The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-06-22, Page 319'66 •23.24 rrors - S color eche DON ll: ron, :urop:: • e. se. d to. hit' To ce.•: iicolor Only; 4-29-30 , 00 . ern.• it filler. • WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22nd,, 'Old • rt. 1 tAllt* witti THE LUCKNOW 5IINTIN4iL,. LUCKNOW; ONTARIO • •zoc•w vw�.aa vmx ,,,� /r y• Potato (hips. •. HOSTESS,. SAVE lOe,..13 OZ.. luncheon Meat KAM, SAVE 6e, 12 OZ. 59c. 53c Col: Margarines 3-79c ROSE :BRAND, SAVE 19c, 1 LBS. •q ea Bags. • RED ROSE, O,P,, SAVE' ac, W s. ; Strawberry Jam 39c MRS. LUKE'S, WITH PECTIN, SAVE 14c, 24 OZ. Granulated Sugir, ` $3.94: 30 LB. COTTON BAG • Mashed Potato 'Flakes 53c SHIRRIFF'S INSTANT, SAVE 6c,.12 OZ. • Dental Cream 29c PEPSODENT, REG. SIZE, PRE -PRICED 35c Steakettes 9c. per - Ib. Ib. Bacon Eads 65c 16. ed and Whife Fao FREE•Dwv.pty..• PHONE 528-3001 LOCAL and GENERAL NEWS Mr. 'and; Mrs.' Victor. Whitley of Hamilton spent last week -end with Mr. -and Mrs. John Emmerson. Harold• Gardner 'was a Sunday visitor. at the same home,:, • 'Mr. arid Mrs. Wm. Chislett of Waterloo,Mr, and Mrs. Paul Henderson Heather and :Jennifer of 'Goderich ; Bruce nendersorr of Windsor,' were week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Henderson of Lucknow. • Margaret Rae,of Lucknow, was hospitalized in St. Joseph's E lospital , London, where she un derwent eir surgery on Tuesday. • of last week. She returned home last Sunday. Mr: and Mrs. Chris Raynard and. Kathy of Islington were Saturday visitors with Mr, and Mrs; Nelson Raynard: ' Heather Mauer,. seven year old • daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon:. Mauer of Lucknow returned to her" home -two weeks ago from Wingharrj Hospital, where she has been a patient for 'nineteen days. Mrs. W ,•Reid, Bob and Karen and Clyde Reid of Strathroy were Sunday Visitors with Mrs. George • Andrew at •Pinecrest ,Lucknow. Ovisited with 'Mrs. t nlvl Ona Aa Alton. of tondn o . Andrew. Mr, and Mrs; Bob Gauley, Deb- bie, Danny, Dennis and David of Galt and Mr. `and Mrs. Claude Guay, .Randy; Ray and Anita of• Lucknow visited wittt• Mr and Mrs Worden Howald last week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Les Ritchie visited in Sarnia with their son Alvin and familylast Week -end. • Tom Rarnautarsingh of George town was a recent visitor with Mrs; Rtta.Roberts of Lucknow. Mrs. 'W. .W . Jackson of Preston is spending two weeks with her sister-in-law Mrs. 1. H. Hall of Towt... .. Mr. and Mrs. iRay Gilders of Goder ichspent Sunday with their Aunt , Mrs. Annetta Bushell James Beaton Senior of Lucknow is at present in Saskatchewan- where he is visiting with his daughters and sisters'. He left here about 'the first of June. Mr., arid Mrs. Miller from Sask- atoon,. Mae Maclnnes of Wingham and Genie' and Bob Ross of .Toronto visited recently with Miss Jessie MacKay and Mrs. Wm, MacIntyre' •of Lucknow: Mr. Miller is a grandson of Sam Miller of. Sask- atoon -who was .a former resident of •the. 2nd of Kinloss..' ; Mrs. Ford Cunningham spent•• last week at Earlton., .Ontari•o' . , where Ford has been working the .past three weeks.. While there Mrs Cunningham visited with her aunt and uncle.Mr. and Mrs; J. E. Webster at Kirkland Lake. Mr. and Mrs..Cunningham returned •to, Lucknow Saturday,,.. The 'Lucknow Woinen's.Institute will hold their annual picnic on Tuesday June 28th at Mrs. Gordon Fisher's cottage Point Clark.., ,Everyone please -bring their own.• dishes. Father's Day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Nicholson were Mr. and, Mrs. Jim Hunter and Wanda of Zion, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Ritchie and. Annabelle of Huron, Mr. and. Mrs. Bill Smith and Robbie of Seaforth. Mr, and Mrs. Ken Nicholson and family of Lucknow, • Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Simpson of Kntail attended the Marriage.of their niece Gayle Carruthers and Robert Rewbotham on Saturday June 18. The wedding took place in the St. John Evangelist Church. at Wellington and,, St. James Street 'London. . Mr, and. Mrs. Don Gillespie, Ronnie and Kathie -were unable to be present. • • • NGAGEMENTS RIEGLING =' RITCHIE Mr. & Mrs. Francis H. Ritchie of R. R. #3 : Lucknow, • wish to'announce the engagement of their daughter Nancy Anne, to Mr. Carl Francis Riegling son of Mr'.. and Mrs. Carl J. Riegling of R. R..