The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-05-25, Page 814 _LticknOW Legion Hall was: a hive' of activitylast week when over '• 200 dads and ;ads sat down to the annual LUeknow Minor Hockey • • Banquet. tucknow's gift to the NHL, Pani Henderson of the De- troit Red Wings was guest speaker, and was accompanied to the ban- quet by his friend and former team-mate Garry Doak; now of,. the Boston Bruins. • ' The two presented crests and pictures to the players afterwards . and posed kr a.special picture with Mary Jardine, female goal tender in the Lucknow Minor ,hockey Circles; lv4ry • with a • new hair -do, a corsage and no face mask, didn't resemble one . bit the gal that we had seen "kicking 'em out" of the Lucknow • • • nets all season. Mixed Trebles At Greens Monday The Lucknow Ladies' 13dWling Club held a mixed trebles on Monday, May 23rd. There were nine rinks in play. • kizes went to the following: AA to a Teeswaterrink. Herb Duffy. Jim Desu, Isabelle miller. 2nd to a Lucknow rink, Rd y Fin- • layson, Maudie Fisher. James • Cameron. 3rd to a Wingham Lloyd Elliott. Mrs. Elliott, Mrs. Finnigan. - ----Lucknow. atNeustadt. * June 3. , Neustadt at Lucknow June 8 • Mildmay at Lucknow : . June 14 .. _. . • Teeswatefat LucknOw ' . June 24. , and family were Sunday visitors Lucknow at Teeswater- June 27 with Mrs. Carman Whytock, a .,. Whitechurch at Lucknow•July 8 patient in-Goderich hospital. Grade 8 pupils from S. S. No'. 10 who attended Open House at the High School were Mariene Weber. John Gibb; Charles Thompson and Arthur Henderson. Wayne Evans' was absent and Joyce Morrison was laid up with pneumonia. Accompanying the Calvin -Brick U.C.W. on thXit• bus trip from' , here were Mrs. Albert Caultes, Mrs. Garnet Farrier, Mrs. Elwood Groskorth, Mrs. Russel Chapman. . Mr and Mrs. Bill Neabel. and Mrs. Graham of Teeswater were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Julius Fisther and family of Pahn erston and in the-el/ening visited with friends in Chesley. • Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Whytock • Husband. Of Former Historical Socie itr Church; Miss Ada We Resident Passes In Sept Town. 01.Fvw. 91.cpthers 'spoke brief] y . about the history of the Stothe • WILLIAM BLACK Mrs. Islelson Bushell of Stratford and Kenneth Cameron of Lucknow attended the funeral of William Black of Espanola last Sunday, ' May 22nd.. Mrs.. Black is the former Mary MacLean of Lucknow. Mr. Black was .principal of the •• High School.in Espanola for 36 years retiring about a year ago. . He suffered from a heart conditicin and passedaway on Friday, May 20th. • The committal service and interment:took _place in_Gr and • ..• 'Valley Cemetery. •'• :M.and Mrs. Stewart Cameron of Buffalo attended the service at Grand Valley. Lucknow at Whitechurch July - Mrs. Jean Andera and family of ' . ' ' Luck:now at Mildmay• 'July 15 Clinton were Sunday visitors with od . Bruce Colirity Historical Society chose their southern-rnost'munic- ipality to Meet for the May. meet- ing last Thursday night. The meeting was held in the.Litclinow . Town Hill. Harvey Linklater'of Kineardine. president of the association, was chairman and Stated that the, group Were sorry that Stuart, Rob- ertson, ' memberwho has given fine siippOrtthrough the years,• was unable •to be present because 2of being hospitalized. Mr. Link - later was--pleased-With the excell- ent attendance. • • . Rip ey at.Luc no July my Lucknow at Ripley July 18 Mr. •and Mrs. Jack Shiell and Girls e j!analwasimarellemalammisseassomemommummemememoss QUAID UGED cARs ▪ NUMBER OF 1966 AND 1965 MODELS. THESE, VARY FROM: • *, Pontiac grate Chief to Parisian* Hardtops • It Chevrolet Binaries to Impala Hardtops LI • li 1965 Mustang, VI Automatic • . ■ 1965 Ford Galaxie 581, 4 Door Hardtop ■ ■ NUMBER OF 1944 PONTIACS, 6 AND 8 CYLINDERS . a ■ . Various Models . ■ . • . E • NUMBER OF .1964 CHEVROLETS, 4 AND 8 CYLINDERS IN • i963 Chevrolet: Inipala, 4 'Dior, Hardtip,:V8, FUlly Equipped • VARIETY• ' OF 1961 PONTIACS' AND CHEVROLETS TI • ■ . CONVERBLES • The Silver Lake W., i held their May meeting at the home • of.,Mis. Glenn Young The theme of the Meeting was Horne Econ- omics The meeting was conducted. by the president , Mrs: Ronald Thacker ' Following the opening exercises, the roll call was. '. .ariswered with "Your favourite. Recipe Written" each readin aloud their recipes., This , brought forth a variety of tried • and tested recipes. • • Delegates to the District 'Annual chosen were Mrs, Ronald Thacker, Mrs. Clarence Moulton • and Mrs.. Albert Young. Mrs, Clarence Hedley and Mrs,. Ellison: Hodgins were chosen, as well to:. • help with the registration at this • meeting. The,girls of the recently corn-. • pleted 411 club,' Accent on Acc- essories4 had a: display of their • . work; and a deMonstration,. • With Mrs. Al Hedley, one of • the leaders, giving the remirki. on the display. The girls then modelled the hats, scarvesand handbags they had made. . Standing Committee reports • were given by Mrs, •MelVin,flusk, Mrs. Homer. Devitt , Mrs. Ellison • Hodgins and Mrs. Glenn Young. . For the program, Mrs. Clarence' • Moulton 'gave a reading, made up • olhidden song titles Mr's. Ray •Statley conducted afun game, • •"my grandmother went to Parte:: 'Following the closing of the rnee,' ting, there was an exCharrge of • bulbs and flowers. Lunch was, served by Mrs. Clarence Moul- mssuawe, ton edbayntdhMrse hostess,Hpagins assist-. • family and said he and hisbri ers were presently Working one history of their clan...the Stith and Andrew families, • FbatiO Mathers outlined the history. of the. recently establi C,hristian ReforMed Church aid spoke of •various.other contras history. • . ' • • .He• showed slides of local sc and buildings and of Wildlife flowers common to the area, Connie MacKenzie nd Wa Hunter IavOured the group with Scottish dancing With lah.gac• Kenzie playing the bag pipes,. The Bruce Society has over 250: paid up Members. They located in many provincesand: • Various histories of the comm- unity were presented. Presbyter- ian Church„ Mrs. Neil. MacKen zie; St. Marys Roinan,Catholic scime in th'e United States,. ontract Acrea AT 1. L. 101 LE &S0.LTD. QUALITY MICHIGAN AND ONTARIO SANILLAC AND SEAWAY SEEI) FERTILIZER SUPPLIED •L• EPTAM AVAILABLE • FERTILIZER _ • , • • WE HAVE BAGGED OR BULK' HARRISTON FERTILIZER 1 AVAILABLE AT CONiPETITIVE PItICE: • SPRING'. SEED REGISTERED, CERTIFIED AND COMMERCIAL SPRING SEED AVAILABLE ' • , • 'SPECIAL SEED MIXTURES. AVAILABLE. SEE OR CALL, g • E. L. Mkkle &Son Ltd. HEIVALL - Phone 262-2714