The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-01-12, Page 8THE' LUCKNOW LUCKNOW,: ONTARIO" WE.DNE$DAIY,`, JAN120t, 1 • of he;. Men •elect: Win t • ben• 2 Asi ma n delici s Oh atives were t The are 'a the pre merit S, singing The nt the:.avi expect, exclusi a name play a group; done a• ° thirty , elose'b • It wa. • hear th• impress, besides that the ^ alis : woi and .the to those to hear . in then • :in the d bershp, Logoped difficult toa sch, This wa _ riate wo. voices s" Speak were Mu the prov Huron -11 or ofWi• Mussel: president ,chairmai He outli during th ed engag vention i• show,' the 'Winghart services and Auk • A quar Alex .Cots 'Connell " Arnold .. _ The first Club bonspiel Ofthe season was held on Saturday,. with: , Howard 3odge's.rink nosing out Harry Scot's by one point:. How- ard was ably assisted by Doris 'Johnston, vice; Harold' Elliott, second: and John Coiling, ,lead ,. in piling up a point .total,of 29, . Harry .Scott, with a point, total of ' 28, had Audrey McLay, vice; Ray `Walden, second; and Shill ' Bowers, lead, Other prize winn- ers' were Gordon Roulston's rink • with 25 points and Don Paquette 'w:ith 24. Finishing out of the money were rinks skipped by the following,• with their final point count: Don McLay,. 20 1/2; Bert Elliott, 20 ; John D . Mac KaY ,17; Elmer Courtney, 17; Bob Johnston, 16; Mervin Funston, 14:1/2, Jim Elliott, 12;; and Bill Kempton,11. Drawmaster for.the day was Ken-. ,;neth°yH. MacKenzie. The following exerpts from the .: rues;. are reprinted here as some glaring -infractions were ;evident • .on Saturday. Part of. Rule 14•-- 'Any' consultation or discussion _` • by the skip; otherth:an with' his vice- skip shall not be cbnducteI 'in'or behind the rins" Part :Of. Rule 15 "Players during the course of each end shall be arr- • anged along the sides, but well off the centre of the rink, as•the skiPs.' may.direct; and 10 one ex- cept, theplaying party and his sweers, shall go upon the centre of the. rink No other player than• the skips$ actin • for the time being may stand behind the c:i`rcle while play is: proceeding"' . ••••.*•• Corning events. are: The Mass ey- Ferguson. Curl- O -Rama on. January 22nd; Kincardine -Ripley Days,, in Ripley, . January 29th, in Kincardine, on .February 5th; Sweetheart Bonspiel, 'on .February.• 2th Johns -Manville Men's. Open, on February 19th. Dates for other events, such, as the Internat- • Tonal Men's,',High School and the Club. Wind-Up,Bonspiels are not finalized, yet . ' Don McLay LUCKNOW MIDGETS WIN OVER RIPLEY 5 4 The. Lucknow Midgets chalked . . up another win m Ripley last Fri- day night in a close game with Lucknow coming out on top .5 -.4. The first period ended in a 3-3 tie with Jim MacKinnon, Bob Mul- lin and Donald MacKinnongetting the Lucknow .goals. Ripley, went one ahead in the second period.' Donald MacKinnon tied ,it, up. again in the :third ,;' with Glen Morning-.. star getting the winning goal. Penalties - 'Lucknow.6,' Ripley 2. Last week the goal scorers in• the game with Belgra e were erron- d i Musly reported. The credit should have gone to: Donald MacKinnon 4, Bob Mullin 1'. ' The next game is in Brussels: this Y Thursda'and'Mildmay.will visit Lucknow. Friday of this week • at 8.30.; LADIES AFTERNOON BOWLING (Monday, January` 3, 1966) Helen Hall rolled both the High Single and High Triple scores for this Week with a single game of 286 and a,triple of 730. Marie Button's Cardinals .3.points, Wilma Chisholm's Canaries l point; Isa- belle Eedy's Orioles.3 points, Mar- ion MacKinnon's•Bluebirds 1 point; Yvonne I,ougherty's Wrens 3 poin- ts, Shirley Hawthorne's Robins 1 point, Team Standing: Canaries 34 g points, Orioles 30 points', .Cardin- als C.ardin als 28, points,. Robins 25 points, Bluebirds 21 points, Wrens 18poin7 ts. Games of 200 and over Helen Hall 286, 228 and 216,, Mildred-, Cameron 222, FerneMacDonald, 220 .231 ; .Bernice Henry 216 ; Max. gine Maize 214; Marlene Black 214. Wilma Chisholm 213, ,Jean Phil lips 223, : Bertha Olsen 221, Anne Purney 216, Madelaine Haldenby, `225 Edna Rayner' 216, Dprothy Errington 230', 207, Yvonne Dough- erty 233,• Shirley Hawthorne, 204.: 1965 DODGE. 