The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-06-22, Page 20WE! Gi Seventeen -year-old :Jean 'Sut- ton has :been selected to rep. resent Lucknow District . High Sehoor in The. London Free Press School Queens' Club. Jean is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lyntan'Sutton, RR 2, ,. Holyrood, She .is, a member of the girls' senior basketball team,band, s c I' e n c e club, church choir, 4-H homemak- ing elub,'and the public speak. ing club. She has chosen to write her . ' essay cin the lost art. •of speech. $y JEAN surroN 'Although 'wee have altered. .• the ' ace of our . educational. system and: curriculum . many • ;times Since the age of .Pericles, • we have cdntinued. to, ignore . the mostnecessary subject of' . all - exercise. in self clinics - :don. In the ancient Greek:. curriculum,• the two basic:•sub jectswere music and rhetoric. With us, oratory has become a • lost art, We place too little emphasis on the advantages of •making ourselves understood.' Wherever we .go of whatever we do, we must use speech -- not merely to converse but to • convey ,• our ideas. To be able • '. Good taste needn't be expensive. Our beautiful Bouquet Invitation Line proves this, with the most exquisite • papers, type' faces and Thermo En workmanship n--rich you could wash for! it features g .; 'raised lettering --elegant as the •finavir� gr est craftsmanship yet costing so little! Come see our unusual Selection. ' ate ..to two weehi dohs,' to speak • to. the ;poorly edu- cated roan and' make him un- derstand, then to talk to' the professor. at "his level•requires a talent for words. With 'each'. hew' advancement inscience or, in man's liberty, man : must :add .to his vocabul- e '1 T (Whitechurch •News). On Sunday :Mr.. & Mrs Frank Moore Murray , Billie and Trena and hisfather of .Listowel. called here at •the home, of his'brother W alter. Moore, Mrs. Moore & family. The brothers: Murray. Billie • were left in the car toy mind Trena aged 2; The/boys left the car and Ttena ' busied herself in her mother's purse, ,found some bilis eating some and was at it when Murray returned to the car. They took her back to Listowel.• hospital where' she was examined and was kept 'in th'e hospital over night under observation:. Mr. & Mrs. "Canier-on' Simmons of London were Sunday visitors with.her father Charles Martin' and his parents Mr. & Mts. G Simmons Wingham 'Mid Mr. Mrs. Ezra Scholtz. Mr. & Mrs, George Fisher were,. In London on Saturday attending the wedding 'of their ;neice Gayle Carruthers'daughter of Mr & Mrs. John. Carruthers and Robert 'Rewborhan of West Lorne. Both are graduates of Western Unsver- • sity. Visitors on Sunday with Mr.' & Mrs. George Fisher were; Mr, .&. Mrs. Gordon Fisher, Lonnie , Lari , and Lee of Guelph., They also visited with her parents Mr. & Mrs. ',George Marshal Of Cuirass., Mr, & Mrs. Ted Evans, Linnda • and Larry' of Downsview spear the ' Week with his parents Mr. & Mrs, Bill Evans and her parents Mr. & Mrs: Bert Nicholson of l(inlodgh. MI5 H. D. MacDonald, Mrs. Donald MacDonald, Mrs. Lorne Wall and !Ars. Bill R.intoui attend- ed ttend-ed the shower' Oh Friday B ening for Hilda Ritchie bride to be it Hacketts'Church . ' Charles lea 'er spent Tue.sda) at St. Joseph's Hospital i,ondot. with his sister Amelia wbc been a patient there for some • weeks.. Mr:. ' , . Brei ot o. cha'c Lake t . ;.ga: and daughter Mrs. • Robert k"a"5: I?' .Greet +• ille• Soutr. Saroinst et. +k" ary. If heis to make .people listen; he must' beable to will another with soft words °but a hard ' argument. He must know when 'to "ease' the ten- •sign, when to 'throw the win- ning blow.;. We could acquire •' this ability in the classroom. The gifts: of speech ise our heritage, but only practice will develop it. ed the marriage of'the former's granddaughter Gail Creighton of Detroit on Saturday, and visited with Mrs: J. D. Beecroft and family on Sunday: Mrs. Creighton was returning home with her daughter to South Carolina.. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Tiffin, Mr, & Mrs. William Brown on Sunday visited Kincardine and Ripley ` cemeteries and placed wreaths there in memory of their relatives Callers at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Gershom Johnston.Wingham were Saturday evening Mr. & Mrs. Jack Johnston & family London, and: on Sunday. Mr. & Mrs. Ken Johnston & family of Clinton Mr, & Mrs.. . Wallace Conn Muriel and Alma were Sunday. visitorsewithher. parents. Mr. &: Mrs. Earl Caslick. ' Jim Irving of St Marys visited. on Sunday with.Mr.. &: Mrs. Johnston Cann. Mrs, Irene Paterson and Orland • and Fred Ritchie were.Sunday visitors. with Charlie Taylor.' On Sunday Ray c,adke and - Arthur Laidlaw took Arthur's boat the Mary Belle to Silver Lake where they tried' it out and: were well pleased with it's per—,: formance Mr; & Mrs .'Jim Currie were Sunday 'evening visitors, with.: Jean and Grant Wilkton of Turnberry.. ' •Doug . Martin Buys YOU. ARE WELCOME TO TAKE OUR SAMPLE BOOKS. TO YOUR HOME OVERNIGHT (Lochalsb News) Douglas Martyr of Ripley. has purchased. the McG l ivray farm, at L a1i ; • . Visiting Mr. & Mrs, Walter'Dex• ter for a . few days were, Mr. .& Mrs, '. John Ensign .of Goderich. bin,,. Russell Swan returned: home frorr..rirmardiuee Hospital, or: • : uevda bb }1 . . P.e-...ent guests or Mr. . & McCharlei wiere Mr. & Mrs:4.. loci..'frer:'1.-Lvanr.„,of Ridjet0wi; and ' M &' Wirt, ✓'maid e.; �r.arlet •:dam.. of Brantford . 2:r,'.Jr1iti was guest • a` arse I' atrshee W omee "nM x�+r. r y.+ . .,.y�,I't" �`... w�uF'bwt��t af4et:scit3T`. SEE OUR , SELECTION OF ACCESSORIES. • SERVIETTES y-- MATCHES COASTERS PLACE CARDS CONFETTI CARDS--'CAKE/BOXES AND BAGS to Cht of t non had 'ape Rev gani gra` Cas sibli the eric for I the offe pare Hari Cu McD Chur a1d r with idict Pent) press the t tau•gl ingi Scho T. iv and '1 oom a for +'on, Mrs upei lclac ,y A guest. odg -d th r..f hair E.ac lass olo, :gift 'eed The ingic On angt •r rc ith' am1 d -om rpri xpre udei oug =r st Mi, tum eir df� own, Mr., site send anti Toy rs,., d f� We rs hel Mrs r dL •lyr' ref isfo ctu ace Mrs 'ror • Whig th 1 ren r+ ire Su