The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-05-11, Page 23Jr •eting te.lstr :1d on' 'en to . �t the.` Wood 4.44 t that all he; ba; oath, Baku; Q. the.0 ie split )osstb1 the Pres. inion tes' neetiai kerto t Camp beau. erton, wasr. nd sec• picnic follow, amities; cussed out H trod• have it may stns - crafts, who is Ind pro. ,urs, s, ins) n, for' 1Ng5DAY• ' MAY- Mk 114 `. Pupils Present Spring Concert (Dungannon'News) "Canada,; past and present" the theme of very delight- evening when the pupils of agannon public school present their spring concert on May 4, Junior Choir of North Street iced Church, Goderich, was sent and took part ,in'the pro- m, 'singing several choruses ler the direction of Mr, Lance ;d, who also acted as Master 7,eremoniesfor the program,. keeping with:the theme, it. s a pleasure to have Wanda rater of Lucknow District High ool give her. address,. ".Why l glad to be a Canadian"., as ada hat Wonseveral of ,the aking contests in the area and shed second in the semi-finals. program was prepared by the' :hers., -Mrs:.. Lanc_eR_eed, and . T. M. Durnin, with Mrs ers as music supervisor, and at close of the evening Mrs.. Rog- las presented with a floral _arr- sment: in appreciation for her stance. The teachers and as are to be congratulated .for /log such outstanding ability resenting this program. f, and Mrs. Jackson Rieve weekend.wisitors with Mr. an David Kyle, of Wabash . isitors with It/ii, and Mrs. Eldon )ert Carol' and Bonnie, on fay were Mr, and Mrs. Crawford and and Susafi of Exeter Mrs. Annie Beres .5v y,,�yy1 '•�f�:..d, .., I c' illi r b* hR11041. 1441.A n R *'gistirt-.11 t��n..T•.�•�„ ^."'^';` , THIS; LUCKNOW SEENTINNlEL. LUCKNOW ONTARIO Funeral friday dor Accident Victim • MADONNA •GRAHAM - Funeral service was Conducted at 'MacKenzie •Memorial Chapel on, ,Friday, May 8th, for Madonna Kathleen Graham; Madonna had been in a car -accident on May 1st, which claimed the'lives of two young,: area people. She. too. suffered extensive injuries and .passed' away 48: hours later, early. Tues day morning, in Victoria Hosp- ital, London, Madonna ,Kathleen Graham -:daughter of Roy''and -Kathleen (Eckenswiller) Graham wasborn: in. Kincardine on September 12, 1948 She was their only daught er,4. and, attending Lucknow Dist ric .High School. Her popularity among young people was shown, by the many young friends who -called at the home to extend their y rnpathy- to; the -sorrowing -family Madonna, who ,as.17, years Of age, leaves to morirn her pass- ing besides her parents, two broth ers, (Ronald of London;, and Gary:' of Goderich, , and her grandparents., Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Eckenswiller of Kinloss. - Rev. -Canon R. W. Stump was • in charge'of the funeral service. Mr:.and Mrs. - Rayriard''Ackert . sang •a duet :during. the service,. Pallbearers were Donald and Bob. MacArthur, 'Graeme. and Tan Blair Cassidy., Douglas. • Eckenswiller, Eldon Ecitenswiller Jr. . Interment -was at South Kinloss Cemetery. YOU NEED SHURGA119 Pasture Dairy. Ration Despite the fact dairy cattle were fed well all winter they ,could lose weight if fed only lush, green,pasture Pastures are high fin protein but low in carbohydrates and energy. SHUR-GAIN PASTURE DA YR,Y' RATION ' is high in carbohydrates and thus provides the energy . lacking in lush' green pastures. Maintain your herd production throughout the early growing season with SHUR-GAIN PASTURE DAIRY ItATIO1 ANDERSON FLAX PRODUCTS LIMITED • c hetl ieMce • Zippy ... ��ionettes The sixth meeting was held at the home of Brenda 'Ritchie. • The meeting opened with all repeating the 41-I pledge, and the roll call was answered by all members. Mrs. Kirkland demonstrated how to make theChinese knot and Mrs. Hunter explained how to do corded piping with the girls making a sample of each. Notes were given •on gloves,'belts and jewelry. The girls discussed their inside covers, and what they planned to do.wit-1 their outside covers "as well:. 