The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-05-18, Page 16(by lain, Laney. m. P.) Changes in the ovules governing, the•otation of parliamentary ' Cormlttees adopted in the last session .of Parliament are. having ° a far reaching effect on the way In •wh;ich the legislative branch of the Canadian government'.function. Under the new tiles the Comm- ittees have been given duties far 'beyond thesewhich they carried out previously. Estimates of the Go, verttment Departments, are re- ferred. to the'Standing Committees of the Mouse for se rutiny in the. course of which careful considera.= titan is given to governi7ent policy ;and cgn:tive criticism is• often tnedra Spial °comrnittees •halve also been set 'up to lgek into such matters as'divotce, "rug; costs and peiees,., and consumer credit. In ototi Conctimittee Meet ings are ,open,to the. press. An example is .the Committee en f ldcastiig, films and assistance to the Arts, which is currently . investigating the dismissal of Vessrs.. Patrick Watson : and Laur- ier er L.aPietne firo.n the r'posts as b sts Of the CIC program "This -HourHas Seven Days'', and which. ds'receiving fient-pegte coverage in the nations` newspapers. .Twetaty-t►o Committees have: been set up since. Parliament con -7. veld in )anivaty. 'House rules do not' ,pennit thea to sit while. the House is in session fwhi+ch rest cts' Thea usually' tom sessions:, B them ent Fee em to do so• it Obtained d by passageW of a mot- km in tine Cis, DerPite this lest i tion, BS comrnittee sons have been held, most of`'; thermsince the Esrer recess eta - -eluded. ' In addit tan to:ccnsideratioan of ettinates„ the Corninittees sisal *nay Much of the legislation which is for passage the Mouse and Manny important Modifcations! are 'made at the • .Ce rn ttee stage before. final• passing elf a ball into law. _Because• of the inure lathe, valit anivivartisofility of `the mortgage money available for construction: of hones was made in the House this week by Labour Minister Nicholson, The announcement followed many questions by Opposition members, regarding the problems now fac- ed by Canadians who wish to construct hornet and 'find them= selves stymied by a widespread' shortage of capital which would• permit them. to proceed with construction, ' 'The announcement was .a dis- appointing`one. ...It reflects one of the sorry corollaries to the. government"s "ban`lhe boom" budget of last month. •. M. Nicholson admitted that' a substantial demand for new housing does exist, and that • there is a sharp decline ' in the Row of institutional mortgage • investment, In these circum- stances only; government'action' is' able to alleviate the situation and this could have been accorn pushed, by allowing Central Mortgage. and Housing Corpora- tion; the government's. mortgage ' lending institution, to release , • a greater amount of Money into tine `mortgage market . . • Mr Nicholson., chose however .• to urge builders to seek other sour- ces,of mortgage money. The other sources he referred to means of Course the; private: financial instil: utions where interest rates have al- ready' climbed to almost prohibit= ive levels. Despi a his optimistic • hope that house building :in 1966 Committeesmany new w=4 - art plated .on the tin a of she Members: of the House of Comm- . cot, : o nm -.tom.: In adz tion to Unending to•`� e manifold preblems of their Constiments and participating int the •prepeed tie *else rse they must Tioro.-also turrittheir attention to C rC rtee wank. .tack that mina embers sit Ott Mere than one COMITIttPte bas.:4alsa 4=eletiea Seale problems O' -ars ext g Faroe Many Committees meet cOncurrentlyand of(obtuse as IKii'enaber can Only attend one meeting at atime.. Many Wiem. • bens ate alto engaged goVern-, 'merit businessa rnz~hto , ttheir benne'are, /ram' d $ a • � tettann thrice: 'Wiese wrack works' in irgon, bin on viae created t ream n- nes zin•which a,:d fficalry has aris- en an getting a xinorum to end ipbrri'rrlitte fit Imes, and 'a:move iCa ./educe the .quorum itif one of ' ' hepori mitrees spiked +an inter- esting debate in the Brame this week. Ninny saggestions.fOr proving Cmnnmitxee work were made including one by .OppositoI,, leader 'I1ie"feribaker that televi.. ion acrd ritdirabrosideasti of pro- . ceedings be mane :Minn :expert- •rntnta"l'basis ass possible:prelude tc the' brb icastings f • procee - . itigs in the House. rtr , 'Diefen- . baker suggested xhat broadcasting of .proceedings, would bring about _,a, stronger "relationship bei e r the people :and the Parliament of the country and 'would solve the . problem of having a quori r of Members present for Cammio- ee meetings,. • Artnotiricenien..of tate goner menr` polic!:: or. tete shortage' of'. "Tlisfadverininaiingbiladdl gra" suppress liveinsic WI, pa - see. a1 ASO mar slry e Forams 'vino plaidedelveilasirsumnierlood groin, pasture, Whoa allay vision was bursa and brava. Givenlan needs no pane- posing.