The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-07-27, Page 15, 1,14 th fir, 'o' With ick spent 1r and. 1 Bile "am- holt- her am-holther of on 441' 11 5c' De Dc ' ail rk soNESDAV . JULX• 211h, .12 ,.• _.__.. 'Br. offerPasses In Saskatchewan CHARLES 14PJER TOOKE There died suddenly in Moose Jaw Saskatchewan, Charles Napier Tooke on July 4th, He was born in,1873 in West Wawanosh, and was just 4 days short of his 93rd birthday when he passed. away. He went West when.just a young lad and owned ranches at Rose - ton and near Mankota, He had. been home for short intervals and visits during: this period, Since retiring quite a number of years ago he had resided at the Park Hotel ire Moose Jaw. His sister, Mrs. Charlotte; YJeatherhead.of Lucknow, is the. last remaining' member of the family . Mr. Tooke was the son of the , late William Tooke and Cather ine Ryan, He was predeceased. by brothers. John, William, Rich- ard and a sister Eliza Jane. .Burial was in Moose Jaw .Cemet- ery, Cemet-ery, 'July -8th. • OI THE: LUCKNOW iSNTIHEL,• LUCK• duct I. • Reunion 1-1�reFor Roulston ..Family. Sunday July 17th, at the home of Mr. nd Mrs, Cyril; Campbell, Stauffer.St. , hucknow, a re -union was held of the family of the late Mr, and ;Mrs. Johnston. Rouiston of Huron Township', The ;family consisted of eight children, seven of whom"are stili living,, The deceased is Percy -who resided in Stratford at the time of his passing, Edith, his:' widow;' was present , • Those present., according to age, were William Of Huron. Twp. Mrs. R.H; Solomon .(,Jennie) of Strat- ford., .Mrs. Cyril Campbell (Mani - ie) of- .Lucknow ,, Rev Edgar Roulston of Exeter, Clifton. of Stratford; .Waiter. of Huron Twp and.. Mrs.. Howard McGuire: (Annie) of Stratford, . Mrs. Ross Gammie sponsored the occasion and was assisted by Loree Campbell and Loree Gamm-, ie. Other members of the connect ion added •to attendance and were all served on the spacious back lawn. . (Pungannon News) The induction service for Rev, Mr. Wright of the Dtrngannof,' Nile and Port Albert charge will 'be held •in Nile Church on Wednes- day , ednes-day, August.3 at '8.30 T,m, and a meeting of • the ses�ions at 8:00 .. • A good attendan .is: hoped c for. Guests from this community nice ' r Nev' IYniter r attending the Durptn - Kathy wedding at Staffordville on July, 23 were Mr. and Mrs, Victor d Mrs. Harold Errington. Mr. Errington', Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Errtngt'o , .r and Mrs. Thos, • Webster nd, Miss Lynda Hodges. , Mr,,, and Mrs, Victor Errington spent Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs. a, THURS., FRI., SAT.,. July 22; 29, 30 TRE GODERICH ON THE SQUARE. THUitL, Aug. 4 to WEDr, A'ug,10 'Ont Week • Two Shows • Nightly .0 7:15' and l:35 . a.•: Mary P • • •10'lLU I ..; Julie, Andrews• won best actress Iet; Mit academyyaward winniritt picture oDE RI'C x, o ursda Is Buck N ght F . art d THURS., FRI., JULY 28, 29 ILMW roue op,.00uauh "THE : LOST :WORLD SATURDAY, JULY 30 ONLY MA -AND -PA- KETTLE-GO—TO TOWN" and "SASKATCHEWAN" With Alan Ladd NDAY MIDNIGHT - JULY 31 Three big horror pictures In Colour. "THE GORGON". HE CURSE OF MUMMY'S - TOMB "TERROR' OF THE TONGS" Adult Entertainment' 8`I;I ON., TUES., WED.,Aug.• 1, 2, 3 .Dean Martin In "THE SILENCERS". Colour Comedy and • "CODE' '7 VICTIM 'S Colour • Drama - Adult . Entertkinment . HURS:, 'FRI., SAT.,' Aug.. 4,' 5, 6 f . sregory Peck and David N vin "GUNS OF NAVERRONE" Colour Action • k Plus` 2 Short Subjects e to' the' length of this feature, ply one show will be shown nightly • MON., TU'ES,.•WED., Aug. a, 1, 1 Elvis : Presley In TICKLE ME" CHO. Richards In "SUMMERHOLIDAY" 2 Colour. Swinging Hits: SATURDAY, JULY 30: . SPECIAL MATINEE All Seats 25t. "1001 ARABIAN. NIGHTS": Colour ConMdy - ' c : 3 . Stooges, in "RUMPUS IN A HAREM". Plus •Calour. .Cartoon "WILLIE THE .100" . MON., TUES., ;WED.;' Aug. 1,:2, 3 Bob Hope..In -BOX DID I' GET/A WRONG NUMBER". THURS.,* FRI., SAT., Aug.. 11, 12, 13' "LAS VEGAS HILLBILLIES" Starring Ferlin Husky, Jane Mansfield, Mamie Vandoren and all : your favourite Western singers, In this big first run colour spectacle Get a free autographed picture of • Feriin Husky at the gate:. 