The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-09-28, Page 6• :1 o THE tt CKH ill:':ILUCKN* ONTXR — _. �... r+.,,... -„.-.,r•,+.._. � ria-._.. ,,.. „...�.--.-„- and that at the.end pf the two year provsional. period, during 'which acilities, will be gven eery opportunity to comply with. the reguulations, the general. public may be assured thata licensed nursing homeWill be providingthe standard: of care *and .accommodation that they are' entitled. to and, shouldexpect, dependng .on the class. of liense isued ISSAcNpt� Nursing 0r SecondLTear egUlat1011s'Near Reality + 1. ecxge Newbold,, Oen and ,ad st rators of Pine- rnor Nursing flume, luau with the. Department, of Health of Ontario presently being conduetel for the purpose of drafting new reg: Wed fn . S Cl Davin ion #' Associated • Bill 45 Ontario recently enacted B - It IS acknowledged in all quarters the $ seventh annual meet ulatitptts un o l�ursing'l3vmes - that any participation of proprietR Xining HHotnes Inc, C tarso held Act, 19€6. These regulations, '�ar nur5in homes,in�the overall at the floUUday Inn, Hamilton, I . which wall. ensure a uniformity of y g Sertettibet 20-22, The convention istandards for 'nursinghome of erat- ,network of out-of-hospital, bed care facilities must must begin with Standard- ization and upgrading of these ,fact ilities where necessary. In view of the long-range pianning'in the health care' field now Ding done, Associated Nursing Horses Inc, Ont- ario are extremely grateful and satisfied that their past seven years” efforts, from the highest to the lowest level. of government, ' and arniong other ,national and provinc- ial health and welfare agencies has finally culminated in this first, most necessary step. There .has been much province -wide publics- ty concerning unsatisfactory and; substandard conditions existing in some nursing homes throughout the province,under which the disabled. handicapped and aging residents had to suffer. Associated Nursing. Homes• Inc. Ontario has gen- erated some of this .publicity :in the tope that central, uniform legisla- ion would be enacted to correct the' abuses:in.this area: of the health care field; and while Ontario Was practically the' last'provn'ce in Canada to have such legislation, its arrival at. this: time should. be heralded and appended by, everyone. in the :province as a- ,giant . progres- sive step .forward, ,The whole problem of health.: care in :out-of-hospital bed 'care facilities is..being carefully .scxutin-; lied and examined, ,and the day may not.lbe so far distant when every person .being .cared :for in any facility otherthan a general: hosp- ital will; be: assured of a uniform , . high 'standard: level of personal:or nursing care in a facility which e' will be a part of a single, unified Stealth care network. It is acknowledged by government that the new, higher standards . for * :nursing. Thornes will cost Money, . „tint! that. per diem rates will prolfab / ly rise because of the new 'legislate ion and its requirements. However it is also acknowledged that' the Jaublin has been demanding better standards of nursing care. and that when these; are assured,- they will be wiling to para for there , It is Alsip acknowledged that financial anxiety may, arise in Some sections SE .pressed their errifidence in and i ion over the entire province of aroval. of Mr. Newbold as theirOntario, and. a uniformity of enfor Imo. resident by .re-elec g him: cement AS well, are the culminat- to* second rearm of office as Press.- lice + ' ` years' work on the part of dent fr 1967 by, secret ..ballot., ro- j the *ssociati+ * which is the only WOW. with the following oti. ,' organic ed professional voice of lst vice President, lack T.'hte- !Nursing Homes, in Ontario. Associa ?bread: Toronto; 2nd vice President, ted Nursing Ilones Inc. Ontario Mrs, Ulna MacMillan, :Orraw;n: has grown very quickly during the Seetetaiy,.. fougIas .Callander, p? . two ,yeas and at present rept-. usse s`, Tr'easur'er, Donald.:S'rewart,', esents'over,1/3 of all the.nursing ,"I'hcart ; i is'toriari. Allan Cooper,: hornes'Cr facilities; which have Newmarket.