The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-01-12, Page 15ft 194 operator .ing and' ', Joe ?, G.A, 1 .culvert cement' . Ross .00, 6105.QQ., gravel ▪ main imperial 31.35,,• is oil' • repairing Donald- .lverts -. back N. D. and plow oil and Ltd. • 15TH >47.15, :or . 1 = back .: cert Moss ;69;84, l (wash= ►n' 7 re- 5',..Luck- )yal ad.. LUCKNOW SENTIKRL, tOCKNOW,e' ONTARIO Ask.about.convenient departure and return times for information, phone the looal • CN Passenger SalesrOffice ASHFIELD C,. G. I. T, HAVE SOCLAL,.EYENING The Ashfield C.G:I.T,. opened with the C.G,I,T. hymn and pur- pose. The roll call was answered by 8 remembers. Nancy Irwin - gave the treasurer's report. The next meeting will be at Joanne Altohs, January 30th at 7.30. Th- meeting closed with a prayer. During the month of December; the.C,G.i.T_. girls went to the Wingham-`Hospital where they sang carols for the patients. They received a card from Mrs. Iris Morrey,'. the administrator.; thank- ing them.. • • • The hay ride planned by the girlswas rained out, but everyone enjoyed games'and contests in feet mb. ice, mn offi- ,this .year. invenors Jack •attersofl w 4H rs'.Frank: It Card • , ;need with ,rs. Herb :les in tread a s; roll.... ►sed.ai ;tesses :for d Thgmi= ;on, and LUCKNOW.U.C.:W. ,.'UNIT. 1 The January meeting of Unit 1 of the. U.C.W. of Lucknow: United Church was held at the home of Mrs. Clarence Greer Mrs. Geo. Whitby led the devotions. Elect" ion of officers was conducted by Mrs:. Wm. •Wherry, With .the :foll owing results. Joint leaders,Mrs.: H. Treleaven and .Mrs. K. Murdie; r Treasurer, Mrs C Greer; Sec- retary, Mrs; W.B.Anderson, The following committees were app- ointed: Citizenship and Social Action, . Mrs ,N.. °J. MacKenzie, Social Functions,Mrs.' Jas, Wra- ' ith;• Community Friendship and Visiting, Mrs. H. Robinson Sup- ply .and Social Welfare, Mrs. R. Martin, Stewardship and. Recruit- °' ing, Miss Ada Webster; Nomin- ating, Mrs , R. itobertson; • Pian ists, Ors. J. Hall and MrsJ: W • Joynt. , A short induction service for the new officers was led by Mrs; Wherry Mrs. Whitby took charge for, the program of a New year read wing by Mrs. H: Robinson, a solo by Mrs. J. W. Joynt , 'an;instru- mental: by Mrs. Wes Ritchie A ...hymn arid benediction closed the meeting;..'` The: lunch committee served .a surprise treat.: NS ckin� S'' kind of ing the and bean and plan' )ing on : the icCharles sday /lr. and and Scott. in the t. Brantford, Tom :heir 1cG ill,• ct att- rid ay and Mese by Dal" Winghatn there LUCKNO W U C. W.. UNIT. 3 ', Unit 3 of the Lucknow met at thehome of Mrs:. K. Cam- eron -on Tuesday afternoon, Jan- uary 4th,, with ,an attendance of • 17: and 1 visitor. Mrs. Ewart Taylor had charge of the 'following program: a read- mg "Hope for to -day's world" by Mrs. Taylor "Beginning', Again" by Mrs.. Strapp and "New Years Resolutions" 'by Mrs. Sam' Alton. Mrs, Ross Shielis spoke Co the group on "New Years". Thoughts" and how the hope for Peace had ` ushered in the New Year, closing with the• thought •that •what we en - Joy ,is a .gift; to be 'shared .' The following' officers were 'sel- ected for the coming year: Unit leader, Mrs. Ross Cummings; Secretary; Mrs. O. Richards; '• Treasurer, Mrs. E.. Taylor; Pian- ist, Mrs; H. W. Strapp; 'Citizen ship.,. Mrs. L. Hall; Stewardship, Mrs,' Sam Alton;. Social, Mrs..;., Lloyd Henderson; Supply, Mrs. K. Cameron; Visiting, Mrs..Geo: Saunders, Plans were made to hoid the February meeting at the horne of, Mrs, Ewart