`t a) ,' si lasraperatungs and ma ire tone- :dinars; laarMsee so rapidly That It may be mood or cat soon thew The afinc3c • 'r •.niiay u as 50% mo a forage inanson+e =Inmansnoop-.grawa& Cts fr njunoily ,or as peau SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER Ask about: convenient depa1ture. • and return times •• For information, phone the loaf • CN passenger Bala: (Wei wil 'remain within 150/0 of t e�lev I set last year it :is •difficult to see how this "wilt be the case. Protests., against the policy,` or lack thereof, hale come from many sources, including the Nation al Housebuilder's Associations,' many real estate boards and lumber dealers associations, Labourlay- .offs lay-offs have taken place in many areas Of the country and much concern has been shown.over the •possibility, .of inflationary' prices. In the face .of. these objections the government has chosen to re ject appeals for: an increase in the .supply of mortgage money. Those who suffer from .this rejection. will be Canadians, anxious to build , • homes, contractors •engaged.: in home construction, and large num- bers of workmen who have. been and will be laid off as'a result of tbis'adamant refusal by the gov- ernment to loosen up its lending policy. Prime Minister:.Pearson's denial that he: called for an investigation • .by the RCMP into the ;• private lives •and activities of Members' of Pari- lament: appears to have placed him in direct conflict' with RCMP Comnussionery George McClellan and;may farce. the: Commissioner • to resign as head of the force. The conflict became apparent this week uidebate, on 'a Progress- ive Conservative non -confidence, .notion which urged the.House to condemn the goyernment's : actions in having the RCMP pro7. vide information :to the govern- ment as to the past conduct of all Members of Parliament generally. The motion deplored•this action as one which would destroy the• independence of all Members and undermine .the institution- of Parl iarnent. It was based on -the* aComnnssrnne's testimony at tile' Munsinger inquiry that the Prime Minister has asked `flit such an investigation. The government attempted to have the amen Puled out of girder on the ground that it .raised `issues which were• being considered at the iequiry ,useif, afid that' .would: not Win order .far:rhe Haase to debate the 'point at this time. Mr. Speaker .Lamoureux rejected this contention and ruled that the mouton raised an issue Which was collateral to Thar being coni Bred by the inquiry and ' • • therefc zn order, The debate which followed be- name heated on many occasions. Opposition spokesmen accused the Prime Minister of embarking on 'a scandal huntand government Supp- E • „otos denied this allegation. In his defence of his actiotts'� , Prime Minister Pearson .asked the following question: "We should ask ourselves has the RCMP ever. been ordered by the 'Prime M. inister or anyone. on behalf of the Prime Minister to inquire into the private 1iVes and activities of :aryl Mr" lwir. Peerson's answer to his own question was an emphatic NO,, • At 'thf, Munsinger'.inquiry last - wee!, arnrnissigner lvirCleilan testi,f'itec that he had been •railed to tit • Prime Minister's office and the following is .rxs statement of What tobk biaOt • as taker, from the transcript of evidence: 91 was asked if,lfthad :any information.• on my files' of a nature which would' indicate impropriety:or wrongdo- ing onthe part .of any Member of the Government`. •, Mr. McClellan said he was then asked if he,had "any information indicating.any irnpropriety: or any- thing of a scandalous nature in- volving any MP in any Party over, I. think, the last ten years". Early indications, were that all the other: Opposition Parties would. join with the Conservatives in censuring the`Government, how- ever, when the vote came. the Social Credit,- the .Creditistes: and four Members -Of the NDP voted withthe Government to defeat the motion 133 votes to 106. • Most sleeping pills are followed by a definite hangover period of de- pressed ;mental powers. Grace MacDougall of L:ondOn spent a couple of days withher parents, `Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Dougall Ian week. . Mr. and Mrs. Ira Dickie, Wa er,' Williant and *Murray McK were at Hope, Bay on the week. Congratulations to Bruce Col. ort being ,chosen for the 1966 - Scout Interprovincial Exchange, The sympathy of the commu is extended to Mrs. Chislett in passing of her husband. They . planning. to move this week to their new home in Sarnia .''S Kinloss ladies served lunch to relatives and friends in the ch basement following:;the-'funeral' ter/ice oa Sunday afternoon. : Donna Bun attended to. the 'Workthop-at the Presbyterian Church camp at ,Kint.ail last w end, The weather was chilly ft did not cool the enthusiasm o the more than. thirty young. pe present,