8 Automatic, Radio "1965. PLYMOUTH 8 Standard, Radio 1964 DODGE Stick With Radio 19.64 OLDSMOBILE W4 Door Hardtop, Power Equipped 1964 . CHRYSLER 8 Automatic, :Radio, Power Equipped LADIES EVENING BOWLING (Monday, January 3) Sapphires 3, Diamonds 1; Pearls 2, Emeralds 2; Rubies 3, Rhine- stones 1. High single: Marion McKinnon 266. High .triple: Mar- ion McKinnon 665. Gaines 200 or -over: Marion Mc- Kinnon 266?,• 227,' Anne Carter 258 Mae Hunter•. 247,219. Jessie Joynt 241,.223, • Muriel Ritchie 231, 203. GladysFryfogle g :F fo le 231 Gwen Cae- sar 227 , Janet Ashton 223, Mary Lou Priestap 222, Kay Collyer 210, Shirley Cooke 209, Mabel Whitby .206. Team Standings: Margaret Fin lay's •Rubies 36, Barbara Friendorf's Emeralds 28, Eunice Cunningham's Sapphires 28, Shirley' Bolt's Dia- monds 23, Colleen. Eedy's Rhine- stones 21, Pearl Jamieson's Pearls 20, Len MacDonald 283 and .260, Gordon Carter 261 and 263, Torn Hackett 285, Harold Errington 276, Ross .Irwin 265 and 280, 'Fred Young"254" Bill.Stuart 280,272:' LUCKNOW-DUNGANNON BOWLING Len. MacDonald captured the • men's high single for the year with a game of 340 flat, he also held the triple ,of 741. .Ferne.MacDon ald.rolled the ladies triple' of 625 flat and Jane Treleaven tolled *a game of 259... Stand in ; Beavers 35,.' Coons 34, Cubs 34, Tigers 31, .Pole'Cats 30, Zebras 28, . Lions 27,, Kangaroos 23, Chipmunks 18, Gophers 18,• Wol verines 17,.. Squirrels .I7 The Bruce County Highways C+nmmittee has engaged. Ralph Barry of Chatham as assistant cou- nty engineer. His duties wilt • start' early this year. .In connection with the extension of Bounty Road 21 from the corner of County Road 8 north to Sauble Falls, the committee approved registration of the plan for the ' corner. Offers of settlement will be made t5 the five property ;own- • Vers whose land will be required in; •order to ,widen- the tersection. 'The liene w ro•'• �w ad w chwill e started in early spring is part of -a ;two-year crash construction pro- • :: gram to improve access to resorts in the county... The,road will push through .what is now bushland from the Hepworth-Sauble 'Beach road to Sauble.. Fallswhere a new • bridge Will be completed over the Sauble River. The road will later be extended north, to Oliphant with: the county assuming the. present road , from • •; Annabel Township: This road will be paved. ° In all, 25 miles of road will be paved this year on county roads leading to vacation properties. This : includeeCounty Road. 3 from Paisley, to Highway. 21 and Ches ley north to Highway 21 LUCKNOW MEN'S BOWLING 1•EAG;tJE 19 P.M. Group, Tues.' Jan -4,1966). Jack Caesar' rolled the. High Single of the New Year with a game of 313 flat score.. Ross'• Irwin'captures High Triple hon- ours for the week with 7,86 .flat Ross Irwin's Buicks' 4pots., Freck Button's.Oldsnnobiles 0 points;, • Jack Fisher's Mustangs. 4 Points,. Donald MacKinnons Pontiacs, 0. • points; Bill .Hunter's. Dodges '3 points, Bill Button's Fords 1 point. Teams' Point Standings: • Mustangs 36 points, Buicks 31 points, Pontiacs 27 points, Dod ages 24 points, Fords 18 points,. , Oldsmobiles.8 points. 'Games of '250 and over; Jack Caesar ,313,' LADIES AFTERNOON BOWLING. •(Monday",• January 10) Wilma Chisholm rolled the High single score .of 279 this week and Isabelle Eedy captured: High triple score with 682,` Yi,�rnra Chisholm'.sCanaries. 3 • ;points, Isabelle Eedy's ,Orioles.1 point; Shirley Hawthorne's Robins, 3 points, Marie 'Button's. Cardin- als 1 point Marion MacKinnon's • . Bluebirds.'4 points, •Yvonne•,Dou- gherty's Wrens 0 points. Team Standings: Canaries 37 points Alrietlei'31 points,., Cardin- als 29 points, Robins 28 points,' Bluebirds 25 .points, . Wrens 18 points... ...Gaines of 200 and 'over. Wilma Chisholm 279 , 215 ,' Marie Stew- art 231,248., Jean Phillips 227 , Helen Stothers 214; Isabelle Eedy 277 224,Dorothy, Errington 236 •• 204, Mabel' Steward 221, Freida :Errington•202, 229, Mildred Cam eron 230, Marie Button 212, Catherine Andrew' 253,- Anne Purney' 245 , Edna Rayner 209. LADIES EVENING BOWLING (Monday;, January 10) : • Rubies 3, Pearls 1; Rhinestones 2, Diamonds 2 Emeralds 3, .Sap phires 1, High single, Margaret Finlay 236. High triple, Kathy Gibson' 558. • Games. 