The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-09-21, Page 14Ttl LUCKN. WSIN :LUCK . _ - T(Nf�I, ypass Official Publication Of Summer Playground Match In Favour of•(ity Daily (by lt, S A" KE '). • ►PERICH -ily a recorded div - ISioe of 26-13,,,,, Huron County Coo., nci at the September session in the Court Bouse, Goderich Friday . re a ted an amendment to the Pott, of the Warden's and Personn- el co1nrnittee and adopted the following motion . "We approvredan advertisement being placed in The London Free Press special plowing rtaatch Edit- u* , being *. four -colrnn.advertise- stent'at a. price . of 3279,1 and furth- er, we did not agree o. n advertis- ing in the International Plowing . Match i1ews, being a publication :prepatred by the Seaforth and Exeter papers.". • • • • •' "The, citculation'of the London Paper''was estimated at 1 3,040 . against 3,04000 for the 10011 papers attd futthertnore..the Lontioinedit- ion, would, be somewhat more wide- spread than the proceed Internat- ional. nternat-iona . , Plowing Mateh News, al- though granted. a heavy concentra . fiat of The London Free Press ed- ition'world be in the. City of Lon-' don itself." ' Council went into committee of the'whole to consider' the commi -. ttec report, clause by clause; .• Rev, 1.P. Gandon, ' deputy reeve of Exeter, immediately ,presented a: motion in amendment that •County? Council approve a half pagein the 'International Plowing Match News in. addition to the : space already approved for The London Free Press special. edition. Theamending motion was .secon- ded by Mis . • Minnie Noakes, reeve of Hensall, Clarence E. Boyle reeve of.. Exet- er,. pointed out the 100,000 circul- ation .in the City of London, would have little or no benefit , whereas at least 25,000 'of the 30.'000 cir- cuiation ,of the Plaiting Mater' • News would go to vitally interest ed.,people. The larger cir+tu1atiau didn't mean a thing;• he said, : The important thing •is'to get to the people' interested, .;Mt.. Boyle stated. Rev.. L P.. Gand+oe pointed .out •' that the'News was in a sense, the Official paper of the internationa-` r Plowing Match, and. would go to fanners in.several counties..: • "Why should a paper that iS pro- duced in the County not be suppor- ted by the County Council when an outside paperreceives that , • support , " he asked, • • • "This makes the County. Council' look a little silly," he. declared, County Clerk=Treasurer J.G. Merry replied'to: a question that the cost, of -the advertising in the Plow- ing Match News,, seemed awa. y out . of line as compared with The. Free Press, special. edition, size of adver tisement and circulation' considered Donald. MacKenzie, Ashfield,co- mmented that the price was "terrific• anyway"'He pointed out that County Council' had advertised the Plowing Match sod turning.in ,„ the local papers,' ; i • • James. Hayter'. Stephen, said sev- eral had placed advertisements in • • the .Plowing Match News; he figured theLondon paper could look .after County. the Coun : Mies. •Minnie Noakes. "Hensall, •was very much to the point. "Don't forget that 'we're serving all of . Huron County. Aside from the cost, it • is only commoncourtesy to .give our two Huron County papers a• • little bit of consideration . " In answer to a 'question, • deputy' clerk -treasurer B G. -Henly. 