The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-06-29, Page 18• B.iER JARRISH COMPARES NAMES iN SCOTflS. LOWLANDS CEMETERY•WI NTF 110:1GRfEflNILL IN LUCNOW . Dear Editor . • I eta er tknd that you and local. hiarorians all over The country ate , receiving vin inquiries amt the hist- I. of -families families who settled • in Ix r snow sand the surrounding • country: This information to i ncaarty cases is 'hard to come by as :many of these families have May d TO ot'het iiams.of North Atm/kat 1noe rl'ie euT2y days. 1t **sour good fatune. to travel in Great Britain tai 1951 by tenting . $ can . u cl being ftee to travel whore we chase., Being interessted, 'in this warn .subject. of family an troy, we got what information ' we •t,ai1 d :before We left ,on out tri malts an aunt Who lives Saskatchewan that l was able to find out the :place in Stela d that trey i leer`s"people had 'come. • 1t eras a lilac . in Iaiarnfries S9ayre • ' in Southern ,ar Lowlands cd Scot.. lend; Thy the .name ofLockerby,.. Itly mothers name was rti:nnae John :tone a: tnetribez ' theJohnstone' fatrrii"1 sti`l1• 1'i mg itnn Lu►' now and formerly d',i shfieid., i This is a town -hour "tie size of Wing harn,, . ,clean and ;tidy Id pesired quite pre rotas:: ' Like• all :rip; the Tin et 'out t1 i. pt clad• xrcu .a ow us to investagate the 'gown or the people es much as I would have liked tohave done, however, we..•didspend an hour or so in the cemetery there This was a beautifully kept:' burial gr- oiinds, with tambstones'dating back to the early 1800's . . The thing that most interested rne"'besides finding many Johrst-. tine tombstones was.•the vast num- ber of :names that were exactly' the same as those you will find, in Greenhill in Lucknow. This is really my purpose in . writing this letter as it might ,give travellers, who may be visiting Scotland, a clue as to where .their ancest+ocs hone rnight• have been befosae•migrating to Canada. • The' following is a .list, of names I copied frprn these tombstones in Lbtherby,; Dumfries Shfre Scotia u&• Johnstone e H astie Thomson, little, Wright, Robin- son Irving, Carruthers, Inglis., Moffat, McGill, . Gardner', Pagan,' Elliott, Jardine, McLean, Currie rrsharn Richardson, Paterson, 'Ritchie, McClure, Bell, .Moncrie ' Flenderson , Watt, Hurray , 'Wilson and McKendrick. These .are all nasties of farnilies Who still do ,or did Live in and around i1:ekn W.: We also diseovesred.• a Farrisb tornbstone• in:the diu±chy.*ard .at i'a►LL WATERPROOF O LE L.1NE I* •ALL;GR#sml s AND. rHICi NESS FOR- Gretna Green in Scotland juste i the border between Scotland and England, This made'' the town famous for its.. Blacksmith -Shop where mai runaway mar- riages .were preformed and the newlyweds crossed over the bord= net, The blacksmith shop is still there, including the anvil which served as an alter in the marria- ge ceremony , It is now a tour' ist attraction. This part of Scotland has many historic places including,the:.bir- thplace of Robert Burns, the poet, at a little town called Alloway, also the Brig-o-Doon near:.Ayr, At the city of Dumfries may be seen the .place where ,Iie lived' and did his writing, and also his burial 'place, . It is my wish that this letter might 'be the means of givirig a . clue as to where, some of the, or - original families' of. the Lucknaw ' area may have originated. Yours `sincerely • Eimer. J. Parrish Gorrie T June 26th , 1966 Mr. Donald Thompson, Editor and Publisher. L uck now Sentinel • leu c:now ,' Ontario QWhitechurcij. News), Word was received here on Mon- day that Mrs. Jas.. Ccornelius had passed' away at. Huronview in her' i 104ih year, •Mr.'s, Cornelius will be remembered by the older read - The name of the department . looking after lodgings for Expo visitors is LogExpo.. At peak per- ' rods more than 100,000 visitors will be accommodate overnight in the Montreal area. .date at the rate 0(21.43 oats • per pound butterfat {75 cent's per . 100 lbs , milk testing 3.5) , If you have shipped to more than one plant, there is a .possib• - ility that we have not received record of all your deliveries, and. payment will then be included in future cheques. Signed Canada • Department ofAgriculture. Ottawa • Would it be too much to ask the Department to,state how many, lbs. of milk the subsidy is: for and at what price and for what period of time. and . is it the milk subsidy or the cream? 750, it the •subsidy on 3.5 m.a.Tk and not always the testis put up - Dear Donald, As. you know., 1 ate leaving this • cornnini x after 'three .years,As• Principal :of the Locicaow►7 District • High 'School . 