Alton introduced the
study. book "The Church and the
World" : and closed the ;meeting wi
prayer. `Mrs, Larne :Hackett lend .y'
the hostess 'served lends. '
Anniversaries At`
Dungannon Sund
(Dungannon News) .
Anniversary services were held
on Sunday in Erskine'.Presbyt'erian
Church,with a good attendance
:at both services. Rev. John Elder
of Tiverton was :guest speaker.
Rev. Rod MacLeod assisted.
At the morning service, Frank •
MacKenzie of South .Kinloss was :
soloist . The. choirsang anthems
at both. services . assisted by A:ust;-
Loree Of Lucknow: .
Anniversary services were held
at the United. Church. The minis
ter 0- Rev. Glen Wright was the
morning speaker .with special,
anthem music by the choir with
Betty Irvin as organist. 'Ag irl's.
trio from Ripley accompanied by.
Mrs. John .MacDonald :sang' at
`the morning service. • ,
• Guest speaker at the evening
service was a former minister •
• W. J.. Rogers of Cooksville. The •
Hi -Tones,` •a group of boys from B
Lucknow under the direction of
Elwin Hall provided special e
anthem music.
Two lovely baskets of mums,
placed in memory of Mr. and
Mrs. Herbert Alton by their
granddaughter Mrs. William
(Etta.Belle) Bradley, provided a
lovely' fall setting for the service.
A .good, attendance was present
for both services
Cikolaters W.M S.=
(Whitechurch Nerve)
`.Chalmers W. M, g.. held thea .
September meeting at the home 'of
Mrs, W.R. Purdon, West'Wawan
osh on,'Thursday. September 22
with :2O ladies'and 4` children in-.'
Mrs. Victor Emerson welcomed
the guests and members and open -
,ed themeeting with•a Poem "Be.
Still and Know" and gave the Lail
to Worship . Annie Laidlaw read
the Scripture: The Meditation :was.
giveh by 'Mrs. ' Donald Watt, Mrs
Wesley Tiffin gave the Glad
Tidings Prayer. •
'Mts.- Leroy Rintoul" and Mrs, •
Archie' Pardon gave readings: Corr-
espondence was .read •by the sense-
tary Mrs; Russel 'Ross. Theron
call was answered -by a verse of
_Scripture with the word `"Grace"
Mrs. J : Conn give treasurers. state-
inent. The offering received*was •
dedicated by ilia Emerson:
The topic Where do We Live? • ' .
,Was given by,. Mrs. Johnston Conn.
Mrs. 11...D.. MacDonald conducted
a Quiz. Repeating the Lord's •
prayer in unison closed• this portion
of the meeting.
The 'Ladles Aid then. held their,
meeting. ,Mrs, H. D, MacDonald
gave the' treasurers statement and
reported that 'in catering for a
wedding they had' cleared $5145,.
Mrs. C. 'Falconer Mrs. H". Simp
son, •Mrs. Bill Evans with Mrs.
MacDonald treasurer. were, the new
work committee appointed. The
collection was received and the
Benediction given by Mrs,Emerson,
Glace was sung and the hostess,
served lunch.
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Proof shoes ... the top ,performs✓ et. hit hof
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suneEur .
Dungan hong
:The.Dumgantion [1.+C.W. Met for
their regular meeting on Septe .-
ber: 20 . The president. Mts., W.
Blown presided and opened with
the call to worship God Inspires -
we call upon him. The scripture
reading and devotions were.taken
by Mra. lick. Alton and Mrs. C..
Crozier gave a summary ;of chap-
ters s. and 6: of the study book*
Jesus Christ and the Christian World
The roll call was answered by a; sc-
ripture verse containing the word
"harvest". Several "Thank you".'
Totes• were read from sick 'or dra-
ut-ins in the community...
Reports were "given, by Mrs. Ross
Eedy, , treasure:. 'Mrs. K.K. ,Dawson
finance, Mrs, C. ,Blake, Conimun/
ty .friendship and visiting;: Mn. Wm
.Petrie, supply and social assistance_
and Mrs.= C. Crozier for the Manse:,
Beth Motonnel gave a ;humorous
reading and Mrs. Esther Rivett con-
cluded the study of Brazil. ' •
A donation was made to the board
of stewards and it was decided to •
hive a bake sale in the Smith
store in Lucknow on October 8.Th
decorating in the'basement. was
completed with the' U. C W. mak
big and hanging the new drapes. :
Theoffering prayer was given by
Mrs. N. Pearson. Rev.' G. Wright
spoke,a:'few words' and closed the
meeting with prayer and benedic-
tion, and the •committee in charge'
`served a delicious, lunch.
timer ih :e mak";!�_►u "Want 'eriosir.
(InfhitechlNah News)
Cotivin Br Ck U.C, .
Mfedne day eveoi' ` * y
of lam. John Jamleaan: a
attendance of 16. The''snr
was read
Ws* George M ,
and gave a reading
The poem''"Yield not to
tion" 'eras given by Mrs. Gorden
• Mc y.. " Mrs. Donald DOW'led
in the .Bible study on TeB nptaUo.
The new:stady twit The:
'Church Grows In Canada was
..troduced. ► In .
Mn. Alta Itolkeon ,peresabda
• the business, T 'treastums report
was given by, ..Mn. Renald Coukea.
It was laws that the PrOgrarmne.•
COrmnitree use the "
Church andWarld" in pripating
the Bible Study.'' Mrs., 'iawrence
Taylor reported0 for Supply . and'
Allocation that 3 girls ,sweaters
sir ;14 -16 years and. new `prtht•.
pieces .for quilt Making -were ,
needed.:A Thank you vas seceiv-;
ed from; Mrs. E DOW 'and aan invtt-;...•
ation received from Westfield to
attend thercial meeting Sept•
.err►ber 30 at 8:00 `p.m..
The Regional 'Convention will be
held in Cowrie United' Church,
October 26., Delegates appointed.
to.attend were lam. Godolt Mc-
Burney, Mrs. Ken Mason, Issiri.
Norman Coulter, Mrs. Donald.
Dow. Mrs George McGee.
The Benediction was pronounced
by 1 Alex Robertson.
;1► rndrya — t M 4.10 P.m
W. du cur
and Sm.Ihq .. Oaf/, Pant and . Lairds..
Solo Whole* Hail or Quarter .... , . 'Per„,. 11,11far ServSee.
And Loiter Prleas •� 'Gail /tip ► its
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