The Lucknow Sentinel, 1966-01-05, Page 1• t„ '44 • 14 Silk • • ... -71111. Mig • d...lirill.."4.111.;;71W411.7.7.-... 4.1P -r. 4,4,1.• •www#00100 4.1.11W It '") 4 s0 • j: A Yes, In. Advance.— $1.1111 Intra 10.5,,A,, • • .x • LUCKNOW, ONTARIO• WEDNESDAY JAN. Rh 19“ • iA PRETTY FRESH LOOKING. GROUP•-•,"Zafter a full day of:curling at the Lucknow Curling Club's Boxing. Day .Bonspiel.• Shown are the champs , of the day .with,t.hree,..witi pies, 13 just acting .out Tod McClenaghan's rink which 'scored three wins plut 11. Left to right 'are Lorne Hamilton, :Skip Alex Hackett receiving the championship • trophy from Jack McKim, -curling club preliclentf Mrs. George. Whit- • "by and 'Bob Johnston. •• • Highest Temp. On Record Ends 1.965 in Lucknow December provided in:Unit:that 1. month weatherwise: On Decent- , her 31st, the temperature 'climb- ' • ild to 56 degrees h,ere and gave .• the area the warmest December 8lst on record. .Weather recorder • I. M. Greer of Lucknow advised the Sentinel that local records go r, lack to 1887 .and only once did liecernber 31 come close to the record set this year. In 1936 the • , temperature soared: to, 55 , one degree„short of this year's, record .. eigh. ,. . . . . • .,, The low temperature in Dec- . inher was 0 With rainfall 3.43 indsnowfall 15.8. Only, four. • '' • days provided enough sun to re- • tlord. December provided the . wconcl highest rainfall in 30 years, Black in 1949, 1.96 inches of rain • Atli during . the, month. as .compared to Decembe,t hi(19581,1944,, and : 1960 when there was not enough. rainfall in. Decemberto record. • r . .It will be 33 years in February ... , since Mr. Greer took over the . . 'weathei recording position which hte faithfully performs daily. In ease.you think this job is a ."plute. you're wrong. It's strictly a.publ 34c service job which pays nothing,: in fact We ',think Mel even pays ffn his postage stamps to send the rport in.: Lucknow is fortunate ,. 1i having a.man who performs ' this duty so well. ' • • Mr. Greerpicked 'a dandelion th the publisherrs.back yard on the 35th of December. another sign of A'Plingw,-, However, the publisher's tack yard is usually so full of ' ' ,dandelions t%pethaps the app-, darance in De thber: just means 'he gas "squeezed out", by the rest. • , . • $er!ouly Inio!ed in, Pre Christmas: Tb!'‘.0e Car craSh. A pre Christiti as accident on the Lucknow-pungannon road, just.nOrth of Belfast, 'hospitalized two Lucknow area farmers with. the driver of the third car escap- ing'Uninjured. • • • The accident Thurs- day 'December 23rd; on, astretch of pavement between 'Fred Johnston's and Mrs': Glen CamObell's, farm s,. • Lorne Woods of St. Helens W as proceeding•south draw. ing a • . trailer when the rear of the trail- er was in collision with a car . • driVen"by Harvey Kilpatrick of Belfast, alsbproceeding south. . The Kilpatrick car veered upon impact to the' east. 'A Car driven by Glen Atkinson of Luck - now ,:ptoceeding north, from God- erich-vihere Glen bperates„ a bar, ber business and who w as return- ing home, was subsequently in ... collision with the Kilpatrick car. Harvey received a bad rok- en. leg, fractured in' t places at the knee and ab e and below the knee. He w a removed to Wingharn Hospita and later was removed to Londo •Victyria Hos- pital. Lorne re ved a fract- ured leg and possible fractured Pelvis and is a patient,in Wing - ham HOspitstt. „Glen' was unin- jured except for a bumped nose., It is expected Harvey Kilpatrick will be. .hospitalized for about ; four 'MVItths. . • . tiIvliig conditions at the, time of the accident were poor. Con - • stable Garnet Wray' of Goderich detachment of the Ontario P incial Police investig 0 , Single Copy:10c . Pagan Engage New Principal For Lucknow District High School For Next Term *. I • Noel Mason, 32 year old vice principal of the North Grenville District High School, at Kempt- ville, ,Ontario has been engaged as principal of Lucknow District High School With duties to com- mence next term. ' •He will succeed L. E. Goyette who has accepted 'a position as , principal,of a new ompogite School, at Kingsville. • Mr. Magon graduated from Mc- Master University in Hamilton in 195'1 and' his first teaching pos- ition was with th Waterford Dis- trict High Schee Board. Three • years later he joined the Till-, sonburg Annandale High School staff where he taught for four 'years. • . • In August of this, past year, he was appointed vice principal of. -`Kemptvilles North Grenville District High School. • In addition to his academic , qualifications, Mr. Mason has been actively associated in sports,. both, as a player and man- ager. He has been quite active in church work as a counsellor, teacher and church official. Mr. Mason is married with two/infant children. "". Walter Arnold Heads Legion, Mrs. Jim McNaughton, Auxiliary For Coming Year A Joint ingallatiOn ofOfficers of the, Lucknow 13ranch•oi the ROy- Cariadian,Legion and Ladies.. . • Aintiliary.,Was,held after the reg- ular monthly meeting On, Tuesday evening; ',J.?eCena ber .28th .• • .W alter Arnold w as installed as the new president succeeding Arto hur Ernewein who held the po4it-' ion for two years. Other officers for 1966 of. the Legion are. Vice • 1Presidents, Jack Button and Irvine' ...,Eedy;_ Secretary Treasurer, Harold • Ritchie; Executive Comm ittee,' Tom Morrisdn, •Norman McKee,: Bert King Noble Johnston and :. Wm•. Schneider, Sergeant at Arms, Charles Robinson. . • • • AUXILIARY OFFICERS 0 ffiCers,of the Ladies Auxiliary are President, Mit. Jirn McNaugh, ton; Past President, „Mrs. Evelyn ' ,Barkwell; lst Vice, Mrs. Jim Ham- ilton, 2pd Vice, Mrs. Joad'Eng- land, Sergeant, at Arms, Mrs. • Clare Johnston; Executive Comm-. ittee,' Mrs. Bob'Lyons, Mrs..Alex Inglis, Mrs. Ran Forster, Mrs. Dan Thomson and Mrs. Bill Button. ' Sports officers, Mrs. Ron Forster • and Mrs. Evelyn Barkwell. The secretarytreasurer will be appoint • Installing officers from. the .,Wingham Branch 'w ere John Patt- • Iso yid Carruthers, Ken Sim- mons, Wil all and Ian ,Edward. SARNIA M AN DIED ERE • SUDDENLY ON CHRIST S Frank Hanna, 61 yeat,old le ident of Sarnia, died suddenly . at the residence of Mrs. Austin • Soioinon'in Lucknow'Christ- inas day. Mr. and Mrs. Hanna and Mrs. Solomon's grandson. Steve Mar,: shall, had come to the Solomon home for christmaS. Mr; Hanna cOttipiaitied of chestpaiiiilltort- ly. after arriving" and, died very •suddenly soon after. • The funeral w as held Tuesday • in. Sarnia, •• ' " JOHN ANDREW HOME • 15 WEEKS IN HOSPITAL John Andrew, son of Mr. and 'Mrs. 'William Andrew of Ashfield, is home after 15 weeks in hospital . following a car accident near Kitchener in which he *as ser- iously injured. • Little hope was at first held for John's recovery and he was un- conscious for eight weeks follow- ing the crath. He wObrought to Winghany hospital',for a week just prior to Christmas and was able to 'come home at Christmas time. , His progress is slow but now • more encouraging to thefamily. ••• 4 • Elect Officials Of Sep. Schotil Area . Attthe annual Meeting of the Combined Roman Catholic Sep-, . • gate School of Ashfield held on December 29th in the Kings- bridge School, the following trustees were elected. Two year term, Frank Doherty,: John Austin, M artin Hendricks, One year term, Mrs. Clarice • Dalton, John Howard • Donald 'Frayne is secretary -treasurer of the board. 61 ratepayers were present. The new ichool'is ex- pected to be completed by the end of the month and will be used at once. Decorated Homes Were Problem For Two Judges • . . continuing their'home lighting .and decorating contest this year, , Luckpow District Horticultural Soc- iety and Lucknow Branch of the 'Canadian Legion awarded $50 in prizes to district homes over the Christmas season. • . • The contest has sparked a lot,f • ••enthusiasm among home owners over the past few 'years and has • added to the Christmas atmosphere of .the village and district consid- erably. • . -Mrs: Ken Chester and Rev. S. E. Jay of Lucknow judged the hoth es on the evening of Wednes- day, December 22nd. , 6 ,Prizes for the outdoor decorat- ions l• • , total effect to count, were ..$1.2, $10 and $8. Winners w ere Misses Ada and Hazel Webster; „ June Collyer and M r. and Mrs., Ted McCienaghan. . _ • Prizes for the indoor 'and w indow decorations were $9, $7 and $4.• • , Winners were Rev. Dirk Lieverdink, Mrs. Kenneth Mow bray and Mrs. • Jessie Stevenson, boundary east. KINLOSS FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE. met hithe Hely- rood-Hall-last-weok-for their atiMial-Mieting and banquet 11* Sen- tinel attemptecrie, get the executive, Evan Keith president; Leo Murray, set retarY4reatuttr; Herb. Buckton, vice-president In a 'plc - hire following' the meeting but had trouble With the flasti.on the tam - era. When we get R working' again, Herb had gone home so WO shot Leo, on the left, ant Evan, on right, alone. 11014 191 " • • tr • • • • "*1 v„,, • ' • . . •r„ 1, • '• • .4". • I 44 , • .• ' . • • 1 4 IP