The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-06-01, Page 16'The LUCKNOW .SENTINELS i,UCKNOW, ONTARIO. Spent lifetime Near Miberley Here's the fast, efficient way to : apply supplemental nitrogen to your corn. CO-OP Aqua Ammonia 20% Nitrogen injects -3 to 4'. below.the surface .. gets right to • the roots,. to give the crop. an immediate boost:. And the.re's-.ao wastel The sot retains all of the ammonia applied `with negligible Ions during application.. Another big advantage:' You have a longer period of time to apply CO-OP liquid ammonia without • danger of.'disturbing the roots. Suitable for a, wide range of:soil types, it can be applied as a pre -plant application or a side dressing. . For bigger corn yields at low cost, have : f CO-OPAq;ua.Ammonia applied •soon. y` Anotherfertilizer service -of your Co-operative, developed in co-operation f with' United' Co-operatives. of Ontario.• .'Reg+stered Trade Mark " ARC.HIBALP COURTNEY • Archibald Chisholm Courtney Of Amberley passed away in his sev- enty-third year in Kincardine Dist- rict General Hospital after a brief illness.. ' He was born March 29, 1894,,.sor of the •late Patrick Courtney and Elizabeth. Chisholm, Huron Town- ship, Nis entire lifetime was spent on the farm , second concession of Huron Township until his retire= c ' ment to Amberley in 1952, Mr`, Courtney was united in marriage to the former Lottie Reid ,of Lucknow on November 24,' 1920..He was a member of Pine • River United. Church andrAm'b'erley l • Orange Lodge; • Mr• Courtney en- joyed his family and• His friends, and was always willing to share • with others his love of singing.and congenial Conversation..; Surviving besides his widow are ' two, sorts, Leonard and•Bob of Hur- on Township,a daughter, Gerald- ine, Mrs. Carman McLeod, Kin- cardine; .sixteen. grandchildren; two sisters, •Elizabeth°, Mrs., Will Sailows of Goderich; Helen;, Mrs. Newman.Wellwood of Kincardine; two brothers, James •of 'Kincardine, and'' Elmer John of Regina. 'He, was predeceased. by an infant son . in 1922, five sisters and one brother. Funeral service was held on Thursday,. May 19, •from,the.Mac-', Lennan•.Funeral. Home, Kincardine ,with interment in Kincardine•Cem, etery. ° Rev . Harold .. Pillen of Pine River United Church conducted • the.service .Pallbearers were • John Blue, Bob Steele, Donald • • Courtney, Howard`Robb; Bob Mc- Nay and Ross Shiells. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10. 1. • issued in amounts from ` $100 upwards for 3, 4 or 5 years. ' • earnthe aboye indicated interest, payable half4early by cheque.. s authorized. investment fob all Canadian Insurance . Companies and , trust funds. 35' Dunlop St., • 73 Miss ssaga F. Barris Orillio "Custom spreading and equipment leasing Got a' tractorbut .no spreader? Need your fertilizer applied 'fast,:Then see your CO-OP and arrange. the " fertilizing, service you need. Convenient pick-up cuts costs • Your CO-OP BULK SERVICE CENTRE is stocked with fertilizers that ineet, your requireanents, ready for • immediate • If you speciaiizetn roarcrr.,ps or ha., and Pasttire production, it trill pay )'oz ,to investigate .thy ne.,V CO-OP Services. KI NGSBRI DGE `' (Intended 'for last week) Mr.' and Mrs,.Ifni M art.i n , Joe, Peter and. Ted N. spent the holiday fdweekend near Nonh Bay, Mr, and Mrs. Cletus Reynolds:, _' Sudbury .; spent the :weekend' with. Mr. and Mrs. Ray• Dalton, Other . holiday visitors with the Daltons were Mr; and Mrs.: Gordon 'Valid, ' London, and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce ,.Hansford.,, Galt., ' ,Mr; :and Mrs. , Sandy' Mc Pherson _' and -Sandra Lynn•, -Oshawa, and - Mary .tou Drennan, Goderic;h, were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs: Earl.D`rerinan.... . Ctrs.. Maurice Edwards, Mark, Mary Ann and Sharon, spent the • weekend'with Mrs. 