The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-01-19, Page 2'brnewly rehabilitated disabled ' workers as will be collected by the March of Dimes. . In projected. worker's earnings and saving in welfare costs, this .tOtals $771,666. 0 • , ...The Foundation starts in where he Society forcrippled.Children» leaves off. It concerns itself With • all disabled and handicapped per-. sons who are 1-9'and over and can,. not be helped by the Workmett$ Compensation Board •Department • of Veterans'Affairs or other goy'' • ernment Welfare agencies.-. Supported by more than 40 ;000 •Marching Mothers -- the volunteer , canvasserS a 22- Member volunt- eer medical advisory committee made up of some of the province's finest •orrhopaedicsurgeons and :other specialists in the rehabilit- ation field, and a 40 -member vol7. unteer board. of directors,. the 'ag- , • mot •or busingss could possibly • afford, • CAPE TOWN NATIVi. AT . WEEK OF PRAYER SERVICE .. lucknOW Ministerial Association will sponsor'a coriununity week of .• • . prayer service in $t. Peter's Ang, Man Church On ‘Bunday, January .23rd •p •• • Guest speaker for the evening.. Will be Marcus Cloete; a.teacher at the Listowel District Higli School anda former resident:. of. Cape . TOwn, Africa.'..• . , Tortoise shell combs are yhade from the, shell of a tropical .marine turtle WIEDMISDAY. JAN. 1th, 1944 INS W ARTENSH IP . (Continued from Page 1) • After his remarks at Monday's meeting, the new warden called:. on several former wardens and .county officials; Dan Lamont of :Saugeen; Bill Oswald ,of Chesley;, William' Winters; Richard Elliott Who Was Reeve of Kinloss.when '''PhOnse commenced his municipal •career on council; J,W c:Joynt, an 'ex warden of the county 'whose • son George presently sitting on • connty...couneil, is also an ex war • den; George ,Siegrist, Roswell "Mike' Smith, Reeve of mabel and defeated Candidate • or he warden's office, extended hisdtest wishes. to Mr. Murray., 'Three new members Of county council were introdncedi, deputy • •reeve Burrows of SontharnptOn; • Reeve Speerr of Tara; Reeve Wy- • (inch of ,pt. Edmunds. Greetings.were extended by May- or Joe Moran -of Walkerton,: In in election for a position on / :the Bruce County road committee, John .Black o Elderslie .Township was.suceessful. In the first ballot, • Black polled 19 votes, Wallace Wilton .of Carrick 12 votesand Clifford •Gilbert, of. Albemarle ,• 10. Votes.... Gilbert dropped out and on the-second.ballot, Black polled 2. votes and Wilton 15 votes. .6;.ecnle.derl.cthW.F esssioolieastriedr Work to be. carried cin in thecomr ut •tyyeadruiri, ng ,t.h. .e.ythrough the r oi lined some'of the accomplishments of county government • ; Mernbers Of the striking •comm' itteewere picked by drawing nam - • They are John BaXter, Walk- erton, .Norman Clinton, 'Kincard- • ine; Archie McCulloch;' Saugeen; Manley porber,, Arnabei; Russel twining, 'Paislem., Williairi Mac- ke Mildmay; John IviacKenzie„•• Bruce; Bert.Shewfelt, Kineardine TOwnship;,.Earl °Raeburn, Chirley.." THEATRE' GODERIC •FIRST RUN. FILMS IN AIR CONDITIONED .COMFORT •• ENTERTAINMENT IS OUR BUSINESS • • WED., THURS., FRI. = JANUARY 19-20-21 GENGHIS KHAN • • In Color • Stephen Boyd — Omar Sharif Jainos Mason The Mightiest Warrior Emperor Of All Time Shows at- 7:15 p.m. • and 9:25 p.m. Adult. Entertainment SAT MON, TUES. — JANUARY 0-24-25. THE FAMILY JEWELS Jeriy Larvik • • SPECIAL MATINEE SAT. JANUARY :22nd SPECIAL MATINEE SATURDAY, JANUARY 22nd ONL'V • • • • • • 2 sH9voNos • AT 1100 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. • THE MAGIC WORLD OF . • TOPO GIGIO Plus • Rorriarnler The 3, Stooges and Extra Cartoons • ALL SEATS FOR THIS ; • •• ENGAGEMENT — 5.0p , It's Playing Sat, .Matinee Only--7.11in, 22nd' ' ALL. SEATS 50c • • • 1111•11IIIMMINOOMP • WED., THURS. PRI. = JANUARY 26-27-20 The .Beach Gang Takes' You Oil A SKI PARTY In Color - • , Frank. Avalon Deborah Walley And, The Beach Gang ' On The Same•Program A • Science Fiction Thriller ATRAGON • ",. In Color .