The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-01-26, Page 12Vk } THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,. LUCKNOW ONTARIO WEDNESDAY,. .1AN4 24th, 1 Hamilton spent the weekend with. his. parents. Mr. and ,Mrs. H, Lath bertus, Jim Sinnett, and Diane Vassella • spent the weekend in Toronto with' • Mr,. d Mts. Delmer Maize. .:ad Mrs. Arnold•Marsman a d . aughters spent the •weekend . w Mr,. and Mrs. Dennis Dalton, Mrs. , lton returned to London - with them far. a few days. •: Mrs., John Austin visited Mr. and Mrs. Toni Aryan, Toronto; over the weekend.. - • Nolda Miltenberg is a patient in - Wingham Hospital. Mr. and Mrs:, John Howard vis= r.ited relatives in Jackson and Lan- sing last week and attendedthe ••Forbes-Tassone.wedding in Detroit Saturday. • • Mrs.. Fred Vassella 'returned home on :Monday after spending the :past few weeks with Mr. and Mrs'. Del- mer Maize, Toronto. The annual service for Christian unity was held last Sunday evening. in St. Peter's Church, Lucknow, with the clergy and people from all the local area participating. Special music was supplied by the Christian Reformed Church, with Mrs. Fred McQuiliin as organist, .Tile speaker at the well-filled church was Marcus Cloete,present-. ly.teaching high school in Listowel Born in 'Cape Town, and teaching in South Africa until 3 years ago, Mr. Cloete was well^qualified to speak. on the troublesome prob- • lems of [lhodesia ,..which he had visitedseveral times before his private property was confiscated for' opposing the white regime of his native land. Mr. Cloete. in a mostenlight- ening description of racial discrim- ination, explained how some 220,. 000. whites had absolute control. over 4,000,000 Africans, a ratio of 1 to 18. He pointed out how the vast netwdrkof highly organP zed secret service police: constant- ly patrol the wholes area, dispersing any groups that contains more than. !• 9 people, The congregation' was askedto assist in .any way possible, the establishment of justice in' • that land. CATTLE,• 'CALVES and LAMBS EVERY DAY,: .EXCEPT SATURDAY We do Curing and Smoking .... y Beef,,.: Pork • and Lamb. Sold Whole, Haff or Quarter . For Bolter Sorvico, • And Lower Pri«s•-- Call. Ripley 100. Huron County Council has 'acc- epted , the tender of Monneitlr Mc" Grath Ltd.: of Waterloo for a 75 bed addition to fluronview home .' for the aged at Clinton. Contract price was $622;852. Total cost incIuding furnishings,: equipment and other. items will be $737,423: ,The tender.was the lowest of four;. x. • Cost per bed was given as $9,83 The provincial government pays. a 50 per cent subsidy on the capital cost. Net cost to the'county will be 068,711. ° Approval must be obtained . from the department, of public welfare. and the. Ontario Municipal Board 'before construction can start, •Financing of the project will b considered: at the March session, Clerk- Treasurer John, G,. Berr said a debenture for $375.000. over. a /0 -year period would cost $50:000. yearly-. By :1969 the 'm sent county.home debentures would be .paid. Off. he said Lost orders, postponed expansion, loss a `. of profits, costly equipment idle it all can happen through the lack ‘of skilled workers. To help you develop the skilled people you need, The 'Ontario Dep rtment of Labour has introduced O.J.T. On -the -Job Training, a plan combining Apprenticeship Training and Short -Term Training... an extensive program of financial and technical assistance: Find, out now about O.1.T. ! " .ith O.J.T. you learnneeded skills on . the job !: You areoemployed' in the work of -your choice, in a big choice of trades - and you• earl as you learn. After On -the -Job Training you .' continue to progress in the*, company that trainediyouQ •a.skilled person with x. a better job, better 'pay and •a secure future. Pind out all' about; O. J T. 1 . Forfull details •about-On-the=Job. Training, your nearest Ontario •- contact. y •oDepartment of 'Labour, Industrial Training Representative now. He is 1dat ad . Head Orf iic e ---Industrial Training Branch' 74 Victorna.St., Toronto. Phone 365-4209 Feder=al -Provincial' Manpower Development Program the Hon. lean Marchand • Hon. H. L Rowntree Q.C. "Minister of Citizenship anis ,immigra..iiot Minister of Labour for Ontario