200 and over: Margaret Finlay 238, Jessie Joynt 235, Beatty. Irwin 233, Shirley Cooke 228, Merle Elliott 217, Kathy Gibson 216, Kay Forster 214, M audie. Fisher 201 • Team Standings; Margaret Fin lay's Rubies 39•, Isabel Miller's Emeralds 31, Eunice Cunningham's Sapphires 20, Shirley Bolt's Dia- monds, 25, Colleen Eedy's Rhine- stones 23, •Pearl'Jamieson's Pearls< 21, 1963 PLYMOUTH 2 Door 8 . Automatic 1961. METEOR. 8 Automatic With Radio 1961 RAMBLER 4 DOOR: Automatic With Radio. 1960 METEOR CONVERTIBLE . • Power : Equipped • . 1i959 EDSEL 4 : Door, Power Equipped With` 1955 FARGO , 3 Ton Dump Truck SEVERAL OLDER ,MODELS`" Your Dodge ' Plymouth - Chrysler - Valiant Dealer JOSEPHINE STREET WINGHAM PHONE .357.9162 HURON G �UN'TY JUNIOR FARMERS DEBATING COMPETITION On Tuesday, January 11, 1966, the second round of the.County De- bating Competition was held' in;the Middlesex Municipal Building ,;•, London. The fluron County team consisting of Miss. Elsie Doig, Mrs. Jean 'Love ,• James Spivey, and iohn Stafford lost out to't he Elgin • County team of. Miss Charlotte Davis, Don Campbell, Miss Car- olyn Cameron, . and Bill Reid:.. rudges..for• the evening were Miss Doreen McTaggart, Mrs.. Alice Garret and W.' McKeen Con- gi°atulations to the Huron County team on their fine: effort displayed and good luck to Elgin in the future At the conclusion of the evening Miss Roba Doig of Seaford' present ed her speech in preparation for the Toronto Conference on lanu- . ary 8th. Miss.Doig•will represent Huron County in. the Public Speak- ing Competition, peak-ing,Competition, SQUIRTS CLOBBER-RIPLEY ON MONDAY° NIGHT Lucknow Squirt Hockey Team. defeated Ripley in Lucknow on Mond ay 'night of this week by a • score, of 9 - 2: Goal scorers for Lucknow were David. Fairish 4 Kevin Ackert, Ian Montgomery and•Bfll Hall• scoring 1 each 'with Pat Hedley flashing the red light twice., Dar- win Pollock scored both the Ripley goals (by William Whiting) The pro -Toronto Maple Leaf commenators were at it again last: Wednesday' during the Toronto' Montreal game, 'At 8.31'thin s looked bad for:` Toronto , abut Charlie Hodge , the Montreal netminder, .wasgreat"' they said. Toronto just couldn't' 'score,. When the telecast started • it was 2-0 for the visitors. At the end ,of the second period the score remained. Ole same. Dick. Miff,. a:former Leif, .was inter viewed' during the first internuss .ion and,. as usual, •nothing much was said It never: is between • anry' player and the person con ducting the interview: During the third period things were looking better for the Maple••. Leafs, and the' commentators were • sounding much happier. Duff, fez ,ceived :a penalty and what did one`of the commentators say" "I was glad to see Duff get the Misconduct penalty because of {. his attitude . at the intermission at the And of the first period " • How's that for sportsmanship? " 'When it Was•3 - 2,for Toronto, these sports were saying what a great team Mbntreal had because they.were putting all their best •' players on the ice with three minutes.left.' When the final:: bell "sounded, Bill Hewitt 'yelled AND THE GAME IS OVER •`It_: 'sounded like New Year's re arriving ahead of time. Well it wasn't . far off anyway. And who could blame the'connmentators• for, being; happy: After' all, their • team gave them a nice between - Christmas. and New' Year's present., Let's be happy.. To hell .with being good sports.. And, Charlie. Hodge was given' the honour of being one of the three stars... Gee whiz! TWO EXPERIENCED TRUCK DRIVERS MINIMUM 23 YEARS :'OLD • WITH 'REFERENCES HOUSING: AVAILABLE FOR' SATISFACTORY EMPLOYEE PHONE 693-4162