The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-05-11, Page 15Ce Dr 1!Ici Ron J. 1•. rdon >ut, ih adtet 1 • MAT`1'19is� t! Tr. — ioally ,who had Rent .in. a licatidrl forms already would receive note i Medical Services Insurance Divis. )MSIP Enrolment ion; Ontario Department of Health Aww�: i r a: n 94g- AIM ''&w 'A' JI , IE' " MFAl FA'..e wpm'or TILE LECKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Extended 2 V TORONTO - Local area residents who haven't yet applied for mem- bership in the Ontario Medical . servides Insurance Planwill have until: May 16 to do so as a. result of a two-week extensiOn of the op- en enrolment period announced by Health Minister Dr, Matthew B. Dymond, Those persons' who•enrol in OMSIP.before the May 16 deadline willbe entitled to full coverage and benefits when• the .plan comm- ences on July .1, Dr. Dymond said .the public res- ponse to.OMSIP had been most ' gratifying and that applications -re- ceived to date cover some 1,,200, 000 residents of Ontario; in y • • "ThePlan is a ,success," said , the minister: • . •. OMSIP is' a voluntary, Gov- ernment -administered Medical care insurance scheme that will ification• o'f'Their membership acc- eptance before the sero nd .stage of OMSIP corninences on ,July 1. "•but all other pensioners who haven't applied as yet -- even. though they May qualify for cover. age at no cost to: theniselves or be eligible for at least partial preXniurn assistance --must send in an application form to OMSIP be- fore May 16 if'�they want. coverage from July 1. onwards," he said:, The Council's recomniendation for an extension of the open en- rolrnent period Carrie after -it was' .• reported there appears to be a • sizable number of old age pension- ers who have not "as yet applied. It was felt that the two-week ex- tension. would' enable. many of -- these •elderly citizens to send .: their applications ins they may 'be entitled toe. coverage as. sosivaas the Plan starts, • In addition, said the minister • a number of application forms had had to be returned to applic- ° • . ants for additional, information and ;help pay for practically all doctors clarification. The extension, won. services wherever they are pro- vided -- in the home. the doctor's office or the hospital; The minister _explained: that the extension of the open, enrolment period by two weeks has been recommended by the seven -nem ber; independent Medical, Services Insurance Council, a body set up . to advise the Minister _Of Health' on the administration of the Act. The Councilfelt an extension was warranted because there app :eared io be some confusion:•in the minds of a number of pensioners as to whether they had been yen- rolled automatically inn OMSI'P' or .Whether they had "to apply for Mem bersbip in person,. ' "The only pensioners who have been enrolled automatically have, already received their 'OMSIP reg-. istration cards entitling .them to OMSIP coverage as from last April T ". declared Dymond. • 'All other.pensioners'inust apply if they wish to join tbe. Plan."` 'The minister added that those pensioners, not enrolled', autornat- ld .also: enable.: these persons to be. covered 'from July 1 onwards, • Dr. Dymond"stressed, •however., • that whereas he approved the rec. ommendation made by .the Med- . foal Servlces Insurance Council there would definitely be. no add'-, •itional extension' of the open, enrol' ment period after May- 16. • . • People who have already enroll- ed .in• OMSI P need not . apply a second time,, Dr. Dymond stated that their applications are now ; being processed, and their notific- ation will arrive in 'the mail very. „soon.:. • "Ontario residents may still apply' for OMSIP enrolment ` after this date: but they, will have to wait for a minimum of three months'before they are entitled • to coverage against the cost .of doctors' bills;” he said. ;Application forMs: are available from chartered' banks and, are also. bong .'published . as. part of news- paper: advertisements: ,Forms may also, be obtained by •writing. the :r tipsuiBsi■ERM•■■■■•NNitiG••••■ii■■••■•■•••■•E sir■: ■ ■ . ■ - ■ .• P ... ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ - . ■ ■ ■. ,;•.. ■ u _■ g ' NUMBER OF 1966.A'ND' 1965 MODELL.THESE VARY FROM: : , a• ;Pontiae'Stratd thief „to .Parislenhe.'Hardtops • .. Chevrolet• Biscaymes to' •Impala Hardtops: ■ '. .° • Fords 1965III ; Mustang, V8 • Automati• c t a 1965 Ford Galaxie 500, 4. Door Hardtop °r ' -NUMBER OF 1964 PONTIACS, 6 AND 8 CYLINDERS Verious.Models ▪ NUMBER OF:1964 CHEVROLETS,, 6 AND 8 CYLINDERS • Various Models•: 1904 Ford Custom ■ �• 1963: Ford, 2 Door Hardtop, fully squippid 11' 1963 Chevrolet Impala 4 D.odlr Hardtop, V8,Fully; Equipped ■ VARIETY OF 1963 PONTIACS AND CHEVROLETS : ' CONVERTIBLES.. •1965'P . ontiac Pari;ienrM . 