1 ;rannoi Sea re with out exptrssin rir 5 indlere thanks to the staff of Inc; luckncxw Sent inel far your. is :n interest in scr - c of affairs. . ori .and: Vaur • f ather before .c:,,u • have shown ihrou•a to cailli .hc of tour, excellent. weekly. a gen='. ' nine' a.nreresf :xn �bt;aaair E the best pcssihle .education for the young people `of this area have With all the 'tt•adition, of fin • newspaper. writing , reported in a* air. and: unbiased rriatnier. ,: dif7 fi.ctaltprob1etns and solutions whi ch have' arisen . 1 would appreciate, if through.. • the medium of ;vont newspaper, Ston Would. conve' on behalf, of M fainil� -and myself, Our personal. • ratitutie :o -our. marts friends' iti Lta ckno u for three happ • y ears . • ' oiir= sincerely*. 1✓,e1 C6Y'erre . at 3.5 This is in the; hands of the Other fellow . • 1-10* Many of our people Working in factories, hospitals, or other places of employment would wank urider the:.saine circurrntances, NO .doubt the- too would be ism. the farmer and ta: a 1..0 the busy i z ":+w s . tc Rho+, their d ,ssatfa c tilos~. • a1..4iz,' WEQNEst%X1wf, Aims tom, encs of Langside and W hitechurr is 'communities. Wbeaa *the Lar aide .area they resided on the r,rr farm west of Liangside store. '- '.e • farm buildings were on the rtort:. side as road rounded thefalse . While they resided here Mrs Cornelius attended. Tiffint.Mett z . ist Church., Wen they moven t o • • `Whitechurch they resided on IN: farts now owned by Mr, ad 1ytr: Ciiffosrd. Laidlaw;, This coatrny .. *kr 'extends sympathy to her relarr,cs Mr, iklid Mrs.. Carl McCleriaz,'.a visited Thursday everting with Mr and Mrs, Elmo . Pritchard of Wawan�. . M. and: Mrs. Dan. Tiffin ar c Joyce of :Teeswater aceompar :.*• . by bis par+enta Mr: and Mrs. c.):tkle Tiffin spent Sunday afternoon at the lake seeking relief inn the , Mr. and Mrs.. Clark Johnstor' visited. Sunday with Mrs. " Law e:;4 .•clanstaa wind 'faaaaily of Clinto;. - and with his ano her . Mrs , Mat Johnston at Hu omriew ,Visitors 1 with•:Mr and Mrs. . . Gareghu.ward'•Mr.,and M.: • were;' i.lo•, y . Gcrilati of Ash eld .a' few week,,om friday • Mr, and p„r! . David 'Turnbull of Byron Mrs Way.l3e€uy • H Bran ptor Sunday Mr..and Mrs ir>w M. 2 a,ghan„ NanCy and Jtonnie. L S: Thomas,„Peri diger of W a, t:..it• will assist with the farm the suMnier holidays.. trerl vv's2Led Sunday w Zt:.`- I,P.- John Srtrsaiaataa:' :ATTfl D POLK SCHOOL Jath ja ton and. 14r! F e #ttel.Dde51 the i' 1 : Scor. Liales Ki at -%.tit ge anVe.:rt: .1 Thu rsd y.. to Stinda3: ant, vel Very interesting• pro ra- yield. C atulatioais to Jas,: a*/ Brenda ' °hater ,' Sa a3 or and Louise. acE►oi � . `'! a t41.�Y passing Grade 1: i• i'••• e lot •knov‘ crroo Ttt �.t �1:ri w Sc ttdtrr . • tc ttnc+w , 3ntz:•t , TIEss a i, has seer marc ia.mer' .t :avi :her hurt ;art Tates •tr the taphrwat or yactors.T47' Stilly: thet arc i ass i i Yet1 it fa rr. esITE'•: 1a:fit the .mill i'oturr: ' < ;;nine mitt leaves ' ttc tarry: the rarrne ' relie or 1h hones 'S '-cr the .• blare; in, Tr -plc To the tam: pound:: recti vet;. , hrt '-:a" , tilt pounds titctterta' ani.. thetrw.e h: wit, he nait it '`ver Ott:1 » tt a rrlorttl ttt<t; .e... it sound lxitt' s lot at monde rht. tura: miitior. dollars sent tun nu, wee it substdi tr the Cat•- adrar ,4armer hu. tilt int. wrtttr east tarmer pn it his lie a cttt'.mt ant 'teritembet nr ant ' 1r4tent- h` . tits c rienur. i. a/nl. Ttaltat •w et tilt irr ttic rnonti: i' vii'+,' sero• irtqltutite tor t3' ` nuntt trate .tttr.t ott: are;z c1vac *Ott Malt c ttr.ttur "Ttt en ins4t ctte iti i. til= sltJiit�� nrtriwrt° or milt rano s crit arr Tennrte tints t Ur/1r moms trout Te ard: re hast Tr With that mente3 'rte COO *Wert to intoner . your owh individual t Sheivsrs coat 'lists- ' at#luit ad 40 10 pilgth sa .' Thal n slid tures them MYstisiis lwsoc stet waniiwocow' 71" M!' ate F , r •CMd toodiref £iystsvii. 1y Automat:- .til+}�wdl Net -sed alb% Crisper. Separsti sheers :end llartter Vis:. Whin Plireellus finsimal Fsmst. a� oliliidits *Wit ilipti -And. ., sloor spoodeg. Mg' ID. . Aso held V now0 to cell The daughl mie ai Gamic was hR in Luc Thos .twenty Camp The bingo, and ci Mrs. Gams supper Phalli) Loree' Phrllij iin se and it Hap.' biougi toa c Shc Pat (Du PauIii nd for onouri 'ith a Ibme,c ndersi elativ 15 15! :er sisy •f tti'at Pauli telicic ' costes bride -1 Mr. lenorE ler sisi Wilson coi Mr,i week Mrs, 1 Scarbo golden ar "`allow The 1 their rl 0: Mr5 at': 3t Goderi be pies matter, tainini iNJCRI John for the Matin! Goderi at the eniplo; We 1Vm,'r Win eh wilfb1