The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-05-25, Page 16PAGE SIXTEEN • i4. is 411 • } 1, ad *member 1. JUNE 19 IN SHORT MAN. Take the short way to • fun, and ease in all• summer activities! 2.98 to $7.95: Permanent Press Madras Short. Included NO IRONING • EVER • ►. summer 111 STRATI Head off the vacation season right with ,a casual air in straw! $2.98,. $3.95 ..$4.95 ASKTON'S. (Lucknow). Ltd. A 4, THE LUCKNOW .SENTINEL LUCKNOW ONTARIO Ashfueld Coupie SEE . .. By The Sentinel. THAT it has: been necessary to ' hold over until next week.'the report :and pictures of . last • • week's open house, fashion • show and band concert at• Lucknow District High School. THAT several have expressed an -interest in obtaining, a picture • ,of the group of Ashfield Unit- ed Church Young People app-: earing in last.week's'paper. Anyone interested., please get , in touch with The Sentinel. THAT Mrs. Charles Hallam of Lucknow was .the winner of $100 in Hall's Red and White easy cash; game. THAT Mrs. Harold Cook, of Belfast was; the winner last -week of the Legion bingo jackpot of $123. THAT a potluck supper was staged in -the .Ripley -Huron .Central School at. Ripley last Thursday for school principal§ and their • wives from Bruce,inspectorates. 1 and 3. About .30 attended." Stuart 'Collyer of Lucknow; is president of the group., • 25 Tears Wed On. Sunday ,afternoon May 22nd" Mr. and; Mrs. Reg Broome were honoured by their family at a surprise party at their home on the•10th of Ashfield. The', guests were their daughter, ,Mary Broome of'Goderich, and two sons Tom. of Listowel and Jack at home; Mr. and Mrs.:.George Saunders, Lucknow; ;Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd.. Saunders and family, Holyrood; ' Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Thompson and Marjorie,. Holyrood; Mrs. , *Ken Scott .and family, Belgrave;' Gordon Saunders,, Ashfield. • The following address was.aead by.Ivlrs. Lloyd Saunders. We'have gathered here today •'to: help you celebrate your twenty- fifth wedding anniversary. We would like to.extend to you best wishes and we hope you will have many more anniversaries. We. would like you to accept this gift which we hope you will like. Mr. Gordon Saunders presented them. with ,an electric blanket ' after which the fallowing was read. . This is anelectric blanket To keep you warm at night We liope'it doesn't' dis'.courage', you To cuddle up so tight. But if you find it is too warm' Don't let it get you down ' Justturnahe darn thing off' And slumber in the down... Freda and Reg as they. are known to their many friend's and; neigh' bours were married: at. the home of her. parents, Mr. and••Mrs. George `Saunders, on the ninth of Ashfield on May 24, 1941; THAT Miss'Ruby'W"ebb and Mrs,. • lames MacTavish of Lucknow Public School represented the Kincardine Unit' of the. F.W.T. A.O. in Harrow on.:Saturday, May .14. THAT a' blown fuse was the cause of the failure of the Lucknow Fire/Siren on Tuesday. evening of last week. We understand steps have been taken to assure .that it doesnot happen again. The fire was at the home of Fred King of Dungannon where flames had agood start in the • ceiling of the home. Cause of the :outbreak was from a pipe. passing through the ceiling and neighbours used extinguish ••ers prior to the fire department arriving;. THAT the unpredictable weather we have experienced ,over.the. past few weeks was climaxed' with large hail stories which . , • beat down briefly last: Thursday afternoon; THAT Mrs, Alvin.Hackett of... Lucknow was the winner of a • `transistor radio in. a gas •com- pany contest.last week. THAT the•Lucknow Lions, Easter Seal fund'. is. just over the $1000 .. mark anda final list of con- • tributors will appear next week. THAT Stuart. Collyer , sons Ted, Thom and Tim, and Jack Treleaven spent theweekend on a fishing trip to Algonquin Park, We understand the group had some good canoeing, a back breaking portage,some real cold weather in the even -- ing.but returned with. nary •a fish. . • THAT due to -the unusual weather conditions, the spring'show' sponsored by the Lucknow Hor- ticultural Society has been. cancelled, : • . THAT Harvey Carrick of St... Hel- ens reports an excellent run of perch at noon Sunday at the Goderich Harbour. It was the best run Harvey ;has ever seen. Great salesrnanship is•a lot of 'little sales put together, leaves: For Home, In England • Mrs,, Agnes