The Clinton New Era, 1888-11-16, Page 3t l., PCU leant ow-Able1. Economical? is n D mo d Dyes e4ceI all ostlers in Strength, Purity and Fastness,, None other are just as good. Be- ware of imitations, becaedse they are Made of cheap and Efferlbr' u a*.ial , and give poor, weak, crock)! colhrc. to be sure ' of success, Use Only tele DIAMOND DVas for coloring Dres-ses, Stock- ings, Yarns, Carpets, Feather's, Ribbons, &c., cite. We •warraiit them to c•ntlor more goods; jia'tvk.i agefor pa. ' 1pa•rc titan t n other i , la a w 4. 4 dyes a cr iiknees, aid to goTe.Inpre b'rtlliant hurl durcllle colors. • As'lc for the IJia;,:ond and take no other. A Dress Dyed Fon A Coat Colored 10 Garments Renewed CENTO. A can nae them! Al Dt11lluisu rite Meitliaate. ' Dys teak tip. WELLS," RICMIARDSOAf & CO,. Montreal, P. Q. " Did n't Know 't was Loaded " May do for a stupid boy's excuse I. but what can be said for the parent who sees'lris child languishing daily and fails to recognize the want ('t a Wide and blood -purifier? Formcdy, a course of bitters, or sulphur and molasses, was the rule in well -regulated families ; but now all intelligent households keep Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which is al uul•r. pleasant to the taste, and the most searching and effective blood medicine ever discovered. Nathan S. Clevelandt '_'71 Cant on Ht., Bualun, wvrites: AI,y daughter, 11(111 :11 years old, was in perfect health until a year ago when she begun to complain of iatigle, head: mite, debility, dizziness, indigestion, and loss of ttllli'tit1.. ICelt- eluded that -all her monlldailts ot•ieditated in inquire blood, and induced her to take Ayer s Sarsaparilla. rl'lli, m(AIit in,• H111011 restored her house-hc,kin;; organs to healthy action, and in dint lime vets:lab- lislled'her frontlet h,:alh. I lied .1 gee's Sarsaparilla a roost (.nlnal,1.• remedy for the lassitude and (lebilit inti.lm10 to spring tithe." ,T. ('asset lot, Ilr,u,hls n i'mver Co. Brooklyn, N. Y., sou' 1s a Srurith Medi.•iile, i Buri :u rlll.•lel,•i substitute for the old -thee cotor,,idels itt .\yer's harsal'.,1.111t1. NV it ., .1ve,r'H . II. • t • he 4; 11' 1. raft tad � l esti l'Irl.'.r til ;•l, (l. ,4:':I rho `.1: 11: tl il'1•.' Ayer's Sa rs;. parffla, I•ltt.:•.11.1•4. 1.1 Dr. J. (1. Ayer 3e Co., .Lvecii, Mass trice $1 • .i, Loll l••H. $:, 91-( l'1 j;J a',uti.le. q.QSED OPEN TheGoodwiiiWasher, A good seller. Will sell itself when in- troduced. Agents wanted. A great big profit allowed. Would prefer par. ties engaged in other businesses. Cat this out. J. L. 16IR, Chatham. Eureka Bakery ! Opposite the Post Office. Tho subscriber desires to thank the peo- ple of Clinton for their very liberal patron- age in the past, and at the same time he would intimate to them that be bas removed to the more convenient stand in Smith's Block, directly opposite the Post OBite where he will be pleased to supply them with Bread, Cakes, etc+, of first class quality. WEDDING CAKES A.SPECIALTY and prepared in splendid style. J,- A. KLVG, Baker, Dr. Washinzton's NEXT VISIT Throat and Lung Surgeon, OF TORONTO Will be at the Ratteubury [louse WEDNESDAY NOV. 21 st, in sloe forenoon. Chronic Bronchitis 'Cured. An English Church Clerzyman 44)01(0. Rectory, Cornwall, Out, Da WASHINGTON,— DEAR Sia, -1 x411 glad to be able to informou that my daughter is quite well again. As this is the second time she has been cured of grave bronchial troubles under you "trea'mhnt, when the usual remedies failed. 1 write to express my gratitude. Please accept my sincere thanks. Yours truly, C. B, PETTIT. DISOOSFH TREATED.—Catarrh of the Head and Throat, Catarrh, Deafness, (Chronic Bronchitis, Asthma and Consumption. Also loss of voice, sore throat., enlarged tonsils. Polypus of the nose removed, Come early. Consultation free. A few of the many cured by Dr Washington,s new method. H H Storey, M .Storey di Son, manufacturers, Acton, Ont, also rre,A1 Manufacturing Ass,, of Canada. permanently cured of Catarrh, by Dr Washington, pronouncerl incnrablo by anted specialists in this country nerd Europe, Write him for particulars. Mrs John McKeh•y, iiia •b,n, Ont, Cal ,r fel and Consumption. John McKelvy, King -ton, Ont, Catarrh. Mrs A Bopping, King•b,11 (ant, Bronson ('un• sumptlon , stir 1) Scott, g1n,;.tca, Ont, C'a'nrrb, head wire throat. Mrs John Brrtranp, 113.rr '•mal,, 01,+, (•p- tarrh, head end throat. Miss Mary A Bomlreur7, •101' „".•, r,'e, Catarrh, head and thrnat. Jams Mathews, P Master, A. lin, Ont. A 1: Fish, C, ntH FurnIH1411y', 1Sel C, nal ;111erl of CaMrrh, throat. John Phipldn, Sandhurst r (e, (h,t, e t•ar Na ginner) of Catarrh 1,41.4 tbr"•t1 or, 1)''-•. Ileal nIr e :,'. 1'' aur "'ilei 1' (' h •ultat4 R 1•r' . -rlss 1 Crtlraloy:�lµrt(l tttttor•areattraal- ingr!Prise ttytlieneee in Winnipeg. and numerous conversions ere rte , ported n tete services. i, , ,fir t�r!hui t<ulli'ng,, One of' 1I iI. ton's older;t inhsbitaats, father o#' the Il.ry Dar Colones•, of Sirnco•, died at bis Home in Milton recent- ly, ext the the ale of 81 years. Ar Grain, partner of Dr Orton, at Winnipeg, 1R charged with in- decently hssaultin'g a 10 -year-old girl, named Lily Hogarth, in his oftico last week. He haft been committed to the Assizes. "Old Hutch," the great Chicago wheat speculator, is said to:care nothing for his attire, and tc•'lay he wears the style of clothing that was in vogue thirty years ago. Tho cloth is -of a dingy hue, of dull brown or filled black, and around the nook lie wears an old• style high collar with a loose neckerchief. It is rumored at Osgoode Hall that Attorney -General, ''Bon U. Mowat is- about to return to prat - ties at the bat' and enter the firm, *hi'oh Mr. justice *M,�aelenpan was easels �ie'beVd. Lu1 Mowat has been retained for retained for taw - ,oral Cases to be heard at the forth- coming sittings of the Supreme Court. This 'will not affect his position as Premier. Those who loosely calculate that it costs no more to run a large farm, than a small one make a serious Mistake. Extra teams, tools and farm implements are needed for the increased acre - ago if they are to run the same as a small farm. Not many- owners anyowners of large farms have either money or the executive ability to run them on the highlressuro principle. Hence much of the land lies unused, and all the pro- fit is made from a small part. This is very suggestive. Tho Aberdeen Free Press of the 6th inst. says.that the fourth cargo of Canadian cattle, which was sold in that city on the pre- vious Tuesday, were from two to' four years of age, and a number of then in a condition for finish- ing oft. On the whole the cattle were considered to be the finest cargo that has been imported by the Company. There was a large attendance of buyers, and bidding was animated. Tho animals were sold in lots of four and two, and fetched generally from about £lei to £15 per head. . The ComrgiLteo of the Niagara Conference held a session era Hamilton • on Wednesday. All' the members were presettL. :Rev W J Maxwell, president of the Conference presided. Their ob• jeet was a review of the work, to consider cases where (through illness) the work was umnpplied, as also to consider the memorials of the Simcoe church, and to re- ceive the report of the deputation sent by Conference authority to confer wi-th the Simcoe Board. The results of their deliberations were forwrrded to Simcoe and will have their consideration be- fore publicity. It is thought that an amicable settlement of the dif- ficulties there will be reached, i • "` "1►11 :' ittiti on,i 4. cat', .n n a�ppt of r ,�, �lnt'tley, T7i Sfratfodtrif4 playing iii the yard of Mr John Ow er, Douro aired Ito: sec ihll f x' l into a cistern ar d wit di-Owned.. ldundper redg Of sons who have used Ayer's Hair Vigor attest its value. as a stimulant and tonin, for preventing and cutting halation, cleansing the scalp and restoring the youthful color to faded and gray hair. Wm Cooke, a Providence, It I, broker, aged TO J ears, . heaped himself on Wednesday flight. '#Ie was wotth $1¢0;000 1 fnsorn- nia Waft the enure of suicidd. A paper on 'Agriou ttr o' , will be sat,at `hoJ1igh School entrance examination in July, 1889, but the marks will be optional, and 'anyhlarkk obtained on it will be added as a bonus to the others. ]liisei:maries are wanted to leave rrilandstations in East Af- rida batbee the commencement of .n04 operations against the slave traders on the Zanzibar Ooafit. e Ontario Government has ofFeied a reward,of$1000 foe shish information as will lead to 'the discadvery and conviction of per- sons Who sent poisoned candies to the Lowell and Cherry children in Galt. The heroine of' the hour at Kingston is'Sarah Jana Mollroy, a good-looking young lady, who, while on'her way home, saw two', toughs naaaultin a cite en and I , and saved him from what might have resulted in murder. Messrs. Newcombe & Co., of 107.109 Church street, Toronto, are closing out at reduced .prices one of the largest stocks of Pianos and organs in the city previous to alterations in their premis- es which, when completed will give them the. moat extensive wareroorns in the city. Two ladies from Pennsylvania, who were visiting their brother, a Mr. McKinley, near West Lib- erty, Ind'. , were killed on Friday night by a Burlington & Cedar Rapids passenger train. Their death was the result of the stub- bornness of a boy who persisted in driving them ,across the track when the encrine was almost upon them. The lad paid the penalty of his folly with hit life. Robert Filthy, a 'superannuated school teacher, about 84 years of ago, of eccentric disposition,made a determined attempt to take his life on Thursday,;at Southampton, by cutting his throat almost from ear to ear with a razor. Not hav- ing accomplished his object the first time, he made a second at- tempt, when he was discovered old prevented from accomplish- ing his purpose. Ile is in a•pre- ca1•ious condition, but with care may recover. A thrilling scene was witnessed the other day at the Broad Green Station, Liverpool. A little girl w s crossing the lino as a train approached, and her mother shrieked with dismay, seeing her daughter's peril. But the girl's b ,ether sprang fearlessly upon the track, seized the terrified child and rolled with her into the six - footway saving her,as it were, by a hairbreadth from death. A tremendous sensation has been caused in railway circles by the dismissal of six Grand Trunk Passenger conductors. Three of thein run between Hamilton and Toronto, one on the Port Dover branch and two on the main line, one of whom resides in Toronto. What they are charged with or by whom the complaints are made the conductors do not know, but it is suspected' that spotters-7have teen working the fines lately and this is the result of -their labors. Doomed to die, and oh, so yomig. Is there nothing that can save This poor, hopeless sufferer From the dark and cruel grave ? Comes an 'answer : " Yes there is: Favorite Prescription' try ; It has saved the lives of thousands Who were given up to die." For all "fefnale diseases," Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the standard remedy, and no woman should despair of recovery until sbe has given it a trial Aylmer Sun:—A novel bot,and one that, was paid on Saturday, was mad on the recent election in East Elgin. lir W Caron, of the firm of Christie & Caron, and Mr Lee Cascaden, of Malahide, wee() the principals, and it was agreed that in the event of Dr Mellott being, elected Caron was was to wheel Caseadon around two blocks in town in a wheel. barrow, and, supposing Dance n as elected, Caron was to reedy() the ride at the hands of Cascaden. The result of the election being now known,. on Saturday after- noon, about half-past2 o'clock,Ms- Caron received his 'ride. The wealthiest dealers in dry goods in the great city of St. Louis, Mo., is the firm of Nugent Bros., which is composed of By- ron, Dan and Charles Nugent, Canadians, natives of this section, they having been born at Del - Iron t. The fattier resides at pres- ent in London South. Lately a Republican paper in St. Louis, named the Star•Sayings, has been malting vindictive atiaeks on them incl trying to drive custom 'away from their store by saying that they overwork their 300 employ- es, and that they steadily refuse to take the oath of allegiance to the United States. Tho brothers have sued the paper 101 $200,000 damages. The head of the firn, leer le'I leis hoe -ire,, at St. Thorn- Children Cry for When Baby was sick, we gave her Ceeterla, When she wee a Child, ehe cried for Caetoris, When she became Mise, she clung to Caetoris, When she had Children, she gave them Caetoris A party returned from the mountains north of the Grand Rivet', Glenwood Springs; Col., on Friday,and reported of the dis- covery of a wonderful waterfall hitherto unknown, Though not equal to the Niagara in volume it was thought to exceed it in beauty. Tho place is on'Rifle Creek, 25 milds from hero, and is supposed to have 'never been visited by whitemeii before. The stream spreads out to a width of 300 feet at the brink, and the water glides over the rockage, spreading out into a thin sheet as it falls, a dis- tance of 150 feet, to the bottom of o canyon directly underneath. The party dismounted, and, caro - fully creeping along the baso of the perpendicular wall, passed bo - hind the agtratic -tapestry into nooks and caverns beneath the ovothaeging ledges. The walls and arches were thickly studded with stalactite and stalagmite formations of rare beauty. Edward Boll,plastorer, 46' Ed. ward street, Toronto,while drunk, on Friday, quarrelled with his paramour, Annie 'Robinson, in the course of which Bell seized an axe and struck her several vicious blows in the back of the head, which was cut to the bone, but the skull was not broken. In- spector Ward and several con- stables were soon at the house,but they found Bell stationed at the head of a narrow stairway, armed with an axe and a shooting gal• lory rifle. IIe threatened instant death to all who dared to come up. After half an hour's parley Inspector Ward raised a chair over bis head ,and rushed tip the stairway, followed by the con- stables. ]3e11 aimed a murderous blow at Ward, which bit tho chair and the eext moment Bell was struggling like a maniac in the hands of half a dozen policemen. IIe «'ts hustled down stairs and marched to the police station. The woman P,obin4etn is in a (•riti- (11 condition. Pitcher's Cestorin. 0';. LO SBORO Just a little chat with the army of Customers, who have built up this business Byyour y ur custom and patronage, and our attention to details, our constant endeavors to procure and offer the very best value in all lines of goods, seconded and aided' by your good will, we jointly and severally have suceeeded in estab- lishing a business in which I am satisfied we all take a good deal of pride. We are partners in the business, though no deed of partnership has' been executed, nevertheless, in our--your—store the profits are shared. solid of yon who were interested in this business a few Years ago' are aware that our prices today are much lower than they were at that time; this is due to two causes—first, the value of goods has depreciated in the markets of the world, andtbe other cause is, that the volumeof our trade is increased to such an extent that a entailer margin of profits yields us the same income that larger margins did on a smaller turnover. You share the profits in the fact that you bay goods at your own store at lower prices than you can procure them elsewhere. We It •,oe dope well, bat no firm can afford fig ;'rest upon its oars ;" success is only nob eyed by constant labor and vigilance. My time and energies; will coninueto be to scouring ng the markets, s.in order. to place on my s and con Widen them meet ' attraoti: o ve and s rvi 1 e ceab a good®, in all lir}es}, at the 'iptlrest prices that hard cash can command, and you, I trust;, will continue your generous support, and by•showing your friends and neighbors the bargains you secure at our-+-your-„store;' induce them alto to lissome ,members of our firm, bearing in mind the fact that the larger the quantity of goods we eau turn over, the cheaper we can buy, and the cheaper we will sell, and the increase in trade will be to our mutual -benefit. I suppose most of you are aware that our.. PRIZE TEA SCHEME has been nipped in the bud. Busy bodies have ferreted out and shaken the dust off old law books, and made the discovery that in carrying out this scheme we are violating the law; very well, we bow and submit to the majesty of the law, but, gentlemen, though you extinguish us in one quarter, we will bob up serenely in another. We advertised that certain articles would be given away, and we intend , carrying out just what we said, though by a different' method. We” are doing this simply as a matter of business, we expect this scheme will draw customers from outside our own radius, and we entertain the hope that these persons having once visited our store, inspected our stook, and learned at what low prices our goods are sold, will become regular customers, members of our firm, and blow our horn in the localities in which they reside. The articles we purpose giving away are: One Sewing Machine,White, Catalogue price, - .860 00 One Dinner Set, value, - - - - - - - 115 00 One Set Mrs. Potts' Polishing Irons, value, - - 4 00 One Caddie of Tea Five Pounds, - - - 2 50One Fancy Lamp, Metal Base, - - 1 25 We have issued only two hundred tickets, every customer who purchases goods to the value of five dollars for cash or produce draws a ticket. When all the tickets have been disposed of, " which we expect will be in about two, or at most three, weeks," the numbers of the prizes will be published, and persona holding, tickets whose number corresponds with the prize numbers will be en- titled to whichever prize their number palls for. Come early, 200 tickets will soon be disposed of, and five of them will draw the prizes. It costs you nothing, we sell you goods at rock bottom prices. An error in last week's advertisement made our Overcoat announcement read, " Buying a large quantity for spot' cash we got them away down below zero, 'ands you get them for spot cash." It should have read after the word zero, " and you get the benefit." A lot of the coats have changed hands this week, and the purchasers are all quite satisfied that they, and not the maker, got the benefit. Well, our contract with the NEN ERA is only for half a double column; and I fear we have already written enough to fill our space, so will have to close by saying, friends, rally round the standard, let us, by our united efforts, make the "Popular Dry Goods Store of Londesboro" still more popular. Remember that an increase in trade means that our already low prices will be cut still lower. I ani truly and gratefully W. L. OU I M ETT E. LONDESBORO i� CUL ';While this is:now the great question in the political arena of Canada the people of Londesboro and surrounding country are asking "Where • can 1 get the best value for my money ?•' Come to ADAMS' Emporium LoN13ERAFICIR0. 1Vhich is well supplied with FALL AND WINTER GOODS 'Some4exttaordinary valves in TWEEDS. l -BEAUTIFUL AND CHEAP DRESS GOODS. Gr"eat variety of FLANNELS, PRINTS & COTTONS. lk" BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS, and tJ(7j" HEAVY STOCKINGS for Winter use. •-SPECIAL .VALUES IN ALL KINDS OF GROCERIES TAILORIN 1 in`connection. Sept Lith, 1888. IIighest price for Metter and, Eggs. R. ADAMS. • Calbick & Reith, :_ THE LEADING `-; UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS GLIM 0N In our line of undertaking we fear no competition, as .we carry a very large stock of Good Goods, and as Funeral Directors, we are bound to give satisfaction. A call re- spectfully solicited. 1 The Rd* Furniture store, ilborist. C,ALBICK & REITH FALL GODS A full assortment of Ici IOOdo For Fall Wear, justAopened up A Fine Assortment of FUR-:- 600115 Not to be excelled in the county 'a-300 -IJ &SC -017 " REMEMBER THE STAND—One door north of the Dry Goodie P,alaee, Albert Street, Clinton. j �11r : Furniture . : Woks • Opened out is Et LI= TT8 "moon, NEXT DOOR TO THE CITY BO0If1S RE, CLINTON. BEDROOM SLTS,0PARLQR SETS,LOUNGES SIDEBOARDS, 'CHAIRS, &c., ANA A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF THE FERE BEST mane FURNI TURE AT REASONABLE PRICES. .J( )S. CHIDLE't�''- BUSINESS CiLNGE. I have purchared the grocery stock of T. COOPER' & Sole and will carry 011 the business at the old statue. As I am in a position to buy FOR CASH the public ma) re!) on GETTING GOODS AT THE RIGHT PRICES. MR. OGLE COOPER will remain with me, and I Mope that the patronage extended to Messrs Cooper & Son will be continued. JAMES MOORE Late of the Commercial Hotel. DR. W. H. GRANAM'S British American Medicial & Surgical Institute. 170 KING ST. WEST, TORONTO, ONT. Treats Chronic and Privato Diseases. All Diseases of the Throat, Nose, Lungs t heart. Diseases of the Skin as Pimples, Ulcers, &o., quickly cured. Nervous diseases and Diseases of the Brain indicated by IIeadaclte, Dfzzl- ness, Sleeplessness, and all Neuraligia affections. Diseases of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels characterized by Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Offensive Breath, &o., , Diarrhoea, Costiveness, Piles, Tumere, &c., Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder. • ' 1 Private Diseases and diseases of a private nature as Impotency, Sterility, Varicocele (the result of youthful folly and excesses) Gleet, Syphilitic aff'ect- ion's &e., receive special attention. Diseases of Women, Painful, Profuse or Suppressed Menstruation, Leu- corrhoea, (whites) Ulceration and all Displacements of the Womb. Call or write for particulars. Office hours. --9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sundays 2 to 4 p.m • New Taiioiing Establishment The undersigned has opened out in the tailoring bttsil.ess its the store lately occupied by Mr E, Flootly, and 'will keep a fine stock of English, Scotch & Canadian Tweeds;.French Worsteds, and all thellatest patterns of Partings. Which he will guarantee to make .up'at the lowest pussilde prices. Workmanship of the best quality, and 1t fit guaranteed or no sale. A call solicited. s~ • �' S IEPHERI), Albert St, Clinton. N EXT ,DOOR TO WATTS' DRUG STORE. A Positive Cure. > A Painless Cure. FACTS FOR MEN OF ALL AGES aIS 4.Afa $ OF . M.A.W. bE. 7.. Ea; ZIVBON' SM5=Ci 'IC 'NC- .e 4 THE RT REa41U.TII ILEJY"EWER, MaNel'of Nesting, and Koairtoor el Medicines, Cures: the terriblb cOnskryisOnerM of Indiscretion, Expesprc hied Overwork. stovN(-! mere:= -.A..Q, .A.aw OX.e.= Z2E3. Who are broken down from the effoetd of Abuse Will flail in No. R a raSical cure for nerve' debility, organle'weaknees, involuntary vital losses, etc. iITMPTOMS FOn WATCH No. a SHOULD DE USSD.—Wnut of energy, tertig0, want of purpos dimness of sight, aversion to society, want of 001111.1onco, avoldanae of eonveraatioi desire for solitude, listlessness and inability to fix the attention on a particular subjec cowardice, depression of opirits, giddiness, loss of memory, excitability of temper, ape matorrh(ea, or loos of the seminal fluid—the result M self-abuse or marital excess—imps tency, 1nnutriti6it, e'. , i -n, barrenness, palpitation of the heart, hysteri'o feelings females trembling, . �•r..•oty, disturbing dreams etc„ are all synri'tomsofthis terrier, habit,.oftentimes inn.'ra+°? acquired. In short, the spring of vital force having lost u tension, every fdhetiou wanes in nor.44(qucr.ce. `scientific writers and the superintendent% of insane asylarne unite in ascribing to the effects, of coif -abuse the great majority .;. wasted lives'ogltich conte nndnr their notice. 11 yea are incompetent for the asdaar, duties of business, incapacitated for (0(4 onloymenta of fife, No, 5 offers an escape f\ ot.• the effects of early vice. If you are advanced in years, Iso. t+ n ell give you fall vigor an; strength. It you ere broken down, physically and morally, freta early indiscretion,, h. result of ignorance and folly, send your Oat ese and 10 ceutR iu stamps for u, V. Lv$os'e Treatise in Book Form on DiseaQes of Men, Pealed rind sena•,, from observmdo,,. Address all communiaalions to R.X. V. TAIL:litN, 47 Wellirigtotc Ht. E.,'I,.ronte A Man without wisdom (Oda In a leers paralloe. CURES I UARMITEE9. HEAL THE SiCH. pilel'angrlent eitrr. .x<