The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-09-21, Page 4TtIE. LUCKNOW it9ENTINE$►a :a UCKNOW. ONTARIO. • - :77."'4'1P7 � V.+, "� rn� Ar "24 xct"1- a a•1't r ammo 1101 r Y . I111,44:1q44.7411/11� • 771~4117. rA w L•••••i•••*••••••••N••w r A , } • li .a. i SALE SALE COMING EVENTS FOR SALE 35 pigs, seventy FOR SALE -- good clean baled NEW CASH BINGO. LPu s *s eat_., Lawrence MacLeod, straw.; Philip Steer, phone 528-5180. Legion Hail, Lucknow, every FOR SALE --- several GOOD re- conditioned pianos, excellent val- ues. Two apartment size pianos among group. If interested ' see Garnet Farrier, • • Whitechurch, Phone Wugitam 357-2003, , CUSTOM BUTCHERING Beef, and, pork sold,* any. guar •ity,. Custom butchering: inGovern- ment licensed .abbattoir. Pigs every Tuesday.' Beef from ' M o n: d a y through Thursday. BUTTONS 'MEAT MARKET• Thursday evening,. 8:45 p.m. 15 regular games,- $10,00 each. 4 Share .The Wealth games with jackpot included in each game.. Jackpot this. week $90 on 58 calls. HORTICULTURAL MEETING The regular monthly meeting of. the Lucknow Horticultural Society will be held in' the Town Hallon Friday,, September 23rd at 8 p.m Mr. and Mrs. John • Emerson will show pictures. BAKE SALE The . local Association of 'Girl Guides will sponsor a bake sale. on ' Wednesday, September 28th at 2- p.m. in the former Express of- fice between ..the Sentinel , and • the Mayfair Restaurant, Any dona- tions of baking you'd be apprec- iated from parents of girl : guides. or any interested party. Contact Mrs. Jim Henderson. FARM FOR SAL_,. Lot 2' Con. 9 Kinloss Township, : 'FOR SALE - • Haminermill Bruce County, 100 acres clay and forage to any size, Manure loam; g artesian well and a orag wagon aprons made to banked barnin good repair, ce-: order, 6711 chain. Little Beaver, ment :stables; S or 6 acres of Gem, .Woods , grinder • Plates- Lit good bush. A good t i I uctive farm`Ile Beaver Electric Hammermills, and all workable. • , y: W. Cecil Grain. Grinders and rollers. Congram, , R.R.• 3, . Holyrood, Out, WANTED: scrap cast iron and or • Ronald Campbell. 44 Kenneth Steel.:Lobsinger Bros.,- ,Mildmay, Ave., Toronto, Ont. Executors of:Ont. ' Hugh Leslie C'ongram Estate, REDUCED PRICES — en Bari* cups and• fencer batteries white they last, ;Win .Murdie'.and: Son, I kknowx ,Phone i5211-2908. HOUSE 'FOR SALE --- . 2 'storey 8 room home, " well situated on Ross' . St. Luckmow, large kitchen. with ' cupboards, living room and dining -room with .hardwood floors,. rglassed-in sunporch, large lot, �,for Sale oKent garage. Possession NQve'm-. SPECIAL PRICES FOR : bet' 1. For . further particul STUDENTS ars contact William 'S.'Reed, Real Estate ' ,: New and caste! typewriters:' a+d g 35?z.'Broker .Winghamphone rn duplicators and, office furniture ,ii'i stock GEORGE .MESSENGER `R, A. tAMMOND A CO. LTD, R : .. _. Mooref etd. Ph. 56/21 . Phone R.R1f:1� r • 17 ippRipleyery 1 rspressnting Smith -Roles . Ltd. ANTENNA SERVICE Free Demonstrations.. RePa rs and %n!datiht�ton, Free Comet Welders, ' Air Compressors,' • YearRound Service, etas, :.. Grinders;, .Acetylene DCS Harter, Phone 3M-3313 Boa — .. FOR SALE ,. Farrowing Crates tar