The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-09-14, Page 13• ts� � � u'�,� M bw OEpllSpA 'SPAYS 1 XNEUICKNQW►ENTINIL UK .ONTARIO s y Don't A.iss The;. Baby Show At Lucknow Fall F�ir THIS SATURDAY JUDGING AT 3;Oq p.m. CLASS. 1 • $INGLR BABIES 'UNDER ' 6 MONTHS 'CLASSto, 12 MONTHS SINGLE:BABIES 6�. ' THS P. ' For These Events ' 1st. 3-plece silverware : set, value $4.20 2nd 2 -piece silverware set, . value '$2.75 ti 3rd 2-piecesilverware set; •value $1.75 Also Three ."Consolation. Prizes ' For Each. Class • William A' . Schmid. donor . of the prizes, will make the. pre$entations . CLASS 3.';.SINGLE BABIES 12 to 1e MONTHS Prizes of $3, $2, $1 donated by the Lucknow Agricultural • Society , (contributed) . _ It. y ' s Fair week in Lucknow, Every store is taking on the atmosphere of the Roaring,Twenties.. tostunl e••s are be.ing,made, borrowed end bought for.'the •big day, The erithusiastri_.is high, and work.' bees are ,beinheld atythe arena and grounds, whcyqur help will be used if you offer.•.' •Mrs Mcuillin viii "be in town' foi three.:days when you.Can get your entry, tickets. Your co-operation:,in the. parade ,wi11•make'it one of the best will be allowed.in:'the lain gate or'in the gate at the uth -east corner .after twelve hirty as the parade will enter the ain entrance and• leave by the ' ide. entrance Parking will -be. • O cents in the fair' grounds' and . • �5 cents on the sale'barn grounds.. ust be early andbe assured •of•,a ark.ing space, Advance sale .tickets can be had •for'65 cents and 'can be purchased from, the directors until Friday', The Hall will be ,open Friday evening when .a 50 ;cent :charge Will .be made to :everyone. Fair day, will be a busy ,one with, something for everyone:'singo, 1 i1rns,: demonstrations, Midway displays arid contests. °Just. be ;there and `make. sure you; have time to, see it all., - Saturday night the Fair, will con -• 'tinue in the . arena with Bingo, games of chance.., dancing' and the Beauty queens. Admission Satur- dayevening will be 75 cents :for. everyone into the .arena . COME.. ONE COME 'ALL TO LUCK NOW FAIR'' Seethe Parade, the Fair and have fun,:. Dress up in your best ., Roaring Twenty regalia and Join in the -fun and win a prize. Friday and Saturday, Septern.ber X16 and 17. • BIRTHS ROBINSON .- to Art netta .and Bill Robinson of Oakville, on Thurs- day, September 8:, in,Oakville Hospital, a son, Darryl, Howard. . ' HEWAT r to Mr, and Mrs; Bob Hewat, -53 Glenmore Drive ,: West; Vancouver, B. C.", on Wednesday September 7th, a daughter, Jodi Lynn, first grandchild for Mr. and Mrs, William Hewat, Elmira CARRUTHERS- at. Goderich Hospit- al on Tuesday, September' 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Carruthers of Goderich, a son, Andrew 'Lockhart, a brother for John., David and Julia. Father; Now i want to put a little scientific question to your, my .son.. When the kettle boils, what does the steam•come 'out of thespout for? . Sons • So'that mother can; open your letters before` you get.them l YOUNGEST IN CANADA BruceCOuntyJr... Pipe .Band At 0 Fair On Saturday. Bruce County Junior Pipe '.Band,, whose pictureappearselsewhere in this,issue, •will appear .at`,the Lucknow.: Fall Fair this Saturday, The• following information about, th'is•band is of particular interest. • The truce County Junior .Pipe Band was organized in July of 1963 and at that tirne•lessons commenc- ed. ;Piping is under the.direction 0 of Piper Bill McLeod.of Kincard- ine and, drumming is' taught by leading side drummer Mac Webst 4r; Kincardine and formerly of , .Lucknow The children range in age from; 7 to 16 years. They have entered competitionsai Niagara 'Fills; Fergus., Dutton, Ernbro, taki g a 4th; two 2nds 'and,'placing .first - this year at Dutton and Fergus, , winning the Carling Trophy . at both.places . Ther Bruce; County band is the first 'Pipe Band 'to be :named after` .the County of -Bruce and s bel- ieved to be` the youngest Pipe Band :in Canada. , • They, alsomade appearances in Grey County along. with County •of. Bruce appearances. They will' appear at Expo 67 in Montreal on • August7and 8of1967. • ee oisamornanowwwwwwwwwwIlmis WESTERN 0 SECONDARY SCI QUEEN WILL BE CHOSEN 'AT Lucknow Fair .THIS .SA TURDAY\:SEPTEM BER.,17 TH • Nine, strict High Schools_` Wild -Enter .A Co�'testant. Wf�o WiIL' Spend The Day �n Lucknow ' Wii� hAiss .Dominion Of `Eanada MISS DOMINION OF CANADA THS QUEEN WILL BE CHOSEN AT 10 P.M. THAT EVENING BY A: QUALIFIED PANEL OF JUDGES SCHOOLS; PARTICIPATING ARE WINGHAM L1STOWBL: - ttIPLEY. LUCKNO'W' - . PALMERSTON KINCARDINE .- CLINTON WALKERTON SACRED HEART WALKERTON DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL ..;"• ' fes".• "''L. �}"r:,'1g1..: r' 0•- • r