'and "MAR%t. OF WILDERNESS": Colour Action Hit, MON., TUES:,."Aug. 13 and 16 . "RASP'UTIN;'THE .MAD MONK" and "THE REPTILE" Two of • the most breathtaking horror pictures ever filmed "ADULT ,.ENTERTAINMENT WED., THURS., Aug; 17 and 111 "THE THIRD' DAY" •Adult Entertainment ' 'Plus .: '.'THE .HOUND THAT 'THOUGHT - HE WAS: A RACCOON" A Wait. Disney fealurette LARGEST SCREE IN HURON COUNTY Colour !Comedy SPECIAL MATINEE, • SATURDAY, AUGUST AT 2 O'CLOCK THURS., FRI., SAT., Avg.11, 12, 13 "FRANKY AND JOHNNY" with .Elvis. Presley SATURDAY' MATINEE AT 2.15 MON., TUES., WED., Aug. 13, Bridget Bardot in "VIVA MARIA" Colour ConsidX Two Shows .Nightly 7:30 am, !.c WilIftrtere THURS., FRI,, SAT.:, JULY,: 26,. 29, 30 r,i T. P 'rban u '1i s SUNDAY MIDNIGHT, JULY 3lltr . ' 3 ;Big Colour Shows • "PILLOW TALK": With Doris, Day and Rock Hudson "DAY• OF • THE TRIFFIDS" • Adult 'Entertainment • Howard Keel "REPTILICUS" All Star Cast . MON., TUES., WED., Aug., 1,:2,..3 "IN HARM'S WAY" Starring: John Wayne and Kirk Douglas d Adult Eirtertainme t . • . "HOOTENANNY HOOT" ).. Starring The Brothers Four and Johnny Cash d 'THURS.; Is.itL, SAT, Aug. 4, S, 6 -"YOUR CHEATIN HEART" With Hank Williams .and George Narnilton "ROBIN AND THE SEVEN • HOODS". Starring • Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin SUNDAY, 'AUG. 7 'MIDNIGHT "THUNDER 'IN THE. SUN" Starring Susan .Hayward and Jeff Chandler - /Also. : "40 LBS. OF TROiBLE"• Starring; Tony Curtis and Phi! 51lvirs FEATURING THE LARGEST HSCREEN. Wes, ., ltOn latoodonGI "eturr!. Mr,, and Mrs. Lieber may. Thor nto n Eedy. Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Eedy and family -and Mr. and Mrs. • Ross Eedy'apd family 'attended .the Yundt family reunion in Mflverit On Sunday. Visitors recently with • Mrs. Esther Rivett were Mr. argl Mrs. Dick Lawrence of Belleville. and Mrs.. David 19litatcan of Trail ,i3,.C, . Mrs.. Chas.. Sueh oiuevafe; and Mr. and :ids. John Wilson and family of To Totrottto.Steven and Ruth Ann. Wilson re.aired. for a week With their grandmother. Mr: and ,Mrs. Jim tvitellion.and` faintly of Stratford` spent last Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs'; tr sw lvers.. ' • • Mr. Robert.Smyth of Torrontii spent the past week with his .brother 010 s/Oa:" *Orion $my and Mrs. Bessie Stewart and •re- . 'twined he,on Sunday*ith .. Bobby Brigham and son 13.1U who spent. the week end at the Smyth home. Vtsiring With Mr, and 'Mos, .Mai- on McAllister for thereel end were 'Mr : and Mrs..' Wen; .11ey and Mr, and Mrs.:!. Kettle of Leamington. IN WINGH.AM HOSPITAL' We are sorry to. report :chat Mangy r .ee' Ivers is a patient in W ra ►n: hospital .. His slater Mrs : G k .0 gram. is :spending a few days .Wingliarn 146ile he is tli Mr., and -tyles. ferry Le •Roque and.: Shelley and Glenn*: of: Stu .Esta • the.-Que .spent -last .week with her.. parents ,Mr. and Mrs.' Sen •Matte; lr and Mrs. Brad McTavish•of Collingwood visited. at. the week- end with •Mi. and Mrs. .Russ Eedy • • and ,family. Mrs: McTavish is' remaining for the week while 'Mr: McTav:ih: attends summon .hoot: in London; • MON., TUES,; WED., Atsm. i; 'POO "CHARADE"` Starring: Cary *Oro,* arrd Audrr.y "GUNFIGHTERS OF CASA GRANDE" Starring:. Alen Nicoll THURS., FRI., SAT:; August 11,E 12, 13 "WHERE THE . SPIES ARE" Starring:, David Niven" `'TIKO THE SHARK" . With an a11' star cast SUNDAY, AUGUST 14 Midnight: •"TO HELL AND BA -CIC". Starr:.. Audi* .Murphy • Pius • • "THE RAIDERS'" Brian "Keith ' Mol+i., rues., WED.,' Aug.1i, .17 • • "THE YELLOW ROLLS `ROYCE''• Adult Ent+ertat : Starring: Rix Harrison • and Ingrid'. Bergman .alerts . "I'D RATHER BE RICH" Starring: Sandra MO, Andy Williams and. Robast 1 All In *Colter TiII$ AREA • h M1