The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-01-05, Page 214 1. 4 PAGE TWO ' THE LUCKNOW LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, JAN.: 5th, . ' t • Y.) ;'• • 1 • The LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOW,. ONTARIO • . fibs 4spey Town" — On tbo Iferon-Bruee boundary &Abashed u second doss mall, Post Office Department, Ottawa Establlohed 1873—Published Each • Wednesday Afternoon Member of the C.W.N.90. and 0.W.INI.A. • ,beeriPtiolf Rate, SOS a Year In advance — to the U.S.A. WOO Donald C. Thompson, Publisher WEDNESDAY, JAitt $th, 1948 Attends Funeral At Dunnville' AUDREY S. .TEEFT Audrey Swayze Theftof Dunn - Ville passed away on Sunday, Dec- ember 2 th at Haldimand War Memorta Hospital, Dunnville. ' Hewas1i.his81styear. His wife Is the former Frances Fitzgerald . and is A sister of Mrs. Janies Cul-.• bert and Mrs. Herb Finnigan of • Lucknow. • . • . He is iurvived by hii.wife, ,a daughter: Mrs. Joseph 'Phillips' and two.grandchildren.: . The funeral service was held ' frOrn Ballard Funeral Home, Dunn- ville On Wednesday, 'December 29th. Interment wai made. at Itilelick Cemetery, Canboro. • •,, Mr.and Mrs. James Culbert and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brooks of., . Lucknow attended the funeral. • •,•• ' •LUCKNOW-BELGRAVE MIDGETS PLAY, TO A 5 - 5 TIE In a hockey match in Lucknow. on New Year's eve, Lucknow and Belgrave Midgets ended in a - 5 tie,. The goal scorers for Lucknow were Calvin. Ritchie, • Herb Berger, Donald Courtney, John‘MacKenzie, Donald Mc- Kinnon. ' • Kenneth Houston and Murray. Hunter did an efficient job of re- fereeing, handing out six penal- ties to Lucknow and 'five to Bel - grave. This coming Friday the Luck - now Midgets play in Ripley. • ' FIRST NEW YEARS BABY . • AT GODERiCH HOSPITAL LEDDY - to:•Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Leddy (Marion SCOW hi God 'Alexandra and Marine Hospital on Mond'ayJanuary3rd, aSon a brother for Billieand John.. • LIFE IN PORTUGAL WAS .TALK AT CONCERT rik large crowd was in attend- ance, on Wednesday evening, Decernber 22, when the pupils Of St.' Augustine 'Scheel; under the direction Of their 'teacher, Mrs. • S. King, presented their Christ- . mai concert. • Chairnian,for the evening. Cyril 13Oyle and pianist was Mrs., Cyril Boyle. • . • Father Caruam a, the parish. priest,. extended the season's greetings to, everyone .present -anq einphasiZed•the:imPOrtance of such opportunities as part A:Attie children's education.„, ..,The.progranime 'consisted of two plays "Samuel's Proposar and "Wanted - A Housekeeper", a muiical "The Wedding of the. Rainted, Doll",' a Christmas pag- : earn, .a duet ."The Second MinT°' andschool chordses. ' Laudelina Nevei W110 had emigrated from Portugibto Canada witirller fam- • . five years ago give a very in- teresting talk on."Life in Portugal" including Christmas cristonis there. At the conciusiOn..pf the pro- grarrime. Santa arrived and tributed gifts and candy to the • achildren. • . . ••••••••••••••••••••••, ••••••••••••• . • . • • • • • • 4 dr}drai • • • • • • NINI ,GET Cit J granl • Re4 pers held Der The 'Cathl Riple Witte .many Teem 1.,e0111 Elgin pat re Chiin. Ag on TIIA :QV „alp • wh 4,11, lar 111A nol afl • ?el ' • •-• to • au •. •THA ' col • dev we• • Du . • MI ' . co; • tin THA • va • ou • en an ph • ne ru va Mt so dr ge su , to fl r.1:4000.04444. • • • • PHONE 357-1030• STARTING TIMES, *.• , . 8:00 p.m.-Monday,to, Thursday • 7:15 and 9:15—Friday and Saturday Saturday Matineer...2:00 p.m. SI • • • . • • • WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY JANUARY 5, 6, 7 • 441 "Woman Of Straw” C° Starring: Gina LollObrigidia, Sean (James Bond) Connery • If you like a good mystery You'll want o see this one ... but • • hold on to your oeaL • . . • • • SATURDAY MATINEE' JANUARY .. • .' •"Excuse My Dust" • Starring': Red Skelton' ' SATURDAY, MONDAY, TUESISpecia9 JAN. S, 10, , . "Lord Jim" Colour — Panavision • . ' • ' Starring': James O'Toole, JMasa, Curt Jurgen, . aime: . This picture features an all-star cast in one of the screen's Med drilling adventures. flue to the length /this victim the two shows on Saturday night %fill stint at 6:oand 9:00 p.m, One show on Monday and Tuesday at 800. • . y •WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY JANUARY 12 13, 14 •, "Love And Kisses" Starring: kicky Nelson, Jerry Van Dyke, Kristin, Nilson •••••••••11..