The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-06-15, Page 11e - of l0 In t[ es; a ad - in •g VIBQME$4AX. JUNE 1$1%. 1946 CN Blokes UCW Blakes U.C.W.' held their June meeting Thursday evening, June 2nd, at the.bome of Mrs,' • Mark Berger. Mrs. Jack Curran was in charge of. the program ' and opened the meeting with the call to worship, "God dills and we offer ourselves'; followed by prayer. t hymn was sung and Mrs. Cliff Kilpatrick read the scripture, Mrs. Jack Curran gave" the meditation, and Mrs. Cliff. Kilpatrick , Herald for June, gave a reading. Thesecretary's report•was giv- en .and the ;roll call was' answered by.one of the ten commandments with ten members and two visitor's present. The :treasurer's report • was given and plans were made for the Lions supper tobe held. in the hall Monday, June 13th. Mrs. Jack Curran read three short poems, "Value, of a smile",, "Try Smiling" ;and' "No Time for prayer" . Mrs. Bert Alton' gave a: very interesting talk on her, bus • trip to Toronto where, they toured„ • the ,iJ nited. Church publishing house Covenant College, Chur ch of .all Nations, and the City ' Hall.. The next meeting to be held Tuesday ,evening. July 5th. • at the home. of Mrs, Warren Zinn. • F The meeting closed with a hymn and while lunch was being prepared.. by Mrs.. Mark Berger and Mrs. 'Jack. Curran;. a.contest was enjoyed, "Do you know your advertisements?“. E 411/410,41 its, .4 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, 1 UCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE. ELEVEN. Unit 1 Lucknow UCW. Linn 1 of the•U..C. W, met at the hoarse 'of Mrs. J. W , Joynt on June 7. . Mrs. H. Treleaven conducted the business period; Theron call, a short item from the Observer,. was answered by 10 members and there were' four. visitors. Mrs. Lewis took the chair'for• • ' the following program., Mrs, Wm.. Wharry gave an inter- esting paper on "lnca" civilization .which existed in South America; •principally in Brazil.and Peru, in the sixteenth century This fitted in with our recent study'book on ,Brazil and contrasted the present conditionof the country with the • highly civilized state under the rule,of the Inca. 1 . Miss Margaret 'Rae sang a solo; "Little Pink Rose" Mrs. H. Strapp led in the read- ing of Psalm 46. responsively, and gave us some "farewell". thoughts ' on God's plan, for solving our prob - lems., . Mrs. Lewis thanked Mrs. Strapp for.her leadership and help in the :organi. tion of the local U.C.W. Mrs. Oscar Casemore of Wing - ham sang,a couple of .hymns, acc7 ompaning herself on the autoharp;. A reading on Friendship brought. the meeting to a close and a. social' time followed': L cln s ide W M S The WS. Of 'the Langside, Church Met on Thursday after- noon, hide 9, at the home of Mrs..:Eugene 'Conley. The call to worship was given by.the, president Mrs, Chas. Tiffin.. Everyone re- peated the W. "M.. S; Purpose, •.followed by the scripture reading,, taken by Mrs. Orr.. Mrs.,, Welsh gave the.. meditation, which was based on the scripture reading. The 'roll call "Your favourite ,:hymn", ,was answered by 10' mem-' bets,. The. minutes of the last meeting.. were read by Mrs,. Gord- on Wall' ib the absence' of.the • secretary, Mrs,; Conlon. A Getter of thanks from' Mrs; 'Miller was: read. Plans were made for:a Social evening to'be held the week following anniversary, the. ' proceeds. for the expense ,fund.. • 'The program committee to be , Mrs. •Charles Tiffin and Mrs. Geo. Young. Lunch committee,, Mrs. Wes Young and Mrs. Gordon Wall, The next meeting will be held., Op July ,14, Mr's. 'Lloyd Moffat offering her •home. The roll call will be answered with "Your fav- ourite hymn". Mrs,. George • Young and' Mrs. George Conlon are in charge of the program. The . offering was received and offering prayer by Miss Emma 'Richardson. ,. Mrs. Watt gave 'a Very inspiring talk on British Guiana. A number of poems named the "Days' of the week" were given by Sunday, Mrs. Eugene .Conley; Mon day, Mr's. Watt Tuesday, Mrs. Welsh; Wednesday, Mrs. Ritchie;W Thursday, Mrs; Moffatt. Friday, Mrs,, MacGillivray; Saturday, Miss Emrria Richardson... Hymn 408 "There were ninety and nine"- was sung .and Mrs, George Youngclosed the meeting • with prayer. . ' The hostess served lunch after. ' which Mrs. Tiffin thanked 'Mrs. , Conley for having the meeting and Mrs • Wall and Mrs. Welsh fo 'Pre- paring the prrograri., . • Hear. Of Purpose & .Wor�C Of Kdros ST. HELENS, . Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McIntyre and Don of Richmond Hill were weekend visitors with Mrs. W. I Miller' and Isobel. Mr. and Mrs. john Gros, of Elmira were weekend vfsitors, with* Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Lyons. John Lyons, of Elmira also visited at his home on the.- weekend. .• , Church Group Plan . Summer Picnic., . Unit 3 of the Lucknow :met at the home of 'Mrs, Sam Alton for: the, June Meeting. Six- .teen ladies answered the .roll call, • "What I plan for my holidays". Mrs. Cu.'mmings opened the .meeting ng with. prayer and Psalm; 731 was read responsively.' Mrs,' Shiells, Mrs. Saunders, and Mrs; Hackett were•in charge of the pro - •gram.. Mrs. 'Taylor reported $58. 75 realized from the: June bake, sale•. Notice was .given. to attend • the: General meeting, on Tuesday, •June 21st , at 8 p, m, , Mrs,'Stew r. art and' Mrs... Taylor .to ,receive°'at . the door. Unit 3 is to be response• ible for, flowers for the church for "the Month. of July, Plans to hold a summer picnic were discussed with August 9th, a suggested date, to 'be held at. Kincardine.: • • Mrs. Shiells discussed the Study. • Book, "The Gospel of the King-, dom,'of God" and. Mrs. `Garfield MacDonald reported "from -the meeting on "The task: of the church in our times." Mi$. Saund- . ers had a reading,"What kind of Christian are: You?". The June ,meeting of Unit -2 of the Lucknow U.C.W. 'w:as held. on. ,Tuesday evening at the home of • ' Mrs. Raynard Ackert with 24 mem- bers and 2 visitors present. Mrs. Lawrence MacLeod , the leader., opened the meeting'with a reading. "Count your Blessings":.and the hymn, "Day is dying in. the West" , followed by prayer. A' report was given by. the comm ittee re the Bake Sale, which is to be held on Saturday, Jame 18th, at 3. p.m,. ' The "next general U. C, W. meeting is to be held.on June 21st, at 8 p.m. 'Members were reminded 'that any articles of good :used clothing for the bale. are to be in -by•June.21st so that the bale may be,.packed late in June. ' . The roll •call"An antique belong: ing to.my, grandmother" proved very interesting to all present,' The offering was then received.'. Mrs. Glen Walden continued the* meeting with the hymn "O Jesus have promised". Mrs. Steve Stoth• ers read the scripture,• foliowed by. prayer. Mrs: E.. J. Thom gave us • a very interesting description of Brazilians in Brazil. We find that even a new city.has many prob- lems to overcome. Mrs. Walden then,- introduced Miss Joanne Alton, who explained the Purpose,and 'work.'of Kairos, and showed a very thought provok- ing film op "The Coffee House." Miss Alton, capably assisted by Miss Mart rie Alton and Miss June Ackert; divided the members into. discussion.. groups. Mrs. Stothers express the thanks of'the group • to Miss' Alton for the insight she had given us into the work and activities; of Kairos. • A poem "Jesus Christ and We" was read by Mrs. Walden. Miss Alton led us in th"e closing hymn "The..Lord is my Shepherd" to the tune.of "The Happy Wanderer" The benediction closed 'a very interesting meeting.. `Lunch was served by the hostess and committ- ee, • Present Gifts To 4-H Leaders The June meeting of the Zion '. •U,C.W. was held at the home. of .Mrs. Bruce Raynard. The thee -,ting opened by singing a hymn; and repeating the Lord's 'Prayer , 'in unison.. • The roll call was, ' answered :by• "a picture of grand- mother`.•. • . The. devotional period was con- ducted by, 'Mrs. Graydon Ritchie with the reading 'of Psalm 711 • in unison. A, hymn; was sung lfoll- owed by meditation :and prayer by Mrs. •Ritchie:.