The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-08-17, Page 311, Vivra en • dog -Taw *r h CE rime EDNESDAY, AUGUST 170 10116 m . THE 1.UCKNOW 1ENTINEL, LUCKNOt , ONTAI410 LOCAL and GENE+ SHOP HEREJ VOUU SAVE MORE! Purex Tissue WHITE OR .COL., Z PLY, SAVE ac, ROLLS Corn .Flakes . . KELLOGG'S, SAVE 4ci 12. OZ. 29c Tang:CrY• stals 3-6 c. ORANGE, ORANGE GRAPEFRUIT,SAVE 9c Scotties tissues F1►CIAL;. SAVE 10e, 400's ECON. York.. Beans WITH PORK IN TOMATO SAUCE, SAVE: 26c, .15 OZ, 9c .err 411► 411110. 41111111.!.imp i i . . =• PREMIUM OFFER LONGWEAR ..100% COTTON FITTED B,ED, SHEETS, DOUBLE BED SIZE 54" BY ;,77W' $1.99 With $5.00 Order Stokle: peas'3-53c Y HONEY POD, SAVE 12c, 15 OZ. Heinz Soup TOMATO, SAVE . 10e, .10 QZ.: ' Stokely Beains, GREEN OR WAXED, FCY. CUT, SAVE 12c, 15 OZ. Chicken. tags and breasts 59c. fir. Salad Dressing. MIRACLES WHIP, SAVE. Ser S1 OZ. Heinz 5pagheIi'; COOKED, SAVE 13e, 15 OZ. Supreme Biscuits FCY. CELLO'' BAGS 9c c�nada-Brand...Vnear6,9c WHITE 'OR' CIDER, 121 OZ. P11 2-25c MAPLE LEAF CHOICE,10'02, 00(5 3040••••.••••!••••••••04l••••• Coffee Beans Libby Fruit c c'ktal 2-59c. SAVE 11c, 15 OZ. Heinz Catsup SAVE y9c, '11 OZ. BTL. l� Aunt MIIIyS Early Riser Sc i. 89c 11i. 85e Ib. • • a•.• . •.••••••• ••.a•:• • Curad Bandages REGULAR foe; PLASTIC, ECON. • French Pastry REGULAR 45c, WESTON OR SUNBEAM RASPBERRY OR LEMON, 41 TO PKG. Hall's Red and. PHONE 628-3001 e Food DWJVERY Score Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Twamley f London and daughter with Mrs. 11a Alton of Wingham have been i�itng Lucknow and Ashfield tends, ' Bob MacKenzie of Lucknow • recently attended the Furniture Show in London.. M L.C. Thompson, and Mrs.. L.C Joanne, Mrs. Ed Thom, Mrs: Stuart'Coliyer and Tim visited last week in Norwood with Mr. and Mrs. Ron RothwelL ennis' Morningstar has returned Strathroy after spending a weeks lidays with his par+ nts, .Mr. and 5. Albert Morningstar .of Lucknow nnls is employed by" the Middle- Furniture factory of Strathroy. Harvey Hall and son John of Det'- nit visited recently with his. other, Mrs. John Hall of Luck- ow. Harvey, and his family re rned about a month ago from a isit to.Englarid and Scotland. • • Mr.. and Mrs. Ted CollYer of Chatham .spent the holiday week ' end in Lucknow•with•his'parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Collyer.. On their return, they were accompan- ied by Mrs. •Collyer and Tim who • Spent a fewdays in Chatham. Mr and enjoyed Murdie of Lucknow o y d a week at the cottage last week while sons Frank • and Dick filled in for Ken at the Hardware. ' Mrs..Mervin Osborne of Guelph., was a recent guest at the home of her aunt .Mrs., Etta Roberts 'in Lucknow. She vias accompanied home by her.mother, Mrs John Moen who had spent a week with het sister , Mrs'. Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Stothers of ,Winnipegand three children are at their pintail cottage. With thein are Mrs. Wm: Stewart of Fergus and Nit, and 'Nits. Wm, McMillan of Waterloo with three" children. Mrs. Gordon Ritchie of town ' visited' for a' couple of days with. ' her son,. Mr. and Mrs Clarence' Ritchie and family of Kinloss ' 'Township. • •. Bob Hunter has returned to. Edmonton, Alberta, following avisit with .his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Vernon•Hunter .of Lucknow. Bob is employed at Edmonton as a radiographer with the North American Inspection Services. Mrs. LN `r. Thompson and Joan., ne.and Mrs, Ed Thom were visit- ors the first week in August with Mr. and'Mrs, Mel Goyette and :family and Mrs,. W.A. Campbell • at Kingsville, Mrs. Newton James at Leamington, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thompson and family ac Windsor and Mr.. and Mrs, Ted Collyer at Chatham, Mrs. Daisy McCharles of Loch alsh has been v:isiting''friends in and around Lucknow, Mr. and.'Mrs, .Harry Gannett Toronto were callea s .1 Town on Tuesday.. They have been ,h ilday.► tog at Druce Peach with her broth., et Mr. and Mrs, Gardnn 10140t011. Mr. and Mrs. Clsrence Jc$bnston bf Toronto are at present on'ai tour in Europe, Rodger Johnston of Toronto is .also en a European. tour , .a greater ;part. of the time b.ing spent to Spain. On bis return, he will enter Toronto, University for his Sri year. Clare nce and Rodger who :are brothers,. are sons of the late°'Mr, .and Mrs. Eldon Johnston, fo(3er residents of Lucknow. • Mrs R. V MacKenzie of town, who was'a patienc•tn St. Marys N ospital , Kitehener,., after break-. ing her hip at her home, was brought to Wingham Hospital about two weeks ago. • Mr. and. Mrs. Graham .Pinkney who spent the summer at Amber-. ley Beach have returned:to their. home at •Ajax.. Calvin:, Eileen, Blaine and • Lawrence McKay :of Windsor, holidayed at Boiler Beach near: •xincardine, . of weevend visitr wl • Mr., and Mrs, �M Luck's* were. Mr and ,Mrs. And' rew' fund of Detroit. 