The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-09-14, Page 11_• vit,}1•s. e' .rhe L.Ction' Life. viith a even ANADA, loured ening :d Maclntyre la events ! Mrs. ..8. nd Mrs. Ott • sold 'their f;'the corm.: Jankowski a ?ole larnp oizchie Were `larr�""ps, r of Kin., w•ith,Mr. and' end Lynn. 't G.uikema w tth relatives 1av,on and tr'. Frank i. iced recei>ilj iiliarn Clay. e It e ►t . d WWRMBSIxAY • u,ii 14'. 1401 Olivet U}G 111/, 'The Olivet met on Thur- day evening'at'the house of .Mrs,, ad( McGuire; Mrs,- lvlccuire pre- ided for the, worship service,, open. ng 'with : poem on Harvest.' ,Mrs. Valter Dexter read the Scripture Ind.medttation, ,also conducted a lible quiz, Mrs. Gary Hoffman ' ead a poertt "The Kindly Why" Ind Mrs, Ray Hamilton read "Those • ;rout Seats" Mrs. Gerald Coiling eviewed a chapter of the study ,00k..Mrs, John MacCharles sang solo accompanied by Mrs, Sandy: 4acChar.les, Mrs: Ray Hamilton, IS suppy secretaryApoke con'"The 1•aae,of a.,Bale". M. .Water Black,; ave a reading "The bread is from: ;od+ 'Black,then took charge of he'business'after•which lunch was• erved including a beautful birch lay cake 'in honour of ncy iticGuire's nineth birthday. Mrs.. lerb Clayton thanked the hostess ind her committee and. welcomed • he guest's • Blokes UCW Blakes C. U.C.W.' held,their Sept- ember meeting on .Tuesday even - September 6th, at the home of Mrs: John Plaster. Mrs. Cliff Kilpatrick was. in charge of the program .andopened the meeting with the.call 'to worship and pray- er Mo. Jerry Cranston gave the scripture lesson and Mrs, ..Cliff Kilpatrick the-meditation.:Hyrnn, 413; wasread in unison followed. • by a short prayer. Mrs. ,Kaiser., - • herald for September gave a very !.interesting reading. Mr's: Warren Zinn gave,the study Gook: on Bra'zi1.' The secretary's report was given and the roll call'was answered by, a verse with the word. harvest, .12 members and` one', visitor were present.- The treasur- er's report was given and a hymn was sung,. Mr; ':Kaiser closed the meetiing..with. 'prayer' and lunch: was served by Mrs. 'Joon Plaster. and Mrs: 'Wrr. Andrew. . r�.,r--r r:...r.w►.. •++'''. ,_ itf KAF' M.iIg,..., + iwA../�K • THE i UCKNOW LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Unfit 3 .Luckr,o.. :UCW Unit 3 .of the U. C, W, •held their September meeting at the<horne°of Mrs. Art Br.eckles with an attend- ance of 16 and 4 visitors.. Roll call was answered with a Memory Verse from schooldays.' Mrs, Lloyd lienderson , social ctiivener, made plans for serving at the banquet for the W.I. con- vention. Mrs. Ross Shiells dealt with Chapter 13 of theS•tudy Book "The gospel of a New World". Aninteresting discussion•period followed , ' - Recordings. from the Presbyterian' Young .People in Toronto were en- joyed.. contest. was' conducted by Mrs. Spr.otile and••the meeting closed with Mizpah benediction: nit 5 Ltickhow : UCW The :September meeting was . eld arthe home of Mrs. J.ar»es acTavish with 18 members and visitors• present. _ Mrs.., Jack Mc Kim was convenor and conducted,: he, devotional period. -She, had prepared verses •of scripture.per- a.ining toviewing ourselves hrough God's eyes: 'These were ttached ked" to'the backs of ` sinall .• ., irrors.and read by several meni-• rs.' .. . 'Thetopic - "God in the Church': as: prepared by Mrs;'. Harvey Web ter: and : most ;capably given by• rs. Jim MacTavish. A -Skit 0 'Love or Duty" was presented 'y five ladies Mrs. Jim Boyle, rs,. 