The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-06-22, Page 18.LUCKN.OW SENT.INE , LUCKNOW, ONTARIO W , SDAY,.JUNE •22nd, 1!y •y11001111.01.0000001.10.01011!00.010.410001100111141.10 A■■11 01.00 0r■0110.0101IAMBBEBBr ,Honor � Social Eveninq (Whitechurch News) • Last week we reported the -Lang- side Cemetery meeting and.':a work 'bee to be held on Saturday June 18. : The weather beingg favourable 22 people men & women sons & daughters and grandchildren gathered on Saturday. The 9 lawn mowers guided by men or women had the cemetery mowed in. an hour. Another group .,of. men with tractor & trailer: filled up the holes And made the grou- nds au level while another group dismantled: the front fence of the old wire and put op2 strand.of :. aluminum wire. We much appre -. .ciated•thee donation of these portions of wire by. Ted Collyer., We' understandthat interested parties had. previously washed the: • glazed :tombstones as winter • leaves a film , of dirt on them. Anyone interested in this cern- etery 'should visit it now andsee what a.group of interested folks ' can/do in one afternoon and may- be join the work :crew in future, years: in memory of our fore. fathers who left us a grand heritage On Saturday,'Kenneth Agnew of Falconbridge, Ont. was a caller in the village trying;to locate where his great grandmother Mrs. James Agnew,' the former Ann Sanderson," born in Kinloss was . buried at Whitechurch after'1872.. Fie visited .Langside Cemeterry • and' the Kinloss clerk' Gordon • Wall. He did learn a Sanderson :. tardily lived at one. time on the 6th of Culross on the farm 'at one time owned' by the late Walter• Richardson. • If anyone has any. in or'm t' f a ion he:•would be happy to hear:from you.' •" ' • Mr. &: Mrs. Tom Morrison spent Friday at Westminster Hospital ;London where Mr. Morrison underwent •check-ups, . WILL' VISIT IN WEST, • / • Annie Kennedy of W ingham, and Mrs. Harry Tichborne Goderich left London, by .plane on Sunday • to visit with their. brother Alex of Winnipeg and ''other relatives. in British Columbia', They will be away two weeks. • • '• Barry Tiffin of Kitchener, Mrs. Ethel Stewart of Wingham and` Mr, & Mrs, .Orville Tiffin visited. with -Mr. '& Mrs. Dan Tiffin:of Teeswater where all were cele- brating Fathers Day, On Sunday Mkode, Mrs. Lawson.. Majury of Paisley joined Mr. & Mrs. Albert.Cotiltes, Mr, & Mrs. Mervyn Pipe of, Brussels, Mr.' &. Mrs. John Pipe and all went to Grand Bend wherethey held a picnic and were joined by Mr. & Mrs. 'Jack Coultes &family of Dresden. • • • 1%.4r. & .Mrs Gordon McBurney Hugh and. Ronald and Brian • Garry Jamieson joined Mrs. Fred Yausie, Carman and Jerry Past- orius. of London at Port -Prank where Jerry has his motor boat, and treated all to boat rides. Mr. & ;Mrs, Ha Mess, Janie and Susan f ...:"tom i e were. Sunday visitors withher parents,. Mr'. &,Mrs, •Ben McClenaghan. and Mr. •& Mrs. Carl 'McClena- ghan.. On Saturday Mr.; & Mrs.. Ben McCIenaghan visited with Mr & Mrs.. Bill Parker of Exeter and family while Mr. & Mrs. Carl McClenaghan attended the Exeter Saddle ;Club Quarter Horse Show where there were 153 entries. Mrs. Leroy Rintoul and Carol, Mrs. 'Archie. Purdon and baby, visited on Wednesday. with her mother.Mrs.. Webster •Ja cklin of , • Listowel` while the mens Archie Pardonr& Leroy Rintoul attended,: the sale' at•Listowel ' Mr. & Mrs. Ben .McClenaghan visited Wednesday :with Mr. ;& Mrs"'Elwood Barbour of St. Helens•• Mr. & MS.' Carl Weber Ann .Marlene & Clare were Sunday; visitors with 'Mr. .:& :Mrs. Harry Lindenschmidt & family of Walkerton.. (Amberley News) A•large crowd attended a present- ation at Amberley Orange•hall on Saturday evening last week, in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Emmerton