'Mr. and Mrs. P.14, A.gnew' of Plyrnths. David Agnew of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs, Bob Birkhaug of Chicago. Bob.Lennie of Weston, Mr. .and Mrs. ! George sm ell of Welland . Mrs.(Pr.) i '. Yeager of -Saskatoon and Mrs. Patsy Clark. Mr. and Mrs. David Farris ti. M. and Mrs. _ Sill Johnston, E.ileabeth andMarg. amt all of Toronto.• Mr, and Mrs. Steve Stothers of Winnipeg ,aud t . their three children motored down from Winnipeg to visit friends in Lucknow Fergus • and Kttcbener, They left. for a: meeting,. in New l arithswick' aynd NeW Jersey•a to visit friends in Boron. They.Will.be backfor. ti a week at . intai) later Amp*. They Made the trip by mor ► two days.. Mr.'. and MrsN'Tex Lemoine and four children,of Camp Pett- awawa have been visiting rel.-. atives' in the Community. Mr . and .Mrs,. Wayne: $rooks, Craig and Shelley of Oshawa. have returned to Oshawa, after a • three.week visit with Mr.and Mrs. Qmar. Brooks, and Mr. and • Mrs. Charles' Webster. . Mr, and .Mrs, . Alex Andrew of Lucknow left :last, Saturday for Kapuskasing. -they plain on: • .being away .two weeks and t Ell. •return'home by way of the States. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew will observe their 25th wedding anniversary, ',August 'Lith' while on their holiday.:,. Visitors on. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Philip Stewart of Luck now were, .Mr. and•Mrs; G rdon Macintosh and five•giirris of Tor- onto. Mr, and Mrs Allan Stew- art Kim , Leslie arid' John of. Burlington, Mr. and:Mrs During and four 'g_itls of `Winghanl Miss Winnie Stewart and Master; Wayne Granger of London . Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd .Ashton of town -attended the wedding Satur- day -of their cousin, Evelyn. Fallis and Randall Reid. at Gambier, . . Ohio. The bride is a niece of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Andrew of Listow el who also attended the wedding. Mrs. Gordon Ritchie: visited for a week in Barrie with her cousin Mrs.: Willis Corrigan and Mr. Corrigan Mr. and Mrs Harold Ritchie of London visited, .on the. week -end with ,his mother, Mrs'. Gordon Ritchie. ' ' Mi . and Mrs,. Harold Ritchie and Bob °of Lucknow. took, 'a motor trip to Huntsville,. Algonquin - Park and. Peterborough, returning to Guelph where they visited their. •son. Mr', and Mrs. Gary Ritchie .and Troy. •• Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Schulta are visiting at the Stothers Cottage at pintail'. They had visitors in the persons of Mr. and Mrs. .Harry ' Side with their four children / oyer, the Week end of July 31st r . Mr. and Mrs. Jim Turnbull of 'Newmarket visited Mr. and Mrs, Jordan over the week -end and visited the Steve Stothers family as' well. Mr. and Mrs. T. J, 'Gilchrist of Guelph .and Mr. and: Mrs.. Winn* McCormick of pusl.incb were esti-• els at the Steve StOihears home the. . . past week, " Susan and "Nancy. Thom* i daughters of Mr. and M. Don • Thompson of town, :holidayed for ' • week with their grandparents. Mr. rand. +drs. Lloyd Ashton Amberley; Beach .whiff their parents, were :iii. New Brunswick. Vlting during the week With Mr. and..Mrs. 'W ,T; Rouistou and. Jack.:were: Mr:r1 Mrs. CyrilCafnpbell of Lucknow, Mrs.:: Wilmer Ratrlton of Sty 'Marys; ". Mr. and Mrs, Alex MacKinnon Lois and Sandra of Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Howard 101cGuire,' Edna and rlia° illi .Debbie Borden o , Stratford. • Mr. and its.' W T. Routs o and Jahn were Sunday dinner gnats with Missers� PPdearl and Jam: Macintyre of Teesw� titer . LL CK OW UNITED. CHURCH Bev. Liitirti AUGUST Open Sandi,' Wont •iiltvolik AA** 11:00 '.* m. Morning.W . • Lucknow Prsbyterian Church Rev. Roderick MacLeod Minister. .AUGUST 21st 10:00at.rfi'♦' `Stn day; School t1:00 aritn. 1 IftitIng Worship •"Mervyn McMinn Guest Speak,' • s ST. PETER'S ANGLICA N CHURCH , fay. Stanley E.' Jay:, . B.A.* .E D Re emir AUGUST flat: Chureb School. WS aa. In. • Morning 11)royer 11:1i"► fir. • O.(} of Cotte icvh Y �`•• it . Ise il 1