13pb Struthers., Mrs. Gordon: hooks, .Mrs-. Harold.Greer, Mrs. ack Treleaven'. All took,, their, arts well. Mrs.. Robert ,Campbell conducted e,business aid reports. ,Mrs.. Wm. olt reported on food, needed for .1. ,meals.: Mrs•,, Jim' Boyle said e bale was packed•' and '• shipped ` st June,• Mrs. Elwin Hall • gave a ading on Christian Stewar` ip nd M rsJack'Treleaven r an , tele on Citizenship to the effect. at•the. average citizen may not lways' know' what•`is the• wise dec ion for government leaders to aka but it is part.of his res ons- iiity to see that the .government mains answerable to the people: Following a hyrnti and bee edict- gin,, the meeting closed and lunch as served by the committee in • arge. Area People At Specia! Service The twenty-second General Council of th&United .Church of Canada held a service of Thank- giving and Dedication in the Kit- chener Memorial Auditorium on Sunday evening, September 11. , • . when an estimated audience of over five thousand' gathered 'for .worship, Song leader and choir director, • William, White of Toronto conduc- ted a sing -song, .featuring Negro. spirituals, before the service. The trumpet fan fare was•under the direction of George Zieglar. Miss Louise Germann was ,organist for. the singing of. familiar hymns including, Praise my.Soul the King; of Heaven, .God.of Grace, and Glory , , Faith , of oiitr Fathers, and How `/Film a Foundation;.:Seat•' ed on the platform were the Rt.. Rev:: W. Lockhart., Moderator of , the.22nd General Council, Rev, , •D.r C.A. Lawson, Timothy Eaton Memorial Church., Toronto', Rev. Dr: J., MacMillan,' President:. of Hamilton Conference, Rev. Dr. P. Morgan'andRev .,Dr. E. Long'of Toronto. ' In the prayer of Thanksgiving, deep gratitude wa.s. expressed for the overwhelming vote favouring ' union with .the ,Anglican ,Church .' given •by the General Council. at Saturday session. • The guest. speaker, Rev. Dr.. ' C.A.'Lawson:,.spoke on the.• theme "Let's .Have a Revival". 'The, first step in a 'true' revival is personal commitment Which in- volves sincere belief in Jesus,' not just about' Jesus. Our°most deadly .national disease is not cancer or thrombosis but weaken- ing of the back bone and for our yeuth.'the false standard of ,'having' not.'•being', ; ' , The .key word of our time`is 'revolt' but to bring:about 'good, 'revolt must be • creative .. The results. of the Wesleyan revivals in trigland, were reforms in child labour laws, prison conditions'. and 'a 'marked •uplift 'in .the: moral Pot Luck Supper Unit'44 field -their' meeting Sept ember 6 in the Church` basement having a pot luck at 7 o'clock, Mrs.. Montgomery welcomed 18 members and 2 visitors: Margaret Rae was .in charge of the program, • Devotional period. was taken by the 'cottrimittee Mrs. Roy:Havens , Mrs; Lloyd Ashton and' Margaret Rae`. Mrs, H. Houston showed slides: • on England, Ireland Ireland and Scotland *re re thoroughly enjoyed., Mrs 'Cummingeplayed': two musi cal;numbers,•which were Irish and • suited -the .occasion • Business'of.the meeting was con-,. •.ducted by Mrs. Montgomery; A smallauction was held from which was realized $17.05 ...Mrs. •M . Greer wasto start a travelling basket.:'All help and food, was settled for the 'meals served to the W .I.. women foi the convention. • The meeting was closed by a hymn and the mizpah :benediction:. r n • , kn `�r• • resb ie id . Luc o .. P, y The .Afternoon Auxiliary of the Lucknow Pfesbyteria;z met in the. Church' on Wednesday; September.7th at 3:15, p.m: Mrs, • M..'Henderson .was in; the chair. She opened with,the•readin.g in unison :of Psa.lin :103'.followed with. 'prayer. The:B.itle Study w'as given. by Mrs.' H. Nixon, 6The'Prayer ; Circle was••tak.en by Mrs. '.W W. Sim- pson and Mrs. S. Jamieson. .A hymn. was sung, after which the minutes of the last meeting • were read by Mass. N . Malcolm . • ,Business:consisted of the 'finding of a speaker for, the Thank Offer'- :ing, and Mrs. H "Agnew• request- ed all monies or clothing for the bale be sent in as soon as possible, The -Roll Call was then taken,.. which :was answered by repeating a scriptural verse found.in the Book of Hosea Mrs: Ken Chester gave .a Read- ing on' "Time out to Renew" and Mrs`. J. Little followed with the Topic '-namely "Co -Builders" and "Watchmen of the City'' tak- en, from. passages of . Scriptur'e written at different :tinies,:and found in Books.of Isaiah 58:!1-12. A mos 5'': 21-24 and'rererniah 1: 17 - 19. Te slum up'; social action f in gospel • s roofedthe mutbe p Jesus Christ and it is the respon sibility of the church to witness to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, over all of life even those in Government to order their 'affairs in accordahce to His Will, so than .• justice may be done. We must as professing, Christians live our faith that 'others may be helped: A hymn was sung and prayer by Mrs;. E. Johnstone closed the meeting. and spiritual life of the :people. Revival brings hope of salvation. and also the truth that the .cause of Christ demands,sacrifice`. , Those attending the service frorri :Lucknow were choir members, Mrs. Gordon. Montgomery, Linda Boyle ; :Margaret Rae, Eleanor; Whitby, Cheryi'McClenaghan, Rev: G.' Kaiser, Rev., L.. and Mrs.' Stirling, Hazel and Ada Webster, .: Kelso MacNay, Gordon and Melvin Morrison. ' Gift For Each Din, First Communion • Eleven members'attended the C.'W.L. monthly meeting on Sept- ember 7, 1966; held in the St.. Augustine.. rectory. After openig , ,prayers, led by the' President, Mrs. C', Boyle, the Recording Secretary, Mrs. , R . Boyle, read the minutes of the last meeting. Thank you notes were received•' from the former Joan'.Devereaux, Mra. Audrey Carver and Mrs. Gordon Foran. Mrs. Gus Redmond,, the treasurer said $42.25 was real- ized from the bake salei Mrs. Wm. Kinahan reported that 27 Members were now on the Roll Call. A reading by Mrs. R. Boyle follow ed .. The. C. W.. L. is giving a present to each child who receives first' • Holy Communion. 'Those who have received their First Communion are; Bernard Boyle, Eddy Franken, Wilma• VanAaken, Gordon' Kina- Lan, Colin Chisholm and Virginia Chisholm.,' • • The meeting, closed with prayer and lunch was served by hostesses • Mrs. Mylis St. Marie -and Mrs. Leonard Chisholm. PAGE iLIVIN. PwrwrmExr waver FEMALE HELP .REQUIRED A LIGHT MANUFACTURING *INDUSTRY' HAS INDICATED AN INTEREST 1N .LOCAY'ING IN. KINCARDINE DEPENDING • ON THE AVAILABILITY, OF FEMALE LABOUR, Any women in this area who might be: interested' in .light manufacturing work, please advise . , Kiaeardine .IndustriaE Commission BOX 299 TELEPHONE 39 KINCARDINE By Friday Of:This Week pisa survey and in no v� obligates the person showirn interest: Huron. Crop Report.. Damp weather continues to de- lay the completion of cereal grain `harvesting in Huron County., Many farmers have now' finished and a - few .•fine days would, allow for. total 'completion.. Pastures are' producing consider-. able feed and beef :cattle are gain. ' ing particularily well at this time. ,Fall plowing is the order of the day and the:.bean harvest will.