The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-01-19, Page 1190 or • urn - .ugh lay nes. be ry vas w, ;ram led • :k rids. .0 A Year n Advaneo -- $1.116 Extra To U.S.A. LUCKNOW ONTARIO - WEDNESDAY, JAN, 19th, 190' Singh. Copy 1kc Paws • 'The wardenshipof the County 'of ! Bruce, the highest honour in coup- .ty government, has come to Kin"` loss Township for the .first. time in 54 years Reeve- P.A. Murray • • took the honours at the' opening of County coup t1 on Monday night • of this week.. Five men were'noininated'for the position with three withdrawing Nominated were Wallice Wilton -of Carrick, 'Frank Field of Teeswater, , Robert:Craig: ofWiarton, Roswell • Smith of Amabel''and P.A. Mur, ray: of Kinloss. • Mr Smith and Mr, .Murray were the' only two to let their.. name stand:•and in `the ballot, Mr. Mur' ray ?lolled '23 votes to defeat Mr., • Smith who had 17 votes, A.. new regulation in• county :cou.- ncil this year stated that the can didates for the wardenship did receive a vote on the •wardenship • ballot because•t e pos''t was re-.' garded as salaries The successful Candidate was nominated by William R. Lowry, .: Huron Township: Reeve., His.•opp- onent, 'Mr. 'Smith, was nominated by Douglas Kreutzweiser. Phonse Was piped to. the chair of ;honour by Frank MacKenzie; of Kinloss in the arms. of his'over `� m and seconder, 'W,` Lowry and Mr. Lemke. -He was presented with .the chain of 'office by last years warden'Mrs. Tessie Greig. • For the first time, the location of the wardenship contest was switched to the Walkerton Town Nall in order to accomodate-the.' crowd in attendance. A good • crowd did attend the colourful. evening. It was in' 1912 that the late Dan MacDonald last brought the war • den_ ship to Kinloss Township,• and• in his acceptance speech, Mr. • Murray stated that he was more pleased for Kinloss • than for him- self in 'acquiring the•.wardenship He paid 'tribute to•his wife and family and -said, "I' couldn't have . done it without -their help"; He introduced his'wife to the meeting, Parking Bylaw •� Is Pbssed By Council; 'By-law No. 1, 1966 of the Vill- age of Lucknow is published in this issue and is a by-law to regu-, • late parking -in the village. The by-law states 'that no per son shall leave their vehicle on any street within the village from. the hours of 3 a.m.• to 6.30 a.m: .:from •November lit to April 30.of. any year,•. The by-law authorizesa con- stable to have the vehicle removed and the owner charged. It also provides -for a fine of not less than. $5 and riot more than $50 for a first .offence and not less than $10 and not more than $100 :for subsea quent offences along with a license suspension. The by-law provides no hardship to anyone. Every village residen can keep a parking area free of snow either by himself, or.by' other commercial methods which are available De' i sp to this, many Wore g problems that are encounter.. ed by snow plow' equipment in en- deavotiring to keep the roads clear. • MR. AND MRS. P.A•;MURRAY: his "baby girl"., Elaine, the••young- est of a family; of eleven, and his sons who were present. Mr. and Mrs: Murray's'. family.. andgrandchildren includes Mr. and Mrs. Keith McCarter (Veron- ica) of Wallaceburg, Peter, Mark and Cynthia; Mr., and Mrs. Frank . Murray, .Kinloss, Rene and Paula; Mr..and Mrs. Leo Murray of Kirl- loss, Jimmy, .Kevin,, Marilyn and Theresa; Mr, and Mrs: Lorne Kra- emer (Eleanor) of Rexdale, Larry., , • Murray, Kent and Tanya; Mr.and Mrs..' Robert Dales (Margaret Anne) of St; Thomas, Wendy, Timmy, Robbie,\. Mary Lue, Veronica and Christa; Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse "Murray, Bervie, Paddy and