Taylor. ' Lunch was served; Gordon Brooks, Mrs. Harold Rit- chie and Mrs. James Mathers. Mrs. Mel. Morrison assisted :with the devotional;. A musical num- • ber was given. by Mrs. Harvey, Webster. Serviettes, featuring "Brazil", and.,' a "Brazilian Folk Song" ;sung by' the members help edto makean interesting program; • Mrs.. Robe.,, Campbell , leader. of Unit. 5,. condueted the business. period'.; Other officers. are; Assis- tant leader, Mrs. James McTav ish, Secretary, Mrs Harvey Web 'p•ster Treasurer, Mrs Gordon`$ro- oks Pianist, Mrs. Jessie :Algin Assistant pianist, Mrs. Jack Mc-' ','Kim;;'Community Friendship, Mrs_; Harold•Ritchie and Mrs. Harvey Webster Representing Unit.5 - Nomin- ating committee, Mrs. Leonard 'Ritchie; Supply ,and SocialAssis- .; tance, Mrs: James Boyle;' Social Functions,, Mrs. Wm. Bolt;' Stew- ardship and recruiting, Mrs.- El- Win Hall, :Citizenship and social action, Mrs;. Jack Treleaven, Projects for the year include, an Easter bake tale and 'Save the ' pennies 1962, 1963 and .all. U.S.A. Beverley Wall has gone to Lon , don where she will continue her nurse's training at :Victoria Hosp- it al:, John Benedict and faruily, Wal- laceburg, ,were the guests New , 'Years of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer. Ben- edict, and family, Mrs.: •Ezra Stanley and little •granddaughter spent' Tuesday after•- noon with Mrs; Frank Brown, Mr. and; Mrs. Jack. Stewart., Kin- cardine township, and Mrs. Ian IvlcPherson 8th con., were Tues- day visitors w iih Mr.. and Mrs;: }Tom. Stew art . Mr:. and Mrs. Charlie Schnur, Mildmay,':spent Thursday evening with Mrs.` Frank Brown and Reg. Tom Stew art was in London Thursday for a check up at. Vict-, oria Hospital. • Harvey Parker, Fort :William', 'spent a, day, last week under the • _parental:,roof. • . - • Mr. and. Mrs...Midford' Wall;; spent Tuesday 'evening, with Mr.' and Mrs, Alex Whytock, ;Tees-, Water, .and Thursday evenin :with. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Parker.' Duncan Thorripson is visiting, Dr, and Mrs. Don Willetts and' family,' •Uxbridge. Mrs. Bob Fischer and Robert, 'Kitchener, spent the .weekend at the home of Mrs, Catherine O'Neil. • easement of Hacketts Church.' A'candlelight service followed in the Church:. Hot•cocba and dough- nuts ended an enjoyable social evening. . 'PRESBYTERIAN :W,M,S.," • On Wednesday,: January 5th, the Presbyterian W.M. S. met in tie Sunday School Room of the Church. The weather was'excell- • ent and a goodly number attended. ,. Mrs. Morgan Henderson was in• charge of the•meeting.• -Hymn and prayer was followed by Scripture read in unison The Bible' Study • was taken by Mrs. John . Adams, 'Allrepeated the Aim and Purpose of the Society, in. unison.` 'Thank, you cards . and • treats sent. to shut-• :.. ins were acknowledged`:' The .lade. • . ies were asked to send in all good 'Christmas cards in order' that they , be sent to foreign, countries..The- Annual The'Annual Meeting. ,was`announced for January,§..11th,` and a cordial . :invitation was extended to all the. congregation. The Roll Call was answered by each member .repe,at- ing ;a verse taken from the Book of Ecclesiastes . ' The Prayer, Cir- cle was taken•,by Mrs, Ken Chest er and Mrs. James Little.. !Mrs, Clark Finlayson ,spoke/on_ "The ' Christian's' calling" which is to • carry out the Mission of the Chur 'ch'",- The meeting.was brought to a close witlfprayer. BLAKES 1.1.C.W. • Blakes U.C.W. held their'Jan- uary meeting. Tuesday afternoon, January 4th., at the home of Mrs. Russel Phillips. ;Mrs.. Chris Cooke •had chargeof the,prograrn She :opened 'the°meeting `with the call to worship, and ,a hymn read In unison,, -followed by. prayer. The meditation was on Epiphany and, its, me aning with -three Scripture passages included. • Mr. Kaiser gave the Biblestudy, chapters,. seven and' eight of,"Jesus Christ and the Christian Life".