and familywho are now residing in Kitchener, Leonard Courtney was chairman and com:- munity singing was led by Mrs. Robert.Courtney. A trio by Wendy and. Margret Anne Courtney and Marsha. Humphrey was followed. with a reading by Mrs. Kelvin .Henderson. Mrs. James Nesbitt favoured with instrumental numbers A dance was given by' Marsha Humphrey and Margret Anne Courtney. A quartette ,consisting. of Irene and Brenda .Henry, Carol .Courtney and Brenda Humphrey . was followed with a reading Mrs, William Ferguson. ".A humot pus reading, was also given by .Charles Errtmerton. Pianists for the . program were Mrs. Bob Court ney, , ,Carol Courtney and Brenda. .Humphrey. .Mr.' and Mrs. Emmet tonand family were called to the • '• platform and an address was read by, Leonard Courtney and the pre- -sentation of .gifts was made. Ches ter expressed thanks on behalf Of the family. Lunch: was served and.. a social time' was enjoyed, Mrs. 0. G. Anderson and' Grah• am Anderson of'Belgrave .visited with Mr.'and. Mrs. W. J'" Court , ney:and Myrtle Phillips on Satur- day evening •Annie Durnin Robert and. John purnin of St. Helen's visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. W " J: Courtney • PICNIC AT POINT CLARK • •The Explorer' and Messenger groups and their leaders •Mrs, George Messenger and Mrs. H. f River United C Pillen o .Pine � hutch enjoyed; a picnic on Friday of last week at Point Clark. A•frer games and races a picnic lunch was served David Courtney is employed. at the .Hackett implement shop.in •Lucknow , E. �. MICKLE: & SON LTD:.. QUALITY MICHIGAN AND ONTARIO $ANILLAC AND SEAWAY SEED FERTILIZER. SUPPLIED FPTAM'AVAILABLE • WE HAVE BAGGED OR ;BULK HARRISTON FERTILIZER AVAILABLE. AT COMPETITIVE PRICE: 'REGISTERED; CERTIFIED .AND COMMERCIAL SPRING SEED AVAILABLE SPECIAL SEED; MIXTURES AVAILABLE SEE OR CALL .(Whitechurch flews) On Monday evening -twenty per-- sons gathered at Tiffins or Langside Cemetery and .viewed the condi- tion of the cemetery as to grass, monuments 8 fences, then all went to the home of Mr. & Mrs,. Charles Tiffin to holdthe meeting. Jamieson Pettypiece was'appoint- ed Chairman&' Mrs. Victor Erner- son Secretary. The treasurer: Jamie-: son; Pettypiece. reported Balance hi Dominion Bank $1,063.30. It was decided to have a work bee on June 18th, at'1 p.m., when folks will bring their, lawn mower and help cut the grass and .later fill in•the holes that occur each year. It was decided to replace the front fence with two strands of aluminum wire and to' have it high so that it would riot interfere with a lawn mower, and• repair .other' broken parts.' , •• ' Jamieson Pettypiece and Mrs. Victor Emerson were appointed to interview . Kinloss Council at their next meeting in regards'to the council supervising the manage- . ment of the cemetey. Officers appointed were Presid- ent •Charles"Tiffin, resid.ent'Charies'Tfffin, Sec, .Mrs,. • Victor Emerson, Treasurer Jamie- son Pettypiece; Directors -Bill Scott, Graham Moffat, Wesley & Jim Young. and Charles Taylor. Next meeting to be .called by the 'President.. Live pedestrians and successful men always think toast on their feet, • ■ CARS I ii ■ , u; I. ■ A, ■ .. ill •NUM. BER. OF 1966 AND 1965 MODELS. THESE VARY FROM: i, • Porrtiae' Sirato Chiff to Parl Glenne Hardtops Chevrolet Biscaynes to' Impala: Hardtops s ▪ 1966 Pontiac Grand- PaflsiurMto, Z. door hardtop, fully equipped ■ Fords*. ■ 1965 Mustang, V8 Automatic. 1.1065 Ford Galaxis 500, 4 Door, Hardtop •1 s • ▪ • NUMBER 'OF 1964 PONTIACS, 4 AND f, CYLINDERS • ; ' Various. Modes • s. ■ ..NUMBr ■ 'NUMBER 1964 CHEVROLETS, 6 AND i CYLINDERS.' 'I •leVarious Models" • • ■II 1 1964: Ford•'Custom i 1963, .Ford,. 