The Clinton New Era, 1888-08-24, Page 8FRIDAY, AUG.. 24, 1888. I finished speaking all eye§, were WHAT IT REALLY MEANS. Did you ever think what it Nally means to. be a " tramp ?" Noborne, no friends, no work, no chance, nobody in all the wide world to care whether you live, or die in the gutters like a dog, No Heaven for such rags to in- herit; no decent grave to hide them out of sight; no opportunity to be anything, and no stand stretched out to give the greeting or the good-bye, of love. No- body t'Ci feel an interest in you, whether your bones ache with cold or your skin cracks with fever. No spot in all the !world to call your own, not even the mud wherein your wandering footsteps leaves its fleeting mark, no prospect ahead,and no unbrok- en link to bind you to the past. A name likti a curse to blight every hope of manhood, antra re- putation like a ball and chain to your log, to hinder the way to any good accomplishment. I toll you when wo sit right down to it and figure out what it really means to be a tramp, .1 guess we will not find it so easy to with- hold a piece of bread and a cup of coffee the next time one calls at our door. lie on Your 'Aunrs. Don't allow a cold in the head to slowly and surely run into Catarrh, when you can he cured for 25e. by using Dr Chase's Ca- tarrh Cure. A few applications cure n• sipient catarrh ; 1 to 2 boxes cure ordinary catarrh ; 2 to 5 boxes are guaranteed to cure chronic catarrh. Try it. Only 25c. and sure cure, Sold by all druggists. SENSIBLE PEOPLE. will have nothing to do with "cure-alls" medicines that are advertised to cure everything from a chilblain to a brok- en neck. Read the list of diseases that Dr. Pierce's olden Medical Discovery will cure: Affections of the throat and lungs, incipient, disordered liver, sore threat, bronchitis, asthma, catarrh, ul- cers, tumors, and swellings caused by scrofula and bad blood; fever and drop• sy. This seems like a cure-all but it is not. Tbisgreat "Discovery" will really cure all these complaints simply because it purifies the blood upon which they depend and builds up the weak places •of the body. By druggists. 'DRINK TO PLEASE ME.' '!'ire day had been most beauti- ful; now that the evening had closed in, it seemed more lovely than ever; the moon had risen and all nature was dressed in splendor The Gray's cottage was brilliant- ly lighted and draped for a bridal party. In one parlor sat Ella Bray and Frank Baker, who were soon to take the marriage vow, while the other parlor was filled with invited guests and the gen- erous display of' weddirig presents. At last, the folding doors were thrown open, the ininivter took his place, and, with a few brief words and promises:to love and honor, Ella Gray and Frank 13ak, cr stood before the company its husband and with. After the congratulations, they all repaired to the dining -room where supper was served. As the wine was passed around, Frank pushed his glass to one side without tasting it. . 'Won't -volt drink your swine, Frank?' No, I would'sfather not.' ^Please do, just this one glass, the rest all drink theirs.' 'No Ella, that was mother's dy- ing request that I should never taste any intoxicating drinks.' 'And you promised?' 'Yee; just as she was dying, I made her this promise and I do not wish to break it now.' • 'But just one glass can certain- ly do no harm; take it to please Inc., • The pleading looks of his young bride touched hint; and he took the glass, raised iL to his lips, then set it down without tasting it and turned away. 'Why won't' you drink it, Frank? One glass cannot hurt you; so please take this one;' and she handed !sial the glas. Without a word he took the Plass and would have drank, blit' ,just as he was puttink the wine to his lips, old Uncle Henry arose from his seat and cried, 'Stop!' all eyes wore turned towards him. 'Please, Frank, let Me tell you my life's story before you take }-our'wine: then see if Ella will urge you to drink.! I was once a ele'k in an extensive drug store with..'1 large salary, bright pros- pects, and a heart as light and free as the wind that blows ; thought I was and ever wetild be the happiest man alive. _But what crushed my spirits, blighted my f airest hopes and dragged me down to what I am iow—a poor miserable, broken down old luau? 