The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-09-28, Page 9re spoke 3e five rees tary tial (s to. An electric blanket free with every, new electric clothes dryer sold in Ontario tetweeh Qct.l and Nov, 12. in this year's "HydrO. ;special" promotion campaign. Appliance dealers and,electrical utilities .are co-operating in the province !wide promotion. MI f 41!f + k I I 'I".f 4�' 1 ` rW- fafxs and •eahibitlo t. fly ro r.u With fists willfelt a the Electric BIa� ket. Bhome e Porticiparing, appliancedealers and, electrical utility offices Will have samples of the bonus electric blanket on display during the campaign period : The floral print ' blanket is double bed size, with.* er single .control. ,cera* .and use of dryers and eiectric ' blankets In :their pre>renta� tio. Ontario Hydro will support the Momotion by.At pr+esent:.ne,arly one °r every' hydro Special" pr three Ontario fanalfle$ et i . $ Vie. Including electric clothes dryers . and electric blankets in its mobile • cr►nirenienc�e'of.rwa eleis+�'ic 4004• display coach and in .exhibits :at , +dryer. r w w R X24.99 RECOMMENDED RETAIL'VALtIE1, Until November 12—at ill stores where you see the Hydro Special display, Quite possibly you have several good reasons of .your • own for buying an electric dryer. But here's .an ex-: cellent •reason to buy- right. now: ;a• double -bed size .electric blanket, complete withilluminated dial con trol . and -two-year guarantee. This $24.95 value is yours free when you -buy an •electric dryer at any store featuring the Hydro. Special • Why an electric dryer? It's the safe, speedy, odour- less way to dry clothes. It Lets you forget the headaches of .a clothesline. And it eliminatesrainy-day delays,, In short, an electric dryer leaves you, more free •time. Visit the store where you see the Hydro Special display. Tell there you're interested in more free time and a free electric blankets This offer applies .only to residents of Ontario. • Your 0 YOUR PARTICIPATINGDEALERS.. IN LUCI(NOW ASE GREEK V and ELECTRIC CREST RDWAR•E LUCKN.Q.W DISTRICT Cd -OP JOHN$TO:NE. and SON FURNITURE Mlitift i?1 a4.rAalliel`_ a viv*mlr •akw. •r.rr..• �. ;�+at�"`"` �.� ,..y " ,.:_.• + 1"l 9 W. and ;lis. Obey Thomps ,. .041family of k l 'alw000 tiisfted on Sunday with her pateots Mr.. ostd. Mrs. otdoo Wright of Gliff. °+oral who aaalved home loot week from a th r+ weeks trip to Europe •. Do Wednesday 'i►±ir. and Mrs. Elgin Ja. hastop of Turoberryaild Mr. and ..Mrs, Robert Joon of sifiagbaro were visitors with M. and ,ti's. aerator' Johnston of Winghsrn. Mr, a d Mr"$. P ter.. Lucknow accompanied 'Donald `M*c. onalld spe • end with lam. John MicProos .and family Of Leamington, Mr. and lid..0ershom Johnston of WitsgharO VOA Thundly with Mt. and Mr*. Clarence.'Ritchie and family of 2nd Con.- KinloU. ►ld Gaunt ofKitchener ` spent the week end at his hOme here while his parents Mr. and r _ ' Russet Gaunt spent the w i Torte with 1 . sod Mrs., DI stein.. On,Simday•aft spent Thi day at Niagara Fills. • W. and Mrs. Charles Wood. 'Richt. Ken h and Sylvia of Seaforth. viisited Sattada4y at, the home of .W. - s . •Gershorf Johnston: of yia 1 a Saturday evening Pointe Anne Junior C. Softball team a: tit' played a first ,$te oti struthitechurc: Win„ ;$`tit df*r to series of a 2 out 3 with the teem: 3 e .1, in favor' of Wh1 •chrucb, Weattier peroilttlosthe next will be at Pante Anne on Saturday. Mr.. and Mrs. Ira Wali.'`Bil' dnii.ind Miry ton. ski baptismal dices held: rt"e • united Church Pinkerton oni ue- day When Jam Robert son of Mr. and M►:: Gecrgo ha was baptized. 'Mr. and' ti. all •are grrandparents. Attending. -H ii at Toeswater. pair on forenoon from Beigrave of :which Mrs,;. Clay`* i`danston and Mrs:. Haan* ;Ire:lieadeirs were Janes ette lthnston. Beth r carat a .W siker. 4utaini ,Anderson' a and Karen Pengelly. Thoseattendla the 4-11 activities at the Fait :ram Whiter -bomb Were Pamela Marlene Weber.' Margo De13 tnirre: and MelodyCampbell. and Mrs: Clark John ton• and Janette were Sunday visitors w his mother Mrs. Johnston at liurtm, view • Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. tlougiis Simpson and family of Culltoss were Sung . day evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Currie.. Communion Services will be held on Sunday. October 2 in the betted Church here at 2 p.m, and attenders of thii Church please• note the time of service. Charles ;Martin and his gran lou* gbter.o Nancy. Simmons. of tondon arrived home from. Dakota ' Thurrsday / Mrs 4 Charles Tiffin and MIS. Fred Tiffin accothpanied'Charles Merrill of Summerhtu to'liming- ' li ing-'' ham Michigan,' where. they atter ded the wedding'of Mary Elias - beth daughter of Harry. . G. Hayes. to James'Kitson fir. on Saturday in the First Methodist C'hureh Birmingham and . attended the •reception following the cereal- ony in Chinch Fellowship Hall. and .Mrs,, John Carruthers Of London .spent the week Brad • wail Mr. and Mrs George Fish acid On Sunday Mr. and ��. .th- ers. Mr. and 'Mrs. George Fisher 4* Sandra and Doris attended a • Silver'weddirtg anniversary d•f car for Mr, and Mei* konald For- ster held at the hone of their daughter Mfrs. Gerald Murray and,,,v • • Mr. Murtay of Hr lyre ►, tir<ir+ • ,a.