••••114041.*****enninswiosks Boxing '1,s Keencurling. Day Boxing Day in Lucknow saw the Lucknow. Curling Club stage. a' suc- cessful Curling Bonspiel with the rink of Alex Hackett ..skip, Mrs George Whitby', Bob Johnston 'd Lorne Hamilton carry -off top,pot in the One o'clock, draw•al for the entirebonsPiel wi ree wins Secondplace in t nine o'clock :draw went to Ivan: Rivett.• Mrs.. 2i- ' Vett, Ray Fisher and. Jamieson. .„ Ribey. Consolation award in the • ,4 inine draw went to Henry MacKen- zie.. Marjorie Alton. Orville Mir • iott and Jack Henderson.: ' • Other rinks participating in this plus 3.3. draw were George Whitby,: .Mrs. Jack MacDonald., Bob, Lyons and Jack Fisher, Jiro .Arnold;.Mary. Ellen .Shiellt;' Jack Ritchie and Ross MacKenzie; 'Blake Alton, Mrs. Henry MacKenzie,. lack M aC, Donald and John McCharles;, Al Hamilton., Mrs, Orvillepliott.: Ain Boyle andltim Toni Hackett, Mri. Jim Boyle, • John; MacKinnonand. Shirl 136W ors.; vermin Hunter, Mrs. Vernon Hun- ,. ter, Joanne Hunter, Forbes MC7 Lelland,.Murray'Hunter and Pat- ricia ThOmpton. • : ' TOP: IN 11 D'CLO CK ., • • The sink of Ted McClenaghan , Mrs. Bob. Finlay ,JimLiackettaiid • Mrs. Jim Hackett placed first in the.11 .9"clockdraw. :.The# had three wins PhiSit .:SecOrkid went to Harold Austin, 'Mrs. Currietol- Well,' Al 'Baker and Stuart.Reavie. The'contOlation award„went to Gordon Finlayson, Mary Mary. Macintyie/t Bill Johnstone and Donald' Hackett. .. :9 ther rinkspartiCipating were Bob Finlay,. Marian ReaVie, Bill. • Sc. hmid and Don Datliie;: Glen: : Walden, Mrs. Lloyd ter Dekter.: Rod and Dorothy layson; Milt Rayner; Mrs. Allan •... MicIntyre; Armstrong W.ilsOn,;.., Alvin Alton; 14iTy-Salke14.: Mrs,. Walter Dexter..0„Donald'M'ACIntyre', and Gil RliStan; 'Lloyd hefts,, Harold •Austin, George Lovell, , : • , LOCAL (Ind:GENERAL NEWS • Mrs. P111110 MacMillan retUrn- ed to her home on Decenther 22nd after being hospitalized in Wingham for three weeks, Mrs, Ed:- Thom, Mrs. L. C. .Thgnipson, Patricia and. Joanne and Murray Hunter spent. Christ - Inas week -end in Norwood with , •Mr. and Mrs. Ron Rothwell. -Mrs. Thom remained kr' a visit. Alex Hackett r, ttime.c1 to his ' home in Lu ckno last week ....• • after being hos talized in Wing- ° ham for almost five weeks: . Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.. Rus- sell Johnston, °Ashfield, over.the • . holiday seasofrwere Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Johnston,. Wayne and P aul 'of.Gravenhursti Bill Johnston and grandson and two other men. from London M. and' Mrs; James Walstr and grandson JiMilly from London; Mr. and Mrs. Wayne . • . , Nixon, Bradley and tarry ofRipley . • , . ...Beverley'lvIcKenzie of Mallon , spent Christmas week -end with her ' parents. Mr. •and Mrs. Bruce bAc- Kenzie of • Luclurow. . . ' Mr. and Mrs.. _Jirn 'Keane Of Llicknow spent Christmaewith Mr. • and Mrs. Bob Cdrrie and family of Oil Springs. • •-‘ „.. • • ,„ ORR - in Kincardine 6 eneral Hos-• Pita]: on Friday December 3ist, 1965, to Mr.: and Mrs. Robert Orr. :(Mary Roulston) Of:Kincardine* Township, a son, Dale Robert. :MARSMAN At St; JosePles•Hosp- ital, London; .on December 15, ' .1965, to Mr. and Mrs. Arnold ivlarsinans. LOndon, a daughter, •• Kathleen Elizabeth. MACLEAN '7 On WednesclayDec- ember 15,,. 1165, in K hicardine Hospital, to Mr. .and, Mrs. Waiter MacLean., R: R..4 Kincardine... ..a sont'Kevhi Murray, abrother! forTommy, Steven and Kenny, * BUSHEll - 0 n Friday . 13 ecember .11, 190, in Kincardine Hospital, to Mr. and Mis..