The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-09-28, Page 2. In West Wawaborh.., Mr,
passed away in 1949.
Mrs. ,Walsh is the y ] vzn
member of a familyof four.
She is now a resident at Phle-
gm= Nursing
Herne in Lucltnoa .
The time it taker to unravel
government red tape led .to i ;Veit -
Itis of the tiringham l)ittrict nigh-
igh. School' Board I. the Lucknow Din"
rict High School. Vosrd. and .the •
Public School Boards of Lucknow
and Klnlou, at the Lucknow High
School, on bond#y night of last •
week . L. T, H. S, Board Chairman
Will era Hunter w,ts.ehslrmin,
'Reason for the meeting was in
expected delay hi the completion
of the new addition to the Wingharr
High School to accommodate sec-
ondary school pupils from both the
Lucknow and Wingham districts
when the two,areas are amalgam- •`
ated at the firstof next 'year
30lding conunittee 'chairman
Ross Macitae told • the meeting
building plans have been sent;toy
Taro= for review 'and word was
received that. the Department of
Education has forwarded them to
'awaa for sanction from rlie .fed
Via'authorities; lt, is, anticipated . l
that it will take at .lease as wee
for the federal app real 'tG:
threegh. The MetlfteCO.0 f
are of the optuiori thy' will a*
be porolble to comPlete 0 ate'
call for tenders before rad-)4ard;'
a .a„ result, t MaciRie exp
ed • it, 'a ppears osts that
not possible to comp ate a
$2,00 0,,,000, building proghtm
tween Maras and SepteZbe or
1WC/. e
The MO Sactoi artcr
then requested permailon from,
two public woolboards' fear trbe
use of the Lucien -ow buildipg fes'
another year. The varlms.bnar&
agaeed that the Lucknow achools
be • turned over to the Li -r s
ioss board when it it fes nela
year; ..
After coariderable.emttbe
cassis by the fotz -g' ,
ick was paw by the
e 'V
.boards apprOving ose b
amalgamated g .514,04 eittlx=
of ±e Lucknow h tchcol brAt-
oSi P0s5eS
rte elauji Irs, ±,mss l;cr7,3,"
ed away in Winghiro and Dikrict
1.D. after a criee-mein222 illness.:..
The former Amy Mae . .
she at.harn Nehruslta.`
y eus a;' he of sacred °ars .
h, T'�eare
s her �xwy�y�y �+y�
�+u vi:• ng �T.i6i. 3i 4iti L't.. 'RM'A.'
(Mara arra. uclz ' an
n Bag g y�,� " �
orae- �'� s i'l a�iE�'.r 'ittlf`:c''i + 'e
Tet U‘
Funerz/ "an r 4• 1'" 4"
-erviri'ithr, ,n Ira
t.r.szm ten;
:mei. '$'F>�'�Ln71r wjkw� r: .�8lMf.L'Ji
ia5+x ltd" Sgit, 34nm ITirevir
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�p gyp'et , ;�c>top:y �i` Imre"
' 1;r. =Ita±=r ami«
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