'G.. Kinahan. `Mrs: John Kelly is a patient iri • Goderich Hospital, . Mr. Kelly is • a •patient 'at Maitland Manor. Nursr. ing Home, Goderich.:' ' •Mr. "and Mrs. Len Woodleyand' family. Mallon, visited Mrs. Clif ton ,Austin. . • Mr. and Mrs. H. Lambertus, Kits. Clifton Austin, Mrs. Dennis' ' Dalton, Brian and Maria Ruth Ann Rankin, attended the Meyer- Dirodat wedding Saturday morn- ing in orn-ing'in Henson and reception fill owing,. , Ur:and Mgrs. Arnold Marsman ,P and children,. London, Mr. and - 'Mrs. Maurice. Dalton, Hamilton, Mrs. AIice Dalton, Londbni visit- ed Mrs. Dennis Dalton over the • . ee 'end. . • Mr: and Mrs: Jinn Gibbons, BLilic oil;" Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Blonde. Oakville, were•recent • sit'ors •r. it . Mr, and Mrs. Ray 'alton, s,F.t. •and Mrs. Jack 'Fitzgerald a.: `ar*.: 1y , Stratford, _spent the :dav weekend at their bonne.' ?s, ere l,'.: . EJ2ere Frayne, Mary Ann a °!".a, .isied her parents, Mr. a"= ti r''" ;'*tae ":er, in Hesson over .,. e weekend. l The other day !picked up the. telephone and called Batman's. agent in New: York. After the, usual exchange of names :and "h are you's", the canversati•on.wer somethinglike this: ' I m aallrnq to find out if.Batman makes per- sonal appearances." • The 'answer *as .„yeS.. —What's- the. fee._. The answer was '$20 , 00.0 , plus e: It•s not :often television stations,' penses. "How long would the pe are telephoned and complimented sonal appearance last?”, "That' about a 'commercial..,All around for.: one day , "" was the answer. . the: country TV. stations are receiv- ing calls, many of them long- distant, about a certain.one- ., minute beer commercial message. Those inquiring, want to know the name of "the tune .and if it's available at record stores. , • . :Ry accident, we located some - •one in. Kitchener, who just return ed from visiting Dublin. :-Ireland.. His na„rne •is Clare . Millar and he provided this in formation. 7l'he song' is•; entitled . a "Off'to Dublin", and .the name I, of the group is;'The Abbey Lane Bar Singers". +he record is available in i reland,•but •so•.far. it is not available in Canada. I telephoned the advertising '•. agency, F.' H. Hayhurst, who l handles .this account (which ., in-: cidentally',, is Carling's Black Label) and was informed - that they are going to °Ireland..for the purpose of Making a record .which would presumably.be sold in this ,' country. .. . From New York City-, a friend who just returned from Japan' sent this interesting item along. He 1 writes; "Japanese scientists are ' drawing fish to waiting "netsby broadcasting, through the water, the sounds made by feeding fish schools. They had tossed bait into the water, sthen r.ec'orded , the sounds made by fish swarm- ing to the bait.. Replayed later under water, the sounds attract ; fish of the same species. Sch- ools of different species produce feeding.noises peculiar 'to that' species." •• •••:s •. He's not only asking for rwenrl thousand,but he's getting it 11 agent informed me that' he i• ' -.booked, into a stadium 'in'New•l-c City and he will also receive a percentage of the gross; a ti, ell a the 20,grand, • As the man said, '•'1'.ou'c•an't blam,e'him.for. making.. it while he: can."' When' the show dies,. Programs appearing on the. CTV network netted 12 Emmy Awards, none of which were Canadian produced. So what? These awards should be revised to include all TV shows or scrapped. Here are a few' ideasfor new television. programs sent inshy of the. readers. My Father the Ba Befdddled, Get Dumb, .Little Hi.l The Revengers, Ron Messy , Tommy Finder,, The A 1 Musica Mental -Case, Backflash city Music Room, A Come C'Oen e '6 Red Light Let's Cry Out, Person in •Trouble, and'W'ide World of :Losers • .; -With the hockey.seasor: o er, CBC will again insert '' re a t Movies" iri.the Saturday -nicht.. NHL. spot. On may 28th we "Birdman of Alcatraz". And speaking of moticr; pict- ures', ABC with •a "Wednesdac night movie" will run eie:t, six - of them in colour, startrr., July '20th until September l't}., Here' the line-up, but not in order of appearance; The Glass hit nagerii High T Cme, Comancherci , An- astasia', .Holiday for LoN tr? , Bachelor .Flat , °Scalplockcarid Sink the Bismarck.