The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-01-12, Page 5ay re st- he Is. ell ed as er wl 9th ind :30 o -- • MOW WEDNESDAY',.' j N 12* MO Mak THE I4•UCKNOW SENTINEL, LVCKNOW, • ONTARIO: PAGE. - FIVE Couple ;Married At sh:000.: Photo by NephSW Photogral MACDONALD DALTON Mary Kathleen Dalton , of Kingsbridge, • and games Douglas, MacDonald of Ca ii ' lordea, . were, united in marriage on Satur day_December-l8th.,,1:,965., at 12 noon., •in''St.J'oseph's Roman . •Catholic Church •at Kingsbridge:._.'. •T•he bride is;a.daughter'of'Mr., ` ;and Mrs.. Ray Dalton •of. Kings bridge'. ` The groorn is a son of • Mr. and Mrs. Peter MacDonald -'of Lucknow. Rev. Father Michael Dalton :officiated at the double ring cer- emonybride, , . The; ,, ..-.• • . given. in marriage by her 'father, chose a white floor length 'gown oflirnported cut silk velvet, princess design with lily- point sleeves and bateau neckline. The flowing dramatic•skirt"was g enhanced: withself'back-waist bow;' Her elbow length veil •of tiered silk illusion' Was held by a '. mohair wedding cake jewelled crown.: She carried' a :circular ;,bouquet.of red roses,with ribbon streamers.: Marianna _•Macbohald ,•'sister, of the•groom, was maid of honour. Bridesmaids' were Anne 'Ritchie '" and Helen ,.MacNa. The attend- ants were identically gowned• in floor length silk sheer gowns in a', true-blue shade, empire; styling; They wore white fur pillboxes adorned with miniature Christmas bells. ' The' flower girl was Dayle MacDonald, R, R ,2, Lucknow She wore a,street length white.. dress, fur headdress andtrue-blue' 'accessories. DanDalton., •brother of the bride 'was groomsman.• Ushers.were Michael'.D aif6n, :brother of the.,. bride and John MacDonald of Tara brother of the `groom. A reception followed the cer- emony' at, the home of the bride's . parents. • The bride's mother re- ceived in a dress of cranberry matisse crepe, with matching' 'accessories. .Thee -groom's mother chose •a.dress of jade• green wool with contrastingbrocaded access- ories. • , Mr. and .Mrs MacDonald left on a weddingtrip to Florida For travelling the bridechose a; suit oflight blue inetailic, gold coloured coat, and •matching acc- essories. The, groom is'stationed at Camp Borden, in the Royal .0 anad ian School of Infantry, as a •second`:. phase officer cadet. • • STHE-IGGELJ!0!1 BId the 20th Annua AND tM(NT SHOW INDUSW1\ik' 49, 196 JANUARY Zd ;:}:'{'t {tir{;� rf?$; �:i� ••vyj?;f •ri WIN A FUN CAVA VEHICLE Daily Draws Poi' ' FORD'BROOCO. µ .. KAISER JEEP ROVER GYPSY` 1,11. SCOUT E7'/ acres of indoor displays• by over 200 Canadian,. American and European manufacturers. New farm. machines• — New industrial equipment - New methods. IT'S THE BIGGEST! • Educational Lectures, .Confarerices, Convention and. Social Functions daily. Good parking -warm, clean•sur, ,` round i ngs-cafeterias and snack bar. Ask your farm equipment dealer for free admission' tickets, Open t90AcM. — 6 P.M. Dally 11171*** .tior$ Whet 1 The wise ones take advantage of winter. Skilled men are more , readily,evailoble in the wintertime—ready .to do • your, repairs and renovations.when you want, • them. Materials are generous supply too, and„ your renovation budget will often o: furtherin winter, thanksto off-season: Everybo DIN -,1660 1 discounts and extended payment plans. '• You can borrow up. to $4•,000 witt up to ten years to repay,/at low :interest rates, With a government- sponsored NHA. Home• Improvement loon from your ..bank:; '. if you're the owner • of a . small' business, then' you'.may •take advantage'• of special Small .Business loons available: at' your e 7. 0 7 o. hank. And farmers can qualify far up to .$15,000 with lenyears to repay'with. a' Farrn I'mprove'ment loon.'• So you see, there' are a .whole,lot of, very. good .' 'reasons why a should hove. that work one around .,,your home or place of 'business during the .winter.: DO.it nowl i y benefits When winterw,ork.is increased For advice and assistance call your•National Employment'Offie'e. WHITECHURCH and DISTRICT 'HAD EYE SURGERY On Tuesday, Mrs. D,. MaeDon- 'a1d, accompanied by Mr, and:Mrs. H. D MacDonald', was admitted to Victoria Hospital, 'London, On Wednesday she was to undergo'sur- gery for removal of Cataract from' her eye. ' Her many. friends:here `, wish her a very speedy recovery.; Mr and'. Mrs. 'Wallace Conn and Mrs. Russel Ross visited. Thursday • with Mrs. W. A. ,Taylor at Bruce- lea Haven., Walkerton. Her many friends will be pleased.to know She is well and in her 92nd year,' was busy crocheting. AT FURNITURE SHOW. - George Gaunt, employed ai Fry • and, Blackhall factory,' left On Wed .nesday to•,attend the furniture: show in Toronto, being held at the Mari, ufacturers Building. on the Exhib- ition Grounds. George will attend this week. :and next. :• Mr: and Mrs. Earl Caslick vis- ited on' Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Billie Caslick of Culross. REMOVE PIONEER -BARN .' • _• • Fred Mooreand helpers tore down and removed the'barn• at Ivan Lai- dlaw's. This is another. pioneer • reminiiscn e ce' of horse. and buggy days gone, `•• WHITECHURCH Urc. W. • Whitechurch U.C. W. 'Held their meeting January .5, at 2 p;:m. •at the home. of Mrs. Ezra Scholtz • with 19 ladies in attendance. The' president•, `Mrs. •Millan Moore;' welcomed, all to the meeting • and • gave a Poem "The New Year'. • A. hymn was sung' and Mrs.' George • Thompson' read the scripture; The Meditation was givenby Mrs. Rus- sel Chapman. Prayer was given 'by Mrs. Russel Ritchie. The poem "The Task" was read by Mrs.. Carl, Weber. The poem "Where do you fit in?' was read 'by Mrs. Charles Tiffin. • . is The Roll Call .was answered by paying offees.and a New. Years,, Resolution, The minutes were read by, the secretary Mts. pan Tiffin, 'Mrs. Garnet`Farrier gave • f the report.of the December bale :of 45 paunds, sent overseas and al the 'lar a ,bale, sent' to .Fred Victor Mis-• sion Home in Toronto, .Mrs. Elmer Sleightholm gave a report of .the. work 'accomplished by' the' Messengers. `, Mrs . Moore had the Society -express their app- reciation of the work accomplished by the Messengers and 'their. lead- yrs, Mrs • Sleigh•tholm' and Mrs. Clarence Ritchie. The` financial report'. w as.giVen by Mrs . Albert Coulees'.' Two quilttops were re= ceived from Mrs . J. D. Beecroft. Mrs ' D•an'Tiffin.gave a'report;of the Sales of Cards. A sin =son g B 'was enjoyed." The hostess was thanked for, the use of her home. . Mrs .,Elwood: Groskorth. read an article - "Absentees". Every letterof the alphabet, was; included in the reasons for absenteeism. This article was on the back of the Church Calendar of the Church where Rev. Robert. Watt is`'pastor, and wai sent to Mrs. Ivl llan Moo- -re-,- Mrs. Millan Moore •gave a reading on Murrel.Stevens' work in the Congo:. Mrs. • Elmer Sid. • ghtholm led in prayer for the , M i§sion arxes . "The unfinished d work" which told'of 75 Indian con- gregations and 10 hospitals was • given by. Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Rus- sel'G aunt, led in prayer. ' ". , Mrs. Garnet Farrier reported the Travelling Basket had netted • $21..63 a . The Roll Call for. the' •. February meeting' is to name, a Missionary. ' The closing prayer • was given ,by Mrs. Moore. • The, Travelling Basket began its rounds for 1966. ' ST. HELENS Mrs. Wm.. Morrison of Burnaby, British Columbia, was a recent , visitor with Mr.' and -Mrs. Allan. / Miller and other' friends in.the community. `:Mrs. Morrison was the fortrier Dorothy. Webb. 4'Mr. . •and Mrs. Victor Taylor' of • Clinton were weekend visitors r t.•Augpstine Nevis SCHOOL CONCERT .: Choruses by the school "0 Can- ada"; .an-ada", "Silver Bells'i , . "Christmas ' in Killarney",, "There's a' Jb11y Little Fellow Recitations by: Wilma Van Laken, Delores Neves, Virginia,and 'Colin Chisholm.,. John and George Hickey, Marie', Anne, Mary Ann and Bernard Boyle, David, Brenda, Irene , Torri my and' Dennis Yule. '•Two'plays were enjoyed; • "Sart- nets' Proposal", with Joanne 'Hie - key and Michael 'Boyle taking part; arid "Wanted - a >c ousekeep er" with .Leo Redmond.; •John Hic-•. :;key, • Lucy and Laudelina Neves:, Marie and Bernard Boyle,,Willie Yule and Joanne Hickey taking, . part. ,A••Christrnas.pageant was presented with Delores and 'Laud eliria Neves,, Alex Chisholm, :Jo anne'Hickey, Leo Redrnond, Den-:, nis, : Tommy and Willie Yule, Marlene Finleon and• Lucy Neves taking part with the remainder. of the class.gg sin in the carols. r Ma tie Boyle 'sang "O Holy. Night", and Michael Boyle was narrator. " The entire `class took part in the , musical"The Wedding .of the Painted 'Mir., Michael Boyle and .Laudelina •Neves sang "The Second Minuet Laudelina Ne- ves who had emigrated .from • Portugal'to Canada five years ago gave a very interesting talk on "Life in Portugal" including Christmas customs. there•; Mrs. King, the teacher, • thanked everyone for attending and stated that'vie •are yey fortunate in haw- king Father Caruanna to instruct the pupils •iri religious education as part of the •school curriculum. • ` , with Mrs. Lorne . Woods. and Mr.. Woods in the hospital. Herb Taylor of Edmonton is Y . visiting with his brother Albert Taylor and family, and ,Mrs, •Tay- for who is a, patient in the hosp- ital., • • 1 tl 4, ,R• i'• •