Jill; Mr, and. Mrs. `Charlie 4Murtiy Kin- loss, Paul, Brian. and Wayne; Mr. and Mrs.' John Iviurray, Kinloss, ESTHER•GIBSON AWARDED $350.00 FOR .SCHOOL' WORK Miss. Esther Gibson, student at Western University, 'London, has received two awards for her. Grade thirteen results. A County of Hur- on scholarship valued at $100...00 and the Maude Gordon Educational Bursary for $250:00: Esthey (Cookie) is the'daughter of Mr'. and Mrs. Sam Gibson of Amberley. a . Mrs. James Wraith .0n 'Florida -Trip 'Mrs James Wraith of Lucknow . is Florida- bound having left last `weekend for a holiday in the south. She accompanied her sister; , ` Mrs. Dunc Keith of Teeswater and the ladies were being driven by Mrs. Keith's son, 'David Keith of 'Teeswater. She planned to be away about a month and while in Florida will stay with another. sister, Mrs., Elizabeth Keith: of Wingharn who winters in Florida at. -126 South Waterloo Ave. -in Lakeland. • beak, David, • Dianne andNancy; ' Gerald Murray of Kinloss Miss: Barbara Murray of Windsor and Miss Elaine Murray at home: • ..With 11 of a family and 28 grandchildren, it would seem to , .us that the.wardenship'is a second- ary accomplishment in the lives of Mr.. and. Mrs::' Murray.. How • ever, residents of Kinloss and sur, rounding area are proud of the most' recent honour that Phonse has brought to the Township. ;His municipal service' in Kinloss' • has.a •record,of councillor from 1943.to 1946 and again from 1951 • to 1957. He became Reeve. in ,1962 and is • starting his fifth term. (Continued oh Page 2) Elgin Keith Is New Board' Chairman Evan Keith was named chairman of the Kinloss Township School, Area Board at their inaugural meet- ing. ' Russel.Ross was appnted vice-chairman. .. Other members of the board are, Walter. Breckles,. Leo Murray' , 'Ron- old Thacker with Allister Hughes' continuing in the office of secret- ary'. -treasurer„, •° WALLACE MILLER PASSES :AT' WINGHAM HOSPITAL Alexander Wallace Miller, 'a .life: long resident of the pt. Hel- ens district of West „Wawanosh Township; died at Wingham-Hosp- ital on Monday of'this.week. He would have observed his 82nd bir- thday. on Friday. • The funeral service Will be con- ducted on Thursday at 2..30 p, m :. from the MacKenzie Memorial Chapel witli temporary entomb Ment in South. Kinloss. Mausoleuiti. Donpld Mdclntyre Heads Old tight Donald' Maclntyre .will head Old Light Lodge, No. 184, for the • .next year as Worshipful Master Other officers include L: A Sal- keld, I.i M:.; Francis Boyle, S.W. Jack' Fisher,, J. W.. H. W::Snapp ,. Chaplain; W. B. Anderson,, treas- urer; T :. J.: Salkeld, secretary; Ken MacDonald., S s :,, Girvin Reed, J: D .; Donald Simpson, I. G Elwin Hall.. . 0 ;G . ; Frank -Haw= thorne,S.S ; Frank Maulden,JS. Jack Trustees are James Little, Ja k ,MacDonald, 'Kenneth Cameron, ` NEW, MEMBERS SESSION AT" ' : LUCKNOW UNITED "CHURCH Eleven new • members of session were recommended and accepted by the congregation of Lucknow - United Church on Sunday morning. They are Baynard Ackert, Roy. Havens; Elwin Hall,,Mrs. Wtelling! ton Henderson, EldonHenderson, Hendrick Kragt ,, •Pharis Matheis, Dr. J.• C. McKim, John Pritchard, Mrs, Ross Shiells, Vernon Hunter.'. Correct Leaking Water Main Losing, 40,000 Gallons Daily . 