• . Mrs, John Hunter read a letter '. on Brazil.. Mrs. Eunice Dunsm uir: sang a 'solo accompanied -'by Mrs.' •Wes Ritchie. on the.Piano. A • reading was given by Mrs. W. G.. Hunter. . The visitor's report . was given by'Mrs. Lorne Cook and. the July visitors are Mrs. Kaiser and Mrs', Frank,Ritchie. Anniversary Service Plans were • discussedwith two services on, • Sunday, June 19th, at 11.15 and '8 p.m: Special music for both services has: been obtained, • The Garden Party money was handed .in, and'the necessary money voted for the•Treasurer to • forward to headquarters, and Manse committe and other dona . tions. The Fall Bazaar will be held on Saturday, • November 26th at the Legion Hall°,Lucknow. • Mrs. Chas, Anderson conducted:. the chapter from the Bible Study-, ,Book. As: this was thc'grand- mother's meeting, each grandma. was presented with a .corsage. �` The July meetingis the Childrens. meeting, and will be held at the home of Mrs. Lloyd,, Hunter in: the form of a picnic. . . . Donna Ritchie .presented' Mts. Kirkland and Mrs. Hunter with a gift from the 4'Il club girls. • A. hymn was sun- and Mrs. Kais- • er closed the meeting with play- er. Lunch was'served by the host- ess, assisted by Mrs. Jack Gard ner, Mrs. Allan : Gibson and Mrs. `'Harvey Ritchie. • Bell does something about it Quietly— perhaps too quietly- we've been assem • bungone of Canada's finest teams of scientists and engineers in our Northern Electric. Labor- atories in Ottawa. (Northern.Electric, as you know, is Bell's manufacturing subsidiary.) They have already produced new Communications equipment that leads the world_ . advanced tele-‘ phone/intercom sets for business the world's smallest fully automaticdial exchange; improved microwave 'systems; . and other items for .which. there was a specific Canadian need. Now you. can see how•we not, only keep our talent in Canada, but actually attract bright minds from all over the world: We ask them to;•arolve unique and challenging problems. Research and . Development one of the reasons why. Bell. Communications serve you so well. Bell Canada Unit 4 Lucknow UCW Unit 5 Ludcnow ' UCW Unit .4 met at the home of Mrs. Clarence .Bell with •21 `members • and •1 visitor present. The devot- ional part of the ,meeting was con- ducted ,by Mrs. M. Greer, assisted by Mrs. B. McKenzie and Mrs. J. McNab. We were favored with a solo by Margaret Rae"; and a violin solo by. Eleanor Irwin, both accompanied by Mrs. G. Montgomery. Mrs. Greer gave a reading. Mrs. Roy Havens took the chap- ter from God and His Purpose and was, assisted, by .Mrs. Bob Finlay and Mrs. G. 'Jardine. Mrs. Montgomery took over for the business. Minutes were read and adopted. Clothes for bale of used clothes are to bein the church by June 21. A bakeless bake sale m,ey was handed in, Donations for a wedd- ing for July 9 were settled. Gener- al meeting is to be held June 21, • Flowers for„the church, June 12•, are to be put In by Mrs. A Wilson and Mrs. B. Finlay. : : • The meeting closed with prayer and. Mizpah benediction. Contests were enjoyed before a lovely lunch was serried. Mrs. Jack Treleaven ,was hostess.. for Unit 5;'U,C;W; The devot- ional period was convened by Mrs. Harold Ritchie,. assisted by Mrs. James Mathers. The 'chapter, "Everytime I feel the, Spirit” ., was read with, hymns and prayers used as suggested. 'Mrs. Elwin, Hall took the chapter."The Power of God" from "God and His' Purp- ose" , with . Mrs. W m . Bolt, Robt. Campbell and . Mrs Robert Struthers assisting, : Mrs Wm. Bolt as• Social' Functions secret- ary, arranged for •helpers and our unit's share of "menu requirements for a July wedding. Mrs. E. Hall, as Stewardship Secretary, gave a short address on what stewardship mean to each of us, alloc- should ' time, responsible chur- , ating ones chmanship and• planning our finan- cial givings. 'Mrs. Robert Camp-. bell conducted the brief business period reminding us of the dates,. •June 20 .and .2'1st, meetings in the church. Mrs: Harold ,Ritchie con - `ducted a contest and Mrs. Harvey Webstefplayed several' musical selections. The committee in charge :served a delicious lunch • • 4 .t