'What was it?. shall I tell yon? It was' a glass of wine handed round at a bridal party, handed to me by the girl I loved, and she was once my wife. .Drink, lien- ry-, to please me, was her smiling request, and, I drank k ; I could not resist the pleading look and words but drank the wine to its dregs,:uid from that moment I have been a ruined. man. And not my life alone, but the life of the girl I married was made miserable by that one glass of wine. 'Drink, to please me,' is what lila t my wife's brightest hopes, and drag- ged her down to an curly grave; 'Drink, Henry, to please me,' is what did all this. Now, Ella, Will you urge Frank to take his wine ? think of your happiness and his " in the time that is to conic, and 'never forget what hnrn•i a single glass of wine may do." By the time Uncle Henry had Children Cry for Pitcher's Castor's. wet with tears, and Ella was sob- bing like a child; but when she could :ofntnaud her voice so as to speak she promised that she would never ask Fronk to drink another glass of wine, and she eve er after kept her word. The wine was taken from the table, and she never set it before her guests again. .THTtY "MEAN BUSINESS." For many y ears the manufacturers of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy have offered, in good faith, 8500 reward for a case of Natal Catarrh which they cannot cure. The remedy is sold by druggists at only 60 cents. This wond- erful remedy h as fairly attained a world- wide reputation. If you have dull, heavy headache, obstruction of the nasal passages, discharges falling from the head into the throat, sometimes profuse, watery, and acrid, at others, thick, tenacious, (~imucous, purulent, bloody and putrid ; if the eyes are weak, watery and inflamed; if there is ring- ing in the ears, deafness, hacking or coughing to clear the throat, expectora- tion of the offensive matter, together with scabs from ulcers, the voice being changed and has a nasal twang ; the breath offensive ; smell and taste im- paired; sensation of dizziness, with mental depression, a hacking cough, and general debility, you are suffering from nasal catarrh. The more com- plicated your disease, the greater the number and diversity of symptoms. Thousands of cases annually, without manifesting half of the above symptoms, result in consumption, and end in the grave. No disease is so common, more deceptive and Brous, less under- stood, or more tin -successfully treated by physicians. B I)L 1' SCARED TRAMPS. One of the train hands tells a wonderful story in connection with the accident oii the Northern Railway near Newmarket, yester- day. He says that on his train sitting on the drnwheads between the first and second cars were two tramps stealing a ride. He knew they were there, but did not dis- turb them. When the trains same in sight of each other every- body saw at a glance that a collis- ion was unavoidable and jumped for their lives. The tramps be- tween the two box 'cars couldn't see and couldn't very well have jumped if they had seen. The gentleman ‘v1 o tells the story says that just as he struck the ground lie thought of' them and said to himself, "There are two tramps who will l e ground into mince- meat anyway." A second later the crash came, the trains piled over each other, the air was tilled with fragments of wood and iron and smashed freight cars. Out from the midst of the derbia the two ti mills sailed as though shot from a i-:,tapult. Together they described a half circle that carried theta over the fence. Side by side they struck the ground with a thud. A moment they- sift half stunned, another moment they were on their feet, then with one wild look at the train they start- ed „oil' across the field, leading for die bush as fast as they (^wild run. Evidently they thought it was a new scl:elhe the bouncing tramps. 'I'hil;ruin inbu thinks that when e1•11, Min1110m.r the collision calve the two ears .the so quickly that the trawys ht dn't time to get caught,. and were simply shot out of the way of danger. Rev D. C.-Martin,E ,iscopalia minister at Mapleton, Man., die on Friday. His son, Rev 14. H Martin, of Chatham, Ont., was at the death -bed. The best medical authoritiesaoknowl edge the value of Ayre's Pills, and pre- scribe them with the utmost confidence, as the most effectual remedy for diseas- es caused by derangement, of the stom- ach, liver, and bowels. Hon Mr Chapleau's vest, with his gold watch and $90 in money in the pockets, was stolen front hiei room in the St. Louis hotel, Quebec, on Wednesday night. Two steamers of' the New York and Copenhagen line, the Thing - valla and this• t' ciser, came into collision near Sable Island on the 14th. The Geiser was sunk and 72 passengers and 33 of her crew were drowned. A few days ago Robert, son of Sergt. Adams, of London police force, went out to visit in Dela- ware for at day or two. While sitting in a blacksmith's shop there a boy accidently discharged a gun, wounding him in the arm and side. An artery was severed, but prompt medical attendance saved his life. . During a heavy thunderstorm, which passed over the village of Arthur, on Thursday, the barn. owned by Mr T. Daniels, of town- ship of Peel, was struck by light- ning, burning the barn and con- tents. Loss about $1, 000; insur- ed in Nichol Mutual on barn,$400; contents, $400. Want of Sleep Is sending thousands annually to the insane asylum ; and the doctors say this trouble is alarmingly on the increase. The usual remedies, while they may give temporary relief, are likely to do more harm than good. What is needed is an Alterative and Blood -purifier. Ayer -'s Sarsaparilla is incomparably the best. It corrects those disturbances in the circulation which cause sleepless. ness, gives increased vitality, and re- stores the nervous system to a healthful condition. Bev. T.G. A. Cote, agent of the Mass. Home Missionary Society, writes that his stomach was out of order, his sleep very often disturbed, and some Im- purity of the blood manifest ; but that a perfect cure was•obtained by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Trederick W. Pratt, 424 Washington street, Boston, writes: " My daughter was prostrated with nervous debility. Ayer's Sarsaparilla restored her to health," William F. Bowker, Erie, Pa., was cured of nervousness and sleeplessness by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla for about two months, during which time his weight increased over twenty pounds. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. So'd by ail Drugeleta price dl: six bottles. $5. l„‘„,„ 9 The Original °i \eaZeNaLITTLE fLatkvo LIVER O� ®\S tS PILLS. BEWARE Ole IMITATIONS. ALWY.4%S ASK FOR DR. P1EIWIC'S PELLETS, on LIME SUGAR-COATED PILLS. Being entirely vegetable, they op- erate without disturbance to the system, diet, or occupation. Put up in glass vials, hermeti- cally sealed. Always fresh and reliable. As a laxative, alterative, or purgative, these little Pellets give the most perfect satisfaction. SICK HEADACHE, Bilious Headache, Dizziness, Constipa- tion, Indiggestion Bilious Attaolre,and all derangements of the stom- ach and bowels, are prompt- ly relievedand permanently cured by the use of Dr. Pierces Pleasant Purgative Pellets. In explanation of the remedial power of these Pellets over so great a variety of diseases, it may truthfully be said that their action upon the syYstem is universal, not a gland or tissue escaping their sanative influence. Sold by druggists, 25 cents a vial. Manufactured at the Chemical Laboratory of WonaD's DierINesRY MsntCA2. ASSOCIATION, Buffalo, N. Y. $500 AES is offered by the manufactur- ers of Dr. Sages Catarrh .,��;,, Remedy, for a ease of .''0 Chronic Nasal Catarrh whic!r they esnnot cure. SYMPTOMS OF CATARRH. Dull, heavy headache, obstruction of the nasal passages, discharges falling from the head into the throat, sometimes profuse, watery, and acrid, at'others, thick, tenacious, mucous, purulent, bloody and putrid; the eyes are weak, watery, and inflamed; there is ringing In the ears, deafness, hacking or coughing to clear 'the throat, expectoration of