The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-06-29, Page 14LUCKNQVL3RNTIN!L. LtICKNOW1 'ONTA1110 SUGGEST CANVASSING. '"1'HOM USING HOSF.I.TAL ' • Ashfleld Council OK Wingham School Aauition,Reiect.-Kincardine: Hosputal MacKenzie .Furniture Kitchen Suites• RANGING FROM. • . ; $S2.S0 U P try%`{.:1mew ON ;KROEHLER. 'BEDROOM. SUITE'S:' WEDNESDA . • .JUNE tnh, culverts, 1841..81; Robert- steel (Canada) Ltd., culverts', 1142;64; Ontario Culvert & Metal Products, culverts,, .S60.76, ohn Nicholson, Hydro for heater. in grader', 10.67; -Ken MacKenzie bulldozi 64 00 'Sill. back -ho and truck, 611.00; � JUe Maclntyre, trucking gravel, .144, 80•; ABC Structural Co. Ltd:, prestressed beams, MacDonald Bridge, 8.,174..4o; Dominion ,soil Investigation Ltd .•. Bri 172 lot 9-10. Conc. 6. 762.37; Gibson; survey fees.re . hiF. ,,,ay #799, 525.00; Receiver Cenera1 Pension Plan and: Income Tax, 84.21; Donald,M . Simpsor, err%ployment insurance •, 2` 6, Township of Ashfield; Mactr.tvre 'Drain,_ 731.45; -Township 'of Ash. field , Collins Drain', 44' • . ' • , Murry Johnston, hauling 1411 and stone; • 60:00; McLean Foster .Con- struction. MacDonald Bridge -,,F "3756.35; .Everett Harris, Land • for road 100.00; John Nicholson 350.57; Richard West 34F • 49; Cliff Maury, 155.86; Reg Broorns 88.56; . James.West ; 3. ^u ; •• Council adjourned to meet July . 5th at 8 pm . ASUFIELI) TOWNSIWIP COUNCIL 'MINUTES • Ashfield Township Council met on June 7th: with all rnem'bers: pre-: sent. • • • Three petitions for drainage were presented by Howard Culbert and Ivan Rivett. These were accepted and council deckled to have eng- ineer make a :survey of the areas a and draw up plans and report. The request of the Wingham Dis- dict Jiigh School Board to erect an addition to the present `s.chool. was approved A -request •'from the Kincardine Hospital Board for a payment of a`;por."tion.of�the cost of an addition to the hospital was not approved, Council suggested, a canvass of those using the hos- pital as was done lathe Goderich area. Glen Campbell of A m:berley . was engaged io collect garbage at • A mberley. Beach and :cut grass, ,etc. • at the Township Park.. A motion was passed recommending. to. the Iauion County Consultation Com- mittee that:the boundaries of Hur- . 'on. County .School Area #2 be un- changed. The following accounts were ordered paid Ontario Municipal Board, fee re new school., 500...00, .J. A. Mc= Donagh . Treasurers Bond. 16 .00.. Provincial Treasurer, Insulin, lv 62;: Gestetner. Ltd stationery,' 23.12; W :J McDonald, stamps', 5,00; Donald M. Simpson, 1/4 salary and•"pens (4.50), 395.50; • Receiver General, Re D. M. Sim- i psora, .18;00;Y Max Riegling, fox :!,bounty 4.00; dtoss Ledy, , fox bou- my, , 12.00; Robert 'McWhinney , fox bounty,8.00; David Cairvoi= 'siert fox bounty ,. 8.00; William Parrish, fox bounty, 4.00,; Pine crest Manor Ltd. , nursing care, 217,00; Robert MacGregor; rile_ '• drainage inspector, 10.00; Harold G1enh,'tile,.dtainage load, 1900.0 . Bert McWhinney, warble fly in- I spector,' 125.00; Milton Kilpatrick 90• bags Warbicide, 414,00 Jahn Gilmore, relief account,. 13.45. Payroll No. 6. 941.'23; J.W. , Hen- derson Ltd. , 'planks, and. spikes, • 88.79; Olson • and Park, gravel; 120.80; Lavis Contracting CO. Ltd • Cold -mix: asphalt, 7,.35; •Huron Concrete Supply, Stratford , ce-- ment,(MacDonald Bridge) , .235. 80 K.,K. Dawson , • :clamps and signs. 