'A leaking water main in -the village, which was losing between 30,A00,and 40,000 gallons of wat- er a day 'andwas gettingprogress- ively worse,' was discovered Sun- day on ftoss•Street, in the area of • the bridge at the ,foot of "Qualiy Hill"., • • . Town officials had been aware of the lossof water for several days'but a;tnorough search had • failed to pin -point the cause and • location. Sunday morning `an area of moisture was noticed in tike bank on the east side ;of Ross Street near the bridge- and after digging some of the bank away, the water began to gush out. In additfon to the extremeloss of water over a four day ,period, it was believed that theMain had been leaking on a gradual basis • fora period of time before :this. Water pressure had dropped consid- erably in village services and diff- iculty was being experienced in -- keeping the stand -.pipe up to its . proper.level,.• The stand- pipe.,holds' about • 160,000 gallons.: This time of .. . .year daily consumption is about 115,000 gallons. As, we previous-' ly.mentioned,• the loss from the leak was between 30 and 40,000 gallons daily: In conversation with Reeve George Joynt over the, weekend,: we learned of the mea= sures that had been tak`n'over the. few days that the leak was being. searched and 'it appears that town officials did a lot of "tramping the town" in ,their search, 'It is doubly, hard to find a Teak of this'. type -in the village'because of the swamps and rivers where the water service passes through and, under, At the location of the Teak, the main is about 10 feet under the sidewalk: • Mowbray Construc.tionto, was engaged to repair themain and. workst as started rted .Monday. '.Water service was interrupted in that area while the repair was in pro- gress. Ordained At London. Ceremony REV. GUEST MITCHELL "'•: Five candidates for the Priest- hood of die Anglican Church were ordained at Huron College Chapel, London, .on St. 'Thomas! `.Day, '.Tu- esday, u-esday, Decembers 2lst' At the same service, one man was'` ordered to the Diaconate Rt. Rev. G.N. Luxton, Bishop of Huron, was irk charge of the Ordination.` Service. The candidates for -the Priest hood were Williarn McNeil Benm-' ett ofthe Parish of Trinity Church Port Burwell and St. Luke's, View! pa; George Herbertson Boyce, Asst; .' • istant Curate to the Rev'. Canon •Zimmerman: at Her Ma jes- ty's Chapel'of the Mohawks, Brant - 'ford, since ordination ' Arthur Guest Mitchell of, the Parish of St,' Peter's, Tyrconnell and Si •Steph- en's, Burwell .Park; since .ordtn ation, Edgar John Insley of St:. Geo rages, Thorndale and Grace Church West Nissouri; andHenry Allan Norman Tilford of the Parish of Si, John's; • Alvinstort, Church of the' Epiphany, lnwoodiand St.. Pet- er's, Moraviantown. • : • ' `Charles Emerson Cook was the candidate for the Diaconate... Of interest here is the ordina=. tion of Guest Mitchell. Mr: Mh cheil was born and educated -in • Montreal.: Prior, to entering Seager Hall he was engaged in the carpen• - try trade in the; Lucknow4rea He was ordained Deacon in 1964•by, Bishop Luxton.., He married the former Joan Mildred Johnson of, Lucknow. ;They have 3 children, Pamela 11, Phoebe 10 and Steven • $, Guest .is the son.of,Reti. and Mrs. A. S. Mitchell who was min- ister at St: Peter's in tucknow a number of years ago. Joanis the • daughter of Mr..'and Mrs. Redvers. "Meff" Johnston. of Ripley and for rnerly of 'Lucknow. Flew To Indialo Assist Government . (Olivet News) • • James McNairn of Seaford] flew on Tuesday from ivlalton Internat- ional 'Airport to India where he will train crews to'operate aper- • cussion type well drilling rig. The job .wJll take three to fur months. He will, work in central India • where severe drought condition$ exist. The Indian government own two drills but lacked trained per- sonrfel to operate them. The Un-'. ited Church of Canada, through its board of overseas missions, sent • out a callforhelp and Mr. Mc -- Nairn offered -to go.. Mrs. McNairn, the former Mary White, will stay with her. parents, Mr. and Mrs: ,Oscar White of Olivet whale Jim is away,, • • 1