The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-09-07, Page 15Geo. fits, rnshy. Utes, rallacf .,3ce with Nicc. and d, a pre7. Lite. pres, e - of • • . deo- Sny. Ayr eek intsby t . e. OB BE DE .0010 'NIMNESPAYr POWER • PER NOI Home e -XL -1.70 Mu AC Is • dir . THE i.IJCKNOW ININTINIECKNOW, ONTARIO Miler angina slisPlicement —new design— more power only 14w lbs.!. The XL -700 cuts ,15" hardwood In 12 seconds— 16 softviood In 11 seconds, —fells trees uplo•S'.In diameter! • Double fuel and oil Opacity. AH the famous Homelite professional features, too straightbars to W, plunge-ctit • bow, chairing and utility bars. See it — try It — buy . 1,8 bar and chain • " :01/11/711 So light you can balance it on one hand. RON STANLEY FARM. SUPPLIES' Bervie, Ontario TEL: 2499 BERVIE LUCKN FALL FAIR • There is a place 111 Bruce60unqr , .1 think. you all know...... In a• good farming district,. sure they call it LuCknow. , The 'stock . are all fat. the thin .pnes ate rare •. • In the fall.of the year. they are. • shown It the" fair. There are horses and cattle,the- re are pigsind titer's sheep ,. So ioad up.yOur trucks, come out and compete; .. • 'The hall will be filled with exhibits galore • .• • But as the old saying ries, there `. is.a44ays room. for Some 'More. There's Oita •and there Is barleY, there is wheat and there is cOrn, priie you. Will get, just iSsure • a,s you're born!. The wortsen!s handicraft Will be ihowri., :all arranged in a line ' •Veryfine work Of artistic de- sign. The ladies 'will be busY, but • . they never of:MIN/tut • So let us hope for a fine day and that •we may not get Fain, . The bands will be playing; • muSic so tine, • • . , .With floats and Parades, so be there on time'. • Thereis every attraction 1 think there can be; • • With.bootlis 'on the grolindaand the midway to'see: •• . bur program Will be good, the best can be found, • Some, eloquent speakers. all rnen of 'renown.' •• •, • , School marnis will be there, with their scholars parading. With a capable look/and one of persuading. Miss Canada will be there. I have heard inadvance, Vi.h beauty afl charm ..our ,fair. to enhande; . • The fair will be opened in a ignified way •• hree Cheers to our fair -board, surely.rnust say. here will be everything there,w hink that appeals. •• ith ,a.danee.in the evening to' ick up ,your heels. • ane one and come all, make bis fair one to remember, eep the date iifyour notia,,, the 7th of Septernbet. JOHN EMERSON • tr Family Dinner On 43rd Anniversary (Amberley News) Mr.,and Mrs: Arthur .Messenger of the fourth concession of Huron. Celebrated their foity-thitd.wedd- .ing anniversary on Thuraday, Sept- ember the first. A family dinner was held at -the Bruce Inn, Kincar- dine in honoui of OF happy ocas:t • • ion: Congratulations are eictended to thern.by their many friends:, ' and neighbors in the community. • Mr. and Mrs. Jack Einmerton and •Miss 'Betty EminertOn visited • with Mr: andMrs, Ed Courtney of Kilworthyson hokSndayand Tues- day of last week. , • WORKINGIN WEST • ' Motoring'1/4to.SaskatCheyan last • week were ,Fred •FiendersOn. ay,Ferguaon. Kenneth Farrell and. Gary Courtney. Word received from them states that they were .hired on farms:in the same local-. ity.' •• • -• • . • At Pine River. United Church on Sunday, Mrs, Wallace Poll�ck of Ripley was :guest -soloist. ,,The organist Mr. Lynn Lowry was accompanist:. The congregatiiiin , Was happy: to have Rev.. Harold Pillen.back in the, pulplt. ' • • Mrs. Guest Collins of Kincardine visited with her sister .Mrs. Art Courtney. of Amberley last week.. Chester Campbell, •WilliaM Fer- guson. and Mr, and Mrs. Leonard: Irwin attended the funeral of the late Bruce Cameron of Detroit. Mr. iCameron.has been a reSident of • Amberley Beach for a ,number of yeati. Sympathy is extended to the. members of his family: • Paul Farrell,.•Elliott Lowry and "David Courtney attended Tomtit() Exhibition last week. They also Visited at Peterborough, Graven - burst and other points ofinterest. Sunday guests. with Mr and Mrs • Walter Brown of .Amberley were •• Mr. and Mrs. Bert MdCreath and daughter .Mi. and Mrs.. Ernie Young of Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Mariott of Salford, Mr .. and Ivirs, Eldon Bradley, Phyliss and John and Miss Sandra McLenn- an of LOndon. Mr. and Mrs 'Tom Bell and fam- ily of Toronto visited With •Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Campbell of A mberley. a . - • •-t Trip:Tolast.Coast (Purple GroveNews) Misses Nancy Elliott, Sharon Stanley, Elaine Hodgins and Bar- bara Murrayinotored to the East Coast recently where they enjoyed touring, the Maritimes. The girIS took two weeks for their trip and • damped out along the way. Purple Grove