The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-01-12, Page 6tHE LOCKNOW:iiVilttlitilt;.•0010410/2" (*maw otatsDAif JAN. 1211s; SEME T... sEdotips. IN IBEX BLANKETS, SIZE°, 70 x 90 • Save .$1.00. A Pair Tese blankets are so good, that nufact. urer has left his nam* en the WOW ONLY 2 CASES Other size in Ist Qualtity Ibex at Special prices Due to renovation plans, we are starting our January Clearance Sale extra early. Space is needed for the plans we have in mind. We e offer these and many other sp!cials that the space does not permit to advertise ' WE HAVE JUST FINISHED TAKING STOCK , AND THERE WILL BE MANY REMNANTS AND ENDS,: OF MATERIAL WITH- GREAT . . R DU TIONS IN THE LOWER BASEMENT . BROADCLOTH; PRINTS OUR PRESENT STOCK OF FALL. AND WINTER YARD GOODS • • - ALL. • CAR ' COATS. — SUBURBAN COATS TOP • COATS -= PARKAS. ,-- WORK COATS Knitting Kits FOR LADIES' SWEATERS, INCLUDE PAT- TERN AND. LADY GALT YARN - REGULAR PISS, S9.95, $10,95 and $11.95 " •' Our New, Spring, yard goods are being shipped at .'present . and will also be on display but net at discount Price Men I • .electi Wingi ,ber 2• AsI man 1 delici singin, Otho .atives were z The are a the prt rnent-c singint The ns • the avi expect exclusi a name .playa ' • .group; done a thirty close h It' wa . hear the impress besides . • that the this wot and the:. to those to hear . • in the rt in the 'd bership, Logoped difficult • • to a scb This wot riate wo voices st. Speak were Mu the prov Huron -131 or of Wit Russe1. president chairtnat He outlit , during th ed engag vention •, show, till • Wingharr • ' services 1. and Aubu .A guar.". Alex Con Connell Arnold ..: Mohair and Orlon Cardigans (6 only). , .Sbes 10 12 Only': REGULAR $S.95 SidePrilic 3,98 SKI JACKETS CAR COATS —, AND • . SUBURBAN COATS . All clearing At ,Basement.:: Special RACK OF •MEN'S SPORT COATS SIZES. 34 10 40 • , ALSO. INCLUDED A, FEW SUITS . . AT 'THE 'ABOVE PRICE • Suits. 8 to 18, Less 20%. Hockey 'Sweaters, $2.39 Toques, 79c 1—IADIES' WEAR Dresses ONE RACK at. 207; OFF . ONE RACK at 33A% OFF ONE RACK at 50% OFF (Basemen •ILA. DRESS, WHITE OR STRIPE SHIRTS $1.00 off each shirt ALL WORK CLOTHING AND WINTER . UNDERWEAR FORSYTH „Press Shirts Sizes 1414 t0,17 In'Elue and Beigo Only. • $6.00 SHIRT TO CLEAR AT •• $3.94.• ,