*: alit/bed to be inn -sing -homes, in. "Che .Coruvention endorse 4 and Ontario. approved .actions taken by their • It is anticipated that the.. new ,leg President and Legislative Cunrn tt- illations may produce 'casualties . ee during'the seres.of meetings ' j among t'he. substandard facilities ane • Purina Cattle -Plus —is an excellent treatment for cattle' following disease and during periods pf stress —supplies' extra vitamins to milk cows and calves, for quick : return to health -helps prevent foot rot easy to, use, have it mixed into your Castle ration today. Gordon Johstone YOU PURINA DEALER LUCKNO'W P'NONE 528-3719 a f the older. population andtheir lairiiiiesas a result of these govern-� merit -imposed. regulations, and . :fie solutions to the financial ;problems created 'are also .being .verycareff ully stadied in' order that this anxiety n iay be removed. .A Nursing Horne Adviscuy;Co in :roue has been 'established under _ :B1 4.5, which .wf1 c stain repres- entatic from. Associated Nursing Hornes Inc.' .brio to. continually re**i."', 'revise where' necessary, ,appraise and .recommend upon pro- blenis arising in the areas of legis-. ration health and nursing care in.. ilii parrs ilsr. area ` of health, care. The residents of Ontario can look forward with confidence' to an era `. of progress:in bne of the most im- portant and: viler areas of 'their life, • ouch a lett Yt� She 'looks up at Mummy and Daddy with complete. trust, and that trust is . well placed. For not only is she given love and understanding but financial . protection as well. Her family area' Sub Life policyboldersand her father makes sure that theirlifeinsurance portfolio„ is;carefully checked at .regular intervals to take dare :of changing needs. 1'►n associated with Sun Life o/ , Canada, the Corn parry with the policy that's right for you and your. family Why not call me today? W!WAM.J.KINAHAN R.R. 2. ucknowr. Phone WingLam 3574987 1987 SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY . OF CANA (O.livet Newsy • :> " Mr. and Mrs. Harry Coiling`brou- ght :little Mary A:nn home from the Sick Children's Hospital on Satur- day,. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Clayton and Lynn attended the . service in H.ack- ett'' s United . Church an, Sunday ' when •their little grandson. Michael Franc is, son of Mr. . and Mrs. prank Scott 'was baptized. 'tapirs this Week at the 'home of Mrs.' Mae Hamilton were. Mn. Ross Curntuings of Lucknow and her.. niece, Mrs. Glen, Geddes of Kin cardne Dorothy. Geddes of,Van- n Coll'mg lhit OF Hospital cover Mrs. Ann f ntyre of Lticknow. and 'Mrs . J inn McNair Karen of Seaforth and Mr. Mrs. Daing ::Moore of Kincar and Burt White., of Guelph ai Ripley Fall.. Fail onSaturday pc.PLORERS ELECT OFFICEF On Thursday the Explorers their. -first meeting of rhe se for the purpose of electing' J.imin to Black is the new pr vice president is Marr Mac secretary `Laurie ?>,SacCharle $' sures , .;Ronnie McGuire. and reporter May White, uc� eats For Snow Piowing ani SEALED TENDERSCLEARLY- MARKED, 'WILL RECEIVED .EY THE .UNDERSIGNED UNTIL • 11:11 A.M., D..T.., 7, 1966 Forr r p$ _SW W 1S urN .Comfy. Raids during THS67 mama. -.1? Doaaty R+o :21, t And; 1.4. Bepwgt'th,' Salable. ` . Cetaney Road EA and turn's Read to Ferndale 4.' Haljrood'., to Bruce 'Beach. Ftem•Higliway. at to 9 pre S Paisley to , Highway 21. Pcct Rig . to Invermaf, Alread rd to Dobbiatam co ort 12, slue T!r?• Also Mk Sandbag Trudts required as 'fsl .w s -T' y. , 'Tinct and +rhos 27,11S0 each for Walter Wiartuq .' sad A!i bandits br ad wi an farms a vallkelo ,from the ' ufdertig and a at Counay L G. YUNDT ,COUP/Tit.*NGINEER, BOX at, WALICERTo14, ONTARIO a•