The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-02-23, Page 711.—--,1111.1.1.111111111111.1111111C A THR LUCKNOW'SrINT'INEL, LUCKNifW,, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, FRB, 23rd, I' i � . Institute Present F.W.I.C. Badge. as of- ic app - speak• plat- im• [he lanage-' fe1 ed :.:. in the .. ge sways whose this Can- leader an leader ice Chair' kers' erved A'dvir. He•is ken a . rider= ..anada •.(Intended far last week) (Whitechurch News) Whitechurch Women's Institute held their February meeting op Wednesday afternoon at. 2 p.m, at the home of Mrs. Victor Emerson ° with the 1st vice president, Mrs. Bill Evans, presiding, and opening• with the singing of the Ode and • repeating of the Creed. The min- utes and financial statement were• given by the secretary treasurer, Mrs. Victor,Emerson.• ,It was de- • cided to donate.$5 to the northwest. Territories and 1J. subscribed for the • Federated News. Mri.•:Dan Tiffin offered her home for the March meeting. The, Roll Call was ans- wered by 18 members and 4. visit- ors'naming a new: product I have used and like, and donating treats. for shutins from which 1.8 boxes were packed .and sent Out. :Comm- unity singing was• enajyed. The motto "The price of Succ ess is'Honest Toil" was prepared by Mrs., Elgin Johnston and read by Mrs.Wallace Conn. Everyone'has their own definition of what suer= ess is. The lives of Abraham. Lirr •colli -and Alexander Bell were ill- ustrations. given of those 'whop through toil obtained ,success. , Mrs.. Russel Gaunt ..gave the reading "Bushel' for Bushel";which .told of the time Neil McAlpine ,saved the .Talbot 'Settlement in •Elgin" County. from starvation.•' She had.' a picture to illustrate her story, • MTs. Victor Emerson with .the aid. •. of;pictures told of the new'sealing industry, 'whichbegan 'in 196? on Basque :Island'; 2 miles :east of Cape Breton Island.. 'The•region around . Basque` island, is full of reefs and so rubber boats•Which will not upset have to be„used. to come to the island; for 'the purpose of tagg- ing the baby seals eachyear which number around '3000 and :are found' from Labrador to. Maine. When'; the men arrive to tag the seals, ' • most of the older seals .depart with the exception of a .few mothers. who.think they can protect their : babies. As seal milk is very rich; theiyoung;: gain 3 lbs. daily , in 3 A Dir to re- ( back tori. ars of rand•' anging p of ved :tions' lex.„ .Ne allenges :d that e, ,his 1 be • 1emany' high` 'rom his iny, elt good •ding,' made ;will s good The hind and rde to isiness flit life terbe. ever more. vide him S., was held Many ;re pte" •ruing_. the. from eacb • eattes of • ed States , macKen` grandmo'. Idioand ifts. of•the raton-Park , in MacKen' :he annual ante Ag. "doe,.., weeks will weigh around 100. lbs.. and fill the loose skin.they have° at.. birth, Mrs. [1.. D. MacDonald gave a Treading of Ethel. Chapman's' "Time is Pick. Pocket” which stressed the .. fact that we, should do. things as they come or we may "never get them. done. Mrs. Ezra. Scholtz gave the. joke for the month. .It was decided tohave a euchre party on February 24th .:with theprogram committee. Mrs. James. Currie., Mrs. Dave Gibb, Mrs.;Russel Ross; Mrs.. frank ROss and Mrs.. ;Ezra Scholtz in charge. ' • '• •Mrs. 'Evans called on Mrs. Alex Leaver of Wingharn°a former mem- ber to come forward and read an address to her and resented her with a P.W.I.C.`badge. Mrs. Leaver thanked the ladies and also took the address and a; badge to Mrs. Gershom Johnston who. was unable to attend. The meeting closed• with the Queen. The host" esses Mrs. H D.MacDonald, Mrs.: J. Conn and Mrs, Tom 'Jamieson served a treat of candy Y:P.S. MEETING The Young. Peoples:Society held their meeting Tuesday evening. January 8thin the United Church Sunday School Room Elgin Slei- ghtholm opened the meeting with a sing song with Mrs. Mitchell as .pianist; • The Roll Call `was,• ans- wered by an attendance of 12.• It was decided tri have a broomba'll• game which due *46. Mild weather was not. held:. b ' • 'Edna Wall and Linda Martin took over the meeting with Linda Martin giving the Call to Worship` and leading in prayer.' Miss Wall gave the story •- What will 'you, do with Life? 'A discussion, on this; topic :fo11�ied .' Mrs.` George.Mit- obeli gave a story. ' The meet closed: with. the Mizpaha Bede diction. .• Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Simrnons and Ronnie of London on Saturday: brought her father Charles 'Martin, back to his home, after a. weeks visit with. them : Visitors on r Sunday with' Mr. and. Mrs.' Gershon Johnston were •Mr.. and Mrs. Jack. Johnstpn,•'David and Donna' jean:, and Mr.' and Mrs. Jim.Johnston, . Paul, Ruth Ann, and Caroline of Listowel. WHITECHLFKH (Intended.. for last week)f Mr..and Mrs. Orville Ti. ..fin , Mrs. and Mrs. Din Tiffin and Joyce were Sunday visitors with. Mrs. William: McInnes of Walk. erton. : Mr. and Mrs; Gordon McBurney., Hugh and Ronald, and Mrs, R.M. Sh ell were: Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Johnston and family, ' • Mr, and Mis. Miles MacMillan .; Of Teeswater were visitors Friday with Mr, and: Mrs. Wesley Tiffin",. and Mrs; Dawson. Word has been received here that Mrs,: jack:Mclntyre, Wingham; Mrs. ,George Tiffin and Mrs; Cecil 'Falconer who accompanied their brother Hector Purdon and son to • California, arrivedback in Sarnia on Friday. Mrs. McIntyre and. Mrs. Tiffin returned to their home. but Mrs. Falconer remained in Sarnia with Mr. and. Mtts...Benson , •Falconer and family. Mr. and Mrs. ' Dave•Henderson Sherry'and Lois, of Listowel, and Ed. Voisin of Arthur, were Friday evening visitors with Mr. and. Mrs.. Wesley Tiffin' and Mrs.' Dawson. Mr. and. Mrs. W; R: ''Purdon. Barbara and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin:. were Sunday visitors with Mary Purdon of Kitchener.. • .' ' On Saturday Mr; and,Mrs.;Rus ;sel. Gaunt visited, with Mr. and Mrs. Max McFarlan of Ilderton Mrs. Clark Johnston on Monday attended -.the 4H' leaders training. school at. Hensall on the .project, "Accent on Accessories" '.Margaret Moffat of Toronto 'Margaret the weekend •wth,her brother, Graham Moffatt,. and 'aunt, Miss Emma Richardson. •d • or . o uck . a little . th, a t She's very busy discovering that a reflection in a mirror • is not • another playmate. She'll learn quickly, and all too soon she'll be discovering,. • school and then boys and before you know • it she'llbe leading her ' own life. Meanwhile, .thanks to her Dad's foresight, ' she. — and her brothers and sisters can count on •Sun. Life protection and a college, education: If .her mother and father have anything. to do with .it, their yoting miss will grow up with every possible advantage. l'i t 'associated ' ; with • 5un Life • 'of Canada, the Company with the policy that's right for you and your family. Why, not . call me today r'WILLIAM J, 'KINAHAN R.R. 2 tucknow Phone Winghan 35 7" 198 7 Certennual Tour Leaders Needed J. E. MacDonald OUR DEALER IMPERIAL OIL PRODUCTS • n•osr••••isa•.aIi f.. •••s+•aetn•••••n•na•s••nnon* • NEW 'DUNLOP .SILENT TRACTION qn SIOW mss N41w I! Preyed Treed. Dasign In Low Profila aSliis .MOST SIZES •BLACK, OR WINE SIDEWALL NOW . IN STOCK' At Attractive Pricesd INSTAL A PAIR NO . •AND BE PREPARED ��'� e•eaeeeoo••••nora►na••••••aa.o•••�r•w ori ' AiiAS BATTERIES GENERAL. REPAIR$ a lasting' impression of our nations greatness upon the.minds of the ,boys and it is hoped thatfthe'tour will provide an ideal vehicle- for . . "the betterment of inter -racial un-* derstanding between English and ., French speaking' Stouts.: If you are interested in taking part. in this unique project as a leader','pleaseecontact 'Lloyd; Ack-' err, ' T,our'Direct5r, , Holyrood. • Ontario.' a .. / :There's a wonderful:holiday in - store for about 50 men and senior boys •,in this area during the early • summer'of°1967. Tiley will lie the: active. leaderrs of ;th : Sau een .' iDist . e g rict Boy.-ts Centennial Tour. • The tour'•leaves• Walkerton by bus on Friday, June 30th on the first leg of a 4,000 mile journey which will tape over 200 Scouts and •their 'leaders 'ona 23 -day trip to the Maritime Provinces: Planning for the..project has been under .way for more; than a. year and earlier this month preliminary applications, or statements of "In tent" were'issued, to''all'Scouts in. • the district:. First, count . indicates that. at least 200 Scouts will part- icipate. Each Scout and leader. 