*W arm Bushell. R. R. 4 Kincardine, a daughter, a sister for Dianne. • .• BANTAMS WIN AND TIE . Lucknow Bantam hockey team . • played two games over the .• ,days with Lucknow and Teeswater playing to a 3-3 tie. In the second game. .Lucicnow defeated Brussels 9-44 17 penal - ties Werehanded out by referee , Jack Henderson in the tw64ames. Gary Sutton assisted Jack on the refereeing ,of the Teeswater game. Presented On 40th Anmversary • A family gathering was held on Sunday afternoon' at the horne*of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnston of • Belfast in honour of their 40th ;wedding anniversary. • Those present at the gathering were John F. Scott and Mrs. Maj-,, eska Scott of London. Mr. and/ Mrs. Earl Durnin of St. Helens, Mr. and.Mrs. Harold Gaunt and Janice, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gaunt .1<aren and Don. Ivirs: Gordon Mac-, Tavish„ Mr. and Mrs.' Don Reid,. Sandra and Brian, Mr.' and Mrs. Brian Bailey of London, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Johnston of Kincardine. and Robert JohnstNi at home. . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnston have a family of five. Lois and Allan: were unable to be .present. Lois is With the'Canaclian Embassy at Prague, and Allan is at`,Port Col" Nine; The bride and groom of 40 years were presented with a pie.i tureand. a smoker • to.Oio•••••••••eveleeloety. Mr. and Mrs, Stuart Collyer, • and. Tim spent Chriginas week- end in Kitchener with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Ccillyer. -• , Mr. and Mrs. E, H. Agnew spent the holiday week -end in Detroit with Mr. and Mrs. foe Agnew and family. They wem accompanied -to Detroit by Mrs Charles Cooke Who spent Christ mas with her sisters, Mr. and Mrs. Hank krueger. an Mrs. Roy tangle." Mr. and Mri. Joe Agnew, Judy. Pani inclicqqin.e of De- troit Were New Yearvisitors'in Lucknow with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Agnew. . Mr: 'and' Mrs. Jim McNaugh- ton and Jim were visitors list • Week, in London with' Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Henning,. Elaine and Norrnan, and Mr. and Mrs • William- Wallace. . • Week -end and Christmas Day visitors. with Mr. arid Mrs; Har- yey.Honsion, Hcilyro6c1 were , Hugh Hciustan, Ottawa. Mrs. Ray Taylor and DerWyn, ,Walk- erton and Mr: and Mrs; Larry •.Brocklebank. Luanne and•Lore lie,. London; ladies J. Houston, NeWmarket..and Miss Sandra • Rogers, Islington., . Mr. and Mrs. Grainuri Pinkne and Glyn 'of Ajax sp,ent.the Christmas holiday with Mr. and • Mrs. Ted cower of, kwoss. Cliff Kilpatrick retuned to his, bogie at Belfast on Thursday • December 23rd; after ten days •in Wingham District Hospital• .., with, pneumonia. . .hristrnas goests• at Mr. and. Worded Howald 'and farnily were IVir. and Mrs. Joe Howald and. M yin ..of TOronto,..Mis. Arthur Ho' • ald ,. Jeffery, Alan,and' Barry of.: ..Trenton,;Miss. Helen., MCLeod of Trenton; Harold Howald of :Oak vile and Miss Katherine Reed, 'Elmira, also Mr. and Mrs. How had Christmas greetings from the son Arthur Howald who is with t ,United Nationi troops in Lahore, Pakistan. • ' • • : THEATRE •GODERICH FIRST RUN FILMS IN AIR CONDITIONED COMFORT ENTERTAINMENT IS OUR BUSINESS, • . .i/ED., THURS.,. FRI.;.--•;• JANUARY 54-7 THE SONS OF KATIE. ELDER . • In Color John Wayne --- Dian Martin • Martha Flyer "•• Shows at 7:15 p.m. and 9:20 p.m. • 0 ,ALL 'CARTOON KIDDIE SHOW SAT. MATINEE ONLY--- IAN. 8th • No'. Adysinco In Prices ' • • • • Remenber IrsA Special API Cartoon Matinee • . Starts At 2:15. . . . ' • • SAT., MON, TUES. JANUARY 8-10-11 • • . 'LORD. JIM In Color Peter -O'Toole — James Mason. • Curt Jurgen: • * Its a Big Adventure Drama Shows at 74 , p.rn. and 9:25 p.m: SPECIAL MATINEE JANUARY 8th WEbt, THURS., FRI. — JANUARY12.11344 Dean. Martin -and Jeriy.Letvis LIVING IT UP • • .• Plus JerryLows In• THVOISORDERLTORDERLY . , ORDERLY At 7:15'and10:15• • LIVING IT Up' At 8:45 Only .44