The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-02-09, Page 15Ch. chie a tob iOth, �t, spy rls; A there( s say: onclu nunity, the la surge Wingh• ter Jim We wi' ane of tend wi uhter a ie e teat Leaver., :trend w kett an, ad the,' s Ander, sited Su 1 Dickson Kiri Co rday'at, y tonna` fans far my farm' f'th.ese m 1v es' on .th griculture 50 FEB. 5th, I „ THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,LyCKNQW, ONTARIO n your.pigs talk, 1's time tolisten ... .: HIghEr.ployment M1 in Walkerton Area The general level of':emplby- nient in the Walkerton National Employment Office area remains at a very high level, . Seasonal layoffs of workers, has raised the number of applicants` registered at ' the .National . Employment,Office• On 31st January, 1966, *to 442 mal and 167 d 164 f • This.is.an increase of .86. male and,16' female during January., •. 1966 ,. but a decrease. of 247 when compared with the number of app- licants registed at the end of Jan nary,. 1965, f•. There were 224 jobs made av- ailable for men. and 76 jobs for females during January. As of 31st January, thereare 112, male and 48 female unfilled vacancies avail- able. vail-able, •These' employment oppor tunities were for skilled and semi- skilled woodworkers and furniture workers, automobile mechanics, stationary `.engineers, ;pipefittgrs and salesmen. Female vacancies included fact- ory workers in`.poultry processing and woodworking, office clerks, stenographers, waitresses and .house •keepers.. During January,, the Walkerton. • National Employment 'Office placer 67. local people :in employment, filled two vacancies with appiie ants from other areas, and' found'. employment for, 3 • local applic- 'ants in .other parts of the country. Stanley. Whiston, ,;Ming Mana- ger of the Walkerton National; Eni- ployment Office, has, pointed out that construction tradesmen , `con:-. tractors and building. supplies ,are More readily available at this time ofyear and is' urging local residents 'to makerepairs and renovations during the next,two`months: "Idle time can not be'atockpiled. as'•can,ma'ny..commodities, to be used 'at a,tuture date;" Mr., Whir. ton stated "Each unproductive_ �h.oui of those unemployed is a loss' to the community. which can- not be' recovered , " he., emphasized. Mr Whiston explained that persons wishing to have renovations and repairs done .during the winter Months , when men and materials are more readily available, Should' contact area .contractors'directly. or call the National Employment Service 'Office . ' . because they lir' tell: yoii'w. hat. gets them off oto: a good start. Baby pigs growfast and you get more<.income when they arefed a good ration to supplement the sow's. milk. At Purina Research Farm, we found that, a pig. that is 10 Ib. heavier at 9 weeks, takes 25 days Tess • to go to market. "Purina"•Baby Pig Chow is a highlypalatable pre- starting ration that supplies young pigs with added energy and extra disease fighters, so.they :grow -fast. It comes in the easy to feed Checkers. Start your young pigs On this nutritious. ration a few days after farrowing; it will help them to be strong, healthy, ,and grow fast for market. Tryyour next Iitteron Purina Baby Pig Chow. Your records will soon prove its,effic.iency. Drop in to see 'us today.. HopeTo Enter DollC�ntest PURPLE GROVE W.I. Mrq, Wm Arnold was hostess for the February meeting of Purple. Grove :Women's Institute. Mrs« George. Harkeness. and Mrs.Don Gillies'were in charge. Mrs,. Nor val Stanley was welcomed tothe meeting.' Some unusual industries of this area were mentioned during. roll call such as turnip waxing.. growing sunflowers., lima beans and production of brooms and brus- hes. Mrs. Harvie Thompson read the scripture lesson, ' " Some new euchre decks were • purohasedrin preparation for parties The Officerrs.Conference was .ann- ounced , for May ,4 and 5 and. it was decided a delegate would-be sponsored. The group display for Ripley ;Fair is for Kitchen articles and . everyone. to ,bring ideas to the next meeting. Purple Grove -will • entertain, the District Annual on, May 27. Mrs. Harkness and Mrs....: Gillies are to make inquiries re garding a meeting place. Fani ly PAGE FIFTEEN.. night will be in charge of Mrs. Cecil Sutton,. Mrs. Russel Need- ham; Mrs.. Victoria.. Smith and Mrs.. Harvie Thompson. Mrs, Harvie Thompson read, ler . ters from the Friendship, Link. in . England. Mrs. Francis Boyle led in a sing -song. Reports were giv- en by Mrs, Geo. Harkness, Mrs: . Howard Thompson and Mrs. Wm. ,. Arnold. The contests, sponsored by .Bruce Historical Society for cen- tennial Tear were discussed..