The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-09-14, Page 10• ,(Olivet stews •, Mrs,, Willilsrn Hooey, the grand • on old lady the fourth., celebrated her ninety third birthday last weak, . Walter Dexter was soloist in Olivet United Church on: Sunday. Sharon 'Coiling was. organist. Mr. and Mrs,. Gerald Coiling attended the Western Fair in Lon - "don on Saturday. • Donnie Casler of Mitchell. visit- ed with relatives at. Olivet on Sun - nay. Mr. and Mrs.Robert Osborne 'and girls visited 'with relatives in Tor- onto on' Sunday, Mr..and Duncan. McCallum and family of Hanover spent the day with Mrs, Elmer Osborne. CRA EVANS. In a double -icing exchange of vows in North' Street United, Church, God erich , August 20, Lynda' Maureen Crawford, daughter. of Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Crawford, Goderich,,was • • united. in marriage to Douglas Ar- thur Evans. son of•Mr and ,Mrs; Thomas. Evans, Stratford. The ceremony was performed by, Rev.. 1. Donald MacDonald and organist was' Lance Reed. Miss Margaret Ann Nicholson, Brussels,' sang "The Lord's. Prayer" and "Wed- ding Prayer." The bride; given in marriage by her father, chose a floor -length gown of white peau: de'sole, styled with. A-line skirt; fingertip sleeves ' and a fitted 'empire. waistline which was accented with guipure lace. Matching late was appliqued on. the. train, which fell from the' waist. A wedding band.headpiece held her shoulder length bouffant' veil. She. carried a descent bou- quet; of yellow gloria .roses, steph- anotis and ivy Maid of: honor was Miss Neta Sheri wood London, and'bridesmaids: were:' Mrs. Joan Avis, Stratford; Miss Madelaine. Crawford, Toronto and Mrs. Dianne Gorstine , Strat- ford, au'. of�the bride. They were gowned alike in sleeveless, floor -length gowns of emerald green WFORD brocade on royal blue, styled with a fitted, empire waistlineand grace ful .A -line skirt. Matching headpie- ces of: tiered bands trimmed with a large bow completed their 'costumes •They carried crescents of yellow shasta daisies. ;William Brown, Stratford, was : • best min and William Posliff', Bud Funnell and Jack Kydd ..all of Stratford ushered ...• For a reception at the Maitland" Country Cluband dinner, at Harbour lite Inn,.: the, bride's mother receiv: ed, wearing a cocktail length; dress of French blue imported silk chiff- on', matching accessories and cor- sage of pink roses. The ,groom's • mother chose a brown matelasse crepe dress with matching access- cries and• c cesage' of .talisman .roses.. For a honeymoon spent at 1 -lone) Harbour and northern points; the bride donned an emerald green • sleeveless dress with : matching A- line coat with three-quarter sleev- es, black accessories and corsage of :yellow roses;. They will reside at 383 ,Ontario Street, ,Stratford. Prior to her ;marriage, the bide was ,entertained. by friends, "neigh- . bouts and relations at showers. in Goderich , Luckoo . °, 'Carlos.^' and. Stratford.• When you see a' school bus. with red lights flashing, -- STOP., • Whether you are approaching the bus from the front or overtaking it from the rear, the flashing red lights mean, you must ,stop. Yon. must:stay stopped as long as the red lights are flashing. ' For some time now , motorists have been requiredto stop BEHIND the school bus when it is stopped on the highway with ted signal lights flashing ori.the back.:, new law, effective September 1, requires motorists. approaching 'from the, front to:stop .as well . This law applies to all:.m,ototisti except those approaching; from the front on a highway with separate roadways , "The purpose of this new•law, stopping. traffic in.both:directions•, is to allow :children time to cross the highway. after they get off the bus," aid Honourable Irwin Hask- ett, 'Ontario's Minister of Trans- port,• ''1. urge.. all :parents. and, 'teachers'to instruct children to act ;with caution when getting on or off a school bus,.. The law 'says ;.Motorists must stop, - but children should still make doubly sure they, have so