The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-06-08, Page 11Ith, 1961 visited, r, and Credit. o was is rounds'. )RDERLy. epted a District stays' ' app and :lion :urday hostess her borne espie, ed to• the spend - Mr, and ned home; at ByFon, holy, i Marilyn, Ind. Mrs. at .Port' WEDNESDAY, JUNE nth 1966 • Whitechurch UCW • (Whitechurch News) Whitechurch U.C.W •metoon Wednesday afternoon at 1.30 at the home of Mrs. Albert Coultes, As it was,tl a Birthday Tea, the refreshments Were served at the beginning of the meeting.' , Mrs. Elwood Groskorth convenor in charge of literature and. period- icals, presided for the meeting which she opened with the poem, Junt>. Hyrrtns were sung with Mrs. Ezra Scholtz accompanying on the auto harp. Mrs. Fred Tiffin read the Scripture and'the. M;edit arion was,given by',Mrs: Clifford..: L' aidls'aw4 Mrs. Gtoskorth led in prayer. Theireading "The Art of Life" was given Eby Mrs. Millan Moore.. The four ladies who had recently been. on the bus trip to pronto reported as follows, Mrs. Garnet Farrier for City Hall, Tor- .nto;. Mrs. Elwood.Groskorth for. he Church of All Nations; Mrs.. ussel Chapman for United Church louse •'and Mrs, Albert Coultes. for. .ovenant College. Mrs, Grosk girth, gave her talk on Reading More hurch Papers as a mean's for rel-, pious education. Mrs. 'Russel. aunt gave a ,reading•".Chance to ove yourself. '. Mrs. •Ezra Scholtz gave a readin, 'Bilingualism and.Biculturalisrn" reading`"Bread on'the Railroad rack" and a contest was .given by rs. Groskorth. • The meeting closed•with'the anging of a prayer hymn;: Delegates Report ,'• On . Convention The June meeting of the St... ugustine'C..• 1N. L. was held on ednesday evening, June lst, "in.. e Parish Rectory with agood ttendance, . Rev. C. Caruana' •;ritual Director, opened the,. eeting with prayer:. ..' Th'e: convention delegates, Mrs.. us Redrnond and . Mrs. C. Boyle ve a fine report on the two-day inference at London. , The, Mem- rship'Convenor,`Mrs,. W.•'Kna.-'- reported 24 members pres- tly enrolled.• On May .29th', the 11 a.m. Mass, the,Parish, ildren laid bouquets of :flowers the feet of the: statue: of the essed''Virgin to: honour her in The onth of May, under the direction Spiritual. Convenor, ckey, ,Convenors were appoint (or:the:preparation of the .Fath - 's Day .supper, June '19th. Father Caruana closed the. eeting with prayer, .after, which nch was served by hostesses,: Mrs. s Redmond, Mrs. F. Eckens- lier, and lunch convenor, Mrs. ylis St. Marie. Couple ,Honoured. (Dungannon News)Y /les, . Dave Martin of Port pert entertained about shay nds and relatives oh June ,4 at iscellaneous shower for Miss lee:Fiarriston and Richard wart of Sault Ste. Marie,' ose marriage takesplace this ., nth. Many lovely gifts were . eived and •the balance of the , clingwas spent playing cards., lowed by lunch, • . • he "Cemetery' Board" has tined to have their annual mem • 1 serviced on Sunday, July 3, p• m 'Rev. S. Jay of Lucknow 1 give the address, • orman Marsh -of Minneapolis ted last week with'Mrs. Minnie es and Melvin. r: 'and Mrs. Jerry Wilbur and ley of Toronto visited friends • of Ala ?Jo THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,' LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 1 • F " Shower. Held. At Poing Clark Sunday ° (Whitechurch News) Mr, and Mrs. Arnold. Lougheed, Lori and Cheryl, of.Fort Erie, Mr, and Mrs. John Carruthers, Anne and Gayle, of London, were week• end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. • George Fisher,, On Saturday aft- ernoon, all the Carruthers rela- tives gathered at Point Clark where a shower was held for the • brides-to-be, 'Nancy Forster of Lucknow and Gayle Carruthers of London. Mr. and Mrs. Jim :Gaunt and' Janet of Exeter were weekend vis itors with, his parents, Mr and . ,Mrs, John Gaunt,: and her parents, Mr, and Mrs; Melvin Mathers of Morris Township. Mr. and Mrs,. Jas', Jvlacllrath `are visiting with Mr. ,and Mrs. Bill Underwood of Don Mills. PURCHASE PATTERS.ON FARM hilt. and Mrs;" Steve Myka and 3 children of Winghi•am 'are the pur- chasers of the late Ken Paterson's farm and obtain possession in July. •.Mr..and . Mrs. Charles Tiffin,. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brown of Luck-' now, were Sunday visitors with' Mr.. and Mrs.. Clark. Johnston of .Belgrave •Mr. and Mrs,,, Don Ross and farn-' ily'were in London on Sunday when his mother, Mrs. Robert Ross of ' Victoria Hospital, was allowedto return home with them.. Visitors. on Sunday with Mr. 'and Mrs. Carl McClenaghan.were Mr.. and. Mrs. Jack Hamilton and Neb of'Bluevale, Mr. and Mrs.. Bill Ryan: of 'Goderich , Mr. and Mrs. Lorne owe and Sandra of Tees - water: H, Mr. and Mrs.' Carl McCleriagban on. Saturday':attended the Horse.` Show at Beachwood Riding A,cad emy at. Waterloo: Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ross and Receive $50 From Former Member Mrs, lra Dickie was hostess to South. Kinloss W. M.S, at her home on Wednesday, June 1, with. Mrs, Currie 'Colwell and .Mrs. Ann, ie Maclntyre as directors. Mrs.,. Gib Hamilton presided. and Mrs. Llbyd MacDougall read minutes and correspondence, A gift to the Society of. $50 from Mrs. Sam Chislett, a former member, now of Sarnia., was•gratefully acknow-" ledged and discussed. . Bible Study was Ezekiel 47, acid . roll calla verse with "Trees".. .• Readings were given by Mrs. C. Colwell and by Mrs. Bruce Hamil- ton. The Prayer Circle was, form- ed by Mrs. S..MacLeod , Miss Martha Sutherland and Mrs, Dick- ie; Solos were contributed by Mrs. S. MacLeod' and Mrs, P. Steer, 'accompanied by. Mrs. Buck-. ton,. Mrs. Douglas Graham re— . ported on the Presbyterial held in Teeswater. A study on Japan prepared by Miss Sutherland was read by Mrs, Buckton. • Mrs, Fraser MacKinnon read an article on Christian'Literature Outreach, Mrs. Frank MacKenzie gave courtesy remarks and hostess and: directors. served "lunch. • Lucknow Presbyterign Wit M. S. The Women's Missionary .Soc i+ety, of the, Lucknow Presbyterian Church•.met on June '1st , ,.in the .:• church. Mrs. C. Finlayson was in the chair,-and.Miss :M. Mal-.. colm at the 'organ.. • The meeting was opened with' all repeating.`' the:Aim and Purpose of the W.M. S., followed with prayer by•the. leader. Mrs. Wm:. Porteous gave. • the Mission Study, and .took as her theme "The, Christians Call- ` ing" 'stating there must be'•recon-- ciliation of 'ourselves before we. can. be Ambassadors . for. Christ. • • She spoke of some of the work carried on in Taipei in Formosa. in Nigeria .and also in Canada by visiting: patients in hospitals, and in, their hornes.__•Prayer followed.. The roll call consisted of repeating a verse taken from the Book of Ezekiel;" . Eighteen ladies• answered the call..: The business consisted of dona •tions to the bale, arranging fora'. picnic in August and in securing a speaker for'the,July-August meet ing. The offering was then taken with prayer by Mrs..'Farrish. Miss Nellie Malcolm gave" a very: informative, Bible Study taken'frorn Romans.' Prayer by Mrs.`•H. Nixon closed the meeting'.' At fort Albert hereat the weekend TRANSFERRED T9 CHATHAM N.B. Mel Reid. of Goose Bay, Labra- .. dor, is spending a week at his home here. '' Mr.•. Reid has been/ transferred to Chatham, N . B, , Mrs, Reid: and .family will join him there on his return. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Brown spent the weekend 'with Mr. and Mrs. foe Petrie of Vienna; Weekend guests with•Mr. and .' Mrs, Arthur Stewart were Mr. and. Mrs. Norman Stewart and Mark of Lambeth, and Leslee Harriston and Richard -Stewart of Sault Ste. Mar- ie, • Mr. and Ivirs Wesley, Plunkett of Saskatoon who visited the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne lVers and relatives irx this area left on Monday for their home, • loris visited - on Sunday with "Mr.. and Mrs'. Earl Caslick. . Visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gershon; Johnston of'Wing- ham were .