fa, and Stalling augers and farm wagons. ' ART HELM W.ELDI G.'AND MACHINE.SHOP R.R. 3 Lucknow •• : Phew els %q 'TRAILERS, MOBILE HOMES Travel ''traces • and • :mobile 1big •w�e also buy far rash. Witte. Mart . fitardilTraileste; a BR : 1, Loudon, .L. fel honer' roof 467, Hanovera' Ontario. • WOOD FOR SALE " ',Hardwood or softwood slabs in .14 cord tniekkad las. ,;We deliver Bot - den. hitt . SawmU1 .. iteei- water .. MA . C1DER M:. >a � days bat . Appk . hither macby ap~ tides' : ho hid bad tor '•• sale, WA : Ap- lP and O&M jags. • ASPHALT SHINGLES Standard?, self sem. and •hrde, 15 tares- MORRt t . 2 Locker. Phone HISTORY OP *Mae Seteczent, el Hama Oy' . a laCgeors Ram ems- lam' k' : Seat el ,S> , „ avaimitile at. The Lack- Sesaftnel for $5 per cv7... Bim.FtIR14LEOR 'T- : A Lack- FOR .*SALE CLOSE DOWNTOWN, nearl new ranch. style hame wn large living.room, modern kit- chen, basement4 with. =fin- ished rec. 'room, attached gar- age, The adjoining lot has a large building, which could be `used as a ' shop or storage, All. this for only $15,000 with terms.; AWE ARE SWAMPED. with :buyers for. Dairy, Beef and gen- eral farms.: Also small 'houses :in • town. If you wish •.to sell now is the ..time to give us a call, r DCN.HOLST... Reef Estak LM. Rural, Ontario :Specialists • STAN KAY • . • Reprtesentative• - LIONEL•,THORNTON HERE Lucknow° District Lions. Club. are sponsoring a return . visit of 'Lion- el Thornton and. his Casa ' Royal Orchestra at ' a Dance at the Luck - now District.High School on Fri- day, : September '' .23rd; Dancing 9.30..._to 1; :lunch will be available from ICairshea W L members: . who will operate the' booth, ' advance sale tickets $1,25 from any Lion, regular admission,' $1 50 TEESWATER. FALL FAIR Follow the crowds to Teeswa.:r, home of Canada's. ` largest Rural" Fair on . Saturday. September.: 24th. See Canada's . finest Livestock; i 4-H; . Machinery; Rides; and.. bliss Dominion of Canada: Ontario Pro- vindai .Polite Motorcycle:. Precis- = Ride : feats two .complete. grandstand shows; Canada's 48th Ilighlanders Pipe Band and Dan- cers in attendance. See Mr. FIow- ers demonstrating' inarena with the Craft Folk. ,Eabthits on view to public Friday evening. APloor show and dance Saturday night in ares to music c ' The Deboa- a re& • • c#. '.bun. • :ac tam- dress,. Lice talk •. sleeves, ..c' , s • FM 41i -- &lag roam sae. acetic ..:g. Mama, RR 6' = t, 1411 - SEPTIC TANKS CLEWED Val= c1.3oliag mud sic ;; Umi..���yy�� m l _ Psi . f �`.�4 r amtlog . EAVM. mere Voreir., , free I ` `e RtAi' : ► �''sluiAbirer pihrme • vAmtriva tlemoset sAtEs mime seircam Ftx. 441 m — 311, r w —4r:. aalikak OApply rtkiy.. , ,. ' ' . Yee:: boom.; ': is . �, 3 aARD OF : THANKS We Irish to . expreF Our .sincere thanks zine moa to neigh - borers. and 'relatives .far -sp. beautiful fly a'1 tae spiritual bouquets and' aotic#ersioess eatepaed:.to us.. our recent bereavement in .the death et cer dean son Wilmer... Special tinmks to. Fater Caruana and min Johnstone.. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Merin and 'may R6,.47 . S2t� • Ad • We VI b express pa Sincere.. „,..nb and. appreciation to' sib- �'Lieand. Mathes for d --sz" v• Spiritual boo- ' beiru fly taxibts .and teas 1=01ness extended Its • � • , eZg NOTICES. "' r'ikett.. t �husband and beer. S,1;seme thinks' to rather CENT. Tral m.4M tat' a mmint IX dr. .3ift LEY If StgirabE" 7p.zt. tx, purpaae eimzug 3ar LIIMMTies :.r:• Ia to Sly or Smart teems' F1.»� sortirs z ; *bed rti' ram. ...:rr,.. ; . a t 46 14.E nese "ant ire itt Ile tam ?mate '". •.7 Camara zit i . „Nr.TrA 16.T and Far NOTKE £iii' '' iE REWIRING SAW). .tea► CRUSHED STONE. NEHT GRAVEL OR FILI. fir. * '. taitfact i daCINTYRE t�E $3 Phone 52#-5531 — ' Lucknow .•-•••••••a••••••••••••i REAL ESTATE FOR SAIF KINLOSS TOWNSHIP 92; acres all workable . levelclay loam 1 mile from paved road'and shop- ping. hopping.. Modern 1 storey 4 bed- room home. with • : oil, furnace, bath and .cupboards. Almost new ,'. Steel "covered barn with 16 tie-ups,balance in loose stabling. Water on pry from drilled welt 11 you are a buyer who wants a lot for. his money you will find this farm real value. 2 unit pump • and•.• line 'for milker, electric ham inermill.1500 bales of bay,; 300 bales of straw included for only $11,500. SOLD • Austin Cluley, farm, Saugeen tawashiP.. to Edward Ransom, North Bruce. ' , . CONTACT IVAN STRUTHERS PHONE KINCARDINE 375 Wilfred` Mdn'�e Bir •Co., Limited WAL KERTON" 4' Member of the Grey and BrtlCC Multiple Listings. Service List M.L,S. Over 64•Salesmen Working For You HIGHEST PRICES PAID' PHc.N 528-31 WANTED HELP WANTED -- at di 'o1 Tony Schlosser, R.R.,6 now,. 4th C011eeesion of Township fOf pay by ming . . W or bushel, Phone 17 `:r 25 • TEACHER WANTE SUPPLY TEACHER requ half days a week at L Public School. _Pications a received by y, Sep 30th. .Mrs,. -babel tieI,tick r r secretary,. Waist* P ublic� School. WANTED Housekeep edits. Live in. This.. is a ,ent position. For further ation phone Ludtnow g28-‘ write Morrison Bros, l Lucknow. . . WANTED — We are now timothy and clover seed. a sample., Lucknow• Distri • TRUCK DRIVER WAN Age 2545 years, good ' Phone ; •Ripley 185R for HELP WANTEDs for dairy" farm... Contact Messenger, R.R. 1 Ripley 16 r 9. LOCAL MAN REQ U.IR£D 1:need. a representative firm is this . area, This' may he worth up to $8,000• ly,• for ' the right person;. part-time.. Can you m into trips? We hope you soon and stay With us a to Corded new! CHARLIE L E E Wtngharri,, phon..357- LADIES • CHRISTMAS IS COM GIVING TIME' Avon. C appeals to every `membe family. Show :these •Qu its and cash in on demand.: OPENING. ltd WHITE AREA: Contact Mrs.. S. Craig; 11112 Ower Sauna or Phon Colrtci • 9 FOR DE D AND DISAISLED, COWS AMO HORSES'.' Can Ce ! NR -40, Graf Stock. Removers ., LOANS RENT MONEY FOR FALL School" cooties,car•r pro�iersie is around ti:e these wanes herr noxi Crescent has, so office t • y.up • bow much you'll ad, so.aad'pict'up your ria . Yuri .can stat .money at as little as 10 rota SON el Bir plaint w ca'rotirew C, atitsciaaso.oarr nazi lair . Fut • Cas as Luta ■let ,. A2 31.13 u 1.113 a luor*"s maze • 'al rxicit3 5041 • 30, .. 34 _,sato maomes roe : ,�.nrire —1- oaL • CRESCENT. Fl CA*AA L S AiOST int tiwew st. K NANCE "W a ertsr,y doer says 1.s. Jett ze;. WALKERT ,i Riptete re.m r r