1964 Pontiec Custom Sport, 327. STATIONWAGONS 1963 Chevrolet, Vi automatic; 4. door • 1962 'Oldsmobile,. Super 1'i TRUCKS • 1963 .Chevrolet, .,Va Ton,• long -box 143. Chevrolet V4' ton long box 2 1 062 Chevrolet % ion Pickups, one Iong, .o11e short BrusSeIs ' NotOrs . .. t. Mai Servlee .Dealer -- Ph i . tf3, , Eruits b .. iiiiami■iaaart■a■■ Sar■aaaiaaSaesieaar•e■■aaaE 135 St.. Clair Avenue West, Tor- onto. "I would urge anyone intending to enrol in OMSIP and .who hasn't: yet done to to send in an appli4a tion form as quickly ;as, possible, declared Dr, Dymond, ."bone or, us knows: when a sudden illness will strike and at least OMSIP coverage will remove the addition'; al burden of financial,worry over the payment of doctors' bills:,, PiP The May Meeting of the St,, , - ' Helens Women's institute was held "in .the hall with a good- attendance and the ,,President , Mrs, Harold Gaunt; presiding'. ` ' The roll calf was "An aid to• summer entertainment for farm Women". The .members agreed .to .aid: in the Red Shield Canvass for the .Sal- 'vation, Army. Mrs, :Ross Gammie •' gave ;a short report of the. execu- •'five Meeting held at :Carlow .. Mrs. H. Carrick and;Mrs. Ernest Gaunt were appointed delegates to 0i - :end the District Annual on`May. • 31st at. Auburn. . 'The topic, in charge- of'Miss' Mary Murray, was read by, -Mrs. E. ,W. Rice "How old, is your mind Current events were giv- en by iv-en'by Mrs. Wm. Rintoul. Mrs. Ross •GaJnmie -.gave a reading "Outwit,your troubles" and a few. "smiles" , also' Mrs. Chris Gook gave a reading '" Thoughts from our country kitchen",, A. success7=. fill sale of' plants and bulbs was held. Lunch was served .by host esses, Mrs. Ross Gamrrtie, Mrs. Chris Cook and Mrs. Russell •,Phill ips.. A .` Baptism Held O Sunday: At Olive (Olivet News) FARM AND,LAWN FENCE: FENCI '-•POSTS *-- GATIS$ FENCE'•':TOOLi -A. 'SNOW. FIENCE- 1 • `" Christian family day was observ- ed inOlivet obi°Sunday. The Jun- for choir- sang "Why Not I". "Rev. George Ball baptized Sheila Marie,, infant -daughter of Mr.- and Mrs. ' Robert Osborne.' .M the,hydro was off at thehour of service, silenc ing the. organ, •a piano was*hired' making our organist., Sharon Colling,. a pianist • Mr, and MrS.. Walter. Dexter - . ' visited in Stratford ;on Monday .Judy Wardell of Kitchener visit on, Sunday with :Mr. and Mrs. ' Harry Golfing and family, Mrs.. Hoffman of Toronto visited at the weekend with 'Mrs. Gary Hoffman and Paula. Mr. and Mrs: Ralph. Scott of • Arrow ' were guests on Sunday of. . -the Osborne family U.C. W. MEETING _ The TJ. C. W, .of Olivet met at the home of Mrs. John MacCharles on Wednesday evening. The Christian family was the.theme,, convened by Mrs; Melvin Calling'.assisted by Mrs. E. Osborne , •'Mrs. 'Herb Clayton,' .Mrs. Sandy M'ac Charles and Mrs. 0. White, A 'duet "Wonderful story of Love", was; sung by. Mrs.• White and Mrs.- Jack McGuire,. with Mrs. MacCharles- ' at the' pianoy Helping: to celebrate, May White's., l2th''birthday on Monday were Wendy -Hamilton, Nancy McGuire Joyce Black, Joanne Vand to .and Karen Vanderfoal. McGuire. of Lucknow was 'a very welcome visitor to Olivet church on Sunday. Bill Bushell of Ripley visited on Thursday with: Mr. and 'Mrs, Mel- vin Coiling and family. On sick list at present are Mrs; .Alex IviacTavish and Mrs, Clarence Wylds, patients' at Kincardine. Hos-, pital. . . •Rea$ize•the highest returns for :Your Wool'by patronizing your own Organization, ' .SNIP COLLECT :TO Our Registered ,, Warehouse No; 1, • 'WESTON; ,ONTARIO Obtain sacks, and twine' Mrithoutcharge from - , Philip Steer SHEARER R.R .. 5 LUCKNOW ' or by writing to " CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL - GROWERS LIMITED' 40 St. Clair Avenue East Toronto 7 Ontario. - BIRTHS AUSTIN - At Victoria H•ospital, London. Ontario, on. Tuesday. May :3rd. 1966, to • Mr. and Mrs,. Eldon Austin. R. R. 3 Goderich a sbn. Michael -Eldon. IRWIN - at St. Joseph's Hospital, 'Sarnia, on Saturday, April 30t1r,. to Mr 'and Mrs. Al Irwin (Mary . Alton) a $on, Darryl Ellwood, •a , brother for Warren;' SF GREBA - At Squamish,' :B. , C. Gen- eral Hospital, on April 2nd, to Cpl. and Mrs, : E. Greba , (Edna. Reid), a daughter. Anne Louise, another grand -daughter for Mr... and Mrs. Manson Reid of West. Wawanosh. 4 eto..e Have you found the answer .to your family always: having a Koine of their own? Call: The Mutual • Lif a of ;Canada • REPRESENTATIVE: • W. JACK SALTER, - 299, FRANCES STREET, , :WINGHAM, ONTARIO' PHONE: WINGHAM 35747441 J.""L1.11�I..I. I�j-, '.�.rn^i" - •r..:uir .r..u�iry: Yr.;..« *,..,,: n A Q.