offensive matter, together with wmbs from ulcers; the voice is changed and has a nasal twang; the breath is offensive; smell and taste are im- paired; there is a sensation of dizziness, with mental depression, a hacking cough and gen- eral debility. Only a few of the above-named symptoms are likely to be present in any one ease. Thousands of eases annually, without manifesting half of the above symptoms, re- sult in consumption, and end in the grave. No disease ie so common, more deceptive and dangerous, or less rinderstood by physicians. fly its mild, soothing, and healing properties, Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures the worst eases of Catarrh "cold in the head,” Coryza, and Catarrhal Headache. Sold by druggists everywhere; 50 cents, , ttUutold Agony front Catarrh." Prof. W. HAVENER, the famous mesmerist, of Ithaca N. V. writes: "Some ten years ago I suffered untold agony from chronic meal catarrh. My family physician gave me upas incurable, and cold I must die. My case was Such a bad one, that every day, towards sun- set, my voice would become so hoarse I could barely speak above a whisper, In the morning my coughing and clearing of my throat would aimost strangle rue. By the use of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, in three months, I was a well man, and the cure has been permanent." UUConstantly Hawking and Spilling." THOMAS J. RUBnINO, Psq., 2903 Pine Street, St. Louts, Mo., writes: "I was a great sufferer from catarrh for three years. At times I could hardly breathe, and was constantly hawking and spitting, and for the last eight months could not breathe through the nostrils. I thought nothing could be done for me. Luck. fly, I wM advised to try Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, and I am now a well man. I believe it to be the only sure remedy for catarrh now manufactured, and one has only to give it a fair trial to experience astounding results and a permanent cure." Three Bottles Cure Catarrh. ELI RonsnNs, Runyan P. 0., Columbia Co., Pa., says: My daughter bad catarrh when Oho was five years old very badly. I saw Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy advertised, and pro- cured a bottle for her, and soon Saw that it helped her; a third bottle effected a perma- nent cure. She is now eighteen years old and Sound and hearty." L1TO NE\V ERAS THE LARGEST AND BEST NEWSPAPER IN THE COUNTY. ,t *****4es**1A One of the best equipped JobPrint- ing Offices in the district. OUR AIM IS NOT TO DO CHEAP, BUT GOOD WORK. —0x1, - ONLY :-: COMPETENT :-: WORKMEN * EMPLOYED * Nsw LETTERS, NEw BORDERS Nsw OaNAsENTs,FINE PArEvs, FINE INKS, NOVEL COMBINATIONS. --0— — Business Circulars --A yr'tt'IAi,TT— NEAT. TASTY; ARTISTIC. ee'S is F. (^)UIt SAMPLE Slits Nast dR5.. s7-1414 • sole by Worthington and Comb -�a for Infante end: Children • "pastorlslssowelladaptpdtocMldretlthat 1st rlaeures, poo, Co Constipation, i recommenditassuperfortoaayprescriptiop known to me." Kills Wopms, gives sleep, and promotes di - 3I 1. /woos. II. D., �gBeeeetlon, 333 80.Oxford fits.. Brooklyn, N. Y. Withouturioua medication. . THE C6.`rrevnj Coaenxy, 77 Murray Street. N. y' EVERYTHING NEW 000 NEW DRY GOODS, New BOOTS SHOES, NEW -' GROCERIES. Having just bought a stock of new goods at the present low prices, I am in a position to sell goods us low as any respectable hou'ie in the Dominion. Any t ne wanting good goods at lowest prices will save money by calling on me. I always keep gooa Staple Gods, and will not be undersold by any one in the trade. BU'rrER and EGGS taken in exchange for goods. A call respectfully solicited. x x H. PLU-MSTEEL, SEARLE'S BLOCK, NEXT TO CHEAPSIDE. NE W TUNS Harness &. Grocery Det. Still in the Irront allilkc.. After thanking my many :ustomers for past favors, I beg to announce to the gener- al public that I am prepared to sell all goods in my lines as CHEAP as•the Cheap- est. 1 am still offering No. 1 Gold Medal Seep, 12 BAILS FOR 25 CENTS; No. 1 Electric Soap, FIVE BARS FOR 25 CENTS, and other Brands at usually as low pi ices. COAL OIf. Air THE LOWEST PRICES. I have on hand A full stock of Field and