The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-01-05, Page 51145. • 34 • s mw se r acus Moore.' sincere remem- 'ds and iospital. and louses ich the e, were itpatrick the. Ash- ' special for the we: ' re family Lucknow;'. lose - who. any: var.- incatdine ig ;.home. eitpress ess: gust him at a. Happy e --or r� .. �•.. ya��r� ► 4/10p01 -.'a ,71T.uw47rr: ihYA,w.; _ y r �z WEDNESDAY, °PIAN: , "'J1h :: � ' .' 1111 LUCKN,OW SENTIN 1L, .LNCKNOW. , .;ONTARIQ • • PAGE FIVE V.+.LTE.CHURCH and DI.STRICT Mrs. Fred Jausie and Cannan and erry Pastorius of. London.spent the eek end with Mr, and, Mrs. Gord- n McBurney and family. ' ' 'New. Years guests on Sunday with r. and Mrs. Fred Tiffin were Mr. pd Mrs-. Russel Ritchie,'Mr. and. rs. Charles Tiffin; Mr. and rs, Victor lrerson, Jack Aitch son, Mrs. Maudeaggitt, Mr. nd Mrs. Eldon Emerson of St. atharines, *Lila. Emerson: of West, awanosh, New Yeatcs.ests with Mr, , and gu rs, Lloyd Whytock and family ere Mr...and Mrs. !Robert Helm,. hos.., . Arthur and Grant,„ Ashfielcl, r, and Mrs. Bill 'Ross .and.'Doug- as of Lucknow. •Mr, and Mrs. Russell Ritchie rent Saturday evening with Mr. ; nd Mrs. George Saunders of Luck ow, : Mrs. Cecil Falconer spent New ears,with.her' parents Mr.. And rs A. E. 'Purddn.' Mr and Mrs. George,Walker ere.New•Years guests of Mrs. albr aith and • Mrs Mc Ritchie' of Ingham. On Friday Mr.. and Mr's; George alker visited!with Mr. and Mrs. larence Walker of'Str}°atford . f:. rdnto spent .Ruth Taylor. o T� p , eweek en'd with.her` agents Mr this op - Inds and tch lovely cards at lets help: . r happiest -long be McKenzie ll the Tor - their .re - Is time ay.: Elliott* thank,his kindly re- ous ways, an' 'wishes ends,' who =her With while. she s too sincer-, your pray - for lois re- act fifteen iks• to the. es' ''United. n welcome ✓ at Christ - and visits a. ▪ to thank customers at Christ - to Mrs... Ed - wish' 'to, called, sent ,r or helped ng their re - our 'thanks ghbours who our 'Christ• o thanks to Presbyterian plant. Billie RCI with Misses law were. �lohnof '. r and. Lois of, oner who had •e -returned rand 7o t ,n Emerson on spent Sat" vir. and MS,:. rowel .: P nd Mrs. Lawrence Taylor. Mr.' and Mrs. Wilbert: Schwich- nberg., Lori,; Jane and Kerry of ort Elgin spent.New'Years week nd•with her:parents Mr.'..•and`•Mrs. lbert Coultes. ' 4.'•' Nevi Years .: guests with Mr'. and rs. Gordon Rintoul and family • Were Mr, and Mrs. Jim Curran and Paul of WestWawanosh', Mr. and Mrs. Archie Pardon, Cathy, Lori and Kendra,'Mr. -and Mrs. Leroy Rintoul, Mra.' Ro6t. Pardon of Belgrave, ° Mt. and, Mrs, Mervyn Pipe, Brussels visted'Thursday evening •' with Mr. and .Mrs: Albert .Coultes. Born - In' Goderich Hospital on v Sunday; January 2,1.966 to,Mr. and Mrs.r:Clayton- Leddy, 'a son; a.brother.•for Billie 'and Johnnie. -Mr. .and Mrs. Bill Scott of Lang-. side are .grandparents; `` . Mr. and Mrs'. Cameron Simmo- ns of. London,spent the week end '' wi,th Charles Martin, Mr,. and Mrs, .Troy Laidlaw• and Mr. and .Mrs. Ara Scholtz Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth: Laidlaw of London spent. friday evening . • with lMr.' and Mrs.. Elroy Laidlaw. Mr;' and Mrs, Gordon Boman, Mr. and'' Mrs. Ronald •Couites `.and ' family spent Tuesday evening' :with 'Mr.':and, Mrs,• Cecil Coultes and family:, Studetsreturning to Western Universi , ,London, were Muriel • Moore, ayne Martin, . Elwin Moore, Wayne Farrier',Murray Coultes, to Knox College., 'Tor onto, student ininister Donald Wa- tt', to Waterloo Universit'y.. bong—.. las Coultes and to Waterloo, Coll- egiate Donald Gaunt. New Yearuuests •on ; Saturday with Leah Currie, :Wingham were Mr. and Mrs; .Ken Currie, : Helen, Grant and IJoan. Mr..:and Mrs. - Jim Currie, Mr.:' and Mrs. Russel Gaunt and Donald'. K1NGSBR1DGE." Mr: and. Mrs. Walter Clare and Mrs. Ryan attended the wedding of Mr; and Mrs,. JohnQuesnelle, the -former Mary Ryan of Toronto. The wedding took place Thurs day morning in Toronto. Ted and Peter Martin spent the holidays with Mr. and Mts.. Raise Martin. New •Years •guests with Mr, and: .. Mrs.. Dan Tiffin and' fancily were Mrs.., Ethel Stewart, Wingham,, • Mr. ,and Mrs. Orville Tiffin. Mr. 'and Mrs. Russel, Gaunt spent .New Years evening. with Mr.. and Mrs J:. L: D"irstein, Hanover. The regular progressive euchre parties• at Curries will be resumed. this Friday evening, January 7th. .New Years guests. on Saturday at • the home of Mr. ,and Mrs. Daw-'. son Craig : were' Mr.. and Mrs'. Bob Hall, Wingharn, Mr'; and%Mrs. Gordon McBurney, Hugh and Ron ald; Mrs. Fred .'Yausie .and Cannan, Jerry Pastorius of London..