` Mrs. Livingston Menary started the new study:'book on "Brazil" ; ' • The roll call was answered by the paying of fees with 13 memb- ers and 4 children present... The secre.tary's •report was read by Mrs. Jerry Cranston; Mrs. Hugh Men- :ary gave the flower fund report on .the work�done in 1966', and Mrs.. Cliff Kilpatrick the treasurer's re- port Mrs, Livingston Menary was, ap- pointed president for the year. The next meeting is to be., held the' • first Tuesday afternoon in Febr- uary' at the home of Mrs. Wm. Irvin. The meeting closed with prayer and hinch was served by Mrs. Rush .' sel Phillips and Mrs.:Chris Cooke. Mrs. W. F. MacDonald was hostess to South Kinloss W.M.S. on Wednesday, afternoon, January ," with Mrs. Frank MacKenzie and; s. Bruce Hamilton as directors. The President,. Mrs. Gib' Ham ilton , opened the meeting with a New Year player and a praise hymn led by Mrs., Rod MacLeod �. at the piano. Mrs. Lloyd Mac-, Dougall read minutesand 'corres porldence and received member7. ship fees. Bible study was Acts 3 •and roll call answered by . a verse with Temple. Miss'Dean, MacLeod introduced the guest speaker Miss. Elizabeth Webb, on furlough `from Nigeria, where.she is a teacher in the Higher Teacher 'Training Centre in Igbaja; : Nigerians are very much awake to'the heed for educ'= ation:'and some of the highlights of her work proved very 'interest ing., She spoke •of the difficulty of reaching Moslems with the, Gospel.mess'dge and the urgency of reaching pagans before they' turn: to Islam Sherequested that members pray not only fpr m ss-• lonaries• work but also for :their,. health asWell-in a land where_ ma- ny ills are:common. Mrs. ,Bruce Hamilton expressed the 'thanks.. of the Society to:Miss Webb for.herr first hand; missionary message and. presented a little' remembrance. •Mrs. Frank MacKenzie had 'a New year reading and Mrs.. Doug- ;las`G'raharp read Missionary litt- ers received from India'where there is famine. ,Mrs. Ted Coll yer, Mrs...Hairy Lavis and Mrs. Annie Maclntyre took: part in the .r pr"ayer.,circle.. Mrs. •B•.. Hamilton led in a• sing -song, •Mrs.. Prank MacKenzie gave the` courtesy: remarks aridhostess. and directors served lunch • .4: WINTER RUELENE IS NOW AVAILABLE FOR. USE IN JANUARY, FEBRUARY AND MARCH; FROM THE UNDERSIGNED AT $14.50` A TIN. ., • LtJCKNOW U.C.W. UNIT,5 The January meeting was held t Mrs; Harold Greer's home with good attendance; Wm. Olt, Mrs James Ma and rs,, Harvey Webster were in, hatge of the program. Mrs. Bolt " traduced the.panel discussion.`On $razil'in °the Christian Commun- ty", and was .assisted by Mrs., CATTLE OWNERS: NO USING •WINTER, RUELENE MUST PAY FULL COST OF SPAYING IN THE SPRING AT TIME OF TREATMENT IN. ORDER TO COMPLY WITH THE UI(ARBLE FLY ACT WHICH IS . STILL IN' FORCE. LUCKNO M BRDWNIE PACK; (by Linda Boak) • The Brownie Pack had their reg- ular meeting on Wednesday, Jan- uary Sth. They had'an eating con- test followed by a work period and Pow Wow, 'The meeting was broil., ght to a close with Chimes and The Squeeze, FRASER MacKJNNON. R.R. 6 ' LUCKNOW, (JNTARIOj PHONE RIPLEY 125 r 26: ^..,o, 4 r'�, .d.