The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-07-13, Page 14THE LUCKNOW SINTINI1L, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ."4sk.Vb &SIDING • A-.iCpropteely:7.-VVegtherpt9.ofJob .H. • • lenoths...10',..tock..6"To'•.1.14....Feet. • Available In Lengths Up To 30 Ft. • „ PORTLAND AND • •MASONRY IN STOCK *ik*,:ii*111Waitillritilti4*10i**7trOritirk Henderson'' Lumber Ltd. • PHONE 511411S LUCKNOW LADD REUNION The seventh annual Ladd re- union was held, on Stinclay at the. home of Mr. and .Mrs. Bill Park with a good attendance. Mis. Bill Park and Mrs. Gordon Schol- tz 'convened the sports. A fish. pond was enjoyed by the children and a touch and take for the adults: A1.1 enjoyed the past year Anniversary At Pine River Church (AMberley' News) A capncity crowd attended the one hundred and second anniver- sary of Pine River United.,Church .on Sunday July 10, Rev, Donald • MacDonald of Goderich was guest • minister, Miss• Gayle Boyd, the organist ,• was accompanied at the piano by Miss Mary Ellen Shiells, Sermons by Rev , D. MacDonald ' at both services were much app- reciated:- •At the morning service the. Middelkamp quartette gave, two fine numbers and the choir, under the direction of Mrs; Ernie' Gibson and Mr; Robert Rutledge sang anthems at both services. •Robert Rutledge was soloist at the evening service., Many former members were • present for theanniversary and enjoyed meeting friends after the serviCe, mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Irwin of Ripley Were Sunday, ,guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Irwin. Mr. and Mrs. JOhn Harper and faMily of Kincardine Township, 'Mr. and Mrs. John. C Campbell of Kincardine, Mr. and Mrs. ' Ross Shiells and Miss Mary Ellen, Shiells of Lecknow, , Mr. and Mrs. John C. MacDonald and Courtney of Ripley and Mr. and Mrs. • William Courtney visited on Sunday With M. and Mrs. Donald Courtney and, family. • Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown, Clarence Young and Mrs. Nellie Young of Windsor spent the week- end with relatives in Southern ,116-. Ontario. • Park ,, 89 and Patti Par) 3, was. l*s• Ford Brorohie'visited on the youngest. Next years picnic.. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James ill be t Se f h Li n ,p k•Nesbitt. EPN 1 Stig Week attending the funeral .DUNGANN c'fAif;.11.efincia;0-1d Errington was hostess for a, Miseellaneous shoe,' er, when relativei gathered at :her home to honour Miss Ilona Matthys of StrAffordville whose .Marriage •to Geo. Dtanin takes PlaBCielltFh:nwcheeokitlam. on former friends in.the comm - Mi. and Mrs. Kenneth MeAllis-; ter who are taking summer eodrses in Toronto spent the week -end . with.hii parents-, Mr. and Mrs. Mason McAllister. Also visiting Mr. and. Mrs. McAllister lag' week:were Mr, and Mrs.. Edgar' Reid of London. • • Mrs. .Elsie Lewis of RO1and, Man1 and Mr, and Mrs. Cliff Anderson Of Winnipeg. Man. are visiting their sister Mrs. Chas. Fowler, and Mr. Fowler, also their niece ?Ars. Kent Wakely of Lorene., Man. Also visiting Mr.,. and 'Mrs. Fowler, 'were Cpl. and Mrs,H. Jenkin and,. sons, Hal and Rickey of Everett „ - .Ontario and 'Mr. and Mrs. Norman McDonald and Lawrence of Rexdale "' . . Visitors with Mis. Melvin Reed recently were Mr. and. Mrs, Erie Fairbairn of Deroit and Ernen Girvia and daughter MTS. E. Hanna of Toronto. • • , • Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dauphin on the birth of'a baby , daughter on Sunday , July 10. a • sister for Gary and Mark. Victor Errington has returned • home after a three week visit with friends at Shellbrooke, Sask. • Mr. 'arid Mrs.- Donald Kroezer, and Heather •of Woodstock visited recently with her sister. Mrs. Jean Broughten; ' . Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wiggins of Brantford visited on Saturday 'with • Mr. • and Mrs. Thos. Park. • Art Eggleston was in Ottawa • , • unityat the week -end.. Friends of Mr.. and Mrs, Cecil. Blake :from a distance attending' the: Sowerby-Blake wedding on •July 9 were Mr. and Mrs. Geo. • German of Niagara Falls, Ennis • Comfort of St. Catharines; Miss Lucille Burden,:St • Cathar Ines° t Mrs. Alma Fines, Leaside; Miss Bonnie Austin; Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs,. P. A: Kilpatric4, TorOnto; • Mr'. and Mrs. Jim Blake', .Toronto; -Mr. and Mrs.' Michener, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. T.' . Anderson, LOncion;.Mrl. and Mrs, 1i ...0dbert, "Stratford; Miss Karen Dawson., . • .Galt; Dr. and Mrs. Atkinson andl Mr. and MS. Richard Kilpatiick, Miss, Karen Kilpatricl<. of Winghae and Mr.. and