The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-07-06, Page 14THE LUCKNOW SENTIN EL. ,LUCKNOW-ONTARIO' _. Attende.4.77., t • ih.nn uvi,rsuries. At Oiiv..t Chu rch INSULATE FOR A COOLER 'HOME, ALL SUMMER •••• ia•aia•• ••i••.••••ai e•• fie•• IN COLOURS TO MATCH ANY OF YOUR. MACHINERY ,0••••••••••••i•••••••••••••••••-•,•••• FOR, THAT ROOFING. JOB WE HAVE A • STOCK OF NO. 1 SEALED ASPHALT SHINGLES IN BLENDS OF RED, GREEN, BROWN,' ETC. ALSO Galvanized ` Eave Starter':: C�dl�ani�ed Roof Nails Galvanized Gutter.. Steel Roof Nails Asphalt Felt e•i•••••••••••••ie•c ieieve-aeae••io ST. LAVIRENCE CEMENT -PORTLAND. AND • MASONRY N. STOCK (Olivet News) Anniversary services were held in Olivet United Church on Sunday July 3, Reverend Harold D. Piller of Pine River was guest preacher. Mr. Pillens' sermons "Is Your Church a Tomb or a Temple" , and in the evening "Religious 'Boom and Moral Bust" were much appre- ciated. The .Juniors sang -•"In our Dear Lords" .Garden 'while the Senior. choir Anthem was "God will Take Care of You" , in. the morning service 'and in the evening,, "The Man of • Galilee" . solorsts were, • Mrs,. John, Mac.Charles and Walter Dexter . Walter 'Walden of Ripley assisted the choir, as he has done for several :years, having been a member 58 years .ago and the choir 'leader for many years. Organ, and piano music.•were provided by Misses Sharon Calling and•, Sandra MacCharles. Amon, former mem- bers present was Charles Smith of Wingham who has• attend' d all. seventy-seven anniversaries in. Olivet .Church. • Others were Mr.. and Mrs; Jack Reavie and Lynda and Mrs. W;J. Roulston of Wing ham, Mr. and Mrs, Howard.Mc� _Guire of Stratford ,,. Mr .. and Mrs-. Lovell McGuire of Brantford Mr.. and Mrs.. Duncan McCallum' and family: of Hanover, Mrs, Robert Campbell and family of Lucknow, William McGuire, Mrs.. Mills..and Miss Florence Irwin 'of Lucknow and •Mrs. Walter Walden Of .Ripley. Mr. Jatnes Boyle of Lucknow provide ed a public address.system :enabling. those in their •cars •to join in the service. ' . ' • •Mrs. Gerald Coiling; and family spent 'a week with Mrs. Ronnie. Nicholson in Kitchener recently, Mr..•and Mrs. Harold Stacy, VII 1 INTRODUCING A CANADIAN MADE NEW • TYPE LOCK SHINGLE, DESIGNED FOR HIGH .WIND AREAS. THIS is A HEAVY WEIGHT SHINGLE FOR ALL BUILDINGS, • • Also in `stock Standard 3 tab and Self. sealing 3 tab , .2)0 lb, per square. Felt roofing papers and:, roof coatings. REASONABLE • PRICES WITH DISCOUNT FOR CASH, ip • DESIRED WE CAN ARRANGE FOR MEN TO APPLY - SHINGLES' About twenty members of the Lucknow Horticultural Society :held their garden tour on' Friday . evrening:, July 1st They toured gardens in the town. In spite of the dry season, 'the rose gardens • were beautiful.. The last garden'viewed was' at the home of Mex Andrew where a short business meeting was con= . du,cted• and refreshments were. served June was a month of good hay ' days and :good summer `cottage weather. Lucknow . weather record- er LK Greer , :wrote 14 days into the record book 'which: exceeded , 80 degree's ormore. . . June started off on a chilly note with the first morning 'of •J'une re- gistering a chilly 31 degrees, The high in the month was 92 degrees: Rainfall was 1.91 inches: July. started off with a continuance of..the heat wave that we have been Debbie and Lisa of Toronto spent • .experiencing. It was .94 degrees •on the holiday week -end with Mr. and . Saturday and 93 on Sunday. Mrs. Ray Hamilton and family. Guests 'on Sunday with Mr..and, Mrs. Walter Dexter. were Mr..and. 'Mrs . M.. McDonald .and Mrs Mc- kenzie. • Dinner guests on Sunday with Mrs. John MacCharles and. Sandra were Mr: and Mrs. Walter Walden', Mr. and Mrs. Sandy MacCharles and family•and Mr, and Mrs: Shirl Bowers . • • reg 't Stratford; Mr and Mrs. John Kungsnr.age Prizes . Dietric h and family;i Mr. and. Mrs. John Van Qsch; Go To. Two Cu• bes f (Kingsbridge 'News) . The garden party held on Sunday • evening was well attended, The winners bf the draw. were 1st prize .$100 was won •by Mrs "Nick Perry, j • Detroit; 2nd prize, embroidered table cloth end serviettes,. Miss Jeanie Drennan Stratford; 3rd prize set of corning ware:, Mrs. P.E. Murray , Detroit. • 'Visitor's over the week -end were Dr. and ?sits. Rayne London; Joe O'Reilly, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Redfern. Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Nick Perry,' Dominic Berger, Detroit; Mr. •and . Mrs.°Delmer Maize' and babe; Eileen and 'Linda Vassella , Toronto; Mr. and Mrs .'Maurice Edwards and family ; Francis Gilmore, 'Mike Costello,. London;` George :Drennan,. Detroit; .Mr;• and ,Mrs. Bill Lannon, Mr. and Mrs:, Hill and. family; Toronto; Clare Lannert, Mr and. Mrs Kerry Hogan, Jeanie Drennan, Rose mary and Donna Hogan, Ann Heffernan, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fitzgerald and: family alt of Rev.. Fr. Tom O'Keefe; .S.J. visited Mr. and I.irs. Joe O"Keefe and family recently. . Mrs. Fred V assella . and' Linda,. Mrs. Jim Sthnett and Art Bowler attended the wedding of. Mrs. • Vas'sella`s niece in Sudbury last week: • Sharon:Courtney is speding.the Mrs. L.C. Thompson of L.ucknow ' entertained at a trousseau tea on ,'Saturday', July 2nd in. honour of . • 'her daughter .Patricia Jean , -a July•:. brideelect.• .. ti • They were assisted in•receiving th the guests by Mrs. Vernon Hunter. Joanne, Thompson was'in charge of , 'the guest'book. ' Hiss: Don Thomp- son received at the door assisted by Mrs'. Stuart Collyer. Pouring tea. were Mrs. R ,H . Thom pson, Mrs: Ed. Thom, Lorna Camp_' bell, •Helen Thompson, Mrs. Wm. Hewat, •Mrs. 11.C. lvicNab..Mrs, summer with Dr. and Mrs, h4cGill ' •Jack Curran, Mrs. Jim Arnold,. and family at. A mberley: Beach: . 'They were assisted by Mrs. Ron Mr. and Mr'.. Allan Straus, • Rothwell, Mrs. Morgan Henderson, Farestburtx, Alberta; Mr.. and Mrs.•W Mrs. Harveyebster, Mrs. Al' Alex Straus., Teeswater, Miss• Martin, Mr's. N.D. Thompson, Eleanor Schefter.isited Mr. and Mrs. Cameron MacDonald, Mrs.. Mrs. John Howaid over•the,week . Clark Finlayson, Mrs. Frank Mc - end . c -end. • • Quillin, Mrs.:Allan ?stiller, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs, Bass (Rose Marie Harold Campbell, Mrs. jim Mac Lannon) and family, , Toronto, : Tavish,. Mrs, Don Dennis; Dennis Quinlan, Brantford, Mrs.. Displaying the bride's trousseau • and Mrs. Clarence Doherty, Pete and'gifts were Eleanor and Joyce McNay., Janet Finlayson, Mrs. Forbes McLellan, Mrs. Ted Collyer Mrs.. ``'horn Collyer, Mrs , Don Biles and Ted Marti`:, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Da,ton, Hamilton,, Mr.. 'and •'rs. Brian Dalton, London, Mr', and Mrs:. Hank Bowen, Flint and Ardonna Hewat, were ;visitors :ere on the weekend . Patricia was entertained at a Mr, Andrew t''artir passed' away family lucheon and kitchen shower in Goderich Hospital July 4th, We at the home of`Mts. Morgan Hen. - extend mit . r.Fathy to the family, •dersart on Tuesday of this week, • The fourth annual. Elphick Reun ton : was held. Sunday July 3rd at th home' of Mrs. Verna Elphick and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Elphick west of Luckno'w., Over sixty were in attendance: from Lucknow Pinker' ton, Port Colbourne, Preston,.Tor onto, Teeswater, Walkerton, Ede. Grove 'and Waterloo. • Officers, in charge were: Presiden Mr Gordon Cassidy, Pinkerton; Secretary -Mrs. Joe Zettler, Wa1k erton; Treasurer, Mrs. Carl Elphic Pinkerton; Games Committee, Mr .Jack Schmidt;, Preston, Mrh._ Orlan Nelson:, Waterloo. Everyone enjoyed a delicious picnic dinner and supper. Altera full afternoon. of, sports, ' aures,; and contests,. the. officet..1or I9.,",•. were appointed• as follow::: Preside Carl Elphick Secretary:, Mrs. Jack ,chmidt; _Treasurer , ivtrs ..Carl Elphick; Games Committee, Mr, :and IMrs.' David.Elphirk -and qtr. . and Mrs. Donald Lamont:. • The '1967• Elphick Reun on,will be held at the home of Mr ..,and Mrs. 'Joe F1 zsimmons; Pinkerton, WESTINGHOUSE 12.5 CU. FT.. FROST -FREE TWO DOOR REFRIGERATOR. FREEZER With this model you can design the irateriorto .meet your own individual needs:. Shelves can be adjusted to 10 positions. •This model tea.' tures these Westinghouse conveniences: 1.19 lb. ..Separ- ate Frost -Fret Freezer: Cold. et. Colo . Cooling System. Completely automatic de- : frosting. Full -width Porter. ain Crisper. 'Separate, Cheeit and gutter Keepers. White Porcelux Enamel Finish. A. vailabie with. Right' Hand door *Pining'. 601" . H x 30" W x 241/4" D. Crest Har war LUCKNOW PHONE 338.3008 Thi and schor, even Mn visits and l and is a_ Distrr duri•nl "Dan], foil Oregr while Frank and h at Lr Mr.. fatnil Mr: 4 Ladi troussl Thom, Oona Geralc 'who w Rivers( Mr. tea, f) tre.arr, With Rc Williai Wee Mrs. and hhi ifowar Sakanl Bassfor Mr., London with rF Visit` Macbr Guest,' son ani and Nil Miss Fl Ken M MacDc Mrs; Mrs, Friday Bushell 'The f picnic ground On Si gar(ar Will he at the Stump flet.St Old WE