2 Barbara. thanked Mrs. Ritchie for having the,meeting and for the' lunch. The meeting 'closed with the singing of the Queen, , The seventhmeeting was held at. the home of Wanda Hunter. The members all repeated the 4H • ,pledge and answered the roll call.. •Theirls'checked. over someof their samples they had made.. • Plans were made for Achievement Day, and a discussion on scoring accessories. and Wearing accessor- les. took place. Notes were given on Wearing Accessories.. All sam- ples. and hats are almost complet- ed. The home assignment is Jo com- plete record book. and: prepare Hats and Scarves to -be sent to 'Clinton' by May 16th... 'This is: the 'last regular meeting butplans are :to Meet together again,; for a final. 'check on books and also to plan. for an exhibit to be given at_Achieve mentDay., , The ,meeting'closed with singing the Queen, ,We, the ZippyoZion ettes, -wish to thank: Mrs. Hunter, -and Mrs. Kirkland for. being 'our leaders for this. club, and apprec.., late the time 'and • effort they have taken to help us. We would also like to thank the Sentinel for printing our: club meetings. Pararmount Pais • The sixth meeting.was held.on '• 'April 27," at the home.of ,the, leader, Mrs. David Anderson, after 'school. We discussed the selecting of belts , : gloves and. _ ' jewellery and talked .about' their , care, We repeated the 4H 'pledge, and the roll call. was answered by all members. The "members . worked on` hats and scarves,, gest- ''ing' help from their leader'.' The note book's are to be handed in to.the leader next week, Mrs.. Anderson showed again'how to overstitch and how to do a hand - rolled hem. Jane Moncrief show ed a bias covered cord. The' meeting was then closed. The seventh and last meeting of the Paramount : Pals was held on Wednesday, May 4, at the home of Mrs. David. Anderson after school. Lunch was served previous 'to the meetings • The meeting was opened by re- peating the,4H pledge in unison,.. followed••by the roll' call, "What 1 have learned about caring for accessories which was' answered: by 7 members, The minutes of the last meeting were read by Jane Moncrief..The members were told that their books, hats and scarves had to be finished by the next meeting. • Achievement Day was talked aboutwhich is to be held on Saturday, May 28, in Wingham, and our exhibit "Accent with Accessories" -was planned. Mary Anderson is to be the commentator, • Good groom- ing, was discussed and how to wear accessories. We then cldsed the meeting and worked on hats and scarves in the remaining time.. sir.. wiY1T:'.. orli`t ., rw, 4 11, • N PAOE TWiNTYTHREE • DANCE TO Lionel Thornton AND 141$ CASA ROYAL, ORCHESTRA ON Friday,13thMay SPONSORED AY • THE. LUCKNOW LIONS CLUE,. „ Dinckig '',M to I Kairswa W.1; Vint Sortie With AdOsilen $1.51:-w- ' Advance fah ,TIcka 1/.2S ADVANCE' $ALE TICKETS CAN BE PURCHASED FROM ALL LIONS: MEMOIRS Learning Lassies The 7th meeting of the Colwan- ash Learning Lassies was held on May 4 at the home, of Mrs. P. MacDonald at 8..00.ptm. There were 13 members present. The.meeting was opened. with 'the 4H pledge, followed by th-e minutes of the last meeting, read by Janice: Kilpatrick... The •roll call; "one point 1, have learned:, • about caring for accessories" , was answered',by all. The members worked on souse of ,their samples while.Mrs.,MacDonald demonstra-. •tedhow to assemble a hat. A few notes were also distributed among the •members; Tbe,meetfng then closed; with the singing .of the Queen... Help Requested At'the May meeting of the C.hildren•s Aid Society. in ,Ninon County, the possibility of sending' some children to th e various chur- ch camps in the county for a .week or ten days this .sumnier was dis:- cussed, The number of children to:be considered is small , and the cost is- approximately. $15 $20 perchild.. The members -feel - that this. is .:a very worthwhile • • project; Anyindividual or ou interest- .. gr .p , ed in helping, with' camp fees for. any of these children, please' ant tact the Children's' A id • Society Office; in.the-Court .House;. Godes-. ich , as soon as possible • 4 DESPAIR.. MAKE. 'SURA YOUR :HOUSE,' HAS THE. SPRING .LOOK • BEFORE SUMMER ARRIVES APERI Y lberville Williams BROADLOOM ...CARPETING LINOLEUM CONGOLEUM•. TILE Vinyl Corlon :'Float Coverin& By Armstrong JOHNSTONE anal SON FURNITURE ... ••:Phone .528. - 013 • o‘-'41 • ENO +4 •r