#7 Lucknow.. The•' marriage will takeplace on Saturday July 23, 1966 •attwelve. o'clock noon, in St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Kingsbridge. HOWALD'- READ Mr, and .Mrs. Howard Bruce Read ' 212 Arthur St. , Elmira announce 'the engagement. of 'their daughter Katherine Elaine Read of Oakville to.:Mr..Harold Ulrich Howald of Oakville, son of Mr.' and Mrs. Worden Howald,: Lucknow. The wedding will take . place at 3 o'clock, July 9th, in • Wesley United Church Elmira, h• • HARRIS ALTON Mr. and Mrs. 'Bert Alton of'Ash- field announce the engagement of their . daughter, Dorothy Iriene, of Sydney., Australia, to' Mr. , DaVid Wentworth Harris, only son of Mrs B. K. Harris and the late Dr. C. Harris of Bellevue Hill, Australia. The wedding will take place on Saturday. July 23rd, at 4 p.m. in McQuarrie Street • Piresbyterian Church , • Sydney, Australia. 1 .4*.r...fatp4V0 • PAGE THREE ASPHALT SHINGLES INTRODUCING A CANADIAN MADE .NEW TYPE LOCK SHINGLE, DESIGNED FOR HIGH WIND AREAS. THIS ' 1S • A HEAVY WEIGHT, SHINGLE FOR ALL BUILDINGS. Also in stock Standard 3 tab and Self sealing '3 tab, 210 Ib. s luare..Felt roofing papers. REASONABLE PRICES WITH DISCOUNT FOR .CASH. IF DESIRED WE, CAN. ARRANGE, FOR MEN' TO APPLY SHINGLES.- 4 MORRISON BROS R,R..2 LUCKNOW PHONE , 52S-2306 BIRTH.$1; VALAD - At Walkerton Hospital,: on Saturday., June llth, 1966, to Mr. and Mrs.. Gerald Valad of Holyrood, twins, •a sonand a . . daughter DeBOER - In Wingham and District. Hospital, on Saturday.' June 11, 1966, . to Mr., and Mrs.' Willi' -m. • •DeBoer, R. R. 1, Lucknow, a son. RAYNARD - In Wingham'and Dist= rict'Hospital, on. Tuesday,. June 14, 1966, •to Mr. and Mrs. Doug- las' Raynard, R. , R. 3 : Lucknow, a daughter. SA LO In. Dryden Hospital on Monday May 16th to .Mr, .& Mrs. Raymond Salo (Marion Mole) a son Michael Anthony.: Proud grandparents Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Mole: FARRISH• -In Wingharn and District Hospital on Friday,. June:• 17th , .o_Mr _ at d Mrs --W illiarn -- Famish ;:(Jean Monteith) , Loch- alsh , . ;a son. Gordon Campbell Europe :makes* about 8:0 per _cent of the world's:wine.• �h . owe se r.r :Held .F o Hilda Ritchie A miscellaneous relative shower was held at. Hackett's .church on Friday June.l7th, in honour of Hilda Ritchie The program ,consisted of read sings 'by,Hazel Webster and Mrs. Harvey Ritchie and a solo by Janet Ritchie. • Hilda was assisted 'in' opening her. •, gifts by her sister(Dianne) Mrs:. Tom Dickson,. Marianna Mac •Donald and Janet .'Ritchie. Following lunch the ladies were invited to the bride -elect's home to: see: her trousseau On Saturday June. 18 girlfriends held a shower for Hilda.Ritchie ,at Marianna MacDonald's in ' -Lucknow. Anne Ritchie read the address to Hilda. Barbara Nelson. assisted in opening the many lovely and useful ;gifts. A very humorous bride book was enjoyed: by all present. Marianna Mac- Donald the hostess, served a - dainty dainty lunch. :Hilda thanked • everyone and invited them to see. her gifts' Shower Friday for Patricia Thompson Patricia. Thompson was honored last Friday evening at a surprise ,• shower at the Parish Hall,. Luck - now The evening was arranged. by Patricia's aunts Mrs Ron•Roth- well of Norwood, Mrs. Al Martin, of Long Beach,. California, and Mrs . Stuart Collyer of Lucknow Mrs..Gordon Montgomery con- tributed piano music while the ladies were gathering. Mrs. Elwin, Hall, was chairman for a Shortprogram consisting of a piano solo by Joanne, Thompson. a'eduet •by Mrs. :Mel. Goyette and Mrs. J. C. McKim';;' A very. • humorous "Mock Wedding' was .staged. by.. the following cast /bride. Mrs: Ken Murdie, groom.- Mrs. room•-Mrs. 'Leonard MacDonald, bride smaidd•- Mrs.. Clark Finlayson; • best man - 'Mrs;. Wm. Porteous, bride's father Mrs.'. Morgan ,. Henderson, flower girl= Mrs.' Mel; rear, , . minister. —.Mts. Milton . . Rayner, organist W.Mrs.' Gordon • Montgomery with vocal trio Mrs. Mel Goyette, Mrs. Jim MacTav- ish and 'Mrs.. Clarence 13611.. Patricia was assisted in opening her many lovely gifts by Eleanor' .Maclay, Joanne. Thompson, • Mrs.. Don'Thompson,, Mrs. Forbes Mcleellan, Linda Goyette.. LUCKNOW . UNITED CHURCH' Rev.. Howard W. Strapp Minister , JUNE 26th 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. ' Morning Worship "God's Love and Care" Lucknow Presby. Brian Church Rev. Roderick MacLeod Minister JUNE 26th 10:00 a.m. Stmday School 11:00 . a.m. Mofl inng . Wr PETER'S ANGLICAN CHURCH LUCKNOW: SUNbAY;, JUNE 26th SERVICE AT 11:15 A.M. GUEST SPEAKER ,. REV. WILFRED WRIGHT SPECIAL MUSIC • • • • l• r. e6 ai•