• Mr. and Mrs. Stewart • Smith and Diane of Kitchener, Mr.• and Mrs. Jim Johnston, Paul, • •Ruth Ann:and Carol Ann of Listow- el, and in the evening Dwight U.C.W. Tour Paris, Brantford -Area- (Olivet News), Mrs. Walter -Black,. Mrs. Mel- ,Colling, Mrs.; Ray Hamilton, Mrs. John Coiling and Mrs. Oscar • White, joined a bus load organized by Mrs. Ronald Alexander and •Mrs. Gordon Wilson of the -Pinker- tonU. C. W. Ladies from. Bethel Pine River, Clarke, Ripley, Oliv- et and Pinkert on' travelled on Wednesday to the Paris and Brant- ford area, visiting Five Oaks, a' United Church training centre, and .Hidden Springs•, a Christian •Rehabilitation Centre.nearby,• also the -Alexander Graham Bell, homestead, and•the Mohawk .chap- el.' Mrs, Baas VanderHoak entertain- ed about twenty-five neighbours :in her home when the tupperware representative, Mrs. Kirkconnell, of Kincardine, deinonstrated.plas- tic ware; Sympathy, is extended to Mr. William Griffin and family- in the death of Mrs. Griffin, • Mr. and Mrs. Griffin once :lived on the farm now owned by Ivir. and Mrs. {lay Harnilton, a • Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. MelvinColling and fam- ily in the passing of her cousin, Mrs. Ernie Kelly, of Kincardine; Mr, and *Mrs. Lance' Morrison of Rexdale,visited on Thursday with Mrs, W. R. Hamilton. The Junior choir and Sharon Colling , organist:,' were in ,charge • of the rriusic •in Olivet United Church on Sunday. 4 . • . PAGE ELEVEN SURE HE'S KICKING. HIS 1EELS! t►.r.i®.m11 41111 'i1lHil®� �I®Iil1 91�IYi�Ilsi®i®il ' SSI®I®I®1■I®1/ HE HAS JUST SHOPPED AT JOHNSTONE'S FURNITURE = �1®lot■ •err Where You Will Find TOP QUALITY- FURNITURE By Leading Manufacturers Such As: VILAS KROEHLER = KNECHTEL ^ FRY E: BLACKHALL FITTON & PARKER MALCOLM - DEILCRAFT <MOFFAT. APPLIANCES ,%slkatasce mat Sot- HOME FURNISHINGS MOFFAT APPLIANCES Smith and `:Brenda Behling of Kit= chener, . Mr. and Mrs. Ted Robin- 'son, Janis'and Judy, and Mrs/• Chas. Robinson, of Donnybrook Mt.•, and Mrs. Douglas Conley, '.Mr. and Mrs. Earl Caslick .•and . . George. Conn,, were Saturday, even- ing.visitors with Mr. and :Mrs. Gordon' Scott of Ripley. �. Whitechurch Women's Institute .will hold their Junemeeting on the evening of the 14th in the Community Memorial Hall. Roll call, Irish Joke or story: Topic, Ireland. Display of Irish things • 'Mr. and •Mrs, Earl Caslick. were Sunday evening visitors with,Mr., and Mrs. Ronald Coultes and fam- Bert;Thompson of Belgrave ited Sunday. witii•Charles Martin: . Gary' Chapman of Hamilton spent Saturday'with'his parents, Mr. and Mis, Russel •Chapman, Gary.;has secured °a position in Hamilton for thesummer. months. Anniversary services.'will be - held'in,the United Church here" Sunday, June 12th, at 11 'a.m. and 8 p.rn. when Rev. Howard Strapp.of; Lucknow will be the "• guest speaker, .' Special niusic .is being,prepared'by•tlie .choir. ' Mr. and 'Mrs.. Russel Chapman visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.Ross Smith- and family of, Toronto and attended a farnily re-_ union at the: home of Mr.:and Mrs, Nelson Srrrith of,Markham. Your best ilain is.. SUPERIOR BALER. TWINE! • • k { •- only the finest•Afncan Sisal fibre iv used in the manufacture of SUPERIOR baler twine—a quality, product of- one of the world's mIst modern twine mils. . Insist On Supenor'Erandtwine for trouble•free'service and top quality at low cost. Order today! , • Fully tested and inspected: • • • Grade '"A" African Sisal, ' i Treated against rot, rodents and insects. • Eadh bag guaranteed. RIPLEY FEED& SEED LTD., RIPLEY, ONTARIO N • 1,4• • t. ••A •, •