• • • Ski' Party at 7:15 and 10:.15 Atragon at 9:45 Only . • ' mtr 40 • , • • — • • • • PAGE TWO THI LUCKNOW *ENTINE LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 1114.LUCKNOW SENM21, • LIJICKNOW, ONTARIO . • • "11* ism Taint!' On the Huraneiroca Mary Authothal as seeond claim mail, Poilt: Oak* Depad.Diento 'Ottawa •Eatabled 1373—Published Foieh wedneeday 1412000. Mernbor •of tho CW and OW KA . 611 • • glibafziption Rate, 34.00 a year in .aduanee — the'lLS44 $5-90 • Donald C. l'hompaon, PUblielut • 1 44. ) r i • • •f.0 A of he,. ,,Men . elect; Wing) ber 21• • As' man •,delici • singin Oth , • atives • ' Were.i -are a • the pp rizent • singinl • The ns the av expect. „"... • exclnrO , a namo • play a • • group, .••, • Alone z • • thirty close 1 •It w; - hear th •impres: besides that•thl • this and the ••, • to thou • • • :to hear idthe r In the•4 . • bership, • • Logopec, • difficult • ' to a soh • -This wo • . • riate wc • • vo4ces's • Speak • • were M• t the Prov." Huron -B' or.of WI, • Russel presiden • • . chaiima He otitlj • . during 4 ed engai • ventidn• ' • show, th •Winghan servicer • • and Aubi • A dual • Alex Col • Connell• . Arnold' WEIDNESDAY JAN, 121h, 1214 •What Would VVe Do Without It? • We were interested in the foll- oWing comment in the Blyth. Stand= erd last week. Blyth is presently in the process of raising money for' the purpose of Installing artificial ice in their 'arena, The article read in.part . "well,. after the second frustrating year in a row, ice is finally available in the Blyth arena and the building will be a bee hive of activity from now until spring, providing the, cold weather stays with as. •Ice wa available at the start of the Christ- mas holidays, but the mild weath- er completely destroyed it. It wasn't until this weekend that wea- ther was sufficiently Cold to make' it again." ' •, • • These remarks:by the Blyth ed- itor made us realize the fortunate position that We in Luckriow and ' vicinity are•in witliartificial ice - installed and in use every day of. the winter. The youth of Lucknow and district, a verifeW years,.. will net 'even recall the years of natural ice.when the scheduling of sporting events depended entirely on how cold it was, or how much water could be dragged off the • ice by, game time. *To use an oft used phrase, the "Profits :of doom"must certainly by now realize that Lucknow need7 ed artificial ice badly. The arena is one of the -rnost valuable assets the commeity,has, and the plear ure and fellowship of the young particularly, .who use the building continuonsly; cannot be measured • in Sand O., • • • • • ° Blyth, as did *know, will have Those who will fight the arr. , ificial ice installation to the last, but we sincerely hope that the village has enough civic minded people to see the pioject through.. Small communities are sometimes • deprived of Many things. There is no need to be deprived often , • arena that will•operate on aireg-. ular schedule and in •an orderly fashion, such as the one in the . -§epoy Town.• • • • Re -Appointed As. School Chairman At theJanuary Meeting of the LucknoW District High School Board, Wm. Hunter, ,,Township of Ashfield Representative, was re • appointed Chairman for 1966 with ,Char. Webster, ,Village of Lucknow Representative, ,to act as Vice-. • Chairman. •• ' • • • ' Sundry Actoints for the'inonth were approved paid and a balance • of.$16,272.64 was reported as at. •'„December 31st ,• 1965. Borrowing. By-law 'for 1066 war set at ;100,, 000.00; • • Allister Hugheswas. re appointed Township of Kinloss Representative for 1966 and 1967.. Virden Mow- bray is the •incicithw Public School • Board representative for 1966.. ser••••••••r11001,1101111.41,01 EU lug am ' • • 0 • • , ' • PHONE 357-1620 • • STARTING TIMES 1:1111 p.m.—Monday to Thursday 7:15 and 9:15—Friday and Saturday Sahwday fAatinao-2:W . • • , 'WEDNESDAy, THURSDAY; FRIDAY JANUARY 19,,20, gli„ • , . Adult. Entertainetent .. . :: •• . •• • • . • •,.. 