before crossing the road." Drivers who fail to stop whenre guired to do so are liable to fines of up to :SSC. for the first, Offence, 110,C. for a second offence and ,S2._Z. fa a third offence. There is ai,o a" Penalty. of four demerit ilar fix each offence: . .or duch ac Yes,ithough• my ', ,t. incredible it a. sectp this, l' ° girl will be -out in the World in no tune, w iith a home and family 'of • her own, . Meanwhile .rthe not only has her father's love but his, protection as well . financial protection through' Sun Life that she can. `count on : to. provide her with a good education and the better things in life even if her father should die at a young age. I'm associated with. Sun Life' of Canada, the Company with the policy :hats right 14r .you and your Why not call" me today? R.R. '2 Lareknow . „. Phone Win ham* 3$7-x987 SUN' LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY .OF CANAD .86 persons gathered at:Seaforth• Lions Park;' Sunday September 4. 1966 to hold the second re -union. of the descendants°of William Henry Swan•aftd his wife Harriett` Diane Parker.; Relatives: came from Kincardine Luckrtrow.,.'Clinton , Wingham St ratford, Kitchener,• Toronto, Act= ion. Ancaster,'Exeter, Gilt" and , London.. It was 'a very successful 'outing. The .youngest in attendance was Jodi Swan, daugher of Mr. and Mrs.."Robert Swan of:R:R..#5, , • Kincardine, Oldest 'couple .was .Mr`. and : Mrs, Roy Henry of Stratford: Farthest.. away was Mr and Mrs: .`Norman Buckingham, Toronto.: CoUplesH�n.our: At Socal. Evenin (Olivet. News). Mr.' and Mrs. Donald Macl entertained on Saturk, eve in honour` of Mr.. and Mrs. Jankowski and Mr. and ,Mrs. ie Who have recently. sold th farms' and are leavinI;•the sc unity.. Mt: and Mrs': lankow were presented with aole 1 while Mr.. and :Mrs. Pi chile given a pair of table lan ps, Mrs: 'intim: PolloCe. of 'i< #n:e.,spent a few days wit. Mrs.' Herb Clayton and L4nr Mr. and Mrs.'Gecrt r5.1iike visited on ;Thursday .k ith rel in Mount Brydges . • Mr and Mrs. Hest ( 1ay.o Lynn and Mr and Mr• . rrat Scott and Michael r with :Mr.' and.Mr.s,: u1iarrr ton of Thamesville. . - C `rags lar o . t this .a qty to Sel 'M Midget tVIM wpm Sil=iity a�& a bus $fam Part Perryyt:nere they p &-seanal game -t12 series wththe=ere 15-S mMIT- = cif IT-r.c? Be za e..•They w � no= • meet 'Ta*-{ O.A,S.A.n lks Max: Seep+ 1)47. rz. Sunday w - ami. IMPORTANT CHANGES IN THE ONTARIO HIGHWAY TRAFFIC ACT STOP BOTH WAYS FOR SCHOOL BUSES SIGNAL LANE CHANGES 'When. a sewool bus is stowed', and its .red 'lights are • flasihing, a rrD rrtst ap; ra c ung the school bus from they • i , or cfverk,,rtg t f the rear, must stop and roust tiara-' stopped unci' the red signal lights on the . bus ar'e.nt /zinger ,EFFECTIVE CLEAR YIEal► The as rz tJe"ld and the srzndows on either side of the saw rust aft adear' view of the roadway and vehicles a+tead and tc the s~des.. The rear window must mord e Clear wet* the roadway and vehicles behind, e e s a* s /ae re3rr 1. e'ar mirror Which does .�Jtrthz clear deer. t:FFECTTVE OCTOBER 1, 1966. When changing lanes, .you. must signal such Change. EFFECTIVE NOW. COMMERCIAL VEHICLE. LOADS The gross weight pf a trailer, other. than a semi or pole trailer shall not exceed 32,000 pounds; and the weight ' ' on one:axle shall not 18,000 pounds;. and if:the . axles are less than 8 feet apart, the weight shall not. exceed 14,000 pounds. EFFECTIVE NOW. All loads on trucks must be secured, covered or loaded in, such a manner that no part 01 the roadmay become dislodged. EFFECTIVENOW. . ' PEDESTRIANS A pedestrian walking along' a highway must walk facin, the postrasiblffic eand.asEFFECTIVcloseE toNtheOW:left hand edge of the rba' A. Oarsar alttk,:r drrre'es a ' .4st tr arehtcie as d causes into rake asp a 7l Co se aks an offence. • iTaLRINATIOPiAL DYIIG.•PERMIT w : Stry� rton tde�: who is the holder oft an.'®°tm►..� N�'AR! 0 ltaron� ter -rte, berate a ice " �J1 DEPARTMENT OF a nnui Q:R g � cele e -r "` :; +r ?►t�Dlt9r'- h Vn 'g,3 +. Hon. Irwin Haskett eMi'nister