Bradbury leaves on Thursday; May 26th, for.Toronto'•, and by plane to England that night In, Toronto she is to confer with Miss. Helen McKercher of the "Ontario Women's•Institute Branch of Ontario repartment .of Agri:` ulture and : Mrs. Small of Essex who is President .of the Ontario Women's'I'nititute. • . She .will' get a briefing on' her duties as Ontario Representative 'of the Association on the Board `of Associated Country -Women' ; of the World. , Mrs.. Bradbury,:the former. • Agnes Stothers', has been visiting friends and relatives in the comm- ' •unity at the home of 'her father, Steve Stothers. THAT Monday holidays are nice, . but in this business 'it .means • a°newspaper' rrustbe put out in oneday, less if we are to /.enjoy the holiday as others do. We did take the holiday, and with the rush, of news copy arr- iving on.Tuesday•morning`'will probablyfind: it necessary to hold 'over to the following. week several articles and: stories which time will. not permitus to handlefor thisweek's' issue. THAT coach'George Stanley,is Scheduling his first Bantam. softball practice for this Thurs- day, May 26th, at•7 p.m All Bantam players should be out as the'fitst scheduled game is on June 3rd at Neustadt. George says that a Pee Wee team is already'to g� but that it pres- ently has no coach, if you would be willing to coach or, assist Pee Wee' ball, better get in touch with George at,once WEDNESDAY MAY 2Sth, 1966; Lucknow Fruit Market YOUR aLMEST PRICES" FOODLAND E INSTANT,. TALL. 6 OZ Mawel House Coffee; SAVE 20c ar99c MONARCH 10 OZ. SAVE 9c - . Mixes : 4 Pouch Pak Cake . . n .:.• 69c REGULAR 200 SHEET PAK Kleenex Tissues SUPREME 16 OZ., HOMOGENIZED Peanut Butter 'GAY'• LEA' LARGE 12 QUART SAVE 19c 6Pkgs. 98c SAVE •9c 2 Jars 77c REAL. BARGAIN Skim I -Milk, Powder. Package 99c ` only A 'few' Seed Potatoes Left AAAAAAAAAAAAAA•vvvvyvvv, GOOD BUY Get ::10 Pounds White , Sugar, 79c1 WITH x$5.00 CASH. PURCHASE • WE SELL FOR *LESS PHONE. 523.3420.: MAY 26. '27, 28. Tentative: Approval From .Miflisler Of Education for Dissolving LD.H.S. Area "An. addition t 'an a i ionww as the way plans were described' at a meeting of Wingham District :'.High School; Board. The reference was in 'regard.to facilities which will be needed to accommodate. some 200 -pupils --who will eventually arrive from the Lucknow area , as the result of plans to aamalgam=: ' ate the 'Wingham :and Lucknow districts, ' Besides the approval last Decem• ber for• an addition to the school',' `the..Department now has suggested 4 classrooms,one science room, one commercial room and two •shops.•. At the meeting, Mr. Mad:- i11 said the department, did not recommend a fourth gymnasium, . but' later this decision was changed and one willlikely be,in the .plans. Shops recommended were •a senior auto mechanics and an electronics shop. The,latter•was changed to an electrical electronics shop so that junior grades may make Ilse of it. • ' , • . . Chairman Dr. W. A; McKibbon told the board that the :architects are proceeding as fast as possible' with sketch plans for the project; He said committees from Wingham and Lucknow have met with the Huron and• Bruce County consult- ative m e s d• .iserect- co mitt a an it expect- . ed amalgamation plans will he presented to County'Countil in June.. Tentative approval from the'Minister ofEducation diss•oly nig the two separate districts has.. :. been received. ' The secretary/read a letter from the district high school inspector 'referring to legislation which out- :lines ut-lines procedures for natriin' .schools and •school boards. It appears that 'the;schoo1 itself, when amal}gam- atiPpn with the Lucknow district •takes place,. can be known the Huron -Bruce Secondary Sci'ool, but the,school board will hme to be known 'as• the e High School Board. The letter referred to a motion from the April' meet- trig when Lucknow 'and W°'ini;hgm• board members met •and suggested the board should be knos n as the ' Huron -Bruce Secondary t.,(•fool District Board. • As a result, an' amendment to the motion' was'passed "You'still continue to publish a wonderful paper, We.wotildn't be without it", Says, Mrs, I ante • (Nellie). Morrison in'renew i0 rhe Sentinel. , MONUMENTS For Boum" counsel and a fair price on a monument correctly designed from quality material, 'rely , on SKELTON MEMORIALS Pat. O'Hagan, Prop, Established Over Sixty Years Walkerton Phone .801-02341 Ir. Ontario