0 Ham, • • •// -cp.!' ' • moritun • , . . Stamm:I• Merlon Brand*, Yul Brynner; Trevor Howard -: ' This.. is a unique motion picture featuring the tmieaahed° pow- I , ermethingunusual of Brand°, and the raging fury of Brynner. `14ori turi" means. so • o• SATURDAy MATINEE ISpecial) JANUARY • 22 "The Magic .World Of TOO ,Gigo I, 2 ' Children of a]1'age.s will want to see this .one. If you watch ' • g 'Ed Sullivan you will know how funny the little Italian mouse " 2 "Popo Gigo" can be. Two 'matinee showings •at 2:00 and 4:00 p.m. All seats 50c. - • "Harlovi" 00, SATURDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, JANUARY 22, 24;23 • .1 Adult Entertainment • . • • •Colour-Pantivision Starring: Carroll Baker, Rid Buttons, Pater Lawford 2 'ThiS is the story of the fabulous legend and colourful times g .the screen's most famous platinum:blonde bombshell Jean Harlow. •s4,4EDNESIDAY; THURSDAY, FRIDAY JANUARY 26, 27; 20 "Kisses For My President": Starring: Fred MacMuriay, Pelly eettestil0•0414411111111•011•011111111 • .,. • An Research, Progra 00 For Huron O .tionourable. William A. 'Stewart, minister of agriculture,' announced: by phone to the Sentinel Tuesday that a'aomprthensive,research pror kram into all phases of white bean production would be carried out in. Huron County 'this year. Under the direction of the. OntO 7.7 aria Agricultural Research Institute ancl•the Soils and Crop:Branch of -• ;the Department' of Agriculture test ,pidts will lie established at Varna •and Kippen in the county. .• The program .will include the testing of promising new strains • from Michigan :and. the Harrow ex- perimental station in Ontario: .The demonstration Nets will checkout herbicides and insecticides in add- ition to exhaustive fertility trials, •' "It is•my conviction that work • of this type can be ckrried out mor • effecdvely by test picks on co-op- erating farms rather than increar ing the number of experimental . ency offers a service no govern- • farms" said Mr. Stewart. • ,"The Soils and Crop •Branch of the Departthent iidesigned t9. • work:in 'close Co- operation with the lOcal:soils and crop ithprove7. thent association in evaluating new crop production techniques and their' utilization under. actual' cop-. Underthis system the local people are. an itnportant part: in both the planning and the evil- uationof the tests" . 0 4 • With the International plowing Match being held in Htion this: • • year, a special program has been planned on the site of the match. Projects deinonstrating new 'varie ties, herbicides, 'fertilizer types as Well as insect Controls andylan- ning,inithods will pro've of interest to the rnany'viiiicirsIo the plow- ing match. '. : • Ladies Auxiliary To. Canvass For March, Of Dimes Fund Amember of the Ladies Aux- iliary to the Canadian Legion still • be calling on you 'Within the next. couple Of weeks to' request • a ,donation to the March of Dimes campaign. • • Last. year, the residents of this • area were very generous in their reception of the volunteer can- yassers and it is hoped that the ladies•will 'reach their objective in 1966; . Foun4es:1 in the 1930s by the late. comedian; ,Eddie Cantor, 'the* ,March of Dirties was orignally established to fight the then dre,ath ed poliomyelitis -- or as the pub- lic.so. wrongly called it -- • infan- tile paralysis. • • • . • Those :were the days of the _great Depression. Eddie believed that although most persons could ill -afford to spend money to help others, they Could part with a dime or two. The movement was incorpor- 0 ated in Ontario in 1951 as the . Ontario Chapter Of the Canaaiai; Foundation for Poliomyelitis: • When development of Salk vacc- • ine ended most of the,worry of the crippling disease the organization • changed its role to that of rehab- ilitating all diiabled. Itis now called -the Rehabilitation. Found- ation for the Disabled. •There is Something particularly O significant for those who would consider the Foundation's,work in terms of hard,cash. ' "'• • For, the first time since the .Foundation's inception in 1951, as much money will -be -put -back -in- , • to the public pocket during 1965 • 104140044o*o•oujeweeefteyorli41.‘ --•• • • • • • , , „ . , . . , „ •