2.'41; Bryce Elliot; hauling salt , 15'.00; Chester Nicholson, repairs, to°grader muffler ., 6..00; Imper- ial Oil Ltd. , Fuel and T;ax , 199. " 28; Grant Chisholm.. Oil and Gr- ease_ , 77._54, Canadian:Oii Co. gas, for tru'ck;. 5.75; Robt Stothers, gas for truck, 11.05; }Ars. J. Dong. aldson, Gas for Truck, .5.10;' El- win Petrie, ..Gas for Truck, 5.90; Montgemery . Motors, gas, oil and filter for truck , 13.B0 Dorrainiion' Road Machinety ; repairs on grad- er 105.67; 'Cornu ,gated. Pipe Co. Col ng , ; Ken: -ton p let giving orate, was re: Rev, greetir itoulin GODERiCf S6verrai endations of•the iitoad Commit - which, >mnt-ani had b adopee l iitm fee when the .Duce report F zed e; trier tib sn. weire as by,-: Ild css at the ollexi'of the,^ slim of itUrCrZiCom. iav�v 41-6E anthorined e tea -.. rd'L c of am .- aN tottn u,°- Ntinfister otr s r zt-mays f cr •'+�EI�3TL� Teat -Ens tai• ate& =a= devekipmffeed Me 'D= agreed cpecarz ): .w'1 s. c-'ia?'i:'.?-r M%—ti .M.a IIsC+ '. lU ,Wiz' ,C47 I. mbaW'. s '.. & Com, 6 L'y jiwM• -.Y .W #„,tazve Li.ZY4. L.qt --;:ate Ct. aM vazt ate w"'".. e ;3'� sir te'44 zr.e j.n7.xtut ne M" r*. i'!: • ZIT."`.: :drawl..,. St - ,ai%.:a` itiS1 s . w.rt:'� '.. w 'iti V'0"1 • n. W"liy';:f: i"rw yY'S :�sr= t ,r ::tt itTIVTX-In :11:7 throughout the County bier: 45-66 was passed to .pro- vide for erection ;of "stop" signs at • atiitersections of county road 31 and, r ue road between Townships of, Hay and Stanley; and county road. S and roid between Township of • Carrick and Township of Howick TIlis'bi,.lar: provides for a ffour- wayy stop. at the intersection of count:,, -'road 3l aiad forraer county ;: road J .'.at Hi Screen : and. at the i7-etioz• of Cat). road 2 and fa -met co:mix road 26 at Nix - ',ash t c - 'ash chaff;. The farmer count. roads s '•are -throg . roads 'but hap T`" c"4talliLT"tF^ - county'systeamy' top..unl be used ` i-� loci rr.o ties t: a ree;: R 3V2us r `:�. • zs a _et.l +i1Ct^lle- ,? "'moi ee.` t3o of cemat r.' ap. ,= s !'•.4. the 7F'te rc5 e -r mz and is iz ..•- ::tar;ixrz- • . • •ai'�a ant : " art tc a : ?T.= ex• w• • 3r'1. i it «"read•,• -w Es4. 14F".. " -i tit Lr/ut :11,LL .L..♦ `a�. r,ie' :;i i• r. LV, >7 Yd'�`.I.iyJ•. N...'+ ��n Z' r :?.A -.y r "a ism . They'd suffer ..... loss of clothes, belongings and ,shelter at least..And they could suffer .burns 'or other painful injuries. • There might be loss of..l fe-sleeping children are often over. come by smoke. . A fere v» your lme could have disastrous. effects. Yet home fares are far from uncommon. :...an ‘average of 25 every day •� O tarlio last year: You can protect your family and property 4..1r. acY g'to eitrminate. four common causes of home fires ... •.� .atc away Jrt3,Tt. children • Zoo, t ;:.'''ter'‘toad electrical cirt uits• �= �- �e . dam• .:sang, and s.toring•inflammable materials ,c. s -c; e ,len yourr'e dying do m bed or on a A,:¢;'sto-4 e CO—OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION "• y. :� . .WLi YA.J% V iv „,' ' `J•Y.t. /.N' •.. .yam, ., HOME • LIFE Mr Mr, ar greetir A tet nard ai Pellow. of Cha have.a 'MC R.Q. Pleasa MacAt Others Masec. Aulejy, Mrs. Mrs,, •E Brut( by. Rev who. sp Presby Ham; T.R. if Wes Iron,. to ,as he Co Don. in beh iewpc ht gre Ars, X. Ke )rG1 Jniver )(Tor arber Rev: tandir �layin tombr ti'ire a One nk wa ihich an W. he .el trapp The i as. ab me deli. 1:d.ig ive t able reet lowi', Ja urch sbyt•i verd Chuff Si. "r urch Ash conal Ster• M. ii, e.tri app sent dur he's alf [rs, pp• he �� mer ilfr gte', ha cess gte cry hti es