'stated that•the News was the official papet approved ;by' the' Plowing Match 'Committee. The group from Exeter and Seafoiih had been the onlyone that had applied; no ocher •papers in. the County had done 'so.. • Council divided 20 - 13 as follows. FOR AMENDMENT - • Boyle, •Dun bar, Gandon, Hardy,Leiper, Mc- Fadden, 'McKenzie, Moody (2); Noakes Procter, Stewart, Stirling; tota1:13. • AGAINST'.AMENDMENT (for report) .Alexander ; Boyd , Cook,. Corbett , The summer playground, 'spon- ' sored by the. Lucknow Recreation •. Committee, ended just prior to the Sentinel's vacation period and this picture has been delayed slightly . ' Wind=up' day featured. . a penny carnival and open house to which everyone• was welcome,. The kids •made a tour of the Luck - now main street in costume just prior. to this picture being •taken. Donna Ritchie, off the .left, and Donna. Button, on the right.. were *leaders.'for,the playground held in July and also accompanied the children to 'swim in."T. et two Mornings each we other three mornings heir in crafts, studies and 'garr (Amberley News) ;Featured ' on: television on "Coeint -' ry Calendar" on Sunday was Dan Rose, a f mer resident of the Lochalsh 'Asea and who is •now att= ending the University .of Guelph for a special course,.•: At the Sunday morning.servicevat Pine River United. Church, Mrs., William Kempton and Mrs. Bob. Courtney sang'.a' duet. Cuthill. 'Dalton, Etherington, , Geiger, Elmer Haytei,' lames Hay- The September meeting. of Reids,' • Garners W.I. will be held in the ter, Hendrick, Jefferson.-' Jewell(2)•; .. . Kerr, Mcilwain Mc (ch- common ty hall September 29. Krautet , •. Tine To is by Carol Elliott who fel, :Robinson; .Smith, Snell, P- Taltiat, Thtel,•Duff Thompson. was:au exchange Audent to Edition- • ton • will'be given Current Events lrlgin Thcxnpsou, Wonch; total 26, • relating: to Alberta .by Mrs: Leon-.. ard•Courtney. A special invitation is extended •to ,,l-ki girls of .anyone intezeited. Recent \guests of Mr. and Mrs. At Toronto theyvisited Mr. and Mrs: Ftank Kies (Rachel •MaeDon-. Ism ma :rR a.naid of town and' Mr.: ales) - . . and hers,. life i(osmyna of Toledo,, On. Sunday Mr..and Mrs.. M. L. Ohio tom' • a rraotiz • trip last week . " • "Mike". Sanderson • (Anne .} a n-- 'l+ s., Kest:1m ss l Maopox - ald) of'lucknow motored roTaco- ales 1' - aft'* s daughter, , ss the former to • where they bad a,famiiy. gather- thyliCu Mar.Domtid. They left on ing Tuesday stoRits stopat l3a b mi , Itt- • and ,Its- KomnYna plan to. Coat, mceareatapeToronto„ visit in the area therest, of this week.. 1741e''4"Z i 1 S; •ay. '1ii! `. •' Wan- ' S., ia - .A mt. :s lex- td 3t. mine' i$i•.. • .3Doris. IoniiOn snem the l '.•and. Mrs, e- and. • .rte gni .01n S : K 41 the home ce1. a Mos. I ►o` ad n ;nom^ •x :" • Sa:..r'd`' • .. 1Vi+'�, le!t. IA al: f v , ' . and 'is.. Mulford, art: ice;. F-, dee e'tranverste3 ""11.7,itt• Fal ''a • .i! nfizetLAIC Xt... and Mrs. Barry Mcpnillin artd 3m or Hespeler''and Mr. and .Mrs. Win M t ,. of Kitchener were Week -end visitor! with wr`ir: ro . and Mrs. Fred McQminin, Aitchison renarried bane from the ' int°° :ori ' Hospital Friday. l - and M - s. Murrai. Fletcher :re" :3 iw i ctaJ.i�T.}[ .MTs ;F 71 'pi:.y- .. LK` C..iaJ„ Ill! 7f3 ar, Were 0,,,ee .-ei. d cher an! .aii n e co • i, . v.pri itioncle3. a1" nota. ; He is Mr.. and Ws. Harrel, v„£t-"'sits: K+ re �+ Myth }� y�{ �:����ia+r!, t4 .a t the fua�yLy� d J4 zs mode anb er t t ti' M'11 2. ,steno wy S r?a . :wnel were Mr. art nein= ongina• t • i tr t im . Ntrs. Gerben or Wr' wtiz- " ' « +'7t. SiltUrtar4 nit'; thmmtia` ii�gA . thei+prannanghttri, .E Walter Brown . ► ere Mr. and. , Mss. Clifford. Porter and daughter Susan of Niagara F?U3, .),Ir - .and ?:yrs. Ronald Marriot, Mr:, and Mrs. • Ernest McCreath of G,t eri cb and Mr.. and Kr.s. Fria, Plasket of :. Stratford ; Darlene limen, daughter of Ret 1-1. ate lot's: Pilau Or Pine RiVer . ss Craig a Kitchener: -Waterloo H. FAS UCN SHOW ?sirs.•Zelb rt .W3'l,'- a,ak d }Ars. Jain Scat attended the annual: Fontan Show 'C . ues< a ° of las k ee at Mac ld Institute of.. thel �i. �'�.7ii'�T'S3�' ,�'.f i'"72+�:ct ... The fash: •c,,w whir was held in ;th,ememorial' Hill was presented ' b e .serer `;e$,r Vtl2derls 'of the degree cause .t Horne : Economics Local girl rIar cipat ng were Mary. 