- . Mr .. and 'Mrs. Stewart Copeland': and family: of Creemore spent New'Years week end with her parents`Mr. 'and -Mrs Charles a. .Robinson.' ; • Mary Taylor returned to. Wood=... ` stock on`Monday after spending •the holidays 'With herparents Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence' Taylor. 'New 'Years guests.on Saturday with Mr.'. and Mrs-. Lawrence Tay= for were Mr. and Mrs'.Charles Robinson. and: Bill, Mr; and Mrs.' Charles Showers, .Winghain Mr.; and Mrs. Wilmer Taylor; Hamii- ton,' Mr.: and Mrs. Art Hagerman, Becton, B'lanche.Bilodeau, Hamilton, Albert Heffernan, Wallaeeburg, Y pent chtistIlias with Mr. and ,Mrs. O. Heffernan, Mrs. John Howard, Lawrence and Stephen spent New Years in. Toronto with relatives;', ' Holiday visitors with. Mr.. and Mrs. John Kelly were Mr. and Mrs. ''Dan Kelly and Eileen, Mr, and Mrs. Bill Hodgins all 'of Sarnia, Walter Kelly ,of London... Visitors during the holidays season with Mr; and Mrs, , John,. Van Osch were Mr. and.,;Toni M dd'e aal and 'famil ' Bl th Mr. g y , and Mrs;' John Van Osch, Dundas. Dennis ;Dalton is -home for the . wintet .months, -Alice Dalton, London,. Maurice Dalton and Di ane -tulles, Hamilton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Dennis. Dalton during - •the holidays. .Mrs, Gus Kinahan spent the holidays in London.. Eileen Vassella spent Christmas' with Mr. and Mrs, -Fred Vassella.. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Austin and family sPent Christmas with 'Mr and. Mrs.; Jas. Finleon. Visitors during the•holidays With Mr. and Mrs. . Walter Clare were Father'' Lyold Ryan, 'Mildmay, .Dan Ryan, Detroit, Frank Ryan,, Manitoulin., Mrs. 'Copperauld and daughter, Detroit,. Mike and Mary Ryan and John Quesnelle, Toronto:. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Wildgen and family' visited ,relatives :in Chath- am during the holidays.:. Mr. -arid Mrs Jim MacDonald :have returned • korn: their wedding trip to . Florida.. . Mr/, `. and Mrs. John Howard; Lawrence `and Stephen spent 'New Years,in Torontowith relatives'.' ,. Huron Co-operative MedicaiServiceS `...\PROYIDtNQ.. .. Prepaid Medical Insurance At Cost TNS CO-OP WAY .. 'INQUIRE FROM . CORDON :KIRKLAND R.R. 3 Lucknow • MRS. 0,; •G.. ANDERSON' R.R; 5 Winghain : Or At . HURON' •CO.OPERATIVE MEDICAL :SERVICES , • •707On4rio:St.,.'.Clinton .• Ph.: 4$2-'0751 ' ONR•AR••R•N ':.S T. A; •1 E CARD PARTY entables played at a card .° party' on. December 10th in St.' Augustine Parish Hall. The prizes weneas follows: Men's High, Leonard .Chisholm; .Lad-.' ies;High, Mrs.. Dan Maclnnes;° Men's Cdhsolation, Eldon Austin Ladies Consolation,. Maraline Finleon , ..Door Prize, Mrs., .Leonard Chisholm. Hostesses were Mrs.. Gus•Devereaux and •. Mrs.,;Julien. Delbergue. The next party ,w ill beheld • in Janua• ry.. 4, • 'arm m earl rotectio mpensatio With the co-operation of farm em ployers throughout the Province, the Ontario Workmen's° Compensation Board is now able to provide full compensation .protection, starting January 1st. Protected how? With benefits : up oto $86.54 a week if an' employee .is disabled for rrore :than two calendar days by an, on-the-job accident or related disease happening on or after January lst. What about ' : permanent , disa- bility? . He's covered. Benefits in. elude all medical expenses and pen- sions for permanent disability. How about the•worker's. family In death cases there are allowances for funeral . expensesand pensions for widows'and'children: • Is. ; .this the .'same Workmen's Compensation that 2,000,000 men and women in other lines of :work have protecting them? Exactly the same. WI at about the..Farmer.? 'He and his wife also, can be covered by 'Workmen's Compensation, by making a special application to the, Workmen's . Compensation :Board,. And his Family? If they work on the same farm and get a stated wage, they are e. automatically covered, as is the Farm Employee. ' Is there a charge to the Farm Employee for this ?• No..Farm em- ployers .provide : this protection through; assessments based on their 1966 payroll, payable in August. :For full information, . explanatory booklets and forms for reporting accidents, write or telephone: The Workmen's Compensation,. Bard, Ontario 9Q H'arbour Street, Toronto 1, 362-34.11) ' District ©ffiCOS:'itchener (576-4150) Port Arthur (D15-6509) North Bay . (472-5200) Otte, w � � �wa (729-2143) Wttdior ,(256-546.4] .r. aril... .u. Lam. • w 4' ti A Y r f. !6 • 4' t 0