- It is hoped this Branch can enter a Doll, Homemade Valentines, were judged..by Mrs. Mor ford MacKay. Winners were Mrs.•Francis• Boyle` and Mrs. Norval Stanley.. Mrs, • Harvie ,Thompson conducted 2 con-' tests which were won by Mrs. Wrn. Arnold and Mrs. Howard Thorny son; The .Branch Tweedsmuir ,His^" 'tories were:'' on display and the • Dis- tract. Tweedsmuir History was • shown by'the Curator .explain" ed. Next meeting will beat Mrs. Don .McCosh's home. At .the close of the meeting, lunch wasserved by .Mrs...Burton Collins, Mks. Walter Forster and. Mts. 'Allan Col- • ling, Gordon Johnstone YOUR PURINA DEALER, PHONE 528-3719 LUCKNOW b apes Book Will ear Conviction In 'mon Mur er Toronto widow's crusade to e that a teen-age:boy was'' .gly Convicted in the ' 1959 'kill- and rape. of a 13 -year -.old .girl get a full public airing in h with the publication of her about the case. bel LeBourdais., Clinton, w of the author D. MLeBour• • has spent the east .four years Pg "The Trial of Steven Trus-' s Lebourdais says She believes ook will prove that Truscott ocent in the death of the girl, e Harper, found raped and gled in lune, 1959, at 'din - Ontario.. e'youth, 14, at the/time; was ictedof murder and' sentenced to life ihprisonment•.. "He is.curr- erltly in Collins Bay Penitentiary ,, Kingston, Ont., where Mrs. Le-. Bourdais. reports' hp .is a. model pris- oner and in gOod spirits... After the conviction; the author began investigating the case by• reading the 2,500 pages of the: • trial ':transcript. • 1 came ,to the conclusion that this was not a sick boy who needed treatment, but a normal. boy who was innocent, she' said,. She said the youth was convicted .on flimsy evidence. Other evidence which she said pointed clearly to his innocence was brushed aside atthe trial. The. 256 -page. book will be released in Canada March 23, by' the publishers, McClelland and Stewart Ltd. Mrs,, LeBourdais' late husband ... wrote books•about the Canadian north and about ijidustry. She is the sister of the late Gwethalyn Graham of Montreal, author:of "Earth and High Heaven:" Donate Mosey. For Two Projects :ST. 'HELENS W.I., The February meeting of the St. Helens Women's Institute was • held. February 3rd in the hall,. with the President,: Mrs: Harold .Gaunt, presiding. ' The roll call was ans wered by "A man of the hour and whathe is doing ..for his country". During the.business it was decid- ed to donate $5,00 toward the. Institute project ;for the 1966 ploir 'ghing match°,also $5.00 toward the village light: :� Thie program committee for .en- z tertanment for February is Mrs. Harvey Carrick,; Mrs.. Gordon Lyons Mrs. Andrew Gaunt and Mrs. •Allan Cranston. • Themotto"Thorne and Country today" was prepared by Miss Beat- rice McQuillan and read by Miss lsobeh Miller. Mrs.. S. deBoer gave a very' interesting talk on her trip to Holland last fall. • Rev.. A .E.. Willis gave a reading "The man in my little girl's life"and also fav- oured with a .solo ."The, Sunshine . of your Smile" , Mrs: , W .Rice rendered two piano solos. Readings 79.50 GOOD POSTURE.' LESS SACK ACNES' Extra firm. for good, back, support with strong coil Springs that mean pure com-' fort. through healthful support. Each • with its own coordinatedbox, spring for. years of satisfaction. • Simmons Deepsleep "DELUXE" Mattress 405 COIL SPRINGS —QUILT TOP Now Just $59. ,I immons Deepsleep Mattress 405 COIL SPRINGS SMOOTH' TOP •. now Just were given by Mrs. Gordon Struth-: ers and Mrs. 'Frank McQuillin. Lunch was served by hostesses Mrs. Gordon Struthers., Mrs. Ross Errington and Isobel l�!lill.er ` v A SOSS Simmons Continental MATTRESSBOXSPRINGS LEGS Bed Reg. $134.50 Now aKenzie.Ft'rniture:' LUCKNOIN •– PHONE' 5214432 114.4 • 411