'et Wilio 'of .+enda. Mol rr.;ar, of wing .at •4 and Carol of .Prestm. 1A . and ,Mrt . . a.rnes Mills, Blair , and Heather Yer o' Wemoc and .Aria • E..:e er. c : aro ro ‘ sited at the wei, etre: Mr. and Mrs,,Arthur Knca d n were S: + ar t�:ests of. A. Ca be'. 1 i.':j Ali berley , . A stranger: he: jives with F : This month, 'my wife and I : .int fora house. The los will.obsertie, with the customary two 'teams, with sh situated ,incredulity, our . , .' • w'ilood enough; an wedding anniversary. It's a long Oh, no: Not 'for 'her. J time to'live with a strange woos- cause slot of other .fool an.. 'Especially ,'' whin she' .be= lived in. Daues, we had i comes sti`anite3" ;avers Year, At time of writing; • I don't know• just what form . ale "bration will take. A fatted calf wouldn't be appropriate. Be; sides,, we '.don't• `barea fatted call only a: prodigal ion. NoneY of our mortgage are anywhere . She kept Tight on .. t..� •�.:. . • ua :; all direGtio . 1' was. fool 'enough, or e>alough,:to go along with Evttwti , ' T reach plateau of .success whi :once, seemed only. a X100 a 'week. Do you 'satisfied . her? Not on ' by starting.. a neer iamila' But'limbos and in came I'll', think of •soinethinl. . bit . tbiog° that • makes • A friend of mide has an old cubes. Out went the;:nic dog Ile's a huge boxer, about it carpet sweeper- and . in ei . years of age My. 'friend `times, when he .feels like being depressed, begins figuring out how :.much • that mutt has cost him over the years. It's now running about.';1400. • I develop a flutteow Wm,* left. By this time, it was to put a :finger in the d3 sides,,' •I needed all my for counting up, our pa o, the only solution a ,:`eyelid and a twitch in.my cheek . the. 'grindstone and 1 every • time .I' flirt with the • wheel faster . and faster. thought of whatthat woman has had a' huge,: hooked'Rom cost me in riselast_ two decades. You should see it now. Tate my word, it's over $14110: • site. The fil. t couple of yeas wet= Now, I don't want Yo wet so bad.. I was _'a• veteran, . the wrong idea. Don't. t going to university, and Mir to, a moment that my part= tal income was $80 a month. we : Years is extravagent:.Sh didn't save much, but we stag•• ewe pressed for a' Ca $erred through, with the help of deessei own any mink, vacation jobs: 'When the first ' _She hasn't wi a trip to Europe. ( trip ,to Va aeouver .. this was saes* a soft .heart. � She had to see No she's not del She'll wear' a dress as twice, She's pe'rf ectly be seen in a year-old old shoes. or last `wee She didn't even .grant Brett to go •t.a private Just • have.. their teeth tend and take music 1 $I3 a whack. And I bear'no malice Use guy in the cartoo business succcetss. who . interviewer, "E 'ery0 baby . arrived, we were in clO►ver, as thegovernment jumped cur allowances, to an opulent'$. A.fter graduation, life became rester. I reeled itse thee weekly newspaper belie l , will a• tales bee 'lay of $35 a week.'Ilet eves at that, the Old GM maw aged to .mplasaler eery .cent et it S .ble tit •sw fled ani f eitare • and „simile ile hi eries.. tad. frith. About • six years 'latex, when .1 was up: to $50 a week and ootid see with satisfaction the poem bilitp of building upa time little estate, the sabotaged me again. 'Said we neededa eatr. And 'we're nem been `Ort of debt since. I owl to the seer, pre • Prom.'thiere ow,: it. was down wife ": hull all the wday. Sbe bepto IV$ beets a geb thinking • money grew on me„ priw'ilege to' spend • and as .the income mounted snipped around a 10 slowly, the debts mounted swift-. •little ringer t , a-au11 iy. It was 'Gimme, flame, comfortable in anY o' gemma" all the . way. tiQre. So,, 'NIPPY `*had+ • it, • darintw `tt►e d bex�a raar*ied abort . l D years when site began a�itat-