• commence, at full speed when the weather becomes more favourable Mrs. Ross Shiells Is -Guest Speaker Langside The Ladies of.the ,,Langside W.M S. met at the home of Mrs. George' Colon on Monday.; September 12 at 2 o'clock. The :call: to Worship was given by the President followed with every-. one repeating the ,W W. M. S. Purpose;' The scripture reading was read by Mrs. George Young followed with prayer by Mrs.' Gordon Wall. Med- itation was capably given by Mrs. • Watt. Plans for the dinner held at the church on September. 20 were dis- cussed. The rollcall was answered by.:8 Members and, l,home helper. • •.A reading ,"Sharing in Canadian Missions" was :given by Mrs. •Con len, The meeting, was closed with The September meeting of Zion. prayer by Mrs. Wes Young.: Lunch U.C.W. was held at the home of .' was served by Mrs. Conlon after Mrs.• Marsh Gibson on September which the Pfesident thanked Mrs. 8th-.. The meeting:epened with a. • 'Young and 'Mrs, Orr for preparing . hymn followed by repeating the the program and .Mrs. Conlon for Lord's Prayer in unison,. The rollhaving the .meeting. ' 'call ' was answered .by naming a Parable:; and ,also handing' in an; ; item. for the .Bazaar: The Devotional 'Period was taken by Mrs. • Robt.:Helm based' on the'. 23rd Psalm.: The Bible Study based on the Parables was conducted by Mrs:Chas:' Wilkins:.. A reading , ,taken from . "Dean McLeod's" Book' of poems was' given by Mrs. Gordon Kirkland. Mrs, Ritchie then introduced'the guest, speaker Mrs. Ross Shiells,, who gave, a very interesting account of their recent trip to, the British Isles. During the•business period., ,Mrs. John Gardner and Mrs. 'Lloyd • Hunter, .along with the President and the Treasurer, were appointed. to the Finance Committee.. In the absence of the treasurer, :Mrs.. Doug Raynard 'gave the treasurer's report. Mrs. GordonKirkland re - Kited on the articles required for ollr Fall Supply work, and Mrs. Kirkland and Mrs. D',A,- Hackett • are to see about the necessary ' articles needed; Mrs. Wesley Ritchie inquired about the quilting of the.relieff quilt,, and it was plan- ned to have a quilting at her home on Thursday, September 22nd.. Mrs. Doug Raynard•, reported on the visits made during the month. e gThe President had .word: requesting Zion ladies to take part in the, Fall 'Regional .Meeting at 'Nile in October, Mrs.. Wm:.• Hunter read a thank -you note from. Mrs, Doug' 'Raytard . • Mrs, Kaiser closedthe meeting with prayer. Lunch was served' by the hostess Mrs.' D.A. Hackett and Mrs. Raynard . Macieods Take. Note - The. following article appeared• in -last week's Kincardine News •and Goldie Buckingham suggests that perhaps the Sentinel might be able to help out. The News ,Says . It's been quite a: week 'and just when you. get to the point of • thinking that you can afford to enjoy Saturday as a hold.ay some One drops in and says,"My name is. MacLeod -- I'm only here for adhour -- 'wonder -if you would know of any MacLeod's as I had ' a, relative who came : here many years ago.' Well, the News has had prob- lems to solve before and perhaps, . the Lucknow Sentinel might have a few MacLeod'swho could help out. • The' gentleman visiting the News. was Mr, `Charles John (Miles; MacLeod whose ancestors Came from Asynt, Scotland. Angus, grandfather of Charles MacLeod settled in Cape Breton Island, while a brother, whose name is not known, came to Kincardine/ If you.have any inforrnation.you can write to Mr. C, J, MacLeod at .311 Sheridan Street, Brantford - he'll be glad •to hear from you • and perhaps you'll find's new rel- ative. el-ative. . But to, trace down all the Mac- Leod's in one hour? �,s...... ,..,. ,..• w,,.. _: • P. 144.• •:t2, .—...irr 4442.. wna,...111271111.11 ..1irw1m,V ci v+' 4A ',ti•,. "Ir�!•re..'�,. s y' 1111.11 •:r 771,19 a