The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-02-09, Page 6Askaboutconver ent:de arture• -and return times .»•» L� EKINGBACKWARDS •• THROUGH THE SENTINEL FILES 10 Years February 1.956, . �INmMacIntyre of Kinloss was elected president. ,of the Lucknow ,Agr cu'1tural Society for his Second xerm. 'With Morass ''"on the 'way ,' • out" it was agreed that 70 in prize inoney was too Much. for this class • 'opinion ' some that Lu'ehnow was '`'Over pdlicer Was Air cussed -at/Village couneil. ' Provin'c= pow off ders from •Goderich„ Kincardine•and gham'were arc • used Ebyr,citizent of"converging" :on. ',l acknow. real :A fl ng 'squirrel, aweal *Todd ►„ • was found in the ]basement Of'T.;J.. I Salkelds farm 'h'orne in ''West *Aiwa - no Luoknow District to -op :installed :new nibmiing,equipmem to cope With an expanding fertilizer busk% .nem. Jim li Ye headed. the Royal ,Arch 'Masons.. Pepils,of S...S7 :°Kinloss and their 'teacher" Mrs. :Lo me f rihnston , :made a bus trip ro Toronto,. .Ashfield Township •was-.confronr. ed with =vests from three district hospitals, Wingham, •Goderich ,and Kincardine for assistance •tota11ling. $20,000 in buildingprogram's. • ' .•Grey Ox school was being dismana tled by, The purchaser Jack MacKin- anon • :Rey,:Alex MacDonald and Mn,„ IvlacDdnald left for the mission field in British Guiana. 'Alex Is the, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sandy lviacDoui aid of Niagara Falls, and natives of Lucknow.. 'Rev. and Mrs, Wallace McClean of : cknow' sailed to.`Ireland • foster G ,Moffat ` ;Kinloss .octo- •genarian., wast honoured upon bis ' retirement 'coin Culross Mutual Fire Innsurance.'Company which:he had served for forty=four years. 30 Years Feasy btu ti 8.6,. • The annual meeting of Lucknow United 'Church; showed $7.000 raised for all Purposes, Rev. S.1' 'Tuckey was mirrister ;Mrs... Wm. iRutberford of St: i e1- yens, the only' passenger on the Iron- don to "Wingham ;train, was shakexn up but uninjured•wh'en the' train ::' 1965 FORD, 'Galaxie 500, 4 Door, Hardtop • 1963 FORD, 4 Door, Automatic Transmission 1.964 • CHEM, 4Door.., 6 Cyl nCier 1944.PONTIAC, 'V8, Automatic, 4 Door 1964 CHEVY• II, :6 Cylinder, Standard Transmission • 1964 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN, •6; Cylii►dO,. Automatic Trens- mission• 196;4 ;B.UICK WILDCAT, 4. Door Hardtop 1963 PONTIAC STRATOCHIEF, 4 : Door,. 6 Cylinder•, ;Automatic Transmission' ` 1962 "CHEVROLET, 6 Cylinder, Standard Transmission 1962 FORD Fairlane, Standard Transmission. 1962 FORD, :Gaiaxie 4Doot 1961 FORD % Ton Pickup 1960 FALCON 6 Cylinder, Standard Transmission 7960° CHEV, 4 Door, .6 Cylinder Automatic Transmission , 1960 AUSTIN' 4 Door 1936 CHEVROLET 6 Cylinder,. Standard Transmission collided with the :Goderich Strat- ford train at Clinton The fats and the leans were squaring off in broombalT. Dr.. Treleaven. and Cliff .Aitchison were in charge of the 'fats" and Cam • • • MacDonald and 'Bill Davison were whipping the"leans''• into shape, • John Miller. was elected West Bruce County. Master •of ;the Loyal • • Orange Lodge. Hogan's Orchestra was .:playing for a dance in I.ucknow, sponsored by the Joint Club. • '•Tearris in :the'churcb hoc1cey •gue Were :Presb ' erian 'South` Kin- loss, Anglican, United .and Dungan- non . The An lican P linea p was g goal, E.Solomon; defence, A..;filic� ' Cartney.; ,'FI .,Cunning; forwards , G . `Miller, Ice ompson-, B...Hew.at J.Cjohnstone,Haroid Johnston, lack Button,. ,3 .MacDonald . ' • • Aglow and shooelling crew •took :almost a, .whole day to open' a sing- le ]ane road from Lucknow to Wur gharn,. '. • Eliner .Wrest,, •36., an : Ashfield nat ive was -killed after falling . 