'wild pay $125 for the entire trip' and the fee .will, cover everything but Spending 'money, including admission to the Worlds Fair and 'a, Couple of items of clothing.. .At the, present time there is -ev-': ery indicationthat the complement of'.Scouts willibe amply filled:, but 'the tour committee is anxious'ti, get the .names of more volunteer leaders. These may: be boys :18 years 'of age or oyer or men Who, are sufficiently interested in youth,. .work to offer their services for the three=week,period Previous ex- perience in Scouting is not necess- ary, but payment of the , $125 fee,is necessary, however, • for the tour is planned on a close budget, so that the trip can be kept within the reach of the max- imum number, of Scouts. Highlights of the trip will be at tendance at the,Dominion Day ceremonies in°Ottawa on July 1St,. opportunity to visit Expo '6'1, the World's Fair in Montreal; Over night stops, and camping through New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island, With a .side trip to Newfoundland for those who. wish to gd (at extra coal: visits • to the sites of Canada's birth in the Maritimes and Quebec. Allgin all,• the trip should leave FoUr New Guides. Enrolled Friday The :regular weekly: meeting of the"tucknow Girl•Guides was held, on Friday, February •18th. : • After the opening enin exercises under the leadership of Mrs. Geo- rge Whitby, the Group went into horseshoe formation. Four ,girls; Linda Go y ette, ", Joanne Thompson,, Lorraine: Boyle and Margaret ' Montgomery were enrolled as guides., -.Each gitiin Aim was presented by their Patrol Leader to the Guide Cap- tain. They repeated their promise, .were presented ,with their pins, and received'` the Guide Salute from the Patrols. The meeting was closed .by • singing "The Golden Sun" 'and • Taps, Elizabeth• Newbold took charge' of a game, and .sing song. Mothers of the four new Guide's were present at.the meeting:. 'she plans to, undergo surgery. ° Miss Molly .Quinlan, and Mark,:' Walsh ,'., Brantford, visited Mr. and Mrs. Jim Martin on Sunday. Mr.. and Mrs. Joe McIntyre, Mr. and Mrs : Bud :Fairish , spent the ; Weekend , in Toronto and attended the 'wedding 'and reception of MurrayBowler;.and .Betty Sitnas. Twin .Baby Shower: Was:Well: Attended (Kingsbridge.:News) 'The twin baby•shower for `Mrs, Jim Martin was held in the school • 'Tuesday evening and was very well attended. Mrs.. Stan Doherty read, . the address to Pat and conducted' a contest. A contest • was also con- ducted by ,Pauline • W.ildgen • Lou- ise Dalton and•Helen Courtney' helped: to open the gifts. Pat p • thanked everyone for the many lovely gifts she received. Lunch was served' by. those, In' charge. Miss Patricia 'Martin, Ted and' Peter and Joe Martin,Miss Shirley McDonald, all of Hamilton spent the weekend with Mr.. and' Mrs. Blaise Martin, Miss Frances Gilmore spent the weekend at her home. • ' • JIM, McDonald ,. Camp. Borden, spent the weekend here.. • Mrs,' Fred Vdssella is at 'the :Shouldice Clinic, Toronto, where 'HITECHURfH Mr. ,and Mrs. Angus 'Falconer, Allan and, Kevin; . of Streetsville and 'Mrs: Cecil Falconer spentthe. weekend withMr. and Mrs. Wes- ley . Tiffin and Mrs b: Dawson. On : Sunday, Mr. and. Mrs; Relison Falconer and. family who,had. spent the weekend with her parents,,Mr. and Mrs; Jack Stacy. of Wingham:,, -wer.e-eallers at -the -same --home- i - Mrs. Cecil Falconer :returned' with. Mr. and Mrs;, Relison :Falconer. to Sarnia for a further visit; School Inspector.. Is. Guest Speaker Education was the theme of the Silver Lake W .. I; ' when ,it met in the Kinloss United church for their February. meeting." • The meeting was conducted by the president; Mrs. Ronald Thack- er. and Mrs., Clarence --Hedley as ' secretary, Following the opening Ode and Mary Stewart Collect., the 'scripture was read: by T\irs.• Wil ham Campbell. Roll Call was,' answered with "My .Proudest tnerri- ory of a. day in school'' Mrs. Glenn Young; the convert- • •or, gave the . motto "Education is lighting a lamp, not' filling a buck- et". The very fine paper was ' written by Mrs. Burton Collins. Mrs. Young then introduced the guest speaker , •'Mr ..T Keith Wal . die Public -School Inspector for Bruce in part and Huron in part, who gave a splendid talk on ecluc- ation today compared to some years ago. He also explained the new arithmetic' which is being '. taught in the schools.• Following_• a question. and answer Period the " group:viewed and received inform- ation on a ' display of books Mr. Waldie had set up. Mrs., Harold Bannerman thanked the 'speaker and presented him with a gift. Two readings were given "A lonely] Battle" by Mrs. Clarence Hedley, and'".The'Legend Of St. Valentine" by Mrs. James, Lizmore, Mis. Albert Young conducted a contest on "Cupid". Lunch was served,. • , by,Mrs. Glenn Young: and r1rs; , Albert Young. and hostess, ,sirs, ,James McEwan • b 1.rIt