2 Door Hardtop,. fully .equipped sr • • VARIETY OF :1#63 PONTIACS AND, 'CHEVRO'LETS • ,i. • . CONVERTIBLES r iim 1964 Pontiac Custom Sport, ' 327 • • m •. STATIONWAGONS ;. • i • 1963 Chevrolet, V.$ automatic, 4 door • Oldsmobile, Super IMF a TRUCKS .. •, 1963.Chevrolet, 1/2 Ton, long box ' i 1962 G.M.C. 3Ys Ton . Pick-up s ▪ 1962 . ,. ■ .i :: • ■ ▪ 2 1962 Chevrolet/4 TOn Pickups, one long,, oresn.s tort . •i• • Srusseis Motors • ■. ' Cities Service Dealer l Phone 173, B.ru sell ■. 'tris! •amolift■i■■■I■I/•asasipmemossoi wesseuu • will .be held here Saturday night, Sur r: ise Partvun June 25 It will '• �1 deal Mainly with o ' f r r 1 Aniiiversary 5th • Agi4: morin or vacation 44 g a ationBible, schools. y .I and will feature the. Scripture ,.(Whitechurch News) ` • • •On Thursday June 16 was Mr. • & Mrs. Jim Curries 1'5th'. wedding : anniversary : which they were quietly, celebrating with: their usual'round: of evening chores:'. A ,riving, and taking them .cornp; letely by surprise were Mr • Leader & Donna of Gorrie , Mr. & Mrs. Ken ,Currie &family; Leah. Currie- Wingham, Mr. Mrs; Russel Gaunt., .The evening 'was spent playing cards. At lunch time the visitors sur- prised the happy couple by sett ing up the t.edding cake, with all .its`decorations and then serv- ing the delicious lunch they, had •brought'with them. To complete the happy time and reunion they,, presented them witha gift. Mr. & Mrs. Currie thanked their relatives for their kindness.' On Sunday Mr„ & Mrs. John De- Boer & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Peter De Boer & Family of Langside, Mr. & Mrs, Dick DeBoer Bluevale & family ,•Mr. & Mrs. Henk Kragt. & family of Langside spent Sunday with.thefr parents Mr. Mrs. •Simon DeBoer of St. Helens in honour of Mrs,' DeBoers birth- day.' Visitors on the week -end with Mi."& Mrs:Sidney `Sidney Thompson. were June Wright. &Joh'n Paynter of Kitchener,. Mr.. & Mr's, Greg- ory Buchanan of Don' Mills. On Sunday all attended Anniversary services at McIntosh church and visited with their•parents Mr. • &, Mrs. Gordon Wright of Clifford: Mrs. Hugh` Sinnamon and Hugh . Mr. & Mrs•,- Bob Sinnamon and family:of Wfngharri visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs, E, ,W Beecroft &.family, also Mrs; ,J. D.•Bee- croft of Wingharn was a visitor at the same home. .. ' We are sorry to report Mrs.' Robert Ross and Mrs.,. Miles Mc- Millan of Teeswater are patients in Wingham & District Hospital. We wish then speedy recovery, A Christian education workshop Press'filrrtstrip:, ".God's Word in ;My Life 1'. The workshop will be held in ' the Pr.esbyteri'an, nanse and. 'begins at 8;30 p " rn. On Sunday.' June 26 Oona.ldWatt, "Presbyteiian•student minister, continues his'series on the life.of 'Christ. His sermon topic for 'the 11:30 service 'will `be, "A t the Pool. of Bethesda'''. . • . No service will be held in Chalmers church on July 3. Oh that=day *Revll-acc- Little:of Winnipeg will address anniver sary. services at Langside church. He will speak at 11 a.m. and 8 A social evening will be held at the Langside • church: on Mon- day , on -day, July 4:. Mrs. Grace Richard, son will tell. of her work in El Salvador. The program:. begins at -8:30 pain. Mrs. 'Grace Richardson having completed the sehool term at Sat;., :Salvador, left on,. Sunday. to rend. to Molesworth to the home of het sister. Mr,.:& Mrs; .Walter Moore, Linda and Richard were Friday. .evening visitors with .her. mother Mrs. Gertrude Moore ofRivers- dale. ` Fred Leaver, a patient at wog.. ham Hospital, on Sunday was transferred too 'Toronto Hospital, Mrs. Andrew Wilson of E. Wal' anosh has been a patient in WtT. 'ham Hospital- for few weeks. We wish her a•speedy recovery. Mr. &.Mrs ;Walter Moore, Linda and Richard and Mt, & Mr.s. Oscar, Hetsler Ar, family of St. Helens spent Sunday, at Boiler Beach,.