Mrs..Dotiglas Kil- • patrick of Dublin. • Mr. and Mrs.. Cecil Blake and :Barbara and Nancy Wardrop of GOderith we spending a few days at Boiler Beach . • • Mr and Mrs...Art Br6wn of Dundas and' Mrs.. Al 'Rolston and: •Steven of TOronto visited recent-, .ly with Mr, and Mrs. W ilbur Brown. CI In le yota Twlr less, one long Low • High with tesfin of Co asset. •...0 • ° round 'up of Ladd..gossip, prepared! , BE • WATER and read by Mrs. Nell Ladd. The WISE! oldest person present was Thos. • Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs . -Bob Courtney were Miss Agnes Campbell, Mr. and 'Mrs. 4 , Bob Steele of Detroit. Mr. and • Mrs. William Campbell of I(m- RI 1cardine, Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood ' . SINK! .....). Irwin and family of Wingharn . . Mr. and Mrs. George McDonald and Murr4 McDonald of Ripley and Mr. and. Mrs. William . Kempton andPfarnily of Amberley„. • ., 1' • , ' 4 nt 1967 by JOHN W. FISHER 1 CENTENNIAL COMMISSIONER • • A few weeks ago 1 wrote abont the Coat:dere:dot • Train and the Centennial Caravans ,whiCb will • be tritss-ayssing, , Canada dthiltf the summer Tonths of 1957 w exhibits of (›tuadiana. • , During the second week • of. we had di.'riantling trials for' the Ca.ta, ns at:c.Migmanizies * the Or area. "eat 4une MI miring; ....•.. • • operation --- altnost a big • arr.*. test exerthse. / • - The: rrst eitent'enons traz- tor taiiers—n, •lar.--si vehicles ° ever be met •ext=srvel.,t, ' Nott,A.nicam mads — ..."Tverted • .2.,t froinc gar wie-e tce WaXe 21,111 14:t be .347C7-2 Cartipims, ' Tiot mere 'Mont 71177e- se:met :dr tug= C.tc-rf.lit • nuts' *hit *tiZ vast nekre Cath't Annan:antes it TWO-STEP AUTOMATIC TIMER Starts emit stops. oven suiematicany. • Outside the tiailert, in the quadrangle,. large triodesic , forms go up next (tubular steel triangle. constrUctien) on which will be • placed the external exhibits. When ' •• the set-up job is done -- in, about t4-0 hours' 'titne the, complete set is* on site ready for a colorful Centennial community fair. On had for the trials at Ot- 13%2were observing officials of nurnerous • organiz4tictus • will be involved .with the. Oira- 3, vans -- provincial". Police of sev- • eral provinces, the RCMP which wU have security officers ' with • • the units 'in 1967, fire marshals, members of .the Defense Produc- •*htle the trailers. were DX decorated ' on the outsidedid they contain interim- exhibits for: . thetxiis, there s much ingwktbedone.• The setttne 74. tof a Caravan' • on •te is la., Ling a qtr Mecham:, :set tagetter. First the 41-rvers, rmst be able to bri.ng huge vehicles to tbe sties, squ=i- ircr arntMd. nght cniners. thole ut;derpams and nude.r wires. InCive the vaxs uno .4tatainineir formats= on site and ties re- naCiffe the rz.-1=ars,.. • Drzvers— zbee VS he gE of sec:103 =pet and tinder =tun: for be etc Caravans in ' :9E- -1- Inus: be the to park tte p.us wIttbe o s. pre..-jsio rnathuns:s •zhnt• rnanclunt ramps an minims cat ne.plated crackh to comer.' :re. vans', at kite. Tttli -trr; • •next slimes • aloe/m.1c vsn:rs move easitt *tn.-out& tte nt.v rakers, tint vg.. tir• exhibits zt r camp -zit et - eon Depart/bent, the , Cituglian Government Exhibition Counnis- sion; the St, lobes. Arnbulance Corys, the, Chrysler con:1mm winch provides the factors and so , • • • On the highways the Caravan =its '0-4 travel in convoy 200 feet apart to allow traffic to pass .e.esD3. coovoy, travel they will be under. polim esCort a; all times. • A. convoy ;till be •a mile long. One L-aaor alone. with :traner is alrao iqualto eight car -lengths.) So. the arriVal of a Centennial carBvat :KW COCUMInitY WOlft '11=0 -aced very easily. Your 1bca: Centennial &Animation wjfl be p.nnomiciag the date 'of arriv'4 wen ahead of 'tie. airway. Be 'sure to visa the Caravan fo- a gear displi* of interest* anci entertacnung /exhibits abont CLnicia. Thtre is something for wbale fkenAt to See,. • ,, •'ENJOY ' COOKING! THIS ' WESTINGHOUSE DELUXE AUTOMATIC IS "SIMPLE. .cTOLEC00!.,ON" — EASY TO •A0. THE COOKING, SECRET • SISEAL1ENO .1011V ' THE "MIRACLE • /1 FIBERGLASS'. GASKET. LETS THE OVEN BREA. • •THE,' ELIMINATES Oil. TURBING AIR CURRENTS, END HALF. DONE CAKES; OVER DONE • ROASTS, SOUPY CASSEROLES,AND WHAT' A SNAP TO CLEAN •' •• • 'COME IN AND LOOK. IT OVER — BETTER STILL PUT ONE IWYOUR EN — YOU'RE. FP4MII:Y • ,LOVE YOU FOR ITI. .n,c cfl p nic unds nd ar e rdst ell, •rmec rmec j ldren • Mar the s king ell, mie Ow iii' • Pg •th Suti e Bu . Do; • Don rs'G; rs, 'IDOL Kei slay .Cox num uly mes :1 vg ha L ed o and Wi • ce 4 I's; arin mot t, a