The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-09-28, Page 8trierIrate sr:01M tearn
defeated l onc
low diamtind Sunday afternoon
take theWi►. . 4► i4�• ' .
ship 'three taxies to skim a�
Iincioicow ttiok the lead Vit..
the second tuningbut liellesley
broke hoc in the fob ,and neer
'stopped razz then +rim: kasty DIM**
it. the tztoutai tar
with *tray •Mesottinney and T
i?.Falk pitaied za
eiley. a•had l =ow
The Luck b Wert Lick to .
"aiixe:v°e Whom $:
t o X31 'tear.' Bride e 'fix*"
tai and VIII Thur e't coached ••
lOcal boys daring the . seasOn..
The September meeting of the .•:
hucknow and District Horticultural
Society was held in the. Town Hall
Friday evetvun
In opening the, meeting . Mrs
Cumthing thanked the Flower'. - •,:
Show Committee and the .ladies. •
who bad decorated the float'fac
Vie. Fall Fair de .
.Follow' • the `treasurer's te
it was voted to pay the .expenses
fali fa the, two delegates to
tirivz Seaton e Mon -i Momthe ccnventien at Ottawa in lune.
tverelag tit zee 4atTier. league -b. Catalogues showing Spring bulbs
Dtvothy to a real were displayed. •
start with a Wigle Acentennial: project was discus-
_lastrie Stewart had mle 1401 sed.and it was moved that this be
tr,aiat Ndth . £ . ' aci sensed at. an 'executive meeting
Gammti ful ter: DostatrY wiAla•retobeMade
Winton 247„,31)4., Jade Ba ran fiber mectinz
Muriel Ritchie t2,9 , =1„, Pearl
Jameson 241, Diane Hac t =.
:fin : Claw
icedZ7.,Ts;, ;
Team Standing: Poppies
lone Mrs Morgan
Henderson .and Ken Cameron
were appointed to, be a 'naninu-�
lug:committee to bring in. a slate
s tar 198' .
Russef th l ips arid Mrs.
ets Termini 3, 'Tn a•a; Roles 4t, Chris 'Coot are the conveners for.
pansies lo.„ . the ocirober meeting and report
have .a :g •pro ani 3€L
ate. Atthis.meeting alto,
there 'ws 3 be t ee given ,
fxrir basket of to ms.' firm prize.,
42..50» .sectio 4l. bt3
The Clulizmas i coated Homes .:
Contest Will be carried again in
" December with the tO-operation
f of the InicknoW Legion. Ther
be Mort l eiali5 11* On. this
/. Ross ie ; Z : War: w F y . •
and ' 11rs. 'loon 'Err -
Vin' were: the pro :rt-
+. ts. 1.411rponik d , " IoW a
premby pkgitt Guest. I(irtby lay
dell tt audience w 'a
piano:solo" "he Arkantas ave -
Two Iepartt were 'd orie
*rat Mrs,. Culturing and one front',; .
Mts., Garfield MacDonald ot the
Stub annual
u .'vririch SOL attended. c
Projects from a Canada woe
ne rved . • DOn't %e• aUtter bug
was a.stibjeth dittemtlik. Litta,
the ►t‘ill lin theEmpire.
State Building :fifteen times in a
yeso There is ,astrait wee in the
Called 'Heir which has set
Out 41 ha-rand the slogan
c. "Tis't mow vantr litter
slogan u: lait+c-
s 4* is '"Caa you: mutt
clean Moose law," What about
Lucknow 1.
A tour of the Ottawa Experirment
Al Farm and the Banquet with the
well known John ' Fisher as tuest
speaker were' highlights of the con-
Centennial Rose projects were: in
evidence at all times and it was
announced .that, the sale of the
`Centennial Carib had netted
3200.OQO y fo crippled sanihirea.
Mrs, Maw spoke. On John. •
Fisher's :speech. As Centennial
CoMitissicner be.spabe an the
'many ways this celekarlon was
going to be made tluougbout the
Dominion. Canada, he stated;
was a' wonder ui place to live is
,when campued . with misty' ocher ,
conatties. His advice: sst{o��ke
this z wonderful �a ilii, be
cause We will not see a:,othet
JAS s: , H..5, Rases
on careers ui .Horiicultt
Jack Mat e.. of Mc-7ea1
the Irust ltrtexn at i o- 4 ' ose
Garden at Montreal. : tFar!
di$Ct acres ar+..cost.
Million Resides 1: ,Ct
toss, there are e.. of t
and other shrubs ::s s .:'a Rc
Club Project as is t e •:' a ;tet
Rost •
d awns . Jr=E er.z
s3towed oaf sce -e= .5c
Ireland and F.12 land » rc f
Kath Jay favored „ * . an(
pisbo sow and .dot
!be -meeting
all who Were respir i :e `or €
SEVERAL.TO cloosa Flitatii
1!06 FORD 3111, 4 door
iii PONTIAC Lauruotiao., 4 deer. •:aq - trausTruissioa.
CST„ 4 'sire ,
2-444 C"HEV smeak,s dear liardtapa, VI automatic
stilicwra gia
thin CliEY, ear, Y,ejirr
1%3 AC;, Cyludari4 Omar illaullard` Z'raetteis;Giaas
thy EMMY
flier a*va. Rr Ste, 4 Air slim
tiff iris
ns' COMPO. 4 dri'