14, feet to a;.concrete floor at 'the Internet-.. tonal NickelC,mp :.ariJ► i=i part .Col- borne.. .. o Russell Button had liis'arm' brok- en in ;a g :Juvenile lockey + ame .in �Vnr}ghan . • • George Stuart sof St . Helens was elected ,a •director of the West Wa w anosh Mutual Fire Insurance 'Co: succeeding- WM, " McQuillinwho tad died . ' 'Ernest Ackert ;was re- elected president, • 50 Years.go •(DungannCl News) • Canadian Industries wasthe theme ,of the January meeting of the Dungannon 'W omen's Institute, held at the home of Mrs..Lorhe 1vers with the president , Mfr,a Crozier presiding., Avery informative paper on "Honey and the honeybee" was prepared by W,J.Reid and read by ivirs. C. Crozier.: The roll call was answered,by• "what to do for a bee sting" : During the business period •a dory.: atior was given to the public lib- rary,, Mrs. G, McNee reported on a meetingof the West Huron Irl- stitutes held at;Carlow •to discuss a display to be shown at :the'Imer national ploughing match at Sea- forth. in Occtober. , •. Leaders for 4H club project "Acc ern, on Accessories" were tobe.`de- cided later. • • • The ;blotto "If at first you don't` succeed, try, and try again" :,• was •.given by Mrs, Goo: 'Errington. Mrs G. McNee gave a very interesting display on liquid ,em- broidery, Various articles Were• on display including a quilt, The meeting closed, with the Queen, after which lunch was ser ved by the •hostess . , : EUCHRE PARTY HELD There were eleven tables of euchre. at S.S. No. 6 Ashfield ori Thursday, February 3'. Ladies' high. winner vias Mrs. Joe Dauphin, low Jean Broughton Ivan Rivett :had the mens`, big'h score with Chester Finnigan 'having 1ow....A shoot ,parry is planned ;for Thurr day , February 10, and another euchre party 'on February 17.. L.0..1.. -EUCHRE PARTY.• • The L, O;. L, had thirteen rabies at their euchre parxy, on Friday,` February 4. Mrs. "Jack 'Errington had hash score for the ladies and Graham McNee Second. The men's high winner. was Frank Al- ton, ,and Ivain Cranston :Second. Arnold ol#ers held the lucky ticket, *The next party .will. be February 18. •, ATTEND• "Air HOME" • Mr,- and 'Mira., Cecil 'eke vis-. :;ted. ''friends, in 'Stratford on Friday and attended the At Horne at the Stratford Teachers College in the evening where their son Bill is a • student th s year. Bill will be prActise to Yee:. in Goderich week. • Randy and Slar Alton of Luck- now spent the weekend with their randpar ents, Mr.. and Mrs Har- •vey Alton„ • Mt.. and Mrs. K,K.Dawson' :spent a .,couple of days in T oiont last week'... Cn their ;return home they wete.accofnpanied. 'by their ', daughter Faren who has. been'a ' student nurse,,at Sick Children's Hospital for iheast, ]three month 'fora .week vacation. Patricia Eedy of Strathroy visit with her parents, Mr, and. Mrs. Irvine Eedy for the weekend Mrs, frank Thompson returned borne on Thursday after visiting with Mr., and. Mrs_` Art Danahy and family D.Sikston. :Mr., and, Mrs. ° Dennis Donnely and Ernie of Pjinkerton.visited ori Saturday' with Mr,. and Mrs. Cecil Blake `,and family We' are pleased to:report that ••• Mrs.Abner Morris'•and Fred King are borne after being in hospital last week,: