The Clinton New Era, 1888-08-24, Page 9LOCAL NOTICES„
Car n31,41444' Wire, all kinds,
Biiudiiug cord, Alabastiue. R.
IMit.EACEY, Cliutoat.
600 orders wantedfor Single and Double
�HWtiese Oreetly Clintonced 1'rwes et JAS
Fall Stock of Cut Nulls, Best
Cloa1 00 15c per gal., 12a- two
gal. and over. R. 11I, RACEY.
Zan goyim
CANCELLED. --The commission of
Police Magistrate Williams, and all
ether Police Magistrates in counties
where the Scott Act has, been re-
pealed, was recently cancelled.
1Gt>x lir X.,ocall
W. Cors and sister have gone on a
two weeks' visit to Camlacbte.
Mrs Time. Cooper is adding a brick
veneer'kitchen to her bouae.
Miss Trewin, of Oshawa, is on a
visit to her uncle, Dr Williams.
Messrs Doherty & .Co. sbipped this
week a Wear of organs to 1Vinnipeg.
Mr Webster, of Toronto, has taken
a situation in the store of G. E. Pay
& Co.
Mra Herriott, of St. Mary's, is here
on a visit to her sister, Mrs J. Wise-
Mr Jos. tv'heatley is still confined
to the hou-e by congestion of the
Mr Geo Wise and wife, of Cleve-
land, are visiting relatives in tbia
FOR Tile ULD COUNTRY. —Mt Geo, There will be preaehiug in Perrin'�s
Bedford, of Londesboro, was booked Hall, on Sunday evening next, at 7
on Monday last, for Bristol, England, o clock.
by W. Jackson, agent of the White Messrs G. E. Pay and W. Jackson
Star Line. Ile sails from New York leave this week on a business trip to
per "Republic," on Saturday. Montreal,
HURON CENTRAL FAIR.—It is ex• Only ten tickets were sold at Clin•
ton station last Saturday, for the
Niagara Falls excursion.
The telephone poles to give connec-
tion between Clinton and Wiogbam
are being put up in town.
Mr W. Irving, printer, who bas
been .sojourning here for some
months, bas gone back to Chicago.
Messrs W. Plumsteel and A. D.
Wiltse leave to -day on a visit to old
check for $325 being a rebate oa friends and scenes in Eastern Ontario..
T f
petted the mechanical wonder of the
age "the little world," which attracted
so many people at the Toronto Ex•
hibition in 1886, will be here during
our Fair. Arrangements are now in
progress to have it here and we hope
they will be carried out satisfactorily.
A N ICF REBATE. --Messrs W.
Doherty & Co. received from the
Customs Department.tbe other day, a
goods. shipped out of the country on Teachers o rural schools started
which duty had been previously work again on Monday last. The
paid.• This makes over 1:500 which town schools re -open on Monday next.
the same firm has received from the Messrs D, Cantelon & Co. ship a
Customs Department. car of apples to Montreal to. day (Fri -
TAX SALE.—The annual sale of day' ) This makes three cars to that
?arida for taxes takes place at Gode- point.
rich, on Tuesday,Nov. 20th, at 1 •m. Mr Paul D. Hendershot, formerly
1 n Ashfield 20 res are to be sold, in with Geo. E. Pay & Co., is now a
Howick 128, in Morris 50 in IYIcI{il- , partner in the Diamond Stove Co,
lop 89, in Stanley 00, while there are Toronto,
a number of lots in the villages of Mr W. H. Bele, -of Bellfontaine,
rorduieh, Gorrie, Manchester, Wing- 0., is here on a vinic. His wife, who
ham, Bayfield, Blyth, Brussels and has been here for some time, will re -
Wroxeter. turn with him,
GARDEN PART].—Tito coolness of ; The wife and children of Mr James
the weather last Friday evening, did Thompson, after a pleasant visit to
relatives in
not prevent a large number gathering Michigan, returned home
at the residence of Mr John Robert-
son to participate in the pleasures of
the garden party advertised under
the auspices of the Oddfeliows. The
grounds were illuminated with
Chinese lanterns, the D,lherty Band
was present, and a good social time
was spent by all.Clinton, Sept. 1st; Londesboro, Sept.
1 agar Brucefield, Sept, 5th.
AN ARTlcr.e OF VALUE.—There N2fr W. Evenden,of Goderich town -
was a time when every farmer who ahs t left here on Monday, for Liver -
had a quantity of stones on his place ned, via Dominion Line, taking
thought them an intolerable nuisance, pickets of A. 0o insPattison.g
fit only to be dumped in a pile by
the roadside, or in some inaccessible Mr Fair, of the Clinton mills, re-
place on the farm, That dajr has ports the delivery of new wheat as
passed, however. Stones are now a pretty tree and a much better crop
marketable commodity, and if they than was at first anticipated.
are not wanted for building purposes .Mr R. Beattie has painted his Bay -
on the farm can usually be disposed field stage and had a nice cover put
of to advantage, on it, which makea•it very comfort-
able to ride iu and also look very
A evens. —Messrs Cantelon & Steep att ractive.
'have already shipped about 500 bar- Messrs Tyndall, of the base line,
rels of harvest apples, and notwith- `were called to Beigrave on Monday,
standing the fact that both meumbers
of the firm are Conservatives, they �8°steltenadM seCoulteatwhoof thard dr ied
were so disloyal (?) as to sell half the nter, pemeut.
above lot for the Duluth market, and ; •.+�*
in the face of the fact that some pa- r... Our old friend, l'howas Staubury,
vers are continually asserting that formerly of Clinton, that., but more
the American market is not our no,.j recently of Detroit, is on a visit to
1,ipai one, The firm are likely to l bis a >u in this city. --British Ameri-
handle a good many before the sea- ' ean, Chicago.
son is over, as they are pushing fel- j Mr W, Cooper, who was so badly
lows. ; hurt a short time ago by a scaffold
Tor "-ERE Too n rl.Ow.- .fin old of daole 9 gerrandhon the head, is out
recovering as nicely as I
resident sent a short sketch of the could be aspected
on 1%ednesday.
Mayor Whitehead and wife left on
Tuesday for Winnipeg, via C. P. R.,
taking their tickets from A. 0, Pat-
tison, Cr. T. R. agent.
airs Whitt will reaume her classes
in music on the following dates:—
There was a alight frost.WedneadsyJ
Wight, i
410 Seliery, of Kiucardihe, lip,
',Wog in town.
Messrd Allan and Lad Hartt are
hone on a vial*.
Miss L. Wilson, artist, of London,
ha* returned to tqwu.
Mr Rubt. Orr, of Wipgbatp, was a
caller in town the other day ; he is
one of the prosperous business wen
of that place.
Mr Edwin Keefer. dentist, having
bought property in Toronto,wilt mot
to that 'place about the 1st of October;
in the meantime be will continue his
practise bere.
A boy named James Taylor and
one named Malcolm Cantelon were
up before Mr McGarva, J. P., on a
charge of dist6rbing the peace. They
were eaeh•fined $1 and costs.
Mr 1 s. B. Calbick is at Hamilton
as a representative to the Supreme
Order of Some Circles, and he was
elected one of the Supreme officers
at the election on Wednesday-
SCHOOL—Inspectors Malloch and
Tom, of East and West Huron re-
spectively, are attending a meeting of
the Ontario Inspectors, at Toronto,
called by the Minister of Education
for the purpose of discussing matters
relating to education.
Mr Thos. Deachman, who has so
efficiently filled the office of clerk in
Dr Worthington's drugstore, is about
to leave for College, in Toronte. He
has made many friends white here,
who wish him every success in life,
and hope that he may conduct him-
self in the future a.; he has heretofore
Miss Sheppard, for the past two
years in charge of the millinery de-
partment at Beesley's Emporium,
leaves next week for Toronto. (her
home, where she purposes remaining
for the future.) Her place betewill
be taken by Miss Lack, of Lindsay,
who will ssoimeher duties nest week.
Miss McDonald, of Platteville, has
been engaged as assistant
Tbe Oddfellows of Goderich and
Clinton have arranged for an excur-
sion by boat to Port Huron, on Wed-
nesday next, the fare from Clinton
being $1.40, and a special train to
connect with the boat ally Goderich
will leave here at 6.30 a, m. The
Doherty Band has been secured for
the occasion.
Goon HoRaea Soi.n.—We notice
that Mr Morrison, of Spokane Falls,
W T., has shipped a load of thorough-
bred stock from here ; two fine cows,
some thoroughbred sheep, and six
Clydesdale stallions, being o,e of the
best lots ever shipped from this coun-
try. Most of the stallions were prize
winners, heavy, massive animals, and
selected from the most fashionable
stock in our country. It is certainly
a disappointment to our breeders to
lose such breeding stock as Bridan,
What Care I, Samson, and the im•
ported stallion, Kinmount Willie,
which was purchased in Scotland, at
three mouths old, for the sum of £200.
Ile won a number of first prizes in
Scotland, and is a first class stock
getter. They`a-werc all high-priced
animals, Wesuppose ,tbe gold grows
in that country, and if Mr Morrison
has a goof crop this year, we hope he
may call again, as we like to see eight
or ten thousand dollars circulated in
our county. We hope his large in•
vestment may prosper with him, and
it will be a boon for the breeders ot
!bat country.
early history of Blyth to the Clinton , •
rimy ERA .last week, Had he been Owing to a previous. engagement,
imbued 'with, that kindly feeling to- Mr Laird cannot take his place on
wards home enterprise that should the staff of the Clinton Collegiate In•
characterize every good citizen he stitute. Mr Prendergast, of Seafortb,
would have given it to the Standard.
—Blyth Standard. [clad our friend
of the Standard been wide awake he
who is a B.A. and Honor Graduate,
takes his place.
Mr E. T, Holmes, of this ofiice,and
would never have given "an old real- Mr C. Brown, painter, leave on a trip
dent" a chance to send. it anywhere, west on Monday, which' has some
because he would have written it up point not yet fixed on in Washington
for bis own paper. Hustle yourself territory as its terminus.
young man, and don't blame others A brother-in-law of Mr' James Pat -
that get ahead of you.; terson, who is an editor in Solomon
FAITS IS Ir.—'firs R. Gooier, of City, Kansas, was thrown out of his
Paris, (a former resident of Hullett) carriage and severely hurt, but hopes
called at the NEW ERA office on Sat- are entertained of his recovery.
urday, and although her subscription The total freight returns for Clin-
was paid up to the end of the present ton station for the month of July
year. she paid in advance for two show an increase of $1000 over last
more years, remarking that "she year. Considering the dulness of the
didn't want to be without the paper summer season, this is very good.
noder any circumstances, and to show
her faith in it. would pay for two Flax is coming sato town daily in
years more." Such an occurrence of great quantities. Some few hundreds
this kind is so remarkably unusual of bushels of new wheat ave also
that we give it special prominence, been disposed of, Another wo weeks
not expecting that others would do and business should begin to boom.
likewise, but with the hope that Mr J. C. Detlor has left on a trip
seine who are bel io1 may pay up. to the west, going by way of the lakes.
, He, with Mr Horton, of Goderich, is
BREAx1No CAMP. --Several of the the owner of the town site of Shelden,
families from town that have been Dak., and he goes out to see what it
camping on the Maitland banks, near is like. . ..
Holmesville,havereturned .to civilize- Mr R. Barkwell, of this town, will`
tion and their homes in town,and the sell his splendid farms in Ashfield
balance will return this week. They and Huliett by auction, the first one
all claim to have enjoyed themselves on the 1; th of Sept. and the other on
immensely, if it can be called enjoy- the 18th, Particulars will be found
ment to fight mosquitoes, sand flies e1sewhere.
and bees, keep a constant watch over
the provision box in fear that some Mrs EL J. Whitely, of the 15th
marauding pig may devour its eon con,, Goderich township, has bought
tents, put belia.t on the corner or
a half -acre of land from Mr James
your tent lest a strong wind will Steep, paying therefor the sum of
carry it away, and keep an eye on $250. She will have a house erected
the weather 'so as to go in under on it at once,
shelter when it rains. Oh, it's a Mr R. D. Bayley, of Battle Creek,
grand, free-ndd'easy, don't care a Mich., purposed entering the ministry
nickle way of spending a few weeks, of the Methodist church as soon as
and no doubt when neat summer ar- he can get out of business Mr Bay -
rives there will be many more who ley is an old Clintonian, and has al
ill avail themselves of the ,revile e. read shown hiss ca acit fir tl
work that he has undertaken.
w i g • 9 p y to
PUnLIC SCHOOi. BOA Rn.—A meet -
ing of the School Board was held on Mr James Scott,librarian, baa been
granted a couple of weeks' holidays,
Monday evening. On motion of Mr
Thompson, seconded by Mr Scott, and no books will, therefore, be given
Miss Foxton was promoted from roost Ont during the interim. No one, we
No. 4 to room No. 2, and her salary are sure, will begrudge Mr Scott his
increased by 825, making it $325.— short rest, for he has been a most
She has not, we believe, yet signified faithful and attentive public servant.
her acceptance of the Berne._ Mr Bray of Wingbam, (a student
(Miss O'Neil, teaching in the room at Hellmut�i College, London,)spent
between these two, was allowed to a abort time with old friends here.
remain where she is, at her own re- He is just recovering from a severe
quest.) Miss Simpson was promoted attack of illneks, and looks none too
from room No. 8 to room No. 4, at strong yet. He officiated in the
Picked tit► at the Street
"I can buy more cattle and get
them of a better quality in the county
of Huron than in any other county I
know 01 in the Province," said a well' t
known Cattle dealer from the east the ,
other days. ``The farmers here have
gone into cattle -raising systematically, 4
and if they would even devote more
attention to it than they have, they
could make more money than by ex-
clusive grain -raising"
"The people up this way think
they have poor crops," said a Belle-
ville miller who was in Clinton the
other day, " but they should go down
into our section of the country, and
see what we have to call crops.
They'd be mighty thankful that they
are as well off as they are. In fact
the farmers of Huron don't know
what poor crops are in comparison
with ourselves."
"There is considerable inquiry for
property in town," remarked a man
who' has property for sale, "and I
think you will see quite a \number ot
ontsidera moving here. Property in
Clinton is a good investment, and al-
ways will be, as the town bas the ad.
vantage of all others in point of loca•
tion. Those who buy now are the
ones who will reap the benefit because
property certainly will advance in
price. You can't get a vacant lot now
at anything near what it could have
been purchased for a year or eo ago.
"it's surprising how long some men
can smoke," said a smoker, " and
never seem to ho affected by it. Now
take myself, I've smoked for fifty
years--•;hy do I do it—well, because
I like it, that's honest, ain't in 1
know it's a bad habit. I know all
the arguments you can urge against
it. but it's no use my trying to give
it up. Would I recommend it to my
boys or anyone else, not much. I
wouldn'tlike to see them do it. Per-
haps I'd tan their hides if I did 1t1s
a bad, filthy habit,' but then I like it,
and that's the only excuse I can offer."
reat DIscouot Sale
On POCKET BOOKS we give a discount of 25 per cent
On BIBLES, old version
Oh CUPS'and SAUCERS .25 •'
On PIPES t4 20
On COMBS, WHITING DESKS and Wonl i'oNEs 2i)
A large quantity of Remnants at 50e on the
her present ealarv. Miss Jennie
Strnthere, late of Ashfield, was ap-
pointed teacher tor the model term,
Miss Emma Doan was engaged to
take charge of room No. 8, at a salary
of $250, and Miss Cora Williams for
room i u. 9, (the new building) at n
salary of $225 t ,rite a number of
applications had been received in
response to the Boar'i's advertisement,
showing that '''re ;a r i <l'arth n!'
Episcopal church, Seafortb, last
Mr Stephens, of the Queen's h t•'.
Seafortb, drove up to Clinton, ,o
Monday, and took home his 'bus, it
having been under the skilful and
artistic touch of Mr George Bower,,
painter. It is the old story, when
peeplo want anything done partiou•
tarty well or gond, they come to the
hub ler it, knowing that they will
'„ •'iQapp ranted
• The alcove prices are for cash only. •
This is tete greatest opportunity ever offered, .to secure
goods below wholesale prices, Our entire stock, a-
mounting to $15,000, must be reduced to $1O,000 within
the next 30 days, as we commence STOCK TAKING
on the•1 st of August, and balance our books on the 15th.
Colne and see our stock, and get our prices,whether you
I my or not. No trouble to show the Great Bargains we
are offering. Terms cash, or 3 months to responsible
"Our business system is all wrong,"
said an experienced merchant, " why
should I be expected to carry an ac-
count for a year, render it, and then
perhaps carry it another year before
it is paid, and even then incur the
ill -will of my customer if I ever hint
that it should be paid sooner. A man
buys an article on credit and uses it.
he clearly owes for that and he should
pay for it at once. I employ a clerk,
or to put it in other words I buy his
labor. Suppose 1 say to him, 'Well,
just charge it up to the end of the
year, and then, perhaps I'll pay yon,'
How would he like it. Why he
wouldn't like it at all, but it would
be just as reasonable for me to der.]
with him in that way as for some one
to buy my goods on the same prin AC K s o N
Ch ris.Dickson,Clinton
WE I11Vl RECEIVED .1 G061) l'OIiTiON OF o1' it
New —Fall _ Stock
Good assortment, all
away down in price.
We have a few dozen
that we sell at half price.
A job lot Kids, see them.
Something new, the cele-
B.& C. Corset, see
it. Parasols, prices will
will be made. to suit
They too have been cut
to the bone. Muslins at
rediculously low prices.
We got another case of
those cheap Ginghams,
if you did not get any of
the others don't miss
these. CheapSHIRTINGS
A good stock of them
and low in price. Sheet -
ings twilled and plain
We are determined to do
our part to reduce stock
by low prices, ifyou will
do yours and come and
see them
And by the 1st of September we will have complete the
finest selection to be seen in the County, .Mrs W. Jack-
son is now ill Montreal on a purzhasing tour, and we will
be safe in saying that we will be enabled to sell the
cheapest clothing ever offered in this neighborhood. We
are in a position to handle a large quantity of goods, and
we pay eery particular attention to our buying, and
the result is seen in our Great Cheap Linea of Clothing.
Low prices will he the rale this fall, and we are prepar-
ed for it. Every buyer of Clothing should
come and see us.
o sen t in one cane but in hundreds, B R O s,
eiple. if people would only buy2
more for c rsh it would be better for
the whole community, because the
money would eircrulate and be doiog ; Clothier Furnishers and Hatters,
good all the time." ,7 �T:�t rd =�•
GEO E PAY & Co. •
Summer - Goods
To clear tlietn out, as we don't Want to carry any over,
and we need the room for our fall one's. The bargains.
we are giving will demonstrate beyond the shadow of a •
doubt that it pays to get your
Hosiery, Embroider-
ies, Gloves in Cotton,
Lisp and Silk, Jerseys
and Corsets
From us. These goods are bargains, viewedgroin
any standpoint.. The quality and style are
there, The price is niucll the cheapest,
duality consid('I'ed.
NEW GOODS—Wool Shawls for evening
wear, newest makes & colors.
Ileesley's Great Millinery Emporium.