Garden Seeds Of the very best quality and at lowest possible figures. .. A full Stock of FLOUR and FEEi) always on hand at Mill prices FIIIST•CLASS POTATOES NOW ON HAND. I have.a few sets of White and Colored CRO.. EERY and GLASSWARE on hand which will be closed out at prices that will astonish the closest buyers. EARNS S S Aly stcek of harness is complete in at,l branches, ouch as Trunks, VALISES, ,WHIPS, CURRY COMBS and BRUSHES, HALTERS of all kinds, LAP DUSTERS in great variety, COLLARS"`a specialty. Call and inspect my stock aril get prices before you purchase elsewhere. AU Kinds Grain and Farm Produce taken the same as cash. I_have a full stock of HARDWARE such as Forks, Rakes, Spades, Shovels, Nails, (lass, Putty, Saws, Squares Rules, Pig Rings, Ringers, Hammon's Braces and Bits, &c. GEO. NEWTON, - - LONDESBORO Op Tr ...I J deo WE BE:r TO INFORII THE PUBLIC THAT OUR STOCK OF Is complete in all its branches. We guarantee our -TEAS to be ebeaper than he cheapest, quality oonsiderel. In SUGARS, wears as low as any in town CANNED GOODS' in great variety. PURE SPICES & PEELS. NEW FRUITS of all kinds. All kinds of CANDIES at the lowest price in town. CROCKERY—Special inducements in Tea and Dinner Sets. X x x A.A1\TC3-.US, 99 ALRF_l ',T ST HARVEST- TOOLS ! Rakes,Scyths, Snaths, Hoes, Spades and all kinds of HarvestTools at lowest prices. PARIS GREEN, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, NAILS, &c. B.. v ice', Clinton, The Mamnoth Hardware, Stove and Seed House. • BuyYour Groceries From Thomas Cooper cE Srnc WE HAVE THE LARGEST, CLEANEST AND BEST A -- SORTED STOCK OF GRQGR IES In town. .Our prices are as low as the lowest, and we warrant everything first-class Sole agents for the celebrated "COOPER'S BA'K - ING POWDER." Best brand of CIGARS by the Box or Thousan Manufacturers Prices. TEAS a specialty. Give us % call. Thos COO PE R._-.SQi CLINTON. Change of Business 11[111 t alit ll ill11111111(111111111! The endersigoad begs to notify the people of Clinton and vicinity that he has bought the ARNESS BUSINESS formerly carried on by V. L Natoli, And that he is prepared to furnish Harness, Collars,Whips, Trunks, Valises, Buffalo Robes, Blankets And everything usually kept in a first-class Harness Shop, at the lowest prices. Specie attention is directed to my stock of LreaT HARNESS, which I will make a specialty, REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. By strict atention to business, and carefully studying=the wants of my customers,I hope to merit a fair share of patronage. Give me a call before purchasing else- where. REMMBEER THE STAND—OPPOSITE THE MARKET 1 G-io. A. SHAR'M.AN CENTRAL GROCER P. 1.t,O SB'S Old Stand. The subscriber has bought out the Stock of P. Robb, consisting a GROCERIES,CROCKERY,GLASSWARE Which, being bought at low rates, he is enabled to offer at the very clos- est prices Patronage respectfully solicited. All orders • promptly filled. Rooms to let. H. R. WALKER, CLINTON. NEW GOODS EVERYWEEK SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO GETTING NEWEST FANCY ARTICLES. WE -MAKE A SPECIALTY IN Wall Paper. Ceiling Decorations, choicest:pat- terns, BOOKS & STATIONERY, great variety. EVERYTHING AT CLOSEST PRICES. CALL AND EXAM: A.WORrrT-TTISTGTON,Clintoli PA.ILORING, NEW GOODS That are all right in quality and style and away down in price; ANY PERSON wanting something nice in this line should call and examine my stock as it is new ani the latest styles. A J. HOLLOWAY, Fischer's Old Stand OPPOSITE THE PGS OFFICE, CLINTON, . -. The Great Clearing Sale r- fl'ILL 00 ON FOR•+ Thirty days more. Heavy , discount for Cash to run off old Stock to *make room for?New. A lot our own manufacture. Good value. At ofolnew FURNITURE Coming in. Now is the time to buy at J. C. ST33VEINSON'S RESIDENCE OVER STORE. Ft:1INITt'ltF: STint. • ---- — OPPOSITE TOWN' HALL. tt7FOR THE HEATED TERM 417 J1'S'I' RE:t'ElyED P`t`'eWest IndiaLime Juice THE FAVORITE SUM11ER DRiNh. Eno's FRUIT SALT. EFFERVESCENT CITRATE of MAGNESIA. J.A..MFS H. 10031E13E, CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, CLINTON, ON T. Subscribe for the NEW ERA now