W.I. were guests of the'Holyrood WoinerVi Institute on Thursday evening. Those att- ending from here were MissEva Culbert, Mrs, William Arnold, Miss Ada Gawley, Mrs. George' Harkness and Eida , Miss Valerie Gilliei and Mrs. Don McCosh. Miss Gladys. GaWley of Toronto spent Friday night at her honk here.. • • , Misses Margaret Robertson and. • " • •Annie \McLeod Of Lucknow'Spent a-few-clays:with. Mr. and Mrs. • • Don Robertson. • MOVED TO, KITCHENER ' • • Folks from thiadistrict wW miss the Curries who leftOn Saturday for their new home in.Kitehener. Frank has been employed there • for some time. • . Ronnie Dore of Teeswater and. ••DaVici Campbell of London 'spent "the past, two weeks With, Bob .Emer- BruCe.Colwell of Kinloss returned • home from the west last week. Due to the.•railroad strike, Bruce found itneeessary to return home ' by, plane. •• • . . Mr; and Mrs. Francis Doyle, Bryan, BOnnie, • Kerry and Heather spent four, days in Northern Ontario yherethey :yisited,with Iren0s. • • : ' • TO TAKE TRIP wEsT. and. Mrs Don McCosh leave • for the westonFriday where they • • wi1 join: Maryanne. :They: plan. to '. beaway two weeks. •.• • The Bell 'Picnic ;was' held in: Losi7 • .don ortStinday and those :attend- • Mg froni this district were Mr'.. And Mrs.' GOrdon•PattersOn, 'Mr:f ! • and Mrs.., Burton ColliriSand fam- 141.. George EMersOn and Bob, Mrs.. Andrew. Pattetton, Mrs.. John Bell, Mr. „and Mrs.: Ross . • Shiells and.Maty.Ellert of Luck - now 'and Ronnie Dore. Misses Catolyn. and. Janet Forster•• of .TorOnto and Bob: of Barrie spent the weekend at their home- here. Mr: and Mrs'. Don DOre.and family were Sunday visitors with Mr and. Mrs. Claude Dore Jr. and boys at Teeswater. ...• • Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mts. Don :McCosh ;and Dick • were Mr. and Mrs. Ardill' Mason, • Mr. and Mrs. Currie'Folwell, • and 'Mrs. Frank Colvfell,, Mr. and Mrs,' Walter Forster ;Jamie and • . • Cath* and .Miss Nancy Elliott. • ,.•VisitorSon Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Francis•Boyle and family, • were Mr....and•Mrs: :Don McTavish and Mr. and WS. Jim Needham and their families. ' • Weekend 'guests with..Mr. and .. Mrs. Earl Elliott, and family were Mr, and Mrs. Jack Elliott of Tor-, onto and John and' Paul Elliott Of 'Ferndale:, Michigan.. Mr. and, • Mrs • Ezra. Stanley of. Kinloss also visited the Elliotts on Saturday evening:.. • •• Mr. and Mrs: .Boli'McClure,and Bradley of Toronto spent a week • with Mr.. and A s. 'qordon7McDon- :aid and g •he visitors with theMcDon ds e ntly were . Mr. and Mts. Fred Gilchrist of the fourth. : Miss Cod and Kevin Boyle. spent a few days with their grand- mother Mrs. 'Ed Farrell.. • ' • Carl and Delbert Dore spent some time with their grandparents* in Bervie, Mr. 'and Mrs. Claude Dore • PAG' FIFTEEN A . ...R0i.s.treington Was:W...1 'Speaker. .9T. HELENS WOMEN6 INSTITUTE The St. Helens Women'40 Institute meeting:was held Thursday evening SepteMber ist in the Hall with a good .attendance and ws..Harold, Gaunt presiding. • • • The roll call was, Sing, .Say.vo. • Pay. , • Duringthe business period it was announced that the shOrt course in the spring March 16 and 17th would be copper tooling. It was moved that VW, be donated towards the Unesco Project, Mrs, Ross Gammie and Mrs. Ernest Gaunt were•appoin, ted.dekgates to the Fall Rally .at Aubutn, OCtober '3rd All the mem bets were asked to bring.One dozen cookiesfor lunch for the Huron' County Historicarmeeting to be • held September 19th in the Instit7 • ute Hall.. A committee of Mr5. Harold Gaunt, ,Mrs, Elwood Barb- . onr and: Mrs Ross garnriiie areto help'set up the display :for the ' Lucknow Fall' fair, Anyone having - any crafts are asked to bring them • to the.next meeting. • Ross 'Ellington was guest speaker: He spoke on. the,"Changing trend .• in Education", 'He was introduced by Mrs, Lloyd Hunter and thanked • by Mrs, Harold Paunt.:. Current. ' events were given by Mrs, Lorne Woods; Vera MacDonald favoured ' ,with a piano:instrumental, Mrs, , Charles McDonald conducted soap contest; A successfttl,sale of candy was held. The committee in charge of lunch was Mrs Angus • MacDOnald, Mrs, Charles McDon- ald and Mrs.. John Pritchard. our CO•OP* Free Home Heating Service Plan covers: Annual clean out and free inspection of your furnace; furnace smoke pipe, chimney base, burner and tank, plus 24•Itour emergency calls. ‘..-14 At The Co-op For Information Or An. Estimate • .00 A New 011 Furnace At No Obligation • NOW / • For dependable home heating all winter long 68//: Lucknow District Co coop PHONE $211-2125 • ,Horne Heating Service. *Rely rePeid Trade 1ark ••• istorm••••• Mel 'IA